Regen cabal help after #9583
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / List.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- |
8 -- Module : Distribution.Client.List
9 -- Copyright : (c) David Himmelstrup 2005
10 -- Duncan Coutts 2008-2011
11 -- License : BSD-like
13 -- Maintainer :
15 -- Search for and print information about packages
16 module Distribution.Client.List
17 ( list
18 , info
19 ) where
21 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
22 import Prelude ()
24 import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Installed
25 import Distribution.License (License)
26 import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
27 import Distribution.Package
28 ( Package (..)
29 , PackageName
30 , UnitId
31 , packageName
32 , packageVersion
34 import Distribution.PackageDescription
35 ( PackageFlag (..)
36 , unFlagName
38 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as Source
39 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
40 ( flattenPackageDescription
42 import Distribution.Types.Dependency
43 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
45 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
46 import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (InstalledPackageIndex)
47 import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as InstalledPackageIndex
48 import Distribution.Simple.Program (ProgramDb)
49 import Distribution.Simple.Setup (fromFlag, fromFlagOrDefault)
50 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
51 ( dieWithException
52 , equating
53 , notice
55 import Distribution.Version
56 ( Version
57 , VersionRange
58 , anyVersion
59 , intersectVersionRanges
60 , mkVersion
61 , simplifyVersionRange
62 , versionNumbers
63 , withinRange
66 import qualified Distribution.SPDX as SPDX
68 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageConstraint
69 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
70 import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage
72 import Distribution.Client.FetchUtils
73 ( isFetched
75 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils as IndexUtils
76 ( getInstalledPackages
77 , getSourcePackages
79 import Distribution.Client.Setup
80 ( GlobalFlags (..)
81 , InfoFlags (..)
82 , ListFlags (..)
83 , RepoContext (..)
85 import Distribution.Client.Targets
86 ( UserTarget
87 , resolveUserTargets
89 import Distribution.Client.Types
90 ( PackageSpecifier (..)
91 , SourcePackageDb (..)
92 , UnresolvedSourcePackage
94 import Distribution.Client.Utils
95 ( MergeResult (..)
96 , mergeBy
99 import Control.Exception
100 ( assert
102 import Data.Bits ((.|.))
103 import Data.List
104 ( maximumBy
106 import qualified Data.List as L
107 import Data.List.NonEmpty (groupBy)
108 import qualified Data.Map as Map
109 import Data.Maybe
110 ( fromJust
112 import Data.Tree as Tree
113 import System.Directory
114 ( doesDirectoryExist
116 import Text.PrettyPrint
117 ( Doc
118 , char
119 , fsep
120 , lineLength
121 , nest
122 , parens
123 , renderStyle
124 , ribbonsPerLine
125 , style
126 , text
127 , vcat
128 , ($+$)
130 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
132 import Distribution.Client.Errors
133 import Distribution.Utils.ShortText (ShortText)
134 import qualified Distribution.Utils.ShortText as ShortText
135 import qualified Text.Regex.Base as Regex
136 import qualified Text.Regex.Posix.String as Regex
138 -- | Return a list of packages matching given search strings.
139 getPkgList
140 :: Verbosity
141 -> PackageDBStackCWD
142 -> RepoContext
143 -> Maybe (Compiler, ProgramDb)
144 -> ListFlags
145 -> [String]
146 -> IO [PackageDisplayInfo]
147 getPkgList verbosity packageDBs repoCtxt mcompprogdb listFlags pats = do
148 installedPkgIndex <- for mcompprogdb $ \(comp, progdb) ->
149 getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDBs progdb
150 sourcePkgDb <- getSourcePackages verbosity repoCtxt
152 regexps <- for pats $ \pat -> do
153 e <- Regex.compile compOption Regex.execBlank pat
154 case e of
155 Right r -> return r
156 Left err -> dieWithException verbosity $ GetPkgList pat err
158 let sourcePkgIndex = packageIndex sourcePkgDb
159 prefs name =
160 fromMaybe
161 anyVersion
162 (Map.lookup name (packagePreferences sourcePkgDb))
164 pkgsInfoMatching
165 :: [(PackageName, [Installed.InstalledPackageInfo], [UnresolvedSourcePackage])]
166 pkgsInfoMatching =
167 let matchingInstalled = maybe [] (matchingPackages InstalledPackageIndex.searchWithPredicate regexps) installedPkgIndex
168 matchingSource = matchingPackages (\idx n -> concatMap snd (PackageIndex.searchWithPredicate idx n)) regexps sourcePkgIndex
169 in mergePackages matchingInstalled matchingSource
171 pkgsInfo
172 :: [(PackageName, [Installed.InstalledPackageInfo], [UnresolvedSourcePackage])]
173 pkgsInfo
174 -- gather info for all packages
175 | null regexps =
176 mergePackages
177 (maybe [] InstalledPackageIndex.allPackages installedPkgIndex)
178 (PackageIndex.allPackages sourcePkgIndex)
179 -- gather info for packages matching search term
180 | otherwise = pkgsInfoMatching
182 matches :: [PackageDisplayInfo]
183 matches =
184 [ mergePackageInfo
185 pref
186 installedPkgs
187 sourcePkgs
188 selectedPkg
189 False
190 | (pkgname, installedPkgs, sourcePkgs) <- pkgsInfo
191 , not onlyInstalled || not (null installedPkgs)
192 , let pref = prefs pkgname
193 selectedPkg = latestWithPref pref sourcePkgs
195 return matches
196 where
197 onlyInstalled = fromFlagOrDefault False (listInstalled listFlags)
198 caseInsensitive = fromFlagOrDefault True (listCaseInsensitive listFlags)
200 compOption
201 | caseInsensitive = Regex.compExtended .|. Regex.compIgnoreCase
202 | otherwise = Regex.compExtended
204 matchingPackages search regexps index =
205 [ pkg
206 | re <- regexps
207 , pkg <- search index (Regex.matchTest re)
210 -- | Show information about packages.
211 list
212 :: Verbosity
213 -> PackageDBStackCWD
214 -> RepoContext
215 -> Maybe (Compiler, ProgramDb)
216 -> ListFlags
217 -> [String]
218 -> IO ()
219 list verbosity packageDBs repos mcompProgdb listFlags pats = do
220 matches <- getPkgList verbosity packageDBs repos mcompProgdb listFlags pats
222 if simpleOutput
223 then
224 putStr $
225 unlines
226 [ prettyShow (pkgName pkg) ++ " " ++ prettyShow version
227 | pkg <- matches
228 , version <-
229 if onlyInstalled
230 then installedVersions pkg
231 else
232 nub . sort $
233 installedVersions pkg
234 ++ sourceVersions pkg
236 else -- Note: this only works because for 'list', one cannot currently
237 -- specify any version constraints, so listing all installed
238 -- and source ones works.
240 if null matches
241 then notice verbosity "No matches found."
242 else putStr $ unlines (map showPackageSummaryInfo matches)
243 where
244 onlyInstalled = fromFlag (listInstalled listFlags)
245 simpleOutput = fromFlag (listSimpleOutput listFlags)
247 info
248 :: Verbosity
249 -> PackageDBStackCWD
250 -> RepoContext
251 -> Compiler
252 -> ProgramDb
253 -> GlobalFlags
254 -> InfoFlags
255 -> [UserTarget]
256 -> IO ()
257 info verbosity _ _ _ _ _ _ [] =
258 notice verbosity "No packages requested. Nothing to do."
259 info
260 verbosity
261 packageDBs
262 repoCtxt
263 comp
264 progdb
266 _listFlags
267 userTargets = do
268 installedPkgIndex <- getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDBs progdb
269 sourcePkgDb <- getSourcePackages verbosity repoCtxt
270 let sourcePkgIndex = packageIndex sourcePkgDb
271 prefs name =
272 fromMaybe
273 anyVersion
274 (Map.lookup name (packagePreferences sourcePkgDb))
276 -- Users may specify names of packages that are only installed, not
277 -- just available source packages, so we must resolve targets using
278 -- the combination of installed and source packages.
279 let sourcePkgs' =
280 PackageIndex.fromList $
282 packageId
283 (InstalledPackageIndex.allPackages installedPkgIndex)
284 ++ map
285 packageId
286 (PackageIndex.allPackages sourcePkgIndex)
287 pkgSpecifiers <-
288 resolveUserTargets
289 verbosity
290 repoCtxt
291 sourcePkgs'
292 userTargets
294 pkgsinfo <-
295 sequenceA
296 [ do
297 pkginfo <-
298 either (dieWithException verbosity) return $
299 gatherPkgInfo
300 prefs
301 installedPkgIndex
302 sourcePkgIndex
303 pkgSpecifier
304 updateFileSystemPackageDetails pkginfo
305 | pkgSpecifier <- pkgSpecifiers
308 putStr $ unlines (map showPackageDetailedInfo pkgsinfo)
309 where
310 gatherPkgInfo
311 :: (PackageName -> VersionRange)
312 -> InstalledPackageIndex
313 -> PackageIndex.PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage
314 -> PackageSpecifier UnresolvedSourcePackage
315 -> Either CabalInstallException PackageDisplayInfo
316 gatherPkgInfo
317 prefs
318 installedPkgIndex
319 sourcePkgIndex
320 (NamedPackage name props)
321 | null (selectedInstalledPkgs) && null (selectedSourcePkgs) =
322 Left $ GatherPkgInfo name (simplifyVersionRange verConstraint)
323 | otherwise =
324 Right $
325 mergePackageInfo
326 pref
327 installedPkgs
328 sourcePkgs
329 selectedSourcePkg'
330 showPkgVersion
331 where
332 (pref, installedPkgs, sourcePkgs) =
333 sourcePkgsInfo prefs name installedPkgIndex sourcePkgIndex
335 selectedInstalledPkgs =
336 InstalledPackageIndex.lookupDependency
337 installedPkgIndex
338 name
339 verConstraint
340 selectedSourcePkgs =
341 PackageIndex.lookupDependency
342 sourcePkgIndex
343 name
344 verConstraint
345 selectedSourcePkg' = latestWithPref pref selectedSourcePkgs
347 -- display a specific package version if the user
348 -- supplied a non-trivial version constraint
349 showPkgVersion = not (null verConstraints)
350 verConstraint = foldr intersectVersionRanges anyVersion verConstraints
351 verConstraints = [vr | PackagePropertyVersion vr <- props]
352 gatherPkgInfo
353 prefs
354 installedPkgIndex
355 sourcePkgIndex
356 (SpecificSourcePackage pkg) =
357 Right $
358 mergePackageInfo
359 pref
360 installedPkgs
361 sourcePkgs
362 selectedPkg
363 True
364 where
365 name = packageName pkg
366 selectedPkg = Just pkg
367 (pref, installedPkgs, sourcePkgs) =
368 sourcePkgsInfo prefs name installedPkgIndex sourcePkgIndex
370 sourcePkgsInfo
371 :: (PackageName -> VersionRange)
372 -> PackageName
373 -> InstalledPackageIndex
374 -> PackageIndex.PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage
375 -> (VersionRange, [Installed.InstalledPackageInfo], [UnresolvedSourcePackage])
376 sourcePkgsInfo prefs name installedPkgIndex sourcePkgIndex =
377 (pref, installedPkgs, sourcePkgs)
378 where
379 pref = prefs name
380 installedPkgs =
381 concatMap
383 ( InstalledPackageIndex.lookupPackageName
384 installedPkgIndex
385 name
387 sourcePkgs = PackageIndex.lookupPackageName sourcePkgIndex name
389 -- | The info that we can display for each package. It is information per
390 -- package name and covers all installed and available versions.
391 data PackageDisplayInfo = PackageDisplayInfo
392 { pkgName :: PackageName
393 , selectedVersion :: Maybe Version
394 , selectedSourcePkg :: Maybe UnresolvedSourcePackage
395 , installedVersions :: [Version]
396 , sourceVersions :: [Version]
397 , preferredVersions :: VersionRange
398 , homepage :: ShortText
399 , bugReports :: ShortText
400 , sourceRepo :: String -- TODO
401 , synopsis :: ShortText
402 , description :: ShortText
403 , category :: ShortText
404 , license :: Either SPDX.License License
405 , author :: ShortText
406 , maintainer :: ShortText
407 , dependencies :: [ExtDependency]
408 , flags :: [PackageFlag]
409 , hasLib :: Bool
410 , hasExe :: Bool
411 , executables :: [UnqualComponentName]
412 , modules :: [ModuleName]
413 , haddockHtml :: FilePath
414 , haveTarball :: Bool
417 -- | Covers source dependencies and installed dependencies in
418 -- one type.
419 data ExtDependency
420 = SourceDependency Dependency
421 | InstalledDependency UnitId
423 showPackageSummaryInfo :: PackageDisplayInfo -> String
424 showPackageSummaryInfo pkginfo =
425 renderStyle (style{lineLength = 80, ribbonsPerLine = 1}) $
426 char '*'
427 <+> pretty (pkgName pkginfo)
428 $+$ nest
430 ( vcat
431 [ maybeShowST (synopsis pkginfo) "Synopsis:" reflowParagraphs
432 , text "Default available version:"
433 <+> case selectedSourcePkg pkginfo of
434 Nothing -> text "[ Not available from any configured repository ]"
435 Just pkg -> pretty (packageVersion pkg)
436 , text "Installed versions:"
437 <+> case installedVersions pkginfo of
439 | hasLib pkginfo -> text "[ Not installed ]"
440 | otherwise -> text "[ Unknown ]"
441 versions ->
442 dispTopVersions
444 (preferredVersions pkginfo)
445 versions
446 , maybeShowST (homepage pkginfo) "Homepage:" text
447 , text "License: " <+> either pretty pretty (license pkginfo)
450 $+$ text ""
451 where
452 maybeShowST l s f
453 | ShortText.null l = Disp.empty
454 | otherwise = text s <+> f (ShortText.fromShortText l)
456 showPackageDetailedInfo :: PackageDisplayInfo -> String
457 showPackageDetailedInfo pkginfo =
458 renderStyle (style{lineLength = 80, ribbonsPerLine = 1}) $
459 char '*'
460 <+> pretty (pkgName pkginfo)
461 <<>> maybe Disp.empty (\v -> char '-' Disp.<> pretty v) (selectedVersion pkginfo)
462 <+> text (replicate (16 - length (prettyShow (pkgName pkginfo))) ' ')
463 <<>> parens pkgkind
464 $+$ nest
466 ( vcat
467 [ entryST "Synopsis" synopsis hideIfNull reflowParagraphs
468 , entry
469 "Versions available"
470 sourceVersions
471 (altText null "[ Not available from server ]")
472 (dispTopVersions 9 (preferredVersions pkginfo))
473 , entry
474 "Versions installed"
475 installedVersions
476 ( altText
477 null
478 ( if hasLib pkginfo
479 then "[ Not installed ]"
480 else "[ Unknown ]"
483 (dispTopVersions 4 (preferredVersions pkginfo))
484 , entryST "Homepage" homepage orNotSpecified text
485 , entryST "Bug reports" bugReports orNotSpecified text
486 , entryST "Description" description hideIfNull reflowParagraphs
487 , entryST "Category" category hideIfNull text
488 , entry "License" license alwaysShow (either pretty pretty)
489 , entryST "Author" author hideIfNull reflowLines
490 , entryST "Maintainer" maintainer hideIfNull reflowLines
491 , entry "Source repo" sourceRepo orNotSpecified text
492 , entry "Executables" executables hideIfNull (commaSep pretty)
493 , entry "Flags" flags hideIfNull (commaSep dispFlag)
494 , entry "Dependencies" dependencies hideIfNull (commaSep dispExtDep)
495 , entry "Documentation" haddockHtml showIfInstalled text
496 , entry "Cached" haveTarball alwaysShow dispYesNo
497 , if not (hasLib pkginfo)
498 then mempty
499 else text "Modules:" $+$ nest 4 (vcat (map pretty . sort . modules $ pkginfo))
502 $+$ text ""
503 where
504 entry fname field cond format = case cond (field pkginfo) of
505 Nothing -> label <+> format (field pkginfo)
506 Just Nothing -> mempty
507 Just (Just other) -> label <+> text other
508 where
509 label = text fname Disp.<> char ':' Disp.<> padding
510 padding = text (replicate (13 - length fname) ' ')
512 entryST fname field = entry fname (ShortText.fromShortText . field)
514 normal = Nothing
515 hide = Just Nothing
516 replace msg = Just (Just msg)
518 alwaysShow = const normal
519 hideIfNull v = if null v then hide else normal
520 showIfInstalled v
521 | not isInstalled = hide
522 | null v = replace "[ Not installed ]"
523 | otherwise = normal
524 altText nul msg v = if nul v then replace msg else normal
525 orNotSpecified = altText null "[ Not specified ]"
527 commaSep f = Disp.fsep . Disp.punctuate (Disp.char ',') . map f
528 dispFlag = text . unFlagName . flagName
529 dispYesNo True = text "Yes"
530 dispYesNo False = text "No"
532 dispExtDep (SourceDependency dep) = pretty dep
533 dispExtDep (InstalledDependency dep) = pretty dep
535 isInstalled = not (null (installedVersions pkginfo))
536 hasExes = length (executables pkginfo) >= 2
537 -- TODO: exclude non-buildable exes
538 pkgkind
539 | hasLib pkginfo && hasExes = text "programs and library"
540 | hasLib pkginfo && hasExe pkginfo = text "program and library"
541 | hasLib pkginfo = text "library"
542 | hasExes = text "programs"
543 | hasExe pkginfo = text "program"
544 | otherwise = mempty
546 reflowParagraphs :: String -> Doc
547 reflowParagraphs =
548 vcat
549 . intersperse (text "") -- re-insert blank lines
550 . map (fsep . map text . concatMap words) -- reflow paragraphs
551 . filter (/= [""])
552 . L.groupBy (\x y -> "" `notElem` [x, y]) -- break on blank lines
553 . lines
555 reflowLines :: String -> Doc
556 reflowLines = vcat . map text . lines
558 -- | We get the 'PackageDisplayInfo' by combining the info for the installed
559 -- and available versions of a package.
561 -- * We're building info about a various versions of a single named package so
562 -- the input package info records are all supposed to refer to the same
563 -- package name.
564 mergePackageInfo
565 :: VersionRange
566 -> [Installed.InstalledPackageInfo]
567 -> [UnresolvedSourcePackage]
568 -> Maybe UnresolvedSourcePackage
569 -> Bool
570 -> PackageDisplayInfo
571 mergePackageInfo versionPref installedPkgs sourcePkgs selectedPkg showVer =
572 assert (length installedPkgs + length sourcePkgs > 0) $
573 PackageDisplayInfo
574 { pkgName =
575 combine
576 packageName
577 source
578 packageName
579 installed
580 , selectedVersion =
581 if showVer
582 then fmap packageVersion selectedPkg
583 else Nothing
584 , selectedSourcePkg = sourceSelected
585 , installedVersions = map packageVersion installedPkgs
586 , sourceVersions = map packageVersion sourcePkgs
587 , preferredVersions = versionPref
588 , license =
589 combine
590 Source.licenseRaw
591 source
592 Installed.license
593 installed
594 , maintainer =
595 combine
596 Source.maintainer
597 source
598 Installed.maintainer
599 installed
600 , author =
601 combine
603 source
605 installed
606 , homepage =
607 combine
608 Source.homepage
609 source
610 Installed.homepage
611 installed
612 , bugReports = maybe mempty Source.bugReports source
613 , sourceRepo =
614 fromMaybe mempty
615 . join
616 . fmap
617 ( uncons Nothing Source.repoLocation
618 . sortBy (comparing Source.repoKind)
619 . Source.sourceRepos
621 $ source
622 , -- TODO: installed package info is missing synopsis
623 synopsis = maybe mempty Source.synopsis source
624 , description =
625 combine
626 Source.description
627 source
628 Installed.description
629 installed
630 , category =
631 combine
632 Source.category
633 source
634 Installed.category
635 installed
636 , flags = maybe [] Source.genPackageFlags sourceGeneric
637 , hasLib =
638 isJust installed
639 || maybe False (isJust . Source.condLibrary) sourceGeneric
640 , hasExe = maybe False (not . null . Source.condExecutables) sourceGeneric
641 , executables = map fst (maybe [] Source.condExecutables sourceGeneric)
642 , modules =
643 combine
644 (map Installed.exposedName . Installed.exposedModules)
645 installed
646 -- NB: only for the PUBLIC library
647 (concatMap getListOfExposedModules . maybeToList . Source.library)
648 source
649 , dependencies =
650 combine
651 ( map (SourceDependency . simplifyDependency)
652 . Source.allBuildDepends
654 source
655 (map InstalledDependency . Installed.depends)
656 installed
657 , haddockHtml =
658 fromMaybe ""
659 . join
660 . fmap (listToMaybe . Installed.haddockHTMLs)
661 $ installed
662 , haveTarball = False
664 where
665 combine f x g y = fromJust (fmap f x `mplus` fmap g y)
666 installed :: Maybe Installed.InstalledPackageInfo
667 installed = latestWithPref versionPref installedPkgs
669 getListOfExposedModules lib =
670 Source.exposedModules lib
671 ++ map
672 Source.moduleReexportName
673 (Source.reexportedModules lib)
675 sourceSelected
676 | isJust selectedPkg = selectedPkg
677 | otherwise = latestWithPref versionPref sourcePkgs
678 sourceGeneric = fmap srcpkgDescription sourceSelected
679 source = fmap flattenPackageDescription sourceGeneric
681 uncons :: b -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> b
682 uncons z _ [] = z
683 uncons _ f (x : _) = f x
685 -- | Not all the info is pure. We have to check if the docs really are
686 -- installed, because the registered package info lies. Similarly we have to
687 -- check if the tarball has indeed been fetched.
688 updateFileSystemPackageDetails :: PackageDisplayInfo -> IO PackageDisplayInfo
689 updateFileSystemPackageDetails pkginfo = do
690 fetched <-
691 maybe
692 (return False)
693 (isFetched . srcpkgSource)
694 (selectedSourcePkg pkginfo)
695 docsExist <- doesDirectoryExist (haddockHtml pkginfo)
696 return
697 pkginfo
698 { haveTarball = fetched
699 , haddockHtml = if docsExist then haddockHtml pkginfo else ""
702 latestWithPref :: Package pkg => VersionRange -> [pkg] -> Maybe pkg
703 latestWithPref _ [] = Nothing
704 latestWithPref pref pkgs = Just (maximumBy (comparing prefThenVersion) pkgs)
705 where
706 prefThenVersion pkg =
707 let ver = packageVersion pkg
708 in (withinRange ver pref, ver)
710 -- | Rearrange installed and source packages into groups referring to the
711 -- same package by name. In the result pairs, the lists are guaranteed to not
712 -- both be empty.
713 mergePackages
714 :: [Installed.InstalledPackageInfo]
715 -> [UnresolvedSourcePackage]
716 -> [ ( PackageName
717 , [Installed.InstalledPackageInfo]
718 , [UnresolvedSourcePackage]
721 mergePackages installedPkgs sourcePkgs =
722 map collect $
723 mergeBy
724 (\i a -> fst i `compare` fst a)
725 (groupOn packageName installedPkgs)
726 (groupOn packageName sourcePkgs)
727 where
728 collect (OnlyInLeft (name, is)) = (name, is, [])
729 collect (InBoth (_, is) (name, as)) = (name, is, as)
730 collect (OnlyInRight (name, as)) = (name, [], as)
732 groupOn :: Ord key => (a -> key) -> [a] -> [(key, [a])]
733 groupOn key =
734 map (\xs -> (key (head xs), toList xs))
735 . groupBy (equating key)
736 . sortBy (comparing key)
738 dispTopVersions :: Int -> VersionRange -> [Version] -> Doc
739 dispTopVersions n pref vs =
740 ( Disp.fsep
741 . Disp.punctuate (Disp.char ',')
742 . map (\ver -> if ispref ver then pretty ver else parens (pretty ver))
743 . sort
744 . take n
745 . interestingVersions ispref
746 $ vs
748 <+> trailingMessage
749 where
750 ispref ver = withinRange ver pref
751 extra = length vs - n
752 trailingMessage
753 | extra <= 0 = Disp.empty
754 | otherwise =
755 Disp.parens $
756 Disp.text "and"
757 <+> (length vs - n)
758 <+> if extra == 1
759 then Disp.text "other"
760 else Disp.text "others"
762 -- | Reorder a bunch of versions to put the most interesting / significant
763 -- versions first. A preferred version range is taken into account.
765 -- This may be used in a user interface to select a small number of versions
766 -- to present to the user, e.g.
768 -- > let selectVersions = sort . take 5 . interestingVersions pref
769 interestingVersions :: (Version -> Bool) -> [Version] -> [Version]
770 interestingVersions pref =
771 map (mkVersion . fst)
772 . filter snd
773 . concat
774 . Tree.levels
775 . swizzleTree
776 . reorderTree (\(Node (v, _) _) -> pref (mkVersion v))
777 . reverseTree
778 . mkTree
779 . map (or0 . versionNumbers)
780 where
781 or0 [] = 0 :| []
782 or0 (x : xs) = x :| xs
784 swizzleTree = unfoldTree (spine [])
785 where
786 spine ts' (Node x []) = (x, ts')
787 spine ts' (Node x (t : ts)) = spine (Node x ts : ts') t
789 reorderTree _ (Node x []) = Node x []
790 reorderTree p (Node x ts) = Node x (ts' ++ ts'')
791 where
792 (ts', ts'') = partition p (map (reorderTree p) ts)
794 reverseTree (Node x cs) = Node x (reverse (map reverseTree cs))
796 mkTree :: forall a. Eq a => [NonEmpty a] -> Tree ([a], Bool)
797 mkTree xs = unfoldTree step (False, [], xs)
798 where
799 step :: (Bool, [a], [NonEmpty a]) -> (([a], Bool), [(Bool, [a], [NonEmpty a])])
800 step (node, ns, vs) =
801 ( (reverse ns, node)
802 , [ (any null vs', n : ns, mapMaybe nonEmpty (toList vs'))
803 | (n, vs') <- groups vs
807 groups :: [NonEmpty a] -> [(a, NonEmpty [a])]
808 groups =
809 map (\g -> (head (head g), fmap tail g))
810 . groupBy (equating head)