Regen cabal help after #9583
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / Nix.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
4 module Distribution.Client.Nix
5 ( findNixExpr
6 , inNixShell
7 , nixInstantiate
8 , nixShell
9 ) where
11 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
13 import Control.Exception (bracket)
14 import System.Directory
15 ( canonicalizePath
16 , createDirectoryIfMissing
17 , doesDirectoryExist
18 , doesFileExist
19 , removeDirectoryRecursive
20 , removeFile
22 import System.Environment (getArgs, getExecutablePath)
23 import System.FilePath
24 ( replaceExtension
25 , takeDirectory
26 , takeFileName
27 , (</>)
29 import System.IO (IOMode (..), hClose, openFile)
30 import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
31 import System.Process (showCommandForUser)
33 import Distribution.Compat.Environment
34 ( lookupEnv
35 , setEnv
36 , unsetEnv
39 import Distribution.Simple.Program
40 ( Program (..)
41 , ProgramDb
42 , addKnownProgram
43 , configureProgram
44 , emptyProgramDb
45 , getDbProgramOutput
46 , runDbProgram
47 , simpleProgram
49 import Distribution.Simple.Setup (fromFlagOrDefault)
50 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (debug, existsAndIsMoreRecentThan, warn)
52 import Distribution.Client.Config (SavedConfig (..))
53 import Distribution.Client.GlobalFlags (GlobalFlags (..))
55 configureOneProgram :: Verbosity -> Program -> IO ProgramDb
56 configureOneProgram verb prog =
57 configureProgram verb prog (addKnownProgram prog emptyProgramDb)
59 touchFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
60 touchFile path = do
61 catch (removeFile path) (\e -> when (isDoesNotExistError e) (return ()))
62 createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path)
63 openFile path WriteMode >>= hClose
65 findNixExpr :: GlobalFlags -> SavedConfig -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
66 findNixExpr globalFlags config = do
67 -- criteria for deciding to run nix-shell
68 let nixEnabled =
69 fromFlagOrDefault
70 False
71 (globalNix (savedGlobalFlags config) <> globalNix globalFlags)
73 if nixEnabled
74 then do
75 let exprPaths = ["shell.nix", "default.nix"]
76 filterM doesFileExist exprPaths >>= \case
77 [] -> return Nothing
78 (path : _) -> return (Just path)
79 else return Nothing
81 -- set IN_NIX_SHELL so that builtins.getEnv in Nix works as in nix-shell
82 inFakeNixShell :: IO a -> IO a
83 inFakeNixShell f =
84 bracket (fakeEnv "IN_NIX_SHELL" "1") (resetEnv "IN_NIX_SHELL") (\_ -> f)
85 where
86 fakeEnv var new = do
87 old <- lookupEnv var
88 setEnv var new
89 return old
90 resetEnv var = maybe (unsetEnv var) (setEnv var)
92 nixInstantiate
93 :: Verbosity
94 -> FilePath
95 -> Bool
96 -> GlobalFlags
97 -> SavedConfig
98 -> IO ()
99 nixInstantiate verb dist force' globalFlags config =
100 findNixExpr globalFlags config >>= \case
101 Nothing -> return ()
102 Just shellNix -> do
103 alreadyInShell <- inNixShell
104 shellDrv <- drvPath dist shellNix
105 instantiated <- doesFileExist shellDrv
106 -- an extra timestamp file is necessary because the derivation lives in
107 -- the store so its mtime is always 1.
108 let timestamp = timestampPath dist shellNix
109 upToDate <- existsAndIsMoreRecentThan timestamp shellNix
111 let ready = alreadyInShell || (instantiated && upToDate && not force')
112 unless ready $ do
113 let prog = simpleProgram "nix-instantiate"
114 progdb <- configureOneProgram verb prog
116 removeGCRoots verb dist
117 touchFile timestamp
119 _ <-
120 inFakeNixShell
121 ( getDbProgramOutput
122 verb
123 prog
124 progdb
125 ["--add-root", shellDrv, "--indirect", shellNix]
127 return ()
129 nixShell
130 :: Verbosity
131 -> FilePath
132 -> GlobalFlags
133 -> SavedConfig
134 -> IO ()
135 -- ^ The action to perform inside a nix-shell. This is also the action
136 -- that will be performed immediately if Nix is disabled.
137 -> IO ()
138 nixShell verb dist globalFlags config go = do
139 alreadyInShell <- inNixShell
141 if alreadyInShell
142 then go
143 else do
144 findNixExpr globalFlags config >>= \case
145 Nothing -> go
146 Just shellNix -> do
147 -- Nix integration never worked with cabal-install v2 commands ...
148 warn verb "Nix integration has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. You can learn more about it here:"
150 let prog = simpleProgram "nix-shell"
151 progdb <- configureOneProgram verb prog
153 cabal <- getExecutablePath
155 -- alreadyInShell == True in child process
156 setEnv "CABAL_IN_NIX_SHELL" "1"
158 -- Run cabal with the same arguments inside nix-shell.
159 -- When the child process reaches the top of nixShell, it will
160 -- detect that it is running inside the shell and fall back
161 -- automatically.
162 shellDrv <- drvPath dist shellNix
163 args <- getArgs
164 runDbProgram
165 verb
166 prog
167 progdb
168 [ "--add-root"
169 , gcrootPath dist </> "result"
170 , "--indirect"
171 , shellDrv
172 , "--run"
173 , showCommandForUser cabal args
176 drvPath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
177 drvPath dist path = do
178 -- We do not actually care about canonicity, but makeAbsolute is only
179 -- available in newer versions of directory.
180 -- We expect the path to be a symlink if it exists, so we do not canonicalize
181 -- the entire path because that would dereference the symlink.
182 distNix <- canonicalizePath (dist </> "nix")
183 -- Nix garbage collector roots must be absolute paths
184 return (distNix </> replaceExtension (takeFileName path) "drv")
186 timestampPath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
187 timestampPath dist path =
188 dist </> "nix" </> replaceExtension (takeFileName path) "drv.timestamp"
190 gcrootPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
191 gcrootPath dist = dist </> "nix" </> "gcroots"
193 inNixShell :: IO Bool
194 inNixShell = isJust <$> lookupEnv "CABAL_IN_NIX_SHELL"
196 removeGCRoots :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO ()
197 removeGCRoots verb dist = do
198 let tgt = gcrootPath dist
199 exists <- doesDirectoryExist tgt
200 when exists $ do
201 debug verb ("removing Nix gcroots from " ++ tgt)
202 removeDirectoryRecursive tgt