Regen cabal help after #9583
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / CmdClean.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
4 module Distribution.Client.CmdClean (cleanCommand, cleanAction) where
6 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
7 import Prelude ()
9 import Distribution.Client.Config
10 ( defaultScriptBuildsDir
12 import Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout
13 ( DistDirLayout (..)
14 , defaultDistDirLayout
16 import Distribution.Client.Errors
17 import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig
18 ( findProjectRoot
20 import Distribution.Client.ProjectFlags
21 ( ProjectFlags (..)
22 , defaultProjectFlags
23 , projectFlagsOptions
24 , removeIgnoreProjectOption
26 import Distribution.Client.Setup
27 ( GlobalFlags
29 import Distribution.Compat.Lens
30 ( _1
31 , _2
33 import Distribution.Simple.Command
34 ( CommandUI (..)
35 , OptionField
36 , ShowOrParseArgs
37 , liftOptionL
38 , option
40 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
41 ( Flag (..)
42 , falseArg
43 , flagToMaybe
44 , fromFlagOrDefault
45 , optionDistPref
46 , optionVerbosity
47 , toFlag
49 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
50 ( dieWithException
51 , handleDoesNotExist
52 , info
53 , wrapText
55 import Distribution.System
56 ( OS (Windows)
57 , buildOS
59 import Distribution.Utils.Path hiding
60 ( (<.>)
61 , (</>)
63 import Distribution.Verbosity
64 ( normal
67 import Control.Exception
68 ( throw
70 import Control.Monad
71 ( forM
72 , forM_
73 , mapM
75 import qualified Data.Set as Set
76 import System.Directory
77 ( canonicalizePath
78 , doesDirectoryExist
79 , doesFileExist
80 , getDirectoryContents
81 , listDirectory
82 , removeDirectoryRecursive
83 , removeFile
84 , removePathForcibly
86 import System.FilePath
87 ( (</>)
89 import System.IO.Error
90 ( isPermissionError
92 import qualified System.Process as Process
94 data CleanFlags = CleanFlags
95 { cleanSaveConfig :: Flag Bool
96 , cleanVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity
97 , cleanDistDir :: Flag (SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Dist))
99 deriving (Eq)
101 defaultCleanFlags :: CleanFlags
102 defaultCleanFlags =
103 CleanFlags
104 { cleanSaveConfig = toFlag False
105 , cleanVerbosity = toFlag normal
106 , cleanDistDir = NoFlag
109 cleanCommand :: CommandUI (ProjectFlags, CleanFlags)
110 cleanCommand =
111 CommandUI
112 { commandName = "v2-clean"
113 , commandSynopsis = "Clean the package store and remove temporary files."
114 , commandUsage = \pname ->
115 "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " new-clean [FLAGS]\n"
116 , commandDescription = Just $ \_ ->
117 wrapText $
118 "Removes all temporary files created during the building process "
119 ++ "(.hi, .o, preprocessed sources, etc.) and also empties out the "
120 ++ "local caches (by default).\n\n"
121 , commandNotes = Nothing
122 , commandDefaultFlags = (defaultProjectFlags, defaultCleanFlags)
123 , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs ->
125 (liftOptionL _1)
126 (removeIgnoreProjectOption (projectFlagsOptions showOrParseArgs))
127 ++ map (liftOptionL _2) (cleanOptions showOrParseArgs)
130 cleanOptions :: ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField CleanFlags]
131 cleanOptions showOrParseArgs =
132 [ optionVerbosity
133 cleanVerbosity
134 (\v flags -> flags{cleanVerbosity = v})
135 , optionDistPref
136 cleanDistDir
137 (\dd flags -> flags{cleanDistDir = dd})
138 showOrParseArgs
139 , option
140 ['s']
141 ["save-config"]
142 "Save configuration, only remove build artifacts"
143 cleanSaveConfig
144 (\sc flags -> flags{cleanSaveConfig = sc})
145 falseArg
148 cleanAction :: (ProjectFlags, CleanFlags) -> [String] -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
149 cleanAction (ProjectFlags{..}, CleanFlags{..}) extraArgs _ = do
150 let verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault normal cleanVerbosity
151 saveConfig = fromFlagOrDefault False cleanSaveConfig
152 mdistDirectory = fmap getSymbolicPath $ flagToMaybe cleanDistDir
153 mprojectDir = flagToMaybe flagProjectDir
154 mprojectFile = flagToMaybe flagProjectFile
156 -- TODO interpret extraArgs as targets and clean those targets only (issue #7506)
158 -- For now assume all files passed are the names of scripts
159 notScripts <- filterM (fmap not . doesFileExist) extraArgs
160 unless (null notScripts) $
161 dieWithException verbosity $
162 CleanAction notScripts
164 projectRoot <- either throwIO return =<< findProjectRoot verbosity mprojectDir mprojectFile
166 let distLayout = defaultDistDirLayout projectRoot mdistDirectory Nothing
168 -- Do not clean a project if just running a script in it's directory
169 when (null extraArgs || isJust mdistDirectory) $ do
170 if saveConfig
171 then do
172 let buildRoot = distBuildRootDirectory distLayout
174 buildRootExists <- doesDirectoryExist buildRoot
176 when buildRootExists $ do
177 info verbosity ("Deleting build root (" ++ buildRoot ++ ")")
178 handleDoesNotExist () $ removeDirectoryRecursive buildRoot
179 else do
180 let distRoot = distDirectory distLayout
182 info verbosity ("Deleting dist-newstyle (" ++ distRoot ++ ")")
183 handleDoesNotExist () $ do
184 if buildOS == Windows
185 then do
186 -- Windows can't delete some git files #10182
187 void $
188 Process.createProcess_ "attrib" $
189 $
190 "attrib -s -h -r " <> distRoot <> "\\*.* /s /d"
191 catch
192 (removePathForcibly distRoot)
193 (\e -> if isPermissionError e then removePathForcibly distRoot else throw e)
194 else removeDirectoryRecursive distRoot
196 removeEnvFiles $ distProjectRootDirectory distLayout
198 -- Clean specified script build caches and orphaned caches.
199 -- There is currently no good way to specify to only clean orphaned caches.
200 -- It would be better as part of an explicit gc step (see issue #3333)
201 toClean <- Set.fromList <$> mapM canonicalizePath extraArgs
202 cacheDir <- defaultScriptBuildsDir
203 existsCD <- doesDirectoryExist cacheDir
204 caches <- if existsCD then listDirectory cacheDir else return []
205 paths <- fmap concat . forM caches $ \cache -> do
206 let locFile = cacheDir </> cache </> "scriptlocation"
207 exists <- doesFileExist locFile
208 if exists then pure . (,) (cacheDir </> cache) <$> readFile locFile else return []
209 forM_ paths $ \(cache, script) -> do
210 exists <- doesFileExist script
211 when (not exists || script `Set.member` toClean) $ do
212 info verbosity ("Deleting cache (" ++ cache ++ ") for script (" ++ script ++ ")")
213 removeDirectoryRecursive cache
215 removeEnvFiles :: FilePath -> IO ()
216 removeEnvFiles dir =
217 (traverse_ (removeFile . (dir </>)) . filter ((".ghc.environment" ==) . take 16))
218 =<< getDirectoryContents dir