Regen cabal help after #9583
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / ParseUtils.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 -- |
10 -- Module : Distribution.Client.ParseUtils
11 -- Maintainer :
12 -- Portability : portable
14 -- Parsing utilities.
15 module Distribution.Client.ParseUtils
16 ( -- * Fields and field utilities
17 FieldDescr (..)
18 , liftField
19 , liftFields
20 , addFields
21 , aliasField
22 , filterFields
23 , mapFieldNames
24 , commandOptionToField
25 , commandOptionsToFields
27 -- * Sections and utilities
28 , SectionDescr (..)
29 , liftSection
31 -- * FieldGrammar sections
32 , FGSectionDescr (..)
34 -- * Parsing and printing flat config
35 , parseFields
36 , ppFields
37 , ppSection
39 -- * Parsing and printing config with sections and subsections
40 , parseFieldsAndSections
41 , ppFieldsAndSections
43 -- ** Top level of config files
44 , parseConfig
45 , showConfig
47 where
49 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude hiding (empty, get)
50 import Prelude ()
52 import Distribution.Deprecated.ParseUtils
53 ( Field (..)
54 , FieldDescr (..)
55 , LineNo
56 , ParseResult (..)
57 , liftField
58 , lineNo
59 , readFields
60 , warning
62 import Distribution.Deprecated.ViewAsFieldDescr
63 ( viewAsFieldDescr
66 import Distribution.Simple.Command
67 ( OptionField
70 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
71 import qualified Data.Map as Map
72 import Text.PrettyPrint (($+$))
73 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
74 ( Doc
75 , colon
76 , empty
77 , isEmpty
78 , nest
79 , text
80 , vcat
81 , (<>)
84 -- For new parser stuff
85 import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion (cabalSpecLatest)
86 import Distribution.FieldGrammar (parseFieldGrammar, partitionFields)
87 import qualified Distribution.FieldGrammar as FG
88 import qualified Distribution.Fields as F
89 import Distribution.Fields.ParseResult (runParseResult)
90 import Distribution.Parsec.Error (showPError)
91 import Distribution.Parsec.Position (Position (..))
92 import Distribution.Parsec.Warning (showPWarning)
93 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (fromUTF8BS, toUTF8BS)
95 -------------------------
96 -- FieldDescr utilities
99 liftFields
100 :: (b -> a)
101 -> (a -> b -> b)
102 -> [FieldDescr a]
103 -> [FieldDescr b]
104 liftFields get set = map (liftField get set)
106 -- | Given a collection of field descriptions, keep only a given list of them,
107 -- identified by name.
109 -- TODO: This makes it easy to footgun by providing a non-existent field name.
110 filterFields :: [String] -> [FieldDescr a] -> [FieldDescr a]
111 filterFields includeFields = filter ((`elem` includeFields) . fieldName)
113 -- | Given a collection of field descriptions, get a field with a given name.
114 getField :: String -> [FieldDescr a] -> Maybe (FieldDescr a)
115 getField name = find ((== name) . fieldName)
117 -- | Apply a name mangling function to the field names of all the field
118 -- descriptions. The typical use case is to apply some prefix.
119 mapFieldNames :: (String -> String) -> [FieldDescr a] -> [FieldDescr a]
120 mapFieldNames mangleName =
121 map (\descr -> descr{fieldName = mangleName (fieldName descr)})
123 -- | Reuse a command line 'OptionField' as a config file 'FieldDescr'.
124 commandOptionToField :: OptionField a -> FieldDescr a
125 commandOptionToField = viewAsFieldDescr
127 -- | Reuse a bunch of command line 'OptionField's as config file 'FieldDescr's.
128 commandOptionsToFields :: [OptionField a] -> [FieldDescr a]
129 commandOptionsToFields = map viewAsFieldDescr
131 -- | Add fields to a field list.
132 addFields
133 :: [FieldDescr a]
134 -> ([FieldDescr a] -> [FieldDescr a])
135 addFields = (++)
137 -- | Add a new field which is identical to an existing field but with a
138 -- different name.
139 aliasField
140 :: String
141 -- ^ The existing field name.
142 -> String
143 -- ^ The new field name.
144 -> [FieldDescr a]
145 -> [FieldDescr a]
146 aliasField oldName newName fields =
147 let fieldToRename = getField oldName fields
148 in case fieldToRename of
149 -- TODO: Should this throw?
150 Nothing -> fields
151 Just fieldToRename' ->
152 let newField = fieldToRename'{fieldName = newName}
153 in newField : fields
155 ------------------------------------------
156 -- SectionDescr definition and utilities
159 -- | The description of a section in a config file. It can contain both
160 -- fields and optionally further subsections. See also 'FieldDescr'.
161 data SectionDescr a = forall b.
162 SectionDescr
163 { sectionName :: String
164 , sectionFields :: [FieldDescr b]
165 , sectionSubsections :: [SectionDescr b]
166 , sectionGet :: a -> [(String, b)]
167 , sectionSet :: LineNo -> String -> b -> a -> ParseResult a
168 , sectionEmpty :: b
171 -- | 'FieldGrammar' section description
172 data FGSectionDescr g a = forall s.
173 FGSectionDescr
174 { fgSectionName :: String
175 , fgSectionGrammar :: g s s
176 , -- todo: add subsections?
177 fgSectionGet :: a -> [(String, s)]
178 , fgSectionSet :: LineNo -> String -> s -> a -> ParseResult a
181 -- | To help construction of config file descriptions in a modular way it is
182 -- useful to define fields and sections on local types and then hoist them
183 -- into the parent types when combining them in bigger descriptions.
185 -- This is essentially a lens operation for 'SectionDescr' to help embedding
186 -- one inside another.
187 liftSection
188 :: (b -> a)
189 -> (a -> b -> b)
190 -> SectionDescr a
191 -> SectionDescr b
192 liftSection get' set' (SectionDescr name fields sections get set empty) =
193 let sectionGet' = get . get'
194 sectionSet' lineno param x y = do
195 x' <- set lineno param x (get' y)
196 return (set' x' y)
197 in SectionDescr name fields sections sectionGet' sectionSet' empty
199 -------------------------------------
200 -- Parsing and printing flat config
203 -- | Parse a bunch of semi-parsed 'Field's according to a set of field
204 -- descriptions. It accumulates the result on top of a given initial value.
206 -- This only covers the case of flat configuration without subsections. See
207 -- also 'parseFieldsAndSections'.
208 parseFields :: [FieldDescr a] -> a -> [Field] -> ParseResult a
209 parseFields fieldDescrs =
210 foldM setField
211 where
212 fieldMap = Map.fromList [(fieldName f, f) | f <- fieldDescrs]
214 setField accum (F line name value) =
215 case Map.lookup name fieldMap of
216 Just (FieldDescr _ _ set) -> set line value accum
217 Nothing -> do
218 -- the 'world-file' field was removed in 3.8, however
219 -- it was automatically added to many config files
220 -- before that, so its warning is silently ignored
221 unless (name == "world-file") $
222 warning $
223 "Unrecognized field " ++ name ++ " on line " ++ show line
224 return accum
225 setField accum f = do
226 warning $ "Unrecognized stanza on line " ++ show (lineNo f)
227 return accum
229 -- | This is a customised version of the functions from Distribution.Deprecated.ParseUtils
230 -- that also optionally print default values for empty fields as comments.
231 ppFields :: [FieldDescr a] -> (Maybe a) -> a -> Disp.Doc
232 ppFields fields def cur =
233 Disp.vcat
234 [ ppField name (fmap getter def) (getter cur)
235 | FieldDescr name getter _ <- fields
238 ppField :: String -> (Maybe Disp.Doc) -> Disp.Doc -> Disp.Doc
239 ppField name mdef cur
240 | Disp.isEmpty cur =
241 maybe
242 Disp.empty
243 ( \def ->
244 Disp.text "--"
245 <+> Disp.text name
246 Disp.<> Disp.colon
247 <+> def
249 mdef
250 | otherwise = Disp.text name Disp.<> Disp.colon <+> cur
252 -- | Pretty print a section.
254 -- Since 'ppFields' does not cover subsections you can use this to add them.
255 -- Or alternatively use a 'SectionDescr' and use 'ppFieldsAndSections'.
256 ppSection :: String -> String -> [FieldDescr a] -> (Maybe a) -> a -> Disp.Doc
257 ppSection name arg fields def cur
258 | Disp.isEmpty fieldsDoc = Disp.empty
259 | otherwise =
260 Disp.text name
261 <+> argDoc
262 $+$ (Disp.nest 2 fieldsDoc)
263 where
264 fieldsDoc = ppFields fields def cur
265 argDoc
266 | arg == "" = Disp.empty
267 | otherwise = Disp.text arg
269 -----------------------------------------
270 -- Parsing and printing non-flat config
273 -- | Much like 'parseFields' but it also allows subsections. The permitted
274 -- subsections are given by a list of 'SectionDescr's.
275 parseFieldsAndSections
276 :: [FieldDescr a]
277 -- ^ field
278 -> [SectionDescr a]
279 -- ^ legacy sections
280 -> [FGSectionDescr FG.ParsecFieldGrammar a]
281 -- ^ FieldGrammar sections
282 -> a
283 -> [Field]
284 -> ParseResult a
285 parseFieldsAndSections fieldDescrs sectionDescrs fgSectionDescrs =
286 foldM setField
287 where
288 fieldMap = Map.fromList [(fieldName f, f) | f <- fieldDescrs]
289 sectionMap = Map.fromList [(sectionName s, s) | s <- sectionDescrs]
290 fgSectionMap = Map.fromList [(fgSectionName s, s) | s <- fgSectionDescrs]
292 setField a (F line name value) =
293 case Map.lookup name fieldMap of
294 Just (FieldDescr _ _ set) -> set line value a
295 Nothing -> do
296 warning $
297 "Unrecognized field '"
298 ++ name
299 ++ "' on line "
300 ++ show line
301 return a
302 setField a (Section line name param fields) =
303 case Left <$> Map.lookup name sectionMap <|> Right <$> Map.lookup name fgSectionMap of
304 Just (Left (SectionDescr _ fieldDescrs' sectionDescrs' _ set sectionEmpty)) -> do
305 b <- parseFieldsAndSections fieldDescrs' sectionDescrs' [] sectionEmpty fields
306 set line param b a
307 Just (Right (FGSectionDescr _ grammar _getter setter)) -> do
308 let fields1 = map convertField fields
309 (fields2, sections) = partitionFields fields1
310 -- TODO: recurse into sections
311 for_ (concat sections) $ \(FG.MkSection (F.Name (Position line' _) name') _ _) ->
312 warning $
313 "Unrecognized section '"
314 ++ fromUTF8BS name'
315 ++ "' on line "
316 ++ show line'
317 case runParseResult $ parseFieldGrammar cabalSpecLatest fields2 grammar of
318 (warnings, Right b) -> do
319 for_ warnings $ \w -> warning $ showPWarning "???" w
320 setter line param b a
321 (warnings, Left (_, errs)) -> do
322 for_ warnings $ \w -> warning $ showPWarning "???" w
323 case errs of
324 err :| _errs -> fail $ showPError "???" err
325 Nothing -> do
326 warning $
327 "Unrecognized section '"
328 ++ name
329 ++ "' on line "
330 ++ show line
331 return a
333 convertField :: Field -> F.Field Position
334 convertField (F line name str) =
335 F.Field (F.Name pos (toUTF8BS name)) [F.FieldLine pos $ toUTF8BS str]
336 where
337 pos = Position line 0
338 -- arguments omitted
339 convertField (Section line name _arg fields) =
340 F.Section (F.Name pos (toUTF8BS name)) [] (map convertField fields)
341 where
342 pos = Position line 0
344 -- | Much like 'ppFields' but also pretty prints any subsections. Subsection
345 -- are only shown if they are non-empty.
347 -- Note that unlike 'ppFields', at present it does not support printing
348 -- default values. If needed, adding such support would be quite reasonable.
349 ppFieldsAndSections :: [FieldDescr a] -> [SectionDescr a] -> [FGSectionDescr FG.PrettyFieldGrammar a] -> a -> Disp.Doc
350 ppFieldsAndSections fieldDescrs sectionDescrs fgSectionDescrs val =
351 ppFields fieldDescrs Nothing val
352 $+$ Disp.vcat
353 ( [ Disp.text "" $+$ sectionDoc
354 | SectionDescr
355 { sectionName
356 , sectionGet
357 , sectionFields
358 , sectionSubsections
359 } <-
360 sectionDescrs
361 , (param, x) <- sectionGet val
362 , let sectionDoc =
363 ppSectionAndSubsections
364 sectionName
365 param
366 sectionFields
367 sectionSubsections
370 , not (Disp.isEmpty sectionDoc)
372 ++ [ Disp.text "" $+$ sectionDoc
373 | FGSectionDescr{fgSectionName, fgSectionGrammar, fgSectionGet} <- fgSectionDescrs
374 , (param, x) <- fgSectionGet val
375 , let sectionDoc = ppFgSection fgSectionName param fgSectionGrammar x
376 , not (Disp.isEmpty sectionDoc)
380 -- | Unlike 'ppSection' which has to be called directly, this gets used via
381 -- 'ppFieldsAndSections' and so does not need to be exported.
382 ppSectionAndSubsections
383 :: String
384 -> String
385 -> [FieldDescr a]
386 -> [SectionDescr a]
387 -> [FGSectionDescr FG.PrettyFieldGrammar a]
388 -> a
389 -> Disp.Doc
390 ppSectionAndSubsections name arg fields sections fgSections cur
391 | Disp.isEmpty fieldsDoc = Disp.empty
392 | otherwise =
393 Disp.text name
394 <+> argDoc
395 $+$ (Disp.nest 2 fieldsDoc)
396 where
397 fieldsDoc = showConfig fields sections fgSections cur
398 argDoc
399 | arg == "" = Disp.empty
400 | otherwise = Disp.text arg
402 -- |
404 -- TODO: subsections
405 -- TODO: this should simply build 'PrettyField'
406 ppFgSection
407 :: String
408 -- ^ section name
409 -> String
410 -- ^ parameter
411 -> FG.PrettyFieldGrammar a a
412 -> a
413 -> Disp.Doc
414 ppFgSection secName arg grammar x
415 | null prettyFields = Disp.empty
416 | otherwise =
417 Disp.text secName
418 <+> argDoc
419 $+$ (Disp.nest 2 fieldsDoc)
420 where
421 prettyFields = FG.prettyFieldGrammar cabalSpecLatest grammar x
423 argDoc
424 | arg == "" = Disp.empty
425 | otherwise = Disp.text arg
427 fieldsDoc =
428 Disp.vcat
429 [ Disp.text fname' <<>> Disp.colon <<>> doc
430 | F.PrettyField _ fname doc <- prettyFields -- TODO: this skips sections
431 , let fname' = fromUTF8BS fname
434 -----------------------------------------------
435 -- Top level config file parsing and printing
438 -- | Parse a string in the config file syntax into a value, based on a
439 -- description of the configuration file in terms of its fields and sections.
441 -- It accumulates the result on top of a given initial (typically empty) value.
442 parseConfig
443 :: [FieldDescr a]
444 -> [SectionDescr a]
445 -> [FGSectionDescr FG.ParsecFieldGrammar a]
446 -> a
447 -> BS.ByteString
448 -> ParseResult a
449 parseConfig fieldDescrs sectionDescrs fgSectionDescrs empty str =
450 parseFieldsAndSections fieldDescrs sectionDescrs fgSectionDescrs empty
451 =<< readFields str
453 -- | Render a value in the config file syntax, based on a description of the
454 -- configuration file in terms of its fields and sections.
455 showConfig :: [FieldDescr a] -> [SectionDescr a] -> [FGSectionDescr FG.PrettyFieldGrammar a] -> a -> Disp.Doc
456 showConfig = ppFieldsAndSections