Regen cabal help after #9583
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / CmdPath.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 -- |
11 -- Module : Distribution.Client.CmdPath
12 -- Maintainer :
13 -- Portability : portable
15 -- Implementation of the 'path' command. Query for project configuration
16 -- information.
17 module Distribution.Client.CmdPath
18 ( pathCommand
19 , pathAction
20 ) where
22 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
23 import Prelude ()
25 import Distribution.Client.CmdInstall.ClientInstallFlags
26 ( cinstInstalldir
28 import Distribution.Client.Config
29 ( defaultCacheHome
30 , defaultInstallPath
31 , defaultStoreDir
32 , getConfigFilePath
34 import Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout (CabalDirLayout (..), distProjectRootDirectory)
35 import Distribution.Client.Errors
36 import Distribution.Client.GlobalFlags
37 import Distribution.Client.NixStyleOptions
38 ( NixStyleFlags (..)
39 , defaultNixStyleFlags
40 , nixStyleOptions
42 import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig.Types
43 ( ProjectConfig (..)
44 , ProjectConfigBuildOnly (..)
45 , ProjectConfigShared (..)
47 import Distribution.Client.ProjectOrchestration
48 import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning
49 import Distribution.Client.RebuildMonad (runRebuild)
50 import Distribution.Client.ScriptUtils
51 import Distribution.Client.Setup
52 ( ConfigFlags (..)
53 , yesNoOpt
55 import Distribution.Client.Utils.Json
56 ( (.=)
58 import qualified Distribution.Client.Utils.Json as Json
59 import Distribution.Client.Version
60 ( cabalInstallVersion
62 import Distribution.ReadE
63 ( ReadE (ReadE)
65 import Distribution.Simple.Command
66 ( CommandUI (..)
67 , OptionField
68 , ShowOrParseArgs
69 , noArg
70 , option
71 , reqArg
73 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
74 import Distribution.Simple.Flag
75 ( Flag (..)
76 , flagToList
77 , fromFlagOrDefault
79 import Distribution.Simple.Program
80 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
81 ( die'
82 , dieWithException
83 , withOutputMarker
84 , wrapText
86 import Distribution.Verbosity
87 ( normal
90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 -- Command
92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
94 pathCommand :: CommandUI (NixStyleFlags PathFlags)
95 pathCommand =
96 CommandUI
97 { commandName = "path"
98 , commandSynopsis = "Query for simple project information."
99 , commandDescription = Just $ \_ ->
100 wrapText $
101 "Query for configuration and project information such as project GHC.\n"
102 <> "The output order of query keys is implementation defined and should not be relied on.\n"
103 , commandNotes = Just $ \pname ->
104 "Examples:\n"
105 <> " "
106 <> pname
107 <> " path --store-dir\n"
108 <> " Print the store-dir location of cabal.\n"
109 <> " "
110 <> pname
111 <> " path --output-format=json --compiler-info\n"
112 <> " Print compiler information in json format.\n"
113 <> " "
114 <> pname
115 <> " path --output-format=json --installdir --compiler-info\n"
116 <> " Print compiler information and installation directory in json format.\n"
117 <> " "
118 <> pname
119 <> " path --output-format=key-value --installdir\n"
120 <> " Print the installation directory, taking project information into account.\n"
121 <> " "
122 <> pname
123 <> " path -z --output-format=key-value --installdir\n"
124 <> " Print the installation directory, without taking project information into account.\n"
125 , commandUsage = \pname ->
126 "Usage: " <> pname <> " path [FLAGS]\n"
127 , commandDefaultFlags = defaultNixStyleFlags defaultPathFlags
128 , commandOptions = nixStyleOptions pathOptions
131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 -- Flags
133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
135 data PathOutputFormat
136 = JSON
137 | KeyValue
138 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Enum, Bounded)
140 data PathFlags = PathFlags
141 { pathCompiler :: Flag Bool
142 , pathOutputFormat :: Flag PathOutputFormat
143 , pathDirectories :: Flag [ConfigPath]
145 deriving (Eq, Show)
147 defaultPathFlags :: PathFlags
148 defaultPathFlags =
149 PathFlags
150 { pathCompiler = mempty
151 , pathOutputFormat = mempty
152 , pathDirectories = mempty
155 pathOutputFormatParser :: ReadE (Flag PathOutputFormat)
156 pathOutputFormatParser = ReadE $ \case
157 "json" -> Right $ Flag JSON
158 "key-value" -> Right $ Flag KeyValue
159 policy ->
160 Left $
161 "Cannot parse the status output format '"
162 <> policy
163 <> "'"
165 pathOutputFormatString :: PathOutputFormat -> String
166 pathOutputFormatString JSON = "json"
167 pathOutputFormatString KeyValue = "key-value"
169 pathOutputFormatPrinter
170 :: Flag PathOutputFormat -> [String]
171 pathOutputFormatPrinter = \case
172 (Flag format) -> [pathOutputFormatString format]
173 NoFlag -> []
175 pathOptions :: ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField PathFlags]
176 pathOptions showOrParseArgs =
177 [ option
179 ["output-format"]
180 "Output format of the requested path locations"
181 pathOutputFormat
182 (\v flags -> flags{pathOutputFormat = v})
183 ( reqArg
184 (intercalate "|" $ map pathOutputFormatString [minBound .. maxBound])
185 pathOutputFormatParser
186 pathOutputFormatPrinter
188 , option
190 ["compiler-info"]
191 "Print information of the project compiler"
192 pathCompiler
193 (\v flags -> flags{pathCompiler = v})
194 (yesNoOpt showOrParseArgs)
196 <> map pathOption [minBound .. maxBound]
197 where
198 pathOption s =
199 option
201 [pathName s]
202 ("Print cabal's " <> pathName s)
203 pathDirectories
204 (\v flags -> flags{pathDirectories = Flag $ concat (flagToList (pathDirectories flags) <> flagToList v)})
205 (noArg (Flag [s]))
207 -- | A path that can be retrieved by the @cabal path@ command.
208 data ConfigPath
209 = ConfigPathCacheHome
210 | ConfigPathRemoteRepoCache
211 | ConfigPathLogsDir
212 | ConfigPathStoreDir
213 | ConfigPathConfigFile
214 | ConfigPathInstallDir
215 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)
217 -- | The configuration name for this path.
218 pathName :: ConfigPath -> String
219 pathName ConfigPathCacheHome = "cache-home"
220 pathName ConfigPathRemoteRepoCache = "remote-repo-cache"
221 pathName ConfigPathLogsDir = "logs-dir"
222 pathName ConfigPathStoreDir = "store-dir"
223 pathName ConfigPathConfigFile = "config-file"
224 pathName ConfigPathInstallDir = "installdir"
226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
227 -- Action
228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
230 -- | Entry point for the 'path' command.
231 pathAction :: NixStyleFlags PathFlags -> [String] -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
232 pathAction flags@NixStyleFlags{extraFlags = pathFlags', ..} cliTargetStrings globalFlags = withContextAndSelectors AcceptNoTargets Nothing flags [] globalFlags OtherCommand $ \_ baseCtx _ -> do
233 let pathFlags =
234 if pathCompiler pathFlags' == NoFlag && pathDirectories pathFlags' == NoFlag
235 then -- if not a single key to query is given, query everything!
237 pathFlags'
238 { pathCompiler = Flag True
239 , pathDirectories = Flag [minBound .. maxBound]
241 else pathFlags'
242 when (not $ null cliTargetStrings) $
243 dieWithException verbosity CmdPathAcceptsNoTargets
244 when (buildSettingDryRun (buildSettings baseCtx)) $
245 dieWithException verbosity CmdPathCommandDoesn'tSupportDryRun
247 compilerPathOutputs <-
248 if not $ fromFlagOrDefault False (pathCompiler pathFlags)
249 then pure Nothing
250 else do
251 (compiler, _, progDb) <- runRebuild (distProjectRootDirectory . distDirLayout $ baseCtx) $ configureCompiler verbosity (distDirLayout baseCtx) (projectConfig baseCtx)
252 compilerProg <- requireCompilerProg verbosity compiler
253 (configuredCompilerProg, _) <- requireProgram verbosity compilerProg progDb
254 pure $ Just $ mkCompilerInfo configuredCompilerProg compiler
256 paths <- for (fromFlagOrDefault [] $ pathDirectories pathFlags) $ \p -> do
257 t <- getPathLocation baseCtx p
258 pure (pathName p, t)
260 let pathOutputs =
261 PathOutputs
262 { pathOutputsCompilerInfo = compilerPathOutputs
263 , pathOutputsConfigPaths = paths
266 let output = case fromFlagOrDefault KeyValue (pathOutputFormat pathFlags) of
267 JSON ->
268 Json.encodeToString (showAsJson pathOutputs) <> "\n"
269 KeyValue -> do
270 showAsKeyValuePair pathOutputs
272 putStr $ withOutputMarker verbosity output
273 where
274 verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault normal (configVerbosity configFlags)
276 -- | Find the FilePath location for common configuration paths.
278 -- TODO: this should come from a common source of truth to avoid code path divergence
279 getPathLocation :: ProjectBaseContext -> ConfigPath -> IO FilePath
280 getPathLocation _ ConfigPathCacheHome =
281 defaultCacheHome
282 getPathLocation baseCtx ConfigPathRemoteRepoCache =
283 pure $ buildSettingCacheDir (buildSettings baseCtx)
284 getPathLocation baseCtx ConfigPathLogsDir =
285 pure $ cabalLogsDirectory (cabalDirLayout baseCtx)
286 getPathLocation baseCtx ConfigPathStoreDir =
287 fromFlagOrDefault
288 defaultStoreDir
289 (pure <$> projectConfigStoreDir (projectConfigShared (projectConfig baseCtx)))
290 getPathLocation baseCtx ConfigPathConfigFile =
291 getConfigFilePath (projectConfigConfigFile (projectConfigShared (projectConfig baseCtx)))
292 getPathLocation baseCtx ConfigPathInstallDir =
293 fromFlagOrDefault
294 defaultInstallPath
295 (pure <$> cinstInstalldir (projectConfigClientInstallFlags $ projectConfigBuildOnly (projectConfig baseCtx)))
297 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
298 -- Helpers for determining compiler information
299 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
301 requireCompilerProg :: Verbosity -> Compiler -> IO Program
302 requireCompilerProg verbosity compiler =
303 case compilerFlavor compiler of
304 GHC -> pure ghcProgram
305 GHCJS -> pure ghcjsProgram
306 flavour ->
307 die' verbosity $
308 "path: Unsupported compiler flavour: "
309 <> prettyShow flavour
311 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 -- Output
313 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
315 data PathOutputs = PathOutputs
316 { pathOutputsCompilerInfo :: Maybe PathCompilerInfo
317 , pathOutputsConfigPaths :: [(String, FilePath)]
319 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
321 data PathCompilerInfo = PathCompilerInfo
322 { pathCompilerInfoFlavour :: CompilerFlavor
323 , pathCompilerInfoId :: CompilerId
324 , pathCompilerInfoPath :: FilePath
326 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
328 mkCompilerInfo :: ConfiguredProgram -> Compiler -> PathCompilerInfo
329 mkCompilerInfo compilerProgram compiler =
330 PathCompilerInfo
331 { pathCompilerInfoFlavour = compilerFlavor compiler
332 , pathCompilerInfoId = compilerId compiler
333 , pathCompilerInfoPath = programPath compilerProgram
336 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
337 -- JSON
338 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
340 showAsJson :: PathOutputs -> Json.Value
341 showAsJson pathOutputs =
343 cabalInstallJson =
344 Json.object
345 [ "cabal-version" .= jdisplay cabalInstallVersion
348 compilerInfoJson = case pathOutputsCompilerInfo pathOutputs of
349 Nothing -> Json.object []
350 Just pci -> compilerInfoToJson pci
352 pathsJson = Json.object $ map (\(k, v) -> k .= Json.String v) (pathOutputsConfigPaths pathOutputs)
354 mergeJsonObjects $
355 [ cabalInstallJson
356 , compilerInfoJson
357 , pathsJson
360 jdisplay :: Pretty a => a -> Json.Value
361 jdisplay = Json.String . prettyShow
363 mergeJsonObjects :: [Json.Value] -> Json.Value
364 mergeJsonObjects = Json.object . foldl' go []
365 where
366 go acc (Json.Object objs) =
367 acc <> objs
368 go _ _ =
369 error "mergeJsonObjects: Only objects can be merged"
371 compilerInfoToJson :: PathCompilerInfo -> Json.Value
372 compilerInfoToJson pci =
373 Json.object
374 [ "compiler"
375 .= Json.object
376 [ "flavour" .= jdisplay (pathCompilerInfoFlavour pci)
377 , "id" .= jdisplay (pathCompilerInfoId pci)
378 , "path" .= Json.String (pathCompilerInfoPath pci)
382 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
383 -- Key Value Pair outputs
384 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
386 showAsKeyValuePair :: PathOutputs -> String
387 showAsKeyValuePair pathOutputs =
389 cInfo = case pathOutputsCompilerInfo pathOutputs of
390 Nothing -> []
391 Just pci -> compilerInfoToKeyValue pci
393 paths = pathOutputsConfigPaths pathOutputs
395 pairs = cInfo <> paths
397 showPair (k, v) = k <> ": " <> v
399 case pairs of
400 [(_, v)] -> v
401 xs -> unlines $ map showPair xs
403 compilerInfoToKeyValue :: PathCompilerInfo -> [(String, String)]
404 compilerInfoToKeyValue pci =
405 [ ("compiler-flavour", prettyShow $ pathCompilerInfoFlavour pci)
406 , ("compiler-id", prettyShow $ pathCompilerInfoId pci)
407 , ("compiler-path", pathCompilerInfoPath pci)