Regen cabal help after #9583
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / Get.hs
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3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |
6 -- Module : Distribution.Client.Get
7 -- Copyright : (c) Andrea Vezzosi 2008
8 -- Duncan Coutts 2011
9 -- John Millikin 2012
10 -- License : BSD-like
12 -- Maintainer :
13 -- Stability : provisional
14 -- Portability : portable
16 -- The 'cabal get' command.
17 module Distribution.Client.Get
18 ( get
20 -- * Cloning 'SourceRepo's
22 -- | Mainly exported for testing purposes
23 , clonePackagesFromSourceRepo
24 , ClonePackageException (..)
25 ) where
27 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude hiding (get)
28 import Distribution.Client.Types.SourceRepo (SourceRepoProxy, SourceRepositoryPackage (..), srpToProxy)
29 import Distribution.Compat.Directory
30 ( listDirectory
32 import Distribution.Package
33 ( PackageId
34 , packageId
35 , packageName
37 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
38 import Distribution.Simple.Program
39 ( programName
41 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
42 ( Flag (..)
43 , flagToMaybe
44 , fromFlag
45 , fromFlagOrDefault
47 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
48 ( dieWithException
49 , info
50 , notice
51 , warn
52 , writeFileAtomic
54 import Distribution.Types.SourceRepo (RepoKind (..))
55 import Prelude ()
57 import Distribution.Client.Dependency
58 import Distribution.Client.FetchUtils
59 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils
60 ( ActiveRepos
61 , TotalIndexState
62 , getSourcePackagesAtIndexState
64 import Distribution.Client.Setup
65 ( GetFlags (..)
66 , GlobalFlags (..)
67 , RepoContext (..)
69 import qualified Distribution.Client.Tar as Tar (extractTarGzFile)
70 import Distribution.Client.Targets
71 import Distribution.Client.Types
72 import Distribution.Client.VCS
73 import Distribution.PackageDescription.PrettyPrint
74 ( writeGenericPackageDescription
76 import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage
78 import Control.Monad (mapM_)
79 import qualified Data.Map as Map
80 import Distribution.Client.Errors
81 import Distribution.Utils.NubList
82 ( fromNubList
84 import System.Directory
85 ( createDirectoryIfMissing
86 , doesDirectoryExist
87 , doesFileExist
89 import System.FilePath
90 ( addTrailingPathSeparator
91 , (<.>)
92 , (</>)
95 -- | Entry point for the 'cabal get' command.
96 get
97 :: Verbosity
98 -> RepoContext
99 -> GlobalFlags
100 -> GetFlags
101 -> [UserTarget]
102 -> IO ()
103 get verbosity _ _ _ [] =
104 notice verbosity "No packages requested. Nothing to do."
105 get verbosity repoCtxt globalFlags getFlags userTargets = do
106 let useSourceRepo = case getSourceRepository getFlags of
107 NoFlag -> False
108 _ -> True
110 unless useSourceRepo $
111 traverse_ (checkTarget verbosity) userTargets
113 let idxState :: Maybe TotalIndexState
114 idxState = flagToMaybe $ getIndexState getFlags
116 activeRepos :: Maybe ActiveRepos
117 activeRepos = flagToMaybe $ getActiveRepos getFlags
119 (sourcePkgDb, _, _) <- getSourcePackagesAtIndexState verbosity repoCtxt idxState activeRepos
121 pkgSpecifiers <-
122 resolveUserTargets
123 verbosity
124 repoCtxt
125 (packageIndex sourcePkgDb)
126 userTargets
128 pkgs <-
129 either (dieWithException verbosity . PkgSpecifierException . map show) return $
130 resolveWithoutDependencies
131 (resolverParams sourcePkgDb pkgSpecifiers)
133 unless (null prefix) $
134 createDirectoryIfMissing True prefix
136 if onlyPkgDescr
137 then do
138 when useSourceRepo $
139 warn verbosity $
140 "Ignoring --source-repository for --only-package-description"
142 mapM_ (unpackOnlyPkgDescr verbosity prefix) pkgs
143 else
144 if useSourceRepo
145 then clone pkgs
146 else unpack pkgs
147 where
148 resolverParams :: SourcePackageDb -> [PackageSpecifier UnresolvedSourcePackage] -> DepResolverParams
149 resolverParams sourcePkgDb pkgSpecifiers =
150 -- TODO: add command-line constraint and preference args for unpack
151 standardInstallPolicy mempty sourcePkgDb pkgSpecifiers
153 onlyPkgDescr = fromFlagOrDefault False (getOnlyPkgDescr getFlags)
155 prefix :: String
156 prefix = fromFlagOrDefault "" (getDestDir getFlags)
158 clone :: [UnresolvedSourcePackage] -> IO ()
159 clone =
160 clonePackagesFromSourceRepo verbosity prefix kind (fromNubList $ globalProgPathExtra globalFlags)
161 . map (\pkg -> (packageId pkg, packageSourceRepos pkg))
162 where
163 kind :: Maybe RepoKind
164 kind = fromFlag . getSourceRepository $ getFlags
165 packageSourceRepos :: SourcePackage loc -> [PD.SourceRepo]
166 packageSourceRepos =
167 PD.sourceRepos
168 . PD.packageDescription
169 . srcpkgDescription
171 unpack :: [UnresolvedSourcePackage] -> IO ()
172 unpack pkgs = do
173 for_ pkgs $ \pkg -> do
174 location <- fetchPackage verbosity repoCtxt (srcpkgSource pkg)
175 let pkgid = packageId pkg
176 descOverride
177 | usePristine = Nothing
178 | otherwise = srcpkgDescrOverride pkg
179 case location of
180 LocalTarballPackage tarballPath ->
181 unpackPackage verbosity prefix pkgid descOverride tarballPath
182 RemoteTarballPackage _tarballURL tarballPath ->
183 unpackPackage verbosity prefix pkgid descOverride tarballPath
184 RepoTarballPackage _repo _pkgid tarballPath ->
185 unpackPackage verbosity prefix pkgid descOverride tarballPath
186 RemoteSourceRepoPackage _repo _ ->
187 dieWithException verbosity UnpackGet
188 LocalUnpackedPackage _ ->
189 error "Distribution.Client.Get.unpack: the impossible happened."
190 where
191 usePristine :: Bool
192 usePristine = fromFlagOrDefault False (getPristine getFlags)
194 checkTarget :: Verbosity -> UserTarget -> IO ()
195 checkTarget verbosity target = case target of
196 UserTargetLocalDir dir -> dieWithException verbosity $ NotTarballDir dir
197 UserTargetLocalCabalFile file -> dieWithException verbosity $ NotTarballDir file
198 _ -> return ()
200 {-where
201 notTarball t =
202 "The 'get' command is for tarball packages. "
203 ++ "The target '"
204 ++ t
205 ++ "' is not a tarball."
207 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
209 -- * Unpacking the source tarball
211 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
213 unpackPackage
214 :: Verbosity
215 -> FilePath
216 -> PackageId
217 -> PackageDescriptionOverride
218 -> FilePath
219 -> IO ()
220 unpackPackage verbosity prefix pkgid descOverride pkgPath = do
221 let pkgdirname = prettyShow pkgid
222 pkgdir = prefix </> pkgdirname
223 pkgdir' = addTrailingPathSeparator pkgdir
224 emptyDirectory directory = null <$> listDirectory directory
225 existsDir <- doesDirectoryExist pkgdir
226 when existsDir $ do
227 isEmpty <- emptyDirectory pkgdir
228 unless isEmpty $
229 dieWithException verbosity $
230 DirectoryAlreadyExists pkgdir'
231 existsFile <- doesFileExist pkgdir
232 when existsFile $
233 dieWithException verbosity $
234 FileExists pkgdir
235 notice verbosity $ "Unpacking to " ++ pkgdir'
236 Tar.extractTarGzFile prefix pkgdirname pkgPath
238 case descOverride of
239 Nothing -> return ()
240 Just pkgtxt -> do
241 let descFilePath = pkgdir </> prettyShow (packageName pkgid) <.> "cabal"
242 info verbosity $
243 "Updating "
244 ++ descFilePath
245 ++ " with the latest revision from the index."
246 writeFileAtomic descFilePath pkgtxt
248 -- | Write a @pkgId.cabal@ file with the package description to the destination
249 -- directory, unless one already exists.
250 unpackOnlyPkgDescr :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> UnresolvedSourcePackage -> IO ()
251 unpackOnlyPkgDescr verbosity dstDir pkg = do
252 let pkgFile = dstDir </> prettyShow (packageId pkg) <.> "cabal"
253 existsFile <- doesFileExist pkgFile
254 when existsFile $
255 dieWithException verbosity $
256 FileAlreadyExists pkgFile
257 existsDir <- doesDirectoryExist (addTrailingPathSeparator pkgFile)
258 when existsDir $
259 dieWithException verbosity $
260 DirectoryExists pkgFile
261 notice verbosity $ "Writing package description to " ++ pkgFile
262 case srcpkgDescrOverride pkg of
263 Just pkgTxt -> writeFileAtomic pkgFile pkgTxt
264 Nothing ->
265 writeGenericPackageDescription pkgFile (srcpkgDescription pkg)
267 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
269 -- * Cloning packages from their declared source repositories
271 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
273 data ClonePackageException
274 = ClonePackageNoSourceRepos PackageId
275 | ClonePackageNoSourceReposOfKind PackageId (Maybe RepoKind)
276 | ClonePackageNoRepoType PackageId PD.SourceRepo
277 | ClonePackageUnsupportedRepoType PackageId SourceRepoProxy RepoType
278 | ClonePackageNoRepoLocation PackageId PD.SourceRepo
279 | ClonePackageDestinationExists PackageId FilePath Bool
280 | ClonePackageFailedWithExitCode PackageId SourceRepoProxy String ExitCode
281 deriving (Show, Eq)
283 instance Exception ClonePackageException where
284 displayException (ClonePackageNoSourceRepos pkgid) =
285 "Cannot fetch a source repository for package "
286 ++ prettyShow pkgid
287 ++ ". The package does not specify any source repositories."
288 displayException (ClonePackageNoSourceReposOfKind pkgid repoKind) =
289 "Cannot fetch a source repository for package "
290 ++ prettyShow pkgid
291 ++ ". The package does not specify a source repository of the requested "
292 ++ "kind"
293 ++ maybe "." (\k -> " (kind " ++ prettyShow k ++ ").") repoKind
294 displayException (ClonePackageNoRepoType pkgid _repo) =
295 "Cannot fetch the source repository for package "
296 ++ prettyShow pkgid
297 ++ ". The package's description specifies a source repository but does "
298 ++ "not specify the repository 'type' field (e.g. git, darcs or hg)."
299 displayException (ClonePackageUnsupportedRepoType pkgid _ repoType) =
300 "Cannot fetch the source repository for package "
301 ++ prettyShow pkgid
302 ++ ". The repository type '"
303 ++ prettyShow repoType
304 ++ "' is not yet supported."
305 displayException (ClonePackageNoRepoLocation pkgid _repo) =
306 "Cannot fetch the source repository for package "
307 ++ prettyShow pkgid
308 ++ ". The package's description specifies a source repository but does "
309 ++ "not specify the repository 'location' field (i.e. the URL)."
310 displayException (ClonePackageDestinationExists pkgid dest isdir) =
311 "Not fetching the source repository for package "
312 ++ prettyShow pkgid
313 ++ ". "
314 ++ if isdir
315 then "The destination directory " ++ dest ++ " already exists."
316 else "A file " ++ dest ++ " is in the way."
317 displayException
318 ( ClonePackageFailedWithExitCode
319 pkgid
320 repo
321 vcsprogname
322 exitcode
324 "Failed to fetch the source repository for package "
325 ++ prettyShow pkgid
326 ++ ", repository location "
327 ++ srpLocation repo
328 ++ " ("
329 ++ vcsprogname
330 ++ " failed with "
331 ++ show exitcode
332 ++ ")."
334 -- | Given a bunch of package ids and their corresponding available
335 -- 'SourceRepo's, pick a single 'SourceRepo' for each one and clone into
336 -- new subdirs of the given directory.
337 clonePackagesFromSourceRepo
338 :: Verbosity
339 -> FilePath
340 -- ^ destination dir prefix
341 -> Maybe RepoKind
342 -- ^ preferred 'RepoKind'
343 -> [FilePath]
344 -- ^ Extra prog paths
345 -> [(PackageId, [PD.SourceRepo])]
346 -- ^ the packages and their
347 -- available 'SourceRepo's
348 -> IO ()
349 clonePackagesFromSourceRepo
350 verbosity
351 destDirPrefix
352 preferredRepoKind
353 progPaths
354 pkgrepos = do
355 -- Do a bunch of checks and collect the required info
356 pkgrepos' <- traverse preCloneChecks pkgrepos
358 -- Configure the VCS drivers for all the repository types we may need
359 vcss <-
360 configureVCSs verbosity progPaths $
361 Map.fromList
362 [ (vcsRepoType vcs, vcs)
363 | (_, _, vcs, _) <- pkgrepos'
366 -- Now execute all the required commands for each repo
367 sequence_
368 [ cloneSourceRepo verbosity vcs' repo destDir
369 `catch` \exitcode ->
370 throwIO
371 ( ClonePackageFailedWithExitCode
372 pkgid
373 (srpToProxy repo)
374 (programName (vcsProgram vcs))
375 exitcode
377 | (pkgid, repo, vcs, destDir) <- pkgrepos'
378 , let vcs' = Map.findWithDefault (error $ "Cannot configure " ++ prettyShow (vcsRepoType vcs)) (vcsRepoType vcs) vcss
380 where
381 preCloneChecks
382 :: (PackageId, [PD.SourceRepo])
383 -> IO (PackageId, SourceRepositoryPackage Maybe, VCS Program, FilePath)
384 preCloneChecks (pkgid, repos) = do
385 repo <- case selectPackageSourceRepo preferredRepoKind repos of
386 Just repo -> return repo
387 Nothing | null repos -> throwIO (ClonePackageNoSourceRepos pkgid)
388 Nothing ->
389 throwIO
390 ( ClonePackageNoSourceReposOfKind
391 pkgid
392 preferredRepoKind
395 (repo', vcs) <- case validatePDSourceRepo repo of
396 Right (repo', _, _, vcs) -> return (repo', vcs)
397 Left SourceRepoRepoTypeUnspecified ->
398 throwIO (ClonePackageNoRepoType pkgid repo)
399 Left (SourceRepoRepoTypeUnsupported repo' repoType) ->
400 throwIO (ClonePackageUnsupportedRepoType pkgid repo' repoType)
401 Left SourceRepoLocationUnspecified ->
402 throwIO (ClonePackageNoRepoLocation pkgid repo)
404 let destDir :: FilePath
405 destDir = destDirPrefix </> prettyShow (packageName pkgid)
406 destDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist destDir
407 destFileExists <- doesFileExist destDir
408 when (destDirExists || destFileExists) $
409 throwIO (ClonePackageDestinationExists pkgid destDir destDirExists)
411 return (pkgid, repo', vcs, destDir)
413 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
414 -- Selecting
415 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
417 -- | Pick the 'SourceRepo' to use to get the package sources from.
419 -- Note that this does /not/ depend on what 'VCS' drivers we are able to
420 -- successfully configure. It is based only on the 'SourceRepo's declared
421 -- in the package, and optionally on a preferred 'RepoKind'.
422 selectPackageSourceRepo
423 :: Maybe RepoKind
424 -> [PD.SourceRepo]
425 -> Maybe PD.SourceRepo
426 selectPackageSourceRepo preferredRepoKind =
427 listToMaybe
428 -- Sort repositories by kind, from This to Head to Unknown. Repositories
429 -- with equivalent kinds are selected based on the order they appear in
430 -- the Cabal description file.
431 . sortBy (comparing thisFirst)
432 -- If the user has specified the repo kind, filter out the repositories
433 -- they're not interested in.
434 . filter (\repo -> maybe True (PD.repoKind repo ==) preferredRepoKind)
435 where
436 thisFirst :: PD.SourceRepo -> Int
437 thisFirst r = case PD.repoKind r of
438 RepoThis -> 0
439 RepoHead -> case PD.repoTag r of
440 -- If the type is 'head' but the author specified a tag, they
441 -- probably meant to create a 'this' repository but screwed up.
442 Just _ -> 0
443 Nothing -> 1
444 RepoKindUnknown _ -> 2