Pass package dbs to abi hash calculation
[cabal.git] / Cabal / Distribution / Simple / BuildTarget.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -- |
7 -- Module : Distribution.Client.BuildTargets
8 -- Copyright : (c) Duncan Coutts 2012
9 -- License : BSD-like
11 -- Maintainer :
13 -- Handling for user-specified build targets
14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 module Distribution.Simple.BuildTarget (
16 -- * Main interface
17 readTargetInfos,
18 readBuildTargets, -- in case you don't have LocalBuildInfo
20 -- * Build targets
21 BuildTarget(..),
22 showBuildTarget,
23 QualLevel(..),
24 buildTargetComponentName,
26 -- * Parsing user build targets
27 UserBuildTarget,
28 readUserBuildTargets,
29 showUserBuildTarget,
30 UserBuildTargetProblem(..),
31 reportUserBuildTargetProblems,
33 -- * Resolving build targets
34 resolveBuildTargets,
35 BuildTargetProblem(..),
36 reportBuildTargetProblems,
37 ) where
39 import Prelude ()
40 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
42 import Distribution.Types.TargetInfo
43 import Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo
44 import Distribution.Types.ComponentRequestedSpec
45 import Distribution.Types.ForeignLib
46 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
48 import Distribution.Package
49 import Distribution.PackageDescription
50 import Distribution.ModuleName
51 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
52 import Distribution.Text
53 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
54 import Distribution.Verbosity
56 import qualified Distribution.Compat.ReadP as Parse
57 import Distribution.Compat.ReadP ( (+++), (<++) )
58 import Distribution.ParseUtils ( readPToMaybe )
60 import Control.Monad ( msum )
61 import Data.List ( stripPrefix, groupBy, partition )
62 import Data.Either ( partitionEithers )
63 import System.FilePath as FilePath
64 ( dropExtension, normalise, splitDirectories, joinPath, splitPath
65 , hasTrailingPathSeparator )
66 import System.Directory ( doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist )
67 import qualified Data.Map as Map
69 -- | Take a list of 'String' build targets, and parse and validate them
70 -- into actual 'TargetInfo's to be built/registered/whatever.
71 readTargetInfos :: Verbosity -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> [String] -> IO [TargetInfo]
72 readTargetInfos verbosity pkg_descr lbi args = do
73 build_targets <- readBuildTargets verbosity pkg_descr args
74 checkBuildTargets verbosity pkg_descr lbi build_targets
76 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
77 -- * User build targets
78 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
80 -- | Various ways that a user may specify a build target.
82 data UserBuildTarget =
84 -- | A target specified by a single name. This could be a component
85 -- module or file.
87 -- > cabal build foo
88 -- > cabal build Data.Foo
89 -- > cabal build Data/Foo.hs Data/Foo.hsc
91 UserBuildTargetSingle String
93 -- | A target specified by a qualifier and name. This could be a component
94 -- name qualified by the component namespace kind, or a module or file
95 -- qualified by the component name.
97 -- > cabal build lib:foo exe:foo
98 -- > cabal build foo:Data.Foo
99 -- > cabal build foo:Data/Foo.hs
101 | UserBuildTargetDouble String String
103 -- | A fully qualified target, either a module or file qualified by a
104 -- component name with the component namespace kind.
106 -- > cabal build lib:foo:Data/Foo.hs exe:foo:Data/Foo.hs
107 -- > cabal build lib:foo:Data.Foo exe:foo:Data.Foo
109 | UserBuildTargetTriple String String String
110 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
113 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
114 -- * Resolved build targets
115 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
117 -- | A fully resolved build target.
119 data BuildTarget =
121 -- | A specific component
123 BuildTargetComponent ComponentName
125 -- | A specific module within a specific component.
127 | BuildTargetModule ComponentName ModuleName
129 -- | A specific file within a specific component.
131 | BuildTargetFile ComponentName FilePath
132 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
134 instance Binary BuildTarget
136 buildTargetComponentName :: BuildTarget -> ComponentName
137 buildTargetComponentName (BuildTargetComponent cn) = cn
138 buildTargetComponentName (BuildTargetModule cn _) = cn
139 buildTargetComponentName (BuildTargetFile cn _) = cn
141 -- | Read a list of user-supplied build target strings and resolve them to
142 -- 'BuildTarget's according to a 'PackageDescription'. If there are problems
143 -- with any of the targets e.g. they don't exist or are misformatted, throw an
144 -- 'IOException'.
145 readBuildTargets :: Verbosity -> PackageDescription -> [String] -> IO [BuildTarget]
146 readBuildTargets verbosity pkg targetStrs = do
147 let (uproblems, utargets) = readUserBuildTargets targetStrs
148 reportUserBuildTargetProblems verbosity uproblems
150 utargets' <- traverse checkTargetExistsAsFile utargets
152 let (bproblems, btargets) = resolveBuildTargets pkg utargets'
153 reportBuildTargetProblems verbosity bproblems
155 return btargets
157 checkTargetExistsAsFile :: UserBuildTarget -> NoCallStackIO (UserBuildTarget, Bool)
158 checkTargetExistsAsFile t = do
159 fexists <- existsAsFile (fileComponentOfTarget t)
160 return (t, fexists)
162 where
163 existsAsFile f = do
164 exists <- doesFileExist f
165 case splitPath f of
166 (d:_) | hasTrailingPathSeparator d -> doesDirectoryExist d
167 (d:_:_) | not exists -> doesDirectoryExist d
168 _ -> return exists
170 fileComponentOfTarget (UserBuildTargetSingle s1) = s1
171 fileComponentOfTarget (UserBuildTargetDouble _ s2) = s2
172 fileComponentOfTarget (UserBuildTargetTriple _ _ s3) = s3
175 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
176 -- * Parsing user targets
177 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
179 readUserBuildTargets :: [String] -> ([UserBuildTargetProblem]
180 ,[UserBuildTarget])
181 readUserBuildTargets = partitionEithers . map readUserBuildTarget
183 readUserBuildTarget :: String -> Either UserBuildTargetProblem
184 UserBuildTarget
185 readUserBuildTarget targetstr =
186 case readPToMaybe parseTargetApprox targetstr of
187 Nothing -> Left (UserBuildTargetUnrecognised targetstr)
188 Just tgt -> Right tgt
190 where
191 parseTargetApprox :: Parse.ReadP r UserBuildTarget
192 parseTargetApprox =
193 (do a <- tokenQ
194 return (UserBuildTargetSingle a))
195 +++ (do a <- token
196 _ <- Parse.char ':'
197 b <- tokenQ
198 return (UserBuildTargetDouble a b))
199 +++ (do a <- token
200 _ <- Parse.char ':'
201 b <- token
202 _ <- Parse.char ':'
203 c <- tokenQ
204 return (UserBuildTargetTriple a b c))
206 token = Parse.munch1 (\x -> not (isSpace x) && x /= ':')
207 tokenQ = parseHaskellString <++ token
208 parseHaskellString :: Parse.ReadP r String
209 parseHaskellString = Parse.readS_to_P reads
211 data UserBuildTargetProblem
212 = UserBuildTargetUnrecognised String
213 deriving Show
215 reportUserBuildTargetProblems :: Verbosity -> [UserBuildTargetProblem] -> IO ()
216 reportUserBuildTargetProblems verbosity problems = do
217 case [ target | UserBuildTargetUnrecognised target <- problems ] of
218 [] -> return ()
219 target ->
220 die' verbosity $ unlines
221 [ "Unrecognised build target '" ++ name ++ "'."
222 | name <- target ]
223 ++ "Examples:\n"
224 ++ " - build foo -- component name "
225 ++ "(library, executable, test-suite or benchmark)\n"
226 ++ " - build Data.Foo -- module name\n"
227 ++ " - build Data/Foo.hsc -- file name\n"
228 ++ " - build lib:foo exe:foo -- component qualified by kind\n"
229 ++ " - build foo:Data.Foo -- module qualified by component\n"
230 ++ " - build foo:Data/Foo.hsc -- file qualified by component"
232 showUserBuildTarget :: UserBuildTarget -> String
233 showUserBuildTarget = intercalate ":" . getComponents
234 where
235 getComponents (UserBuildTargetSingle s1) = [s1]
236 getComponents (UserBuildTargetDouble s1 s2) = [s1,s2]
237 getComponents (UserBuildTargetTriple s1 s2 s3) = [s1,s2,s3]
239 -- | Unless you use 'QL1', this function is PARTIAL;
240 -- use 'showBuildTarget' instead.
241 showBuildTarget' :: QualLevel -> PackageId -> BuildTarget -> String
242 showBuildTarget' ql pkgid bt =
243 showUserBuildTarget (renderBuildTarget ql bt pkgid)
245 -- | Unambiguously render a 'BuildTarget', so that it can
246 -- be parsed in all situations.
247 showBuildTarget :: PackageId -> BuildTarget -> String
248 showBuildTarget pkgid t =
249 showBuildTarget' (qlBuildTarget t) pkgid t
250 where
251 qlBuildTarget BuildTargetComponent{} = QL2
252 qlBuildTarget _ = QL3
255 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
256 -- * Resolving user targets to build targets
257 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
260 stargets =
261 [ BuildTargetComponent (CExeName "foo")
262 , BuildTargetModule (CExeName "foo") (mkMn "Foo")
263 , BuildTargetModule (CExeName "tst") (mkMn "Foo")
265 where
266 mkMn :: String -> ModuleName
267 mkMn = fromJust . simpleParse
269 ex_pkgid :: PackageIdentifier
270 Just ex_pkgid = simpleParse "thelib"
273 -- | Given a bunch of user-specified targets, try to resolve what it is they
274 -- refer to.
276 resolveBuildTargets :: PackageDescription
277 -> [(UserBuildTarget, Bool)]
278 -> ([BuildTargetProblem], [BuildTarget])
279 resolveBuildTargets pkg = partitionEithers
280 . map (uncurry (resolveBuildTarget pkg))
282 resolveBuildTarget :: PackageDescription -> UserBuildTarget -> Bool
283 -> Either BuildTargetProblem BuildTarget
284 resolveBuildTarget pkg userTarget fexists =
285 case findMatch (matchBuildTarget pkg userTarget fexists) of
286 Unambiguous target -> Right target
287 Ambiguous targets -> Left (BuildTargetAmbiguous userTarget targets')
288 where targets' = disambiguateBuildTargets
289 (packageId pkg)
290 userTarget
291 targets
292 None errs -> Left (classifyMatchErrors errs)
294 where
295 classifyMatchErrors errs
296 | not (null expected) = let (things, got:_) = unzip expected in
297 BuildTargetExpected userTarget things got
298 | not (null nosuch) = BuildTargetNoSuch userTarget nosuch
299 | otherwise = error $ "resolveBuildTarget: internal error in matching"
300 where
301 expected = [ (thing, got) | MatchErrorExpected thing got <- errs ]
302 nosuch = [ (thing, got) | MatchErrorNoSuch thing got <- errs ]
305 data BuildTargetProblem
306 = BuildTargetExpected UserBuildTarget [String] String
307 -- ^ [expected thing] (actually got)
308 | BuildTargetNoSuch UserBuildTarget [(String, String)]
309 -- ^ [(no such thing, actually got)]
310 | BuildTargetAmbiguous UserBuildTarget [(UserBuildTarget, BuildTarget)]
311 deriving Show
314 disambiguateBuildTargets :: PackageId -> UserBuildTarget -> [BuildTarget]
315 -> [(UserBuildTarget, BuildTarget)]
316 disambiguateBuildTargets pkgid original =
317 disambiguate (userTargetQualLevel original)
318 where
319 disambiguate ql ts
320 | null amb = unamb
321 | otherwise = unamb ++ disambiguate (succ ql) amb
322 where
323 (amb, unamb) = step ql ts
325 userTargetQualLevel (UserBuildTargetSingle _ ) = QL1
326 userTargetQualLevel (UserBuildTargetDouble _ _ ) = QL2
327 userTargetQualLevel (UserBuildTargetTriple _ _ _) = QL3
329 step :: QualLevel -> [BuildTarget]
330 -> ([BuildTarget], [(UserBuildTarget, BuildTarget)])
331 step ql = (\(amb, unamb) -> (map snd $ concat amb, concat unamb))
332 . partition (\g -> length g > 1)
333 . groupBy (equating fst)
334 . sortBy (comparing fst)
335 . map (\t -> (renderBuildTarget ql t pkgid, t))
337 data QualLevel = QL1 | QL2 | QL3
338 deriving (Enum, Show)
340 renderBuildTarget :: QualLevel -> BuildTarget -> PackageId -> UserBuildTarget
341 renderBuildTarget ql target pkgid =
342 case ql of
343 QL1 -> UserBuildTargetSingle s1 where s1 = single target
344 QL2 -> UserBuildTargetDouble s1 s2 where (s1, s2) = double target
345 QL3 -> UserBuildTargetTriple s1 s2 s3 where (s1, s2, s3) = triple target
347 where
348 single (BuildTargetComponent cn ) = dispCName cn
349 single (BuildTargetModule _ m) = display m
350 single (BuildTargetFile _ f) = f
352 double (BuildTargetComponent cn ) = (dispKind cn, dispCName cn)
353 double (BuildTargetModule cn m) = (dispCName cn, display m)
354 double (BuildTargetFile cn f) = (dispCName cn, f)
356 triple (BuildTargetComponent _ ) = error "triple BuildTargetComponent"
357 triple (BuildTargetModule cn m) = (dispKind cn, dispCName cn, display m)
358 triple (BuildTargetFile cn f) = (dispKind cn, dispCName cn, f)
360 dispCName = componentStringName pkgid
361 dispKind = showComponentKindShort . componentKind
363 reportBuildTargetProblems :: Verbosity -> [BuildTargetProblem] -> IO ()
364 reportBuildTargetProblems verbosity problems = do
366 case [ (t, e, g) | BuildTargetExpected t e g <- problems ] of
367 [] -> return ()
368 targets ->
369 die' verbosity $ unlines
370 [ "Unrecognised build target '" ++ showUserBuildTarget target
371 ++ "'.\n"
372 ++ "Expected a " ++ intercalate " or " expected
373 ++ ", rather than '" ++ got ++ "'."
374 | (target, expected, got) <- targets ]
376 case [ (t, e) | BuildTargetNoSuch t e <- problems ] of
377 [] -> return ()
378 targets ->
379 die' verbosity $ unlines
380 [ "Unknown build target '" ++ showUserBuildTarget target
381 ++ "'.\nThere is no "
382 ++ intercalate " or " [ mungeThing thing ++ " '" ++ got ++ "'"
383 | (thing, got) <- nosuch ] ++ "."
384 | (target, nosuch) <- targets ]
385 where
386 mungeThing "file" = "file target"
387 mungeThing thing = thing
389 case [ (t, ts) | BuildTargetAmbiguous t ts <- problems ] of
390 [] -> return ()
391 targets ->
392 die' verbosity $ unlines
393 [ "Ambiguous build target '" ++ showUserBuildTarget target
394 ++ "'. It could be:\n "
395 ++ unlines [ " "++ showUserBuildTarget ut ++
396 " (" ++ showBuildTargetKind bt ++ ")"
397 | (ut, bt) <- amb ]
398 | (target, amb) <- targets ]
400 where
401 showBuildTargetKind (BuildTargetComponent _ ) = "component"
402 showBuildTargetKind (BuildTargetModule _ _) = "module"
403 showBuildTargetKind (BuildTargetFile _ _) = "file"
406 ----------------------------------
407 -- Top level BuildTarget matcher
410 matchBuildTarget :: PackageDescription
411 -> UserBuildTarget -> Bool -> Match BuildTarget
412 matchBuildTarget pkg = \utarget fexists ->
413 case utarget of
414 UserBuildTargetSingle str1 ->
415 matchBuildTarget1 cinfo str1 fexists
417 UserBuildTargetDouble str1 str2 ->
418 matchBuildTarget2 cinfo str1 str2 fexists
420 UserBuildTargetTriple str1 str2 str3 ->
421 matchBuildTarget3 cinfo str1 str2 str3 fexists
422 where
423 cinfo = pkgComponentInfo pkg
425 matchBuildTarget1 :: [ComponentInfo] -> String -> Bool -> Match BuildTarget
426 matchBuildTarget1 cinfo str1 fexists =
427 matchComponent1 cinfo str1
428 `matchPlusShadowing` matchModule1 cinfo str1
429 `matchPlusShadowing` matchFile1 cinfo str1 fexists
432 matchBuildTarget2 :: [ComponentInfo] -> String -> String -> Bool
433 -> Match BuildTarget
434 matchBuildTarget2 cinfo str1 str2 fexists =
435 matchComponent2 cinfo str1 str2
436 `matchPlusShadowing` matchModule2 cinfo str1 str2
437 `matchPlusShadowing` matchFile2 cinfo str1 str2 fexists
440 matchBuildTarget3 :: [ComponentInfo] -> String -> String -> String -> Bool
441 -> Match BuildTarget
442 matchBuildTarget3 cinfo str1 str2 str3 fexists =
443 matchModule3 cinfo str1 str2 str3
444 `matchPlusShadowing` matchFile3 cinfo str1 str2 str3 fexists
447 data ComponentInfo = ComponentInfo {
448 cinfoName :: ComponentName,
449 cinfoStrName :: ComponentStringName,
450 cinfoSrcDirs :: [FilePath],
451 cinfoModules :: [ModuleName],
452 cinfoHsFiles :: [FilePath], -- other hs files (like main.hs)
453 cinfoAsmFiles:: [FilePath],
454 cinfoCmmFiles:: [FilePath],
455 cinfoCFiles :: [FilePath],
456 cinfoCxxFiles:: [FilePath],
457 cinfoJsFiles :: [FilePath]
460 type ComponentStringName = String
462 pkgComponentInfo :: PackageDescription -> [ComponentInfo]
463 pkgComponentInfo pkg =
464 [ ComponentInfo {
465 cinfoName = componentName c,
466 cinfoStrName = componentStringName pkg (componentName c),
467 cinfoSrcDirs = hsSourceDirs bi,
468 cinfoModules = componentModules c,
469 cinfoHsFiles = componentHsFiles c,
470 cinfoAsmFiles= asmSources bi,
471 cinfoCmmFiles= cmmSources bi,
472 cinfoCFiles = cSources bi,
473 cinfoCxxFiles= cxxSources bi,
474 cinfoJsFiles = jsSources bi
476 | c <- pkgComponents pkg
477 , let bi = componentBuildInfo c ]
479 componentStringName :: Package pkg => pkg -> ComponentName -> ComponentStringName
480 componentStringName pkg CLibName = display (packageName pkg)
481 componentStringName _ (CSubLibName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
482 componentStringName _ (CFLibName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
483 componentStringName _ (CExeName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
484 componentStringName _ (CTestName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
485 componentStringName _ (CBenchName name) = unUnqualComponentName name
487 componentModules :: Component -> [ModuleName]
488 -- TODO: Use of 'explicitLibModules' here is a bit wrong:
489 -- a user could very well ask to build a specific signature
490 -- that was inherited from other packages. To fix this
491 -- we have to plumb 'LocalBuildInfo' through this code.
492 -- Fortunately, this is only used by 'pkgComponentInfo'
493 -- Please don't export this function unless you plan on fixing
494 -- this.
495 componentModules (CLib lib) = explicitLibModules lib
496 componentModules (CFLib flib) = foreignLibModules flib
497 componentModules (CExe exe) = exeModules exe
498 componentModules (CTest test) = testModules test
499 componentModules (CBench bench) = benchmarkModules bench
501 componentHsFiles :: Component -> [FilePath]
502 componentHsFiles (CExe exe) = [modulePath exe]
503 componentHsFiles (CTest TestSuite {
504 testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 _ mainfile
505 }) = [mainfile]
506 componentHsFiles (CBench Benchmark {
507 benchmarkInterface = BenchmarkExeV10 _ mainfile
508 }) = [mainfile]
509 componentHsFiles _ = []
512 ex_cs :: [ComponentInfo]
513 ex_cs =
514 [ (mkC (CExeName "foo") ["src1", "src1/src2"] ["Foo", "Src2.Bar", "Bar"])
515 , (mkC (CExeName "tst") ["src1", "test"] ["Foo"])
517 where
518 mkC n ds ms = ComponentInfo n (componentStringName pkgid n) ds (map mkMn ms)
519 mkMn :: String -> ModuleName
520 mkMn = fromJust . simpleParse
521 pkgid :: PackageIdentifier
522 Just pkgid = simpleParse "thelib"
525 ------------------------------
526 -- Matching component kinds
529 data ComponentKind = LibKind | FLibKind | ExeKind | TestKind | BenchKind
530 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
532 componentKind :: ComponentName -> ComponentKind
533 componentKind CLibName = LibKind
534 componentKind (CSubLibName _) = LibKind
535 componentKind (CFLibName _) = FLibKind
536 componentKind (CExeName _) = ExeKind
537 componentKind (CTestName _) = TestKind
538 componentKind (CBenchName _) = BenchKind
540 cinfoKind :: ComponentInfo -> ComponentKind
541 cinfoKind = componentKind . cinfoName
543 matchComponentKind :: String -> Match ComponentKind
544 matchComponentKind s
545 | s `elem` ["lib", "library"] = return' LibKind
546 | s `elem` ["flib", "foreign-lib", "foreign-library"] = return' FLibKind
547 | s `elem` ["exe", "executable"] = return' ExeKind
548 | s `elem` ["tst", "test", "test-suite"] = return' TestKind
549 | s `elem` ["bench", "benchmark"] = return' BenchKind
550 | otherwise = matchErrorExpected "component kind" s
551 where
552 return' ck = increaseConfidence >> return ck
554 showComponentKind :: ComponentKind -> String
555 showComponentKind LibKind = "library"
556 showComponentKind FLibKind = "foreign-library"
557 showComponentKind ExeKind = "executable"
558 showComponentKind TestKind = "test-suite"
559 showComponentKind BenchKind = "benchmark"
561 showComponentKindShort :: ComponentKind -> String
562 showComponentKindShort LibKind = "lib"
563 showComponentKindShort FLibKind = "flib"
564 showComponentKindShort ExeKind = "exe"
565 showComponentKindShort TestKind = "test"
566 showComponentKindShort BenchKind = "bench"
568 ------------------------------
569 -- Matching component targets
572 matchComponent1 :: [ComponentInfo] -> String -> Match BuildTarget
573 matchComponent1 cs = \str1 -> do
574 guardComponentName str1
575 c <- matchComponentName cs str1
576 return (BuildTargetComponent (cinfoName c))
578 matchComponent2 :: [ComponentInfo] -> String -> String -> Match BuildTarget
579 matchComponent2 cs = \str1 str2 -> do
580 ckind <- matchComponentKind str1
581 guardComponentName str2
582 c <- matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str2
583 return (BuildTargetComponent (cinfoName c))
585 -- utils:
587 guardComponentName :: String -> Match ()
588 guardComponentName s
589 | all validComponentChar s
590 && not (null s) = increaseConfidence
591 | otherwise = matchErrorExpected "component name" s
592 where
593 validComponentChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '.'
594 || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == '\''
596 matchComponentName :: [ComponentInfo] -> String -> Match ComponentInfo
597 matchComponentName cs str =
598 orNoSuchThing "component" str
599 $ increaseConfidenceFor
600 $ matchInexactly caseFold
601 [ (cinfoStrName c, c) | c <- cs ]
604 matchComponentKindAndName :: [ComponentInfo] -> ComponentKind -> String
605 -> Match ComponentInfo
606 matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str =
607 orNoSuchThing (showComponentKind ckind ++ " component") str
608 $ increaseConfidenceFor
609 $ matchInexactly (\(ck, cn) -> (ck, caseFold cn))
610 [ ((cinfoKind c, cinfoStrName c), c) | c <- cs ]
611 (ckind, str)
614 ------------------------------
615 -- Matching module targets
618 matchModule1 :: [ComponentInfo] -> String -> Match BuildTarget
619 matchModule1 cs = \str1 -> do
620 guardModuleName str1
621 nubMatchErrors $ do
622 c <- tryEach cs
623 let ms = cinfoModules c
624 m <- matchModuleName ms str1
625 return (BuildTargetModule (cinfoName c) m)
627 matchModule2 :: [ComponentInfo] -> String -> String -> Match BuildTarget
628 matchModule2 cs = \str1 str2 -> do
629 guardComponentName str1
630 guardModuleName str2
631 c <- matchComponentName cs str1
632 let ms = cinfoModules c
633 m <- matchModuleName ms str2
634 return (BuildTargetModule (cinfoName c) m)
636 matchModule3 :: [ComponentInfo] -> String -> String -> String
637 -> Match BuildTarget
638 matchModule3 cs str1 str2 str3 = do
639 ckind <- matchComponentKind str1
640 guardComponentName str2
641 c <- matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str2
642 guardModuleName str3
643 let ms = cinfoModules c
644 m <- matchModuleName ms str3
645 return (BuildTargetModule (cinfoName c) m)
647 -- utils:
649 guardModuleName :: String -> Match ()
650 guardModuleName s
651 | all validModuleChar s
652 && not (null s) = increaseConfidence
653 | otherwise = matchErrorExpected "module name" s
654 where
655 validModuleChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '.' || c == '_' || c == '\''
657 matchModuleName :: [ModuleName] -> String -> Match ModuleName
658 matchModuleName ms str =
659 orNoSuchThing "module" str
660 $ increaseConfidenceFor
661 $ matchInexactly caseFold
662 [ (display m, m)
663 | m <- ms ]
667 ------------------------------
668 -- Matching file targets
671 matchFile1 :: [ComponentInfo] -> String -> Bool -> Match BuildTarget
672 matchFile1 cs str1 exists =
673 nubMatchErrors $ do
674 c <- tryEach cs
675 filepath <- matchComponentFile c str1 exists
676 return (BuildTargetFile (cinfoName c) filepath)
679 matchFile2 :: [ComponentInfo] -> String -> String -> Bool -> Match BuildTarget
680 matchFile2 cs str1 str2 exists = do
681 guardComponentName str1
682 c <- matchComponentName cs str1
683 filepath <- matchComponentFile c str2 exists
684 return (BuildTargetFile (cinfoName c) filepath)
687 matchFile3 :: [ComponentInfo] -> String -> String -> String -> Bool
688 -> Match BuildTarget
689 matchFile3 cs str1 str2 str3 exists = do
690 ckind <- matchComponentKind str1
691 guardComponentName str2
692 c <- matchComponentKindAndName cs ckind str2
693 filepath <- matchComponentFile c str3 exists
694 return (BuildTargetFile (cinfoName c) filepath)
697 matchComponentFile :: ComponentInfo -> String -> Bool -> Match FilePath
698 matchComponentFile c str fexists =
699 expecting "file" str $
700 matchPlus
701 (matchFileExists str fexists)
702 (matchPlusShadowing
703 (msum [ matchModuleFileRooted dirs ms str
704 , matchOtherFileRooted dirs hsFiles str ])
705 (msum [ matchModuleFileUnrooted ms str
706 , matchOtherFileUnrooted hsFiles str
707 , matchOtherFileUnrooted cFiles str
708 , matchOtherFileUnrooted jsFiles str ]))
709 where
710 dirs = cinfoSrcDirs c
711 ms = cinfoModules c
712 hsFiles = cinfoHsFiles c
713 cFiles = cinfoCFiles c
714 jsFiles = cinfoJsFiles c
717 -- utils
719 matchFileExists :: FilePath -> Bool -> Match a
720 matchFileExists _ False = mzero
721 matchFileExists fname True = do increaseConfidence
722 matchErrorNoSuch "file" fname
724 matchModuleFileUnrooted :: [ModuleName] -> String -> Match FilePath
725 matchModuleFileUnrooted ms str = do
726 let filepath = normalise str
727 _ <- matchModuleFileStem ms filepath
728 return filepath
730 matchModuleFileRooted :: [FilePath] -> [ModuleName] -> String -> Match FilePath
731 matchModuleFileRooted dirs ms str = nubMatches $ do
732 let filepath = normalise str
733 filepath' <- matchDirectoryPrefix dirs filepath
734 _ <- matchModuleFileStem ms filepath'
735 return filepath
737 matchModuleFileStem :: [ModuleName] -> FilePath -> Match ModuleName
738 matchModuleFileStem ms =
739 increaseConfidenceFor
740 . matchInexactly caseFold
741 [ (toFilePath m, m) | m <- ms ]
742 . dropExtension
744 matchOtherFileRooted :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Match FilePath
745 matchOtherFileRooted dirs fs str = do
746 let filepath = normalise str
747 filepath' <- matchDirectoryPrefix dirs filepath
748 _ <- matchFile fs filepath'
749 return filepath
751 matchOtherFileUnrooted :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Match FilePath
752 matchOtherFileUnrooted fs str = do
753 let filepath = normalise str
754 _ <- matchFile fs filepath
755 return filepath
757 matchFile :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Match FilePath
758 matchFile fs = increaseConfidenceFor
759 . matchInexactly caseFold [ (f, f) | f <- fs ]
761 matchDirectoryPrefix :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Match FilePath
762 matchDirectoryPrefix dirs filepath =
763 exactMatches $
764 catMaybes
765 [ stripDirectory (normalise dir) filepath | dir <- dirs ]
766 where
767 stripDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath
768 stripDirectory dir fp =
769 joinPath `fmap` stripPrefix (splitDirectories dir) (splitDirectories fp)
772 ------------------------------
773 -- Matching monad
776 -- | A matcher embodies a way to match some input as being some recognised
777 -- value. In particular it deals with multiple and ambiguous matches.
779 -- There are various matcher primitives ('matchExactly', 'matchInexactly'),
780 -- ways to combine matchers ('ambiguousWith', 'shadows') and finally we can
781 -- run a matcher against an input using 'findMatch'.
784 data Match a = NoMatch Confidence [MatchError]
785 | ExactMatch Confidence [a]
786 | InexactMatch Confidence [a]
787 deriving Show
789 type Confidence = Int
791 data MatchError = MatchErrorExpected String String
792 | MatchErrorNoSuch String String
793 deriving (Show, Eq)
796 instance Alternative Match where
797 empty = mzero
798 (<|>) = mplus
800 instance MonadPlus Match where
801 mzero = matchZero
802 mplus = matchPlus
804 matchZero :: Match a
805 matchZero = NoMatch 0 []
807 -- | Combine two matchers. Exact matches are used over inexact matches
808 -- but if we have multiple exact, or inexact then the we collect all the
809 -- ambiguous matches.
811 matchPlus :: Match a -> Match a -> Match a
812 matchPlus (ExactMatch d1 xs) (ExactMatch d2 xs') =
813 ExactMatch (max d1 d2) (xs ++ xs')
814 matchPlus a@(ExactMatch _ _ ) (InexactMatch _ _ ) = a
815 matchPlus a@(ExactMatch _ _ ) (NoMatch _ _ ) = a
816 matchPlus (InexactMatch _ _ ) b@(ExactMatch _ _ ) = b
817 matchPlus (InexactMatch d1 xs) (InexactMatch d2 xs') =
818 InexactMatch (max d1 d2) (xs ++ xs')
819 matchPlus a@(InexactMatch _ _ ) (NoMatch _ _ ) = a
820 matchPlus (NoMatch _ _ ) b@(ExactMatch _ _ ) = b
821 matchPlus (NoMatch _ _ ) b@(InexactMatch _ _ ) = b
822 matchPlus a@(NoMatch d1 ms) b@(NoMatch d2 ms')
823 | d1 > d2 = a
824 | d1 < d2 = b
825 | otherwise = NoMatch d1 (ms ++ ms')
827 -- | Combine two matchers. This is similar to 'ambiguousWith' with the
828 -- difference that an exact match from the left matcher shadows any exact
829 -- match on the right. Inexact matches are still collected however.
831 matchPlusShadowing :: Match a -> Match a -> Match a
832 matchPlusShadowing a@(ExactMatch _ _) (ExactMatch _ _) = a
833 matchPlusShadowing a b = matchPlus a b
835 instance Functor Match where
836 fmap _ (NoMatch d ms) = NoMatch d ms
837 fmap f (ExactMatch d xs) = ExactMatch d (fmap f xs)
838 fmap f (InexactMatch d xs) = InexactMatch d (fmap f xs)
840 instance Applicative Match where
841 pure a = ExactMatch 0 [a]
842 (<*>) = ap
844 instance Monad Match where
845 return = pure
847 NoMatch d ms >>= _ = NoMatch d ms
848 ExactMatch d xs >>= f = addDepth d
849 $ foldr matchPlus matchZero (map f xs)
850 InexactMatch d xs >>= f = addDepth d . forceInexact
851 $ foldr matchPlus matchZero (map f xs)
853 addDepth :: Confidence -> Match a -> Match a
854 addDepth d' (NoMatch d msgs) = NoMatch (d'+d) msgs
855 addDepth d' (ExactMatch d xs) = ExactMatch (d'+d) xs
856 addDepth d' (InexactMatch d xs) = InexactMatch (d'+d) xs
858 forceInexact :: Match a -> Match a
859 forceInexact (ExactMatch d ys) = InexactMatch d ys
860 forceInexact m = m
862 ------------------------------
863 -- Various match primitives
866 matchErrorExpected, matchErrorNoSuch :: String -> String -> Match a
867 matchErrorExpected thing got = NoMatch 0 [MatchErrorExpected thing got]
868 matchErrorNoSuch thing got = NoMatch 0 [MatchErrorNoSuch thing got]
870 expecting :: String -> String -> Match a -> Match a
871 expecting thing got (NoMatch 0 _) = matchErrorExpected thing got
872 expecting _ _ m = m
874 orNoSuchThing :: String -> String -> Match a -> Match a
875 orNoSuchThing thing got (NoMatch 0 _) = matchErrorNoSuch thing got
876 orNoSuchThing _ _ m = m
878 increaseConfidence :: Match ()
879 increaseConfidence = ExactMatch 1 [()]
881 increaseConfidenceFor :: Match a -> Match a
882 increaseConfidenceFor m = m >>= \r -> increaseConfidence >> return r
884 nubMatches :: Eq a => Match a -> Match a
885 nubMatches (NoMatch d msgs) = NoMatch d msgs
886 nubMatches (ExactMatch d xs) = ExactMatch d (nub xs)
887 nubMatches (InexactMatch d xs) = InexactMatch d (nub xs)
889 nubMatchErrors :: Match a -> Match a
890 nubMatchErrors (NoMatch d msgs) = NoMatch d (nub msgs)
891 nubMatchErrors (ExactMatch d xs) = ExactMatch d xs
892 nubMatchErrors (InexactMatch d xs) = InexactMatch d xs
894 -- | Lift a list of matches to an exact match.
896 exactMatches, inexactMatches :: [a] -> Match a
898 exactMatches [] = matchZero
899 exactMatches xs = ExactMatch 0 xs
901 inexactMatches [] = matchZero
902 inexactMatches xs = InexactMatch 0 xs
904 tryEach :: [a] -> Match a
905 tryEach = exactMatches
908 ------------------------------
909 -- Top level match runner
912 -- | Given a matcher and a key to look up, use the matcher to find all the
913 -- possible matches. There may be 'None', a single 'Unambiguous' match or
914 -- you may have an 'Ambiguous' match with several possibilities.
916 findMatch :: Eq b => Match b -> MaybeAmbiguous b
917 findMatch match =
918 case match of
919 NoMatch _ msgs -> None (nub msgs)
920 ExactMatch _ xs -> checkAmbiguous xs
921 InexactMatch _ xs -> checkAmbiguous xs
922 where
923 checkAmbiguous xs = case nub xs of
924 [x] -> Unambiguous x
925 xs' -> Ambiguous xs'
927 data MaybeAmbiguous a = None [MatchError] | Unambiguous a | Ambiguous [a]
928 deriving Show
931 ------------------------------
932 -- Basic matchers
936 -- | A primitive matcher that looks up a value in a finite 'Map'. The
937 -- value must match exactly.
939 matchExactly :: forall a b. Ord a => [(a, b)] -> (a -> Match b)
940 matchExactly xs =
941 \x -> case Map.lookup x m of
942 Nothing -> matchZero
943 Just ys -> ExactMatch 0 ys
944 where
945 m :: Ord a => Map a [b]
946 m = Map.fromListWith (++) [ (k,[x]) | (k,x) <- xs ]
949 -- | A primitive matcher that looks up a value in a finite 'Map'. It checks
950 -- for an exact or inexact match. We get an inexact match if the match
951 -- is not exact, but the canonical forms match. It takes a canonicalisation
952 -- function for this purpose.
954 -- So for example if we used string case fold as the canonicalisation
955 -- function, then we would get case insensitive matching (but it will still
956 -- report an exact match when the case matches too).
958 matchInexactly :: (Ord a, Ord a') =>
959 (a -> a') ->
960 [(a, b)] -> (a -> Match b)
961 matchInexactly cannonicalise xs =
962 \x -> case Map.lookup x m of
963 Just ys -> exactMatches ys
964 Nothing -> case Map.lookup (cannonicalise x) m' of
965 Just ys -> inexactMatches ys
966 Nothing -> matchZero
967 where
968 m = Map.fromListWith (++) [ (k,[x]) | (k,x) <- xs ]
970 -- the map of canonicalised keys to groups of inexact matches
971 m' = Map.mapKeysWith (++) cannonicalise m
975 ------------------------------
976 -- Utils
979 caseFold :: String -> String
980 caseFold = lowercase
983 -- | Check that the given build targets are valid in the current context.
985 -- Also swizzle into a more convenient form.
987 checkBuildTargets :: Verbosity -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> [BuildTarget]
988 -> IO [TargetInfo]
989 checkBuildTargets _ pkg_descr lbi [] =
990 return (allTargetsInBuildOrder' pkg_descr lbi)
992 checkBuildTargets verbosity pkg_descr lbi targets = do
994 let (enabled, disabled) =
995 partitionEithers
996 [ case componentDisabledReason (componentEnabledSpec lbi) comp of
997 Nothing -> Left target'
998 Just reason -> Right (cname, reason)
999 | target <- targets
1000 , let target'@(cname,_) = swizzleTarget target
1001 , let comp = getComponent pkg_descr cname ]
1003 case disabled of
1004 [] -> return ()
1005 ((cname,reason):_) -> die' verbosity $ formatReason (showComponentName cname) reason
1007 for_ [ (c, t) | (c, Just t) <- enabled ] $ \(c, t) ->
1008 warn verbosity $ "Ignoring '" ++ either display id t ++ ". The whole "
1009 ++ showComponentName c ++ " will be processed. (Support for "
1010 ++ "module and file targets has not been implemented yet.)"
1012 -- Pick out the actual CLBIs for each of these cnames
1013 enabled' <- for enabled $ \(cname, _) -> do
1014 case componentNameTargets' pkg_descr lbi cname of
1015 [] -> error "checkBuildTargets: nothing enabled"
1016 [target] -> return target
1017 _targets -> error "checkBuildTargets: multiple copies enabled"
1019 return enabled'
1021 where
1022 swizzleTarget (BuildTargetComponent c) = (c, Nothing)
1023 swizzleTarget (BuildTargetModule c m) = (c, Just (Left m))
1024 swizzleTarget (BuildTargetFile c f) = (c, Just (Right f))
1026 formatReason cn DisabledComponent =
1027 "Cannot process the " ++ cn ++ " because the component is marked "
1028 ++ "as disabled in the .cabal file."
1029 formatReason cn DisabledAllTests =
1030 "Cannot process the " ++ cn ++ " because test suites are not "
1031 ++ "enabled. Run configure with the flag --enable-tests"
1032 formatReason cn DisabledAllBenchmarks =
1033 "Cannot process the " ++ cn ++ " because benchmarks are not "
1034 ++ "enabled. Re-run configure with the flag --enable-benchmarks"
1035 formatReason cn (DisabledAllButOne cn') =
1036 "Cannot process the " ++ cn ++ " because this package was "
1037 ++ "configured only to build " ++ cn' ++ ". Re-run configure "
1038 ++ "with the argument " ++ cn