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[cabal.git] / cabal-testsuite / cabal-testsuite.cabal
1 cabal-version: 2.2
2 name:          cabal-testsuite
3 version:       3
4 copyright:     2003-2024, Cabal Development Team (see AUTHORS file)
5 license:       BSD-3-Clause
6 license-file:  LICENSE
7 author:        Cabal Development Team <>
8 maintainer:
9 homepage:
10 bug-reports:
11 synopsis:      Test suite for Cabal and cabal-install
12 description:
13   This package defines a shared test suite for Cabal and cabal-install.
14 category:       Distribution
15 build-type:     Custom
17 extra-source-files:
20 source-repository head
21   type:     git
22   location:
23   subdir:   cabal-testsuite
25 common shared
26   default-language: Haskell2010
28   build-depends:
29     , base >= 4.9 && <4.20
30     -- this needs to match the in-tree lib:Cabal version
31     , Cabal ^>=
32     , Cabal-syntax ^>=
33     , Cabal-tests
35   ghc-options: -Wall -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns
38 library
39   import: shared
41   hs-source-dirs: src
42   exposed-modules:
43     Test.Cabal.CheckArMetadata
44     Test.Cabal.DecodeShowBuildInfo
45     Test.Cabal.Monad
46     Test.Cabal.OutputNormalizer
47     Test.Cabal.Plan
48     Test.Cabal.Prelude
49     Test.Cabal.Run
50     Test.Cabal.Script
51     Test.Cabal.Server
52     Test.Cabal.TestCode
53     Test.Cabal.Workdir
55   other-modules:
56     Test.Cabal.ScriptEnv0
57   autogen-modules:
58     Test.Cabal.ScriptEnv0
60   build-depends:
61     , aeson                 ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>=
62     , async                 ^>= 2.2.1
63     , attoparsec            ^>= || ^>=0.14.1
64     , base16-bytestring     ^>= || ^>= 1.0
65     , bytestring            ^>= || ^>= || ^>=
66     , containers            ^>= || ^>= || ^>= 0.7
67     , cryptohash-sha256     ^>=
68     , directory             ^>= || ^>=
69     , exceptions            ^>= 0.10.0
70     , filepath              ^>= || ^>= || ^>=
71     , network-wait          ^>= || ^>=
72     , optparse-applicative  ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>=
73     , process               ^>= || ^>= || ^>=
74     , regex-base            ^>=
75     , regex-tdfa            ^>= || ^>=
76     , retry                 ^>=
77     , array                 ^>= || ^>=
78     , temporary             ^>= 1.3
79     , text                  ^>= || ^>= 2.0.1   || ^>= 2.1
80     , transformers          ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>=
82   if !os(windows)
83     build-depends:
84       , unix                ^>= || ^>= || ^>=
85   else
86     build-depends:
87       , Win32
89 executable cabal-tests
90   import: shared
91   main-is: cabal-tests.hs
92   hs-source-dirs: main
93   ghc-options: -threaded
94   -- Make sure these are built before the executable is run
95   build-tool-depends: cabal-testsuite:test-runtime-deps
96   build-depends:
97     , cabal-testsuite
98     -- constraints inherited via lib:cabal-testsuite component
99     , async
100     , exceptions
101     , filepath
102     , optparse-applicative
103     , process
104     , transformers
105     -- dependencies specific to exe:cabal-tests
106     , clock                 ^>= 0.7.2 || ^>=0.8
107     , directory
109   build-tool-depends: cabal-testsuite:setup
110   default-extensions: TypeOperators
112 -- this executable is needed by lib:cabal-testsuite
113 executable setup
114   import: shared
115   main-is: Setup.simple.hs
117 -- This executable component is used to describe the runtime dependencies of
118 -- the tests. The Main.hs file and resulting executable are not useful in any way.
120 -- Ideally this would be an empty library, but because build-type: Custom, we can't
121 -- have sublibraries.
123 -- If you require an external dependency for a test it must be listed here.
124 executable test-runtime-deps
125   default-language: Haskell2010
126   build-depends: cabal-testsuite,
127                  base,
128                  directory,
129                  Cabal,
130                  Cabal-syntax,
131                  filepath,
132                  transformers,
133                  bytestring,
134                  time,
135                  process,
136                  exceptions
137   main-is: static/Main.hs
138   if !os(windows)
139     build-depends: unix
140   else
141     build-depends:
142       , Win32
144 custom-setup
145   -- we only depend on even stable releases of lib:Cabal
146   -- and due to Custom complexity and ConstraintSetupCabalMaxVersion
147   -- it has to be the latest release version plus
148   -- you have to use the latest cabal-install release
149   setup-depends: Cabal == 3.10.*,
150                  Cabal-syntax == 3.10.*,
151                  base, filepath, directory