Regen cabal help after #9583
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / InstallSymlink.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 -- |
11 -- Module : Distribution.Client.InstallSymlink
12 -- Copyright : (c) Duncan Coutts 2008
13 -- License : BSD-like
15 -- Maintainer :
16 -- Stability : provisional
17 -- Portability : portable
19 -- Managing installing binaries with symlinks.
20 module Distribution.Client.InstallSymlink
21 ( Symlink (..)
22 , symlinkBinaries
23 , symlinkBinary
24 , symlinkableBinary
25 , trySymlink
26 , promptRun
27 ) where
29 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude hiding (ioError)
30 import Prelude ()
32 import Distribution.Client.InstallPlan (InstallPlan)
33 import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
34 import Distribution.Client.Setup
35 ( InstallFlags (installSymlinkBinDir)
37 import Distribution.Client.Types
38 ( BuildOutcomes
39 , ConfiguredPackage (..)
42 import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza
43 import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage
45 import Distribution.Compiler
46 ( CompilerId (..)
48 import Distribution.Package
49 ( Package (packageId)
50 , PackageIdentifier
51 , UnitId
52 , installedUnitId
54 import Distribution.PackageDescription
55 ( PackageDescription
57 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PackageDescription
58 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
59 ( finalizePD
61 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
62 ( Compiler
63 , CompilerInfo (..)
64 , compilerInfo
66 import qualified Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs as InstallDirs
67 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
68 ( ConfigFlags (..)
69 , flagToMaybe
70 , fromFlag
71 , fromFlagOrDefault
73 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (info, withTempDirectory)
74 import Distribution.System
75 ( Platform
77 import Distribution.Types.DependencySatisfaction
78 ( DependencySatisfaction (..)
80 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
82 import System.Directory
83 ( canonicalizePath
84 , getTemporaryDirectory
85 , removeFile
87 import System.FilePath
88 ( isAbsolute
89 , joinPath
90 , normalise
91 , splitPath
92 , (</>)
95 import Control.Exception
96 ( assert
98 import System.IO.Error
99 ( ioError
100 , isDoesNotExistError
103 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Directory (createFileLink, getSymbolicLinkTarget, pathIsSymbolicLink)
104 import Distribution.Client.Init.Prompt (promptYesNo)
105 import Distribution.Client.Init.Types (DefaultPrompt (MandatoryPrompt), runPromptIO)
106 import Distribution.Client.Types.OverwritePolicy
108 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
109 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
111 -- | We would like by default to install binaries into some location that is on
112 -- the user's PATH. For per-user installations on Unix systems that basically
113 -- means the @~/bin/@ directory. On the majority of platforms the @~/bin/@
114 -- directory will be on the user's PATH. However some people are a bit nervous
115 -- about letting a package manager install programs into @~/bin/@.
117 -- A compromise solution is that instead of installing binaries directly into
118 -- @~/bin/@, we could install them in a private location under @~/.cabal/bin@
119 -- and then create symlinks in @~/bin/@. We can be careful when setting up the
120 -- symlinks that we do not overwrite any binary that the user installed. We can
121 -- check if it was a symlink we made because it would point to the private dir
122 -- where we install our binaries. This means we can install normally without
123 -- worrying and in a later phase set up symlinks, and if that fails then we
124 -- report it to the user, but even in this case the package is still in an OK
125 -- installed state.
127 -- This is an optional feature that users can choose to use or not. It is
128 -- controlled from the config file. Of course it only works on POSIX systems
129 -- with symlinks so is not available to Windows users.
130 symlinkBinaries
131 :: Platform
132 -> Compiler
133 -> OverwritePolicy
134 -> ConfigFlags
135 -> InstallFlags
136 -> InstallPlan
137 -> BuildOutcomes
138 -> IO [(PackageIdentifier, UnqualComponentName, FilePath)]
139 symlinkBinaries
140 platform
141 comp
142 overwritePolicy
143 configFlags
144 installFlags
145 plan
146 buildOutcomes =
147 case flagToMaybe (installSymlinkBinDir installFlags) of
148 Nothing -> return []
149 Just symlinkBinDir
150 | null exes -> return []
151 | otherwise -> do
152 publicBinDir <- canonicalizePath symlinkBinDir
153 -- TODO: do we want to do this here? :
154 -- createDirectoryIfMissing True publicBinDir
155 fmap catMaybes $
156 sequenceA
157 [ do
158 privateBinDir <- pkgBinDir pkg ipid
159 ok <-
160 symlinkBinary
161 ( Symlink
162 overwritePolicy
163 publicBinDir
164 privateBinDir
165 (prettyShow publicExeName)
166 privateExeName
168 if ok
169 then return Nothing
170 else
171 return
172 ( Just
173 ( pkgid
174 , publicExeName
175 , privateBinDir </> privateExeName
178 | (rpkg, pkg, exe) <- exes
179 , let pkgid = packageId pkg
180 -- This is a bit dodgy; probably won't work for Backpack packages
181 ipid = installedUnitId rpkg
182 publicExeName = PackageDescription.exeName exe
183 privateExeName = prefix ++ unUnqualComponentName publicExeName ++ suffix
184 prefix = substTemplate pkgid ipid prefixTemplate
185 suffix = substTemplate pkgid ipid suffixTemplate
187 where
188 exes =
189 [ (cpkg, pkg, exe)
190 | InstallPlan.Configured cpkg <- InstallPlan.toList plan
191 , case InstallPlan.lookupBuildOutcome cpkg buildOutcomes of
192 Just (Right _success) -> True
193 _ -> False
194 , let pkg :: PackageDescription
195 pkg = pkgDescription cpkg
196 , exe <- PackageDescription.executables pkg
197 , PackageDescription.buildable (PackageDescription.buildInfo exe)
200 pkgDescription
201 ( ConfiguredPackage
203 (SourcePackage _ gpd _ _)
204 flags
205 stanzas
208 case finalizePD
209 flags
210 (enableStanzas stanzas)
211 (const Satisfied)
212 platform
213 cinfo
215 gpd of
216 Left _ -> error "finalizePD ReadyPackage failed"
217 Right (desc, _) -> desc
219 -- This is sadly rather complicated. We're kind of re-doing part of the
220 -- configuration for the package. :-(
221 pkgBinDir :: PackageDescription -> UnitId -> IO FilePath
222 pkgBinDir pkg ipid = do
223 defaultDirs <-
224 InstallDirs.defaultInstallDirs
225 compilerFlavor
226 (fromFlag (configUserInstall configFlags))
227 (PackageDescription.hasLibs pkg)
228 let templateDirs =
229 InstallDirs.combineInstallDirs
230 fromFlagOrDefault
231 defaultDirs
232 (configInstallDirs configFlags)
233 absoluteDirs =
234 InstallDirs.absoluteInstallDirs
235 (packageId pkg)
236 ipid
237 cinfo
238 InstallDirs.NoCopyDest
239 platform
240 templateDirs
241 canonicalizePath (InstallDirs.bindir absoluteDirs)
243 substTemplate pkgid ipid =
244 InstallDirs.fromPathTemplate
245 . InstallDirs.substPathTemplate env
246 where
247 env =
248 InstallDirs.initialPathTemplateEnv
249 pkgid
250 ipid
251 cinfo
252 platform
254 fromFlagTemplate = fromFlagOrDefault (InstallDirs.toPathTemplate "")
255 prefixTemplate = fromFlagTemplate (configProgPrefix configFlags)
256 suffixTemplate = fromFlagTemplate (configProgSuffix configFlags)
257 cinfo = compilerInfo comp
258 (CompilerId compilerFlavor _) = compilerInfoId cinfo
260 -- | A record needed to either check if a symlink is possible or to create a
261 -- symlink. Also used if copying instead of symlinking.
262 data Symlink = Symlink
263 { overwritePolicy :: OverwritePolicy
264 -- ^ Whether to force overwrite an existing file.
265 , publicBindir :: FilePath
266 -- ^ The canonical path of the public bin dir eg @/home/user/bin@.
267 , privateBindir :: FilePath
268 -- ^ The canonical path of the private bin dir eg @/home/user/.cabal/bin@.
269 , publicName :: FilePath
270 -- ^ The name of the executable to go in the public bin dir, eg @foo@.
271 , privateName :: String
272 -- ^ The name of the executable to in the private bin dir, eg @foo-1.0@.
275 -- | After checking if a target is writeable given the overwrite policy,
276 -- dispatch to an appropriate action;
277 -- * @onMissing@ if the target doesn't exist
278 -- * @onOverwrite@ if the target exists and we are allowed to overwrite it
279 -- * @onNever@ if the target exists and we are never allowed to overwrite it
280 -- * @onPrompt@ if the target exists and we are allowed to overwrite after prompting
281 onSymlinkBinary
282 :: IO a
283 -- ^ Missing action
284 -> IO a
285 -- ^ Overwrite action
286 -> IO a
287 -- ^ Never action
288 -> IO a
289 -- ^ Prompt action
290 -> Symlink
291 -> IO a
292 onSymlinkBinary onMissing onOverwrite onNever onPrompt Symlink{..} = do
293 ok <-
294 targetOkToOverwrite
295 (publicBindir </> publicName)
296 (privateBindir </> privateName)
297 case ok of
298 NotExists -> onMissing
299 OkToOverwrite -> onOverwrite
300 NotOurFile ->
301 case overwritePolicy of
302 NeverOverwrite -> onNever
303 AlwaysOverwrite -> onOverwrite
304 PromptOverwrite -> onPrompt
306 -- | Can we symlink a binary?
308 -- @True@ if creating the symlink would be succeed, being optimistic that the user will
309 -- agree if prompted to overwrite.
310 symlinkableBinary :: Symlink -> IO Bool
311 symlinkableBinary = onSymlinkBinary (return True) (return True) (return False) (return True)
313 -- | Symlink binary.
315 -- The paths are take in pieces, so we can make relative link when possible.
316 -- @True@ if creating the symlink was successful. @False@ if there was another
317 -- file there already that we did not own. Other errors like permission errors
318 -- just propagate as exceptions.
319 symlinkBinary :: Symlink -> IO Bool
320 symlinkBinary inputs@Symlink{publicBindir, privateBindir, publicName, privateName} = do
321 onSymlinkBinary mkLink overwrite (return False) maybeOverwrite inputs
322 where
323 relativeBindir = makeRelative (normalise publicBindir) privateBindir
325 mkLink :: IO Bool
326 mkLink = True <$ createFileLink (relativeBindir </> privateName) (publicBindir </> publicName)
328 rmLink :: IO Bool
329 rmLink = True <$ removeFile (publicBindir </> publicName)
331 overwrite :: IO Bool
332 overwrite = rmLink *> mkLink
334 maybeOverwrite :: IO Bool
335 maybeOverwrite =
336 promptRun
337 "Existing file found while installing symlink. Do you want to overwrite that file? (y/n)"
338 overwrite
340 promptRun :: String -> IO Bool -> IO Bool
341 promptRun s m = do
342 a <- runPromptIO $ promptYesNo s MandatoryPrompt
343 if a then m else pure a
345 -- | Check a file path of a symlink that we would like to create to see if it
346 -- is OK. For it to be OK to overwrite it must either not already exist yet or
347 -- be a symlink to our target (in which case we can assume ownership).
348 targetOkToOverwrite
349 :: FilePath
350 -- ^ The file path of the symlink to the private
351 -- binary that we would like to create
352 -> FilePath
353 -- ^ The canonical path of the private binary.
354 -- Use 'canonicalizePath' to make this.
355 -> IO SymlinkStatus
356 targetOkToOverwrite symlink target = handleNotExist $ do
357 isLink <- pathIsSymbolicLink symlink
358 if not isLink
359 then return NotOurFile
360 else do
361 target' <- canonicalizePath =<< getSymbolicLinkTarget symlink
362 -- This partially relies on canonicalizePath handling symlinks
363 if target == target'
364 then return OkToOverwrite
365 else return NotOurFile
366 where
367 handleNotExist action = catchIO action $ \ioexception ->
368 -- If the target doesn't exist then there's no problem overwriting it!
369 if isDoesNotExistError ioexception
370 then return NotExists
371 else ioError ioexception
373 data SymlinkStatus
374 = -- | The file doesn't exist so we can make a symlink.
375 NotExists
376 | -- | A symlink already exists, though it is ours. We'll
377 -- have to delete it first before we make a new symlink.
378 OkToOverwrite
379 | -- | A file already exists and it is not one of our existing
380 -- symlinks (either because it is not a symlink or because
381 -- it points somewhere other than our managed space).
382 NotOurFile
383 deriving (Show)
385 -- | Take two canonical paths and produce a relative path to get from the first
386 -- to the second, even if it means adding @..@ path components.
387 makeRelative :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
388 makeRelative a b =
389 assert (isAbsolute a && isAbsolute b) $
390 let as = splitPath a
391 bs = splitPath b
392 commonLen = length $ takeWhile id $ zipWith (==) as bs
393 in joinPath $
394 [".." | _ <- drop commonLen as]
395 ++ drop commonLen bs
397 -- | Try to make a symlink in a temporary directory.
399 -- If this works, we can try to symlink: even on Windows.
400 trySymlink :: Verbosity -> IO Bool
401 trySymlink verbosity = do
402 tmp <- getTemporaryDirectory
403 withTempDirectory verbosity tmp "cabal-symlink-test" $ \tmpDirPath -> do
404 let from = tmpDirPath </> "file.txt"
405 let to = tmpDirPath </> "file2.txt"
407 -- create a file
408 BS.writeFile from (BS8.pack "TEST")
410 -- create a symbolic link
411 let create :: IO Bool
412 create = do
413 createFileLink from to
414 info verbosity $ "Symlinking seems to work"
415 return True
417 create `catchIO` \exc -> do
418 info verbosity $ "Symlinking doesn't seem to be working: " ++ show exc
419 return False