Regen cabal help after #9583
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / SourceFiles.hs
1 -- | Contains an @sdist@ like function which computes the source files
2 -- that we should track to determine if a rebuild is necessary.
3 -- Unlike @sdist@, we can operate directly on the true
4 -- 'PackageDescription' (not flattened).
5 --
6 -- The naming convention, roughly, is that to declare we need the
7 -- source for some type T, you use the function needT; some functions
8 -- need auxiliary information.
9 --
10 -- We can only use this code for non-Custom scripts; Custom scripts
11 -- may have arbitrary extra dependencies (esp. new preprocessors) which
12 -- we cannot "see" easily.
13 module Distribution.Client.SourceFiles (needElaboratedConfiguredPackage) where
15 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
17 import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning.Types
18 import Distribution.Client.RebuildMonad
20 import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza
22 import Distribution.Simple.Glob (matchDirFileGlobWithDie)
23 import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess
25 import Distribution.Types.Benchmark
26 import Distribution.Types.BenchmarkInterface
27 import Distribution.Types.BuildInfo
28 import Distribution.Types.Component
29 import Distribution.Types.ComponentRequestedSpec (ComponentRequestedSpec)
30 import Distribution.Types.Executable
31 import Distribution.Types.ForeignLib
32 import Distribution.Types.Library
33 import Distribution.Types.PackageDescription
34 import Distribution.Types.TestSuite
35 import Distribution.Types.TestSuiteInterface
36 import Distribution.Utils.Path
38 import Distribution.ModuleName
40 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
41 import Distribution.Verbosity (normal)
42 import Prelude ()
44 import System.FilePath
46 needElaboratedConfiguredPackage :: ElaboratedConfiguredPackage -> Rebuild ()
47 needElaboratedConfiguredPackage elab =
48 case elabPkgOrComp elab of
49 ElabComponent ecomp -> needElaboratedComponent elab ecomp
50 ElabPackage epkg -> needElaboratedPackage elab epkg
52 needElaboratedPackage :: ElaboratedConfiguredPackage -> ElaboratedPackage -> Rebuild ()
53 needElaboratedPackage elab epkg =
54 traverse_ (needComponent pkg_descr) (enabledComponents pkg_descr enabled)
55 where
56 pkg_descr :: PackageDescription
57 pkg_descr = elabPkgDescription elab
58 enabled_stanzas :: OptionalStanzaSet
59 enabled_stanzas = pkgStanzasEnabled epkg
60 enabled :: ComponentRequestedSpec
61 enabled = enableStanzas enabled_stanzas
63 needElaboratedComponent :: ElaboratedConfiguredPackage -> ElaboratedComponent -> Rebuild ()
64 needElaboratedComponent elab ecomp =
65 case mb_comp of
66 Nothing -> needSetup
67 Just comp -> needComponent pkg_descr comp
68 where
69 pkg_descr :: PackageDescription
70 pkg_descr = elabPkgDescription elab
71 mb_comp :: Maybe Component
72 mb_comp = fmap (getComponent pkg_descr) (compComponentName ecomp)
74 needComponent :: PackageDescription -> Component -> Rebuild ()
75 needComponent pkg_descr comp =
76 case comp of
77 CLib lib -> needLibrary pkg_descr lib
78 CFLib flib -> needForeignLib pkg_descr flib
79 CExe exe -> needExecutable pkg_descr exe
80 CTest test -> needTestSuite pkg_descr test
81 CBench bench -> needBenchmark pkg_descr bench
83 needSetup :: Rebuild ()
84 needSetup = findFirstFileMonitored id ["Setup.hs", "Setup.lhs"] >> return ()
86 needLibrary :: PackageDescription -> Library -> Rebuild ()
87 needLibrary
88 pkg_descr
89 ( Library
90 { exposedModules = modules
91 , signatures = sigs
92 , libBuildInfo = bi
94 ) =
95 needBuildInfo pkg_descr bi (modules ++ sigs)
97 needForeignLib :: PackageDescription -> ForeignLib -> Rebuild ()
98 needForeignLib
99 pkg_descr
100 ( ForeignLib
101 { foreignLibModDefFile = fs
102 , foreignLibBuildInfo = bi
106 traverse_ (needIfExists . getSymbolicPath) fs
107 needBuildInfo pkg_descr bi []
109 needExecutable :: PackageDescription -> Executable -> Rebuild ()
110 needExecutable
111 pkg_descr
112 ( Executable
113 { modulePath = mainPath
114 , buildInfo = bi
118 needBuildInfo pkg_descr bi []
119 needMainFile bi $ getSymbolicPath mainPath
121 needTestSuite :: PackageDescription -> TestSuite -> Rebuild ()
122 needTestSuite pkg_descr t =
123 case testInterface t of
124 TestSuiteExeV10 _ mainPath -> do
125 needBuildInfo pkg_descr bi []
126 needMainFile bi $ getSymbolicPath mainPath
127 TestSuiteLibV09 _ m ->
128 needBuildInfo pkg_descr bi [m]
129 TestSuiteUnsupported _ -> return () -- soft fail
130 where
131 bi :: BuildInfo
132 bi = testBuildInfo t
134 needMainFile :: BuildInfo -> FilePath -> Rebuild ()
135 needMainFile bi mainPath = do
136 -- The matter here is subtle. It might *seem* that we
137 -- should just search for mainPath, but as per
138 -- b61cb051f63ed5869b8f4a6af996ff7e833e4b39 'main-is'
139 -- will actually be the source file AFTER preprocessing,
140 -- whereas we need to get the file *prior* to preprocessing.
141 ppFile <-
142 findFileWithExtensionMonitored
143 (ppSuffixes knownSuffixHandlers)
144 (map getSymbolicPath (hsSourceDirs bi))
145 (dropExtension mainPath)
146 case ppFile of
147 -- But check the original path in the end, because
148 -- maybe it's a non-preprocessed file with a non-traditional
149 -- extension.
150 Nothing ->
151 findFileMonitored (map getSymbolicPath (hsSourceDirs bi)) mainPath
152 >>= maybe (return ()) need
153 Just pp -> need pp
155 needBenchmark :: PackageDescription -> Benchmark -> Rebuild ()
156 needBenchmark pkg_descr bm =
157 case benchmarkInterface bm of
158 BenchmarkExeV10 _ mainPath -> do
159 needBuildInfo pkg_descr bi []
160 needMainFile bi $ getSymbolicPath mainPath
161 BenchmarkUnsupported _ -> return () -- soft fail
162 where
163 bi :: BuildInfo
164 bi = benchmarkBuildInfo bm
166 needBuildInfo :: PackageDescription -> BuildInfo -> [ModuleName] -> Rebuild ()
167 needBuildInfo pkg_descr bi modules = do
168 -- NB: These are separate because there may be both A.hs and
169 -- A.hs-boot; need to track both.
170 findNeededModules builtinHaskellSuffixes
171 findNeededModules builtinHaskellBootSuffixes
172 root <- askRoot
173 expandedExtraSrcFiles <- liftIO $
174 fmap concat . for (extraSrcFiles pkg_descr) $
175 \fpath ->
176 matchDirFileGlobWithDie normal (\_ _ -> return []) (specVersion pkg_descr) (Just $ makeSymbolicPath root) fpath
177 traverse_ needIfExists $
178 concat
179 [ map getSymbolicPath $ cSources bi
180 , map getSymbolicPath $ cxxSources bi
181 , map getSymbolicPath $ jsSources bi
182 , map getSymbolicPath $ cmmSources bi
183 , map getSymbolicPath $ asmSources bi
184 , map getSymbolicPath $ expandedExtraSrcFiles
186 for_ (fmap getSymbolicPath $ installIncludes bi) $ \f ->
187 findFileMonitored ("." : fmap getSymbolicPath (includeDirs bi)) f
188 >>= maybe (return ()) need
189 where
190 findNeededModules :: [Suffix] -> Rebuild ()
191 findNeededModules exts =
192 traverse_
193 (findNeededModule exts)
194 (modules ++ otherModules bi)
195 findNeededModule :: [Suffix] -> ModuleName -> Rebuild ()
196 findNeededModule exts m =
197 findFileWithExtensionMonitored
198 (ppSuffixes knownSuffixHandlers ++ exts)
199 (map getSymbolicPath (hsSourceDirs bi))
200 (toFilePath m)
201 >>= maybe (return ()) need