Pass package dbs to abi hash calculation
[cabal.git] / Cabal / Distribution / Simple / Haddock.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -- |
7 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Haddock
8 -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2003-2005
9 -- License : BSD3
11 -- Maintainer :
12 -- Portability : portable
14 -- This module deals with the @haddock@ and @hscolour@ commands.
15 -- It uses information about installed packages (from @ghc-pkg@) to find the
16 -- locations of documentation for dependent packages, so it can create links.
18 -- The @hscolour@ support allows generating HTML versions of the original
19 -- source, with coloured syntax highlighting.
21 module Distribution.Simple.Haddock (
22 haddock, hscolour,
24 haddockPackagePaths
25 ) where
27 import Prelude ()
28 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
30 import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHC as GHC
31 import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHCJS as GHCJS
33 -- local
34 import Distribution.Backpack.DescribeUnitId
35 import Distribution.Types.ForeignLib
36 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
37 import Distribution.Types.ComponentLocalBuildInfo
38 import Distribution.Types.ExecutableScope
39 import Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo
40 import Distribution.Types.TargetInfo
41 import Distribution.Package
42 import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
43 import Distribution.PackageDescription as PD hiding (Flag)
44 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler hiding (Flag)
45 import Distribution.Simple.Glob
46 import Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC
47 import Distribution.Simple.Program.ResponseFile
48 import Distribution.Simple.Program
49 import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess
50 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
51 import Distribution.Simple.Build
52 import Distribution.Simple.BuildTarget
53 import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs
54 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo hiding (substPathTemplate)
55 import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
56 import Distribution.Simple.Register
57 import qualified Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg as HcPkg
58 import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
59 import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as InstalledPackageInfo
60 import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo ( InstalledPackageInfo )
61 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
62 import Distribution.System
63 import Distribution.Text
64 import Distribution.Utils.NubList
65 import Distribution.Version
66 import Distribution.Verbosity
67 import Language.Haskell.Extension
69 import Distribution.Compat.Semigroup (All (..), Any (..))
71 import Control.Monad
72 import Data.Either ( rights )
74 import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist)
75 import System.FilePath ( (</>), (<.>), normalise, isAbsolute )
76 import System.IO (hClose, hPutStrLn, hSetEncoding, utf8)
78 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 -- Types
81 -- | A record that represents the arguments to the haddock executable, a product
82 -- monoid.
83 data HaddockArgs = HaddockArgs {
84 argInterfaceFile :: Flag FilePath,
85 -- ^ Path to the interface file, relative to argOutputDir, required.
86 argPackageName :: Flag PackageIdentifier,
87 -- ^ Package name, required.
88 argHideModules :: (All,[ModuleName.ModuleName]),
89 -- ^ (Hide modules ?, modules to hide)
90 argIgnoreExports :: Any,
91 -- ^ Ignore export lists in modules?
92 argLinkSource :: Flag (Template,Template,Template),
93 -- ^ (Template for modules, template for symbols, template for lines).
94 argLinkedSource :: Flag Bool,
95 -- ^ Generate hyperlinked sources
96 argQuickJump :: Flag Bool,
97 -- ^ Generate quickjump index
98 argCssFile :: Flag FilePath,
99 -- ^ Optional custom CSS file.
100 argContents :: Flag String,
101 -- ^ Optional URL to contents page.
102 argVerbose :: Any,
103 argOutput :: Flag [Output],
104 -- ^ HTML or Hoogle doc or both? Required.
105 argInterfaces :: [(FilePath, Maybe String, Maybe String)],
106 -- ^ [(Interface file, URL to the HTML docs and hyperlinked-source for links)].
107 argOutputDir :: Directory,
108 -- ^ Where to generate the documentation.
109 argTitle :: Flag String,
110 -- ^ Page title, required.
111 argPrologue :: Flag String,
112 -- ^ Prologue text, required.
113 argGhcOptions :: GhcOptions,
114 -- ^ Additional flags to pass to GHC.
115 argGhcLibDir :: Flag FilePath,
116 -- ^ To find the correct GHC, required.
117 argTargets :: [FilePath]
118 -- ^ Modules to process.
119 } deriving Generic
121 -- | The FilePath of a directory, it's a monoid under '(</>)'.
122 newtype Directory = Dir { unDir' :: FilePath } deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Ord)
124 unDir :: Directory -> FilePath
125 unDir = normalise . unDir'
127 type Template = String
129 data Output = Html | Hoogle
131 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 -- Haddock support
134 haddock :: PackageDescription
135 -> LocalBuildInfo
136 -> [PPSuffixHandler]
137 -> HaddockFlags
138 -> IO ()
139 haddock pkg_descr _ _ haddockFlags
140 | not (hasLibs pkg_descr)
141 && not (fromFlag $ haddockExecutables haddockFlags)
142 && not (fromFlag $ haddockTestSuites haddockFlags)
143 && not (fromFlag $ haddockBenchmarks haddockFlags)
144 && not (fromFlag $ haddockForeignLibs haddockFlags)
146 warn (fromFlag $ haddockVerbosity haddockFlags) $
147 "No documentation was generated as this package does not contain "
148 ++ "a library. Perhaps you want to use the --executables, --tests,"
149 ++ " --benchmarks or --foreign-libraries flags."
151 haddock pkg_descr lbi suffixes flags' = do
152 let verbosity = flag haddockVerbosity
153 comp = compiler lbi
154 platform = hostPlatform lbi
156 quickJmpFlag = haddockQuickJump flags'
157 flags = case haddockTarget of
158 ForDevelopment -> flags'
159 ForHackage -> flags'
160 { haddockHoogle = Flag True
161 , haddockHtml = Flag True
162 , haddockHtmlLocation = Flag (pkg_url ++ "/docs")
163 , haddockContents = Flag (toPathTemplate pkg_url)
164 , haddockLinkedSource = Flag True
165 , haddockQuickJump = Flag True
167 pkg_url = "/package/$pkg-$version"
168 flag f = fromFlag $ f flags
170 tmpFileOpts = defaultTempFileOptions
171 { optKeepTempFiles = flag haddockKeepTempFiles }
172 htmlTemplate = fmap toPathTemplate . flagToMaybe . haddockHtmlLocation
173 $ flags
174 haddockTarget =
175 fromFlagOrDefault ForDevelopment (haddockForHackage flags')
177 (haddockProg, version, _) <-
178 requireProgramVersion verbosity haddockProgram
179 (orLaterVersion (mkVersion [2,0])) (withPrograms lbi)
181 -- various sanity checks
182 when (flag haddockHoogle && version < mkVersion [2,2]) $
183 die' verbosity "Haddock 2.0 and 2.1 do not support the --hoogle flag."
186 when (flag haddockQuickJump && version < mkVersion [2,19]) $ do
187 let msg = "Haddock prior to 2.19 does not support the --quickjump flag."
188 alt = "The generated documentation won't have the QuickJump feature."
189 if Flag True == quickJmpFlag
190 then die' verbosity msg
191 else warn verbosity (msg ++ "\n" ++ alt)
193 haddockGhcVersionStr <- getProgramOutput verbosity haddockProg
194 ["--ghc-version"]
195 case (simpleParse haddockGhcVersionStr, compilerCompatVersion GHC comp) of
196 (Nothing, _) -> die' verbosity "Could not get GHC version from Haddock"
197 (_, Nothing) -> die' verbosity "Could not get GHC version from compiler"
198 (Just haddockGhcVersion, Just ghcVersion)
199 | haddockGhcVersion == ghcVersion -> return ()
200 | otherwise -> die' verbosity $
201 "Haddock's internal GHC version must match the configured "
202 ++ "GHC version.\n"
203 ++ "The GHC version is " ++ display ghcVersion ++ " but "
204 ++ "haddock is using GHC version " ++ display haddockGhcVersion
206 -- the tools match the requests, we can proceed
208 -- We fall back to using HsColour only for versions of Haddock which don't
209 -- support '--hyperlinked-sources'.
210 when (flag haddockLinkedSource && version < mkVersion [2,17]) $
211 hscolour' (warn verbosity) haddockTarget pkg_descr lbi suffixes
212 (defaultHscolourFlags `mappend` haddockToHscolour flags)
214 libdirArgs <- getGhcLibDir verbosity lbi
215 let commonArgs = mconcat
216 [ libdirArgs
217 , fromFlags (haddockTemplateEnv lbi (packageId pkg_descr)) flags
218 , fromPackageDescription haddockTarget pkg_descr ]
220 targets <- readTargetInfos verbosity pkg_descr lbi (haddockArgs flags)
223 targets' =
224 case targets of
225 [] -> allTargetsInBuildOrder' pkg_descr lbi
226 _ -> targets
228 internalPackageDB <-
229 createInternalPackageDB verbosity lbi (flag haddockDistPref)
231 (\f -> foldM_ f (installedPkgs lbi) targets') $ \index target -> do
233 let component = targetComponent target
234 clbi = targetCLBI target
236 componentInitialBuildSteps (flag haddockDistPref) pkg_descr lbi clbi verbosity
239 lbi' = lbi {
240 withPackageDB = withPackageDB lbi ++ [internalPackageDB],
241 installedPkgs = index
244 preprocessComponent pkg_descr component lbi' clbi False verbosity suffixes
246 doExe com = case (compToExe com) of
247 Just exe -> do
248 withTempDirectoryEx verbosity tmpFileOpts (buildDir lbi') "tmp" $
249 \tmp -> do
250 exeArgs <- fromExecutable verbosity tmp lbi' clbi htmlTemplate
251 version exe
252 let exeArgs' = commonArgs `mappend` exeArgs
253 runHaddock verbosity tmpFileOpts comp platform
254 haddockProg exeArgs'
255 Nothing -> do
256 warn (fromFlag $ haddockVerbosity flags)
257 "Unsupported component, skipping..."
258 return ()
259 -- We define 'smsg' once and then reuse it inside the case, so that
260 -- we don't say we are running Haddock when we actually aren't
261 -- (e.g., Haddock is not run on non-libraries)
262 smsg :: IO ()
263 smsg = setupMessage' verbosity "Running Haddock on" (packageId pkg_descr)
264 (componentLocalName clbi) (maybeComponentInstantiatedWith clbi)
265 case component of
266 CLib lib -> do
267 withTempDirectoryEx verbosity tmpFileOpts (buildDir lbi) "tmp" $
268 \tmp -> do
269 smsg
270 libArgs <- fromLibrary verbosity tmp lbi' clbi htmlTemplate
271 version lib
272 let libArgs' = commonArgs `mappend` libArgs
273 runHaddock verbosity tmpFileOpts comp platform haddockProg libArgs'
275 case libName lib of
276 Just _ -> do
277 pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
280 ipi = inplaceInstalledPackageInfo
281 pwd (flag haddockDistPref) pkg_descr
282 (mkAbiHash "inplace") lib lbi' clbi
284 debug verbosity $ "Registering inplace:\n"
285 ++ (InstalledPackageInfo.showInstalledPackageInfo ipi)
287 registerPackage verbosity (compiler lbi') (withPrograms lbi')
288 (withPackageDB lbi') ipi
289 HcPkg.defaultRegisterOptions {
290 HcPkg.registerMultiInstance = True
293 return $ PackageIndex.insert ipi index
294 Nothing ->
295 pure index
297 CFLib flib -> (when (flag haddockForeignLibs) $ do
298 withTempDirectoryEx verbosity tmpFileOpts (buildDir lbi') "tmp" $
299 \tmp -> do
300 smsg
301 flibArgs <- fromForeignLib verbosity tmp lbi' clbi htmlTemplate
302 version flib
303 let libArgs' = commonArgs `mappend` flibArgs
304 runHaddock verbosity tmpFileOpts comp platform haddockProg libArgs')
306 >> return index
308 CExe _ -> (when (flag haddockExecutables) $ smsg >> doExe component) >> return index
309 CTest _ -> (when (flag haddockTestSuites) $ smsg >> doExe component) >> return index
310 CBench _ -> (when (flag haddockBenchmarks) $ smsg >> doExe component) >> return index
312 for_ (extraDocFiles pkg_descr) $ \ fpath -> do
313 files <- matchDirFileGlob verbosity (specVersion pkg_descr) "." fpath
314 for_ files $ copyFileTo verbosity (unDir $ argOutputDir commonArgs)
316 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
317 -- Contributions to HaddockArgs (see also Doctest.hs for very similar code).
319 fromFlags :: PathTemplateEnv -> HaddockFlags -> HaddockArgs
320 fromFlags env flags =
321 mempty {
322 argHideModules = (maybe mempty (All . not)
323 $ flagToMaybe (haddockInternal flags), mempty),
324 argLinkSource = if fromFlag (haddockLinkedSource flags)
325 then Flag ("src/%{MODULE/./-}.html"
326 ,"src/%{MODULE/./-}.html#%{NAME}"
327 ,"src/%{MODULE/./-}.html#line-%{LINE}")
328 else NoFlag,
329 argLinkedSource = haddockLinkedSource flags,
330 argQuickJump = haddockQuickJump flags,
331 argCssFile = haddockCss flags,
332 argContents = fmap (fromPathTemplate . substPathTemplate env)
333 (haddockContents flags),
334 argVerbose = maybe mempty (Any . (>= deafening))
335 . flagToMaybe $ haddockVerbosity flags,
336 argOutput =
337 Flag $ case [ Html | Flag True <- [haddockHtml flags] ] ++
338 [ Hoogle | Flag True <- [haddockHoogle flags] ]
339 of [] -> [ Html ]
340 os -> os,
341 argOutputDir = maybe mempty Dir . flagToMaybe $ haddockDistPref flags,
343 argGhcOptions = mempty { ghcOptExtra = ghcArgs }
345 where
346 ghcArgs = fromMaybe [] . lookup "ghc" . haddockProgramArgs $ flags
348 fromPackageDescription :: HaddockTarget -> PackageDescription -> HaddockArgs
349 fromPackageDescription haddockTarget pkg_descr =
350 mempty { argInterfaceFile = Flag $ haddockName pkg_descr,
351 argPackageName = Flag $ packageId $ pkg_descr,
352 argOutputDir = Dir $
353 "doc" </> "html" </> haddockDirName haddockTarget pkg_descr,
354 argPrologue = Flag $ if null desc then synopsis pkg_descr
355 else desc,
356 argTitle = Flag $ showPkg ++ subtitle
358 where
359 desc = PD.description pkg_descr
360 showPkg = display (packageId pkg_descr)
361 subtitle | null (synopsis pkg_descr) = ""
362 | otherwise = ": " ++ synopsis pkg_descr
364 componentGhcOptions :: Verbosity -> LocalBuildInfo
365 -> BuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> FilePath
366 -> GhcOptions
367 componentGhcOptions verbosity lbi bi clbi odir =
368 let f = case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
369 GHC -> GHC.componentGhcOptions
370 GHCJS -> GHCJS.componentGhcOptions
371 _ -> error $
372 "Distribution.Simple.Haddock.componentGhcOptions:" ++
373 "haddock only supports GHC and GHCJS"
374 in f verbosity lbi bi clbi odir
376 mkHaddockArgs :: Verbosity
377 -> FilePath
378 -> LocalBuildInfo
379 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
380 -> Maybe PathTemplate -- ^ template for HTML location
381 -> Version
382 -> [FilePath]
383 -> BuildInfo
384 -> IO HaddockArgs
385 mkHaddockArgs verbosity tmp lbi clbi htmlTemplate haddockVersion inFiles bi = do
386 ifaceArgs <- getInterfaces verbosity lbi clbi htmlTemplate
387 let vanillaOpts = (componentGhcOptions normal lbi bi clbi (buildDir lbi)) {
388 -- Noooooooooo!!!!!111
389 -- haddock stomps on our precious .hi
390 -- and .o files. Workaround by telling
391 -- haddock to write them elsewhere.
392 ghcOptObjDir = toFlag tmp,
393 ghcOptHiDir = toFlag tmp,
394 ghcOptStubDir = toFlag tmp
395 } `mappend` getGhcCppOpts haddockVersion bi
396 sharedOpts = vanillaOpts {
397 ghcOptDynLinkMode = toFlag GhcDynamicOnly,
398 ghcOptFPic = toFlag True,
399 ghcOptHiSuffix = toFlag "dyn_hi",
400 ghcOptObjSuffix = toFlag "dyn_o",
401 ghcOptExtra = hcSharedOptions GHC bi
404 opts <- if withVanillaLib lbi
405 then return vanillaOpts
406 else if withSharedLib lbi
407 then return sharedOpts
408 else die' verbosity $ "Must have vanilla or shared libraries "
409 ++ "enabled in order to run haddock"
411 return ifaceArgs {
412 argGhcOptions = opts,
413 argTargets = inFiles
416 fromLibrary :: Verbosity
417 -> FilePath
418 -> LocalBuildInfo
419 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
420 -> Maybe PathTemplate -- ^ template for HTML location
421 -> Version
422 -> Library
423 -> IO HaddockArgs
424 fromLibrary verbosity tmp lbi clbi htmlTemplate haddockVersion lib = do
425 inFiles <- map snd `fmap` getLibSourceFiles verbosity lbi lib clbi
426 args <- mkHaddockArgs verbosity tmp lbi clbi htmlTemplate haddockVersion
427 inFiles (libBuildInfo lib)
428 return args {
429 argHideModules = (mempty, otherModules (libBuildInfo lib))
432 fromExecutable :: Verbosity
433 -> FilePath
434 -> LocalBuildInfo
435 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
436 -> Maybe PathTemplate -- ^ template for HTML location
437 -> Version
438 -> Executable
439 -> IO HaddockArgs
440 fromExecutable verbosity tmp lbi clbi htmlTemplate haddockVersion exe = do
441 inFiles <- map snd `fmap` getExeSourceFiles verbosity lbi exe clbi
442 args <- mkHaddockArgs verbosity tmp lbi clbi htmlTemplate
443 haddockVersion inFiles (buildInfo exe)
444 return args {
445 argOutputDir = Dir $ unUnqualComponentName $ exeName exe,
446 argTitle = Flag $ unUnqualComponentName $ exeName exe
449 fromForeignLib :: Verbosity
450 -> FilePath
451 -> LocalBuildInfo
452 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
453 -> Maybe PathTemplate -- ^ template for HTML location
454 -> Version
455 -> ForeignLib
456 -> IO HaddockArgs
457 fromForeignLib verbosity tmp lbi clbi htmlTemplate haddockVersion flib = do
458 inFiles <- map snd `fmap` getFLibSourceFiles verbosity lbi flib clbi
459 args <- mkHaddockArgs verbosity tmp lbi clbi htmlTemplate
460 haddockVersion inFiles (foreignLibBuildInfo flib)
461 return args {
462 argOutputDir = Dir $ unUnqualComponentName $ foreignLibName flib,
463 argTitle = Flag $ unUnqualComponentName $ foreignLibName flib
466 compToExe :: Component -> Maybe Executable
467 compToExe comp =
468 case comp of
469 CTest test@TestSuite { testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 _ f } ->
470 Just Executable {
471 exeName = testName test,
472 modulePath = f,
473 exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
474 buildInfo = testBuildInfo test
476 CBench bench@Benchmark { benchmarkInterface = BenchmarkExeV10 _ f } ->
477 Just Executable {
478 exeName = benchmarkName bench,
479 modulePath = f,
480 exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
481 buildInfo = benchmarkBuildInfo bench
483 CExe exe -> Just exe
484 _ -> Nothing
486 getInterfaces :: Verbosity
487 -> LocalBuildInfo
488 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
489 -> Maybe PathTemplate -- ^ template for HTML location
490 -> IO HaddockArgs
491 getInterfaces verbosity lbi clbi htmlTemplate = do
492 (packageFlags, warnings) <- haddockPackageFlags verbosity lbi clbi htmlTemplate
493 traverse_ (warn (verboseUnmarkOutput verbosity)) warnings
494 return $ mempty {
495 argInterfaces = packageFlags
498 getGhcCppOpts :: Version
499 -> BuildInfo
500 -> GhcOptions
501 getGhcCppOpts haddockVersion bi =
502 mempty {
503 ghcOptExtensions = toNubListR [EnableExtension CPP | needsCpp],
504 ghcOptCppOptions = defines
506 where
507 needsCpp = EnableExtension CPP `elem` usedExtensions bi
508 defines = [haddockVersionMacro]
509 haddockVersionMacro = "-D__HADDOCK_VERSION__="
510 ++ show (v1 * 1000 + v2 * 10 + v3)
511 where
512 [v1, v2, v3] = take 3 $ versionNumbers haddockVersion ++ [0,0]
514 getGhcLibDir :: Verbosity -> LocalBuildInfo
515 -> IO HaddockArgs
516 getGhcLibDir verbosity lbi = do
517 l <- case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
518 GHC -> GHC.getLibDir verbosity lbi
519 GHCJS -> GHCJS.getLibDir verbosity lbi
520 _ -> error "haddock only supports GHC and GHCJS"
521 return $ mempty { argGhcLibDir = Flag l }
523 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
524 -- | Call haddock with the specified arguments.
525 runHaddock :: Verbosity
526 -> TempFileOptions
527 -> Compiler
528 -> Platform
529 -> ConfiguredProgram
530 -> HaddockArgs
531 -> IO ()
532 runHaddock verbosity tmpFileOpts comp platform haddockProg args
533 | null (argTargets args) = warn verbosity $
534 "Haddocks are being requested, but there aren't any modules given "
535 ++ "to create documentation for."
536 | otherwise = do
537 let haddockVersion = fromMaybe (error "unable to determine haddock version")
538 (programVersion haddockProg)
539 renderArgs verbosity tmpFileOpts haddockVersion comp platform args $
540 \(flags,result)-> do
542 runProgram verbosity haddockProg flags
544 notice verbosity $ "Documentation created: " ++ result
547 renderArgs :: Verbosity
548 -> TempFileOptions
549 -> Version
550 -> Compiler
551 -> Platform
552 -> HaddockArgs
553 -> (([String], FilePath) -> IO a)
554 -> IO a
555 renderArgs verbosity tmpFileOpts version comp platform args k = do
556 let haddockSupportsUTF8 = version >= mkVersion [2,14,4]
557 haddockSupportsResponseFiles = version > mkVersion [2,16,2]
558 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True outputDir
559 withTempFileEx tmpFileOpts outputDir "haddock-prologue.txt" $
560 \prologueFileName h -> do
562 when haddockSupportsUTF8 (hSetEncoding h utf8)
563 hPutStrLn h $ fromFlag $ argPrologue args
564 hClose h
565 let pflag = "--prologue=" ++ prologueFileName
566 renderedArgs = pflag : renderPureArgs version comp platform args
567 if haddockSupportsResponseFiles
568 then
569 withResponseFile
570 verbosity
571 tmpFileOpts
572 outputDir
573 "haddock-response.txt"
574 (if haddockSupportsUTF8 then Just utf8 else Nothing)
575 renderedArgs
576 (\responseFileName -> k (["@" ++ responseFileName], result))
577 else
578 k (renderedArgs, result)
579 where
580 outputDir = (unDir $ argOutputDir args)
581 result = intercalate ", "
582 . map (\o -> outputDir </>
583 case o of
584 Html -> "index.html"
585 Hoogle -> pkgstr <.> "txt")
586 $ arg argOutput
587 where
588 pkgstr = display $ packageName pkgid
589 pkgid = arg argPackageName
590 arg f = fromFlag $ f args
592 renderPureArgs :: Version -> Compiler -> Platform -> HaddockArgs -> [String]
593 renderPureArgs version comp platform args = concat
594 [ (:[]) . (\f -> "--dump-interface="++ unDir (argOutputDir args) </> f)
595 . fromFlag . argInterfaceFile $ args
597 , if isVersion 2 16
598 then (\pkg -> [ "--package-name=" ++ display (pkgName pkg)
599 , "--package-version="++display (pkgVersion pkg)
601 . fromFlag . argPackageName $ args
602 else []
604 , [ "--since-qual=external" | isVersion 2 20 ]
606 , [ "--quickjump" | isVersion 2 19
607 , fromFlag . argQuickJump $ args ]
609 , [ "--hyperlinked-source" | isVersion 2 17
610 , fromFlag . argLinkedSource $ args ]
612 , (\(All b,xs) -> bool (map (("--hide=" ++). display) xs) [] b)
613 . argHideModules $ args
615 , bool ["--ignore-all-exports"] [] . getAny . argIgnoreExports $ args
617 , maybe [] (\(m,e,l) ->
618 ["--source-module=" ++ m
619 ,"--source-entity=" ++ e]
620 ++ if isVersion 2 14 then ["--source-entity-line=" ++ l]
621 else []
622 ) . flagToMaybe . argLinkSource $ args
624 , maybe [] ((:[]) . ("--css="++)) . flagToMaybe . argCssFile $ args
626 , maybe [] ((:[]) . ("--use-contents="++)) . flagToMaybe . argContents $ args
628 , bool [] [verbosityFlag] . getAny . argVerbose $ args
630 , map (\o -> case o of Hoogle -> "--hoogle"; Html -> "--html")
631 . fromFlag . argOutput $ args
633 , renderInterfaces . argInterfaces $ args
635 , (:[]) . ("--odir="++) . unDir . argOutputDir $ args
637 , (:[]) . ("--title="++)
638 . (bool (++" (internal documentation)")
639 id (getAny $ argIgnoreExports args))
640 . fromFlag . argTitle $ args
642 , [ "--optghc=" ++ opt | let opts = argGhcOptions args
643 , opt <- renderGhcOptions comp platform opts ]
645 , maybe [] (\l -> ["-B"++l]) $
646 flagToMaybe (argGhcLibDir args) -- error if Nothing?
648 , argTargets $ args
650 where
651 renderInterfaces = map renderInterface
653 renderInterface :: (FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath) -> String
654 renderInterface (i, html, hypsrc) = "--read-interface=" ++
655 (intercalate "," $ concat [ [ x | Just x <- [html] ]
656 , [ x | Just _ <- [html]
657 -- only render hypsrc path if html path
658 -- is given and hyperlinked-source is
659 -- enabled
660 , Just x <- [hypsrc]
661 , isVersion 2 17
662 , fromFlag . argLinkedSource $ args
664 , [ i ]
667 bool a b c = if c then a else b
668 isVersion major minor = version >= mkVersion [major,minor]
669 verbosityFlag
670 | isVersion 2 5 = "--verbosity=1"
671 | otherwise = "--verbose"
673 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
675 -- | Given a list of 'InstalledPackageInfo's, return a list of interfaces and
676 -- HTML paths, and an optional warning for packages with missing documentation.
677 haddockPackagePaths :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
678 -> Maybe (InstalledPackageInfo -> FilePath)
679 -> NoCallStackIO ([( FilePath -- path to interface
680 -- file
682 , Maybe FilePath -- url to html
683 -- documentation
685 , Maybe FilePath -- url to hyperlinked
686 -- source
688 , Maybe String -- warning about
689 -- missing documentation
691 haddockPackagePaths ipkgs mkHtmlPath = do
692 interfaces <- sequenceA
693 [ case interfaceAndHtmlPath ipkg of
694 Nothing -> return (Left (packageId ipkg))
695 Just (interface, html) -> do
697 (html', hypsrc') <-
698 case html of
699 Just htmlPath -> do
700 let hypSrcPath = htmlPath </> defaultHyperlinkedSourceDirectory
701 hypSrcExists <- doesDirectoryExist hypSrcPath
702 return $ ( Just (fixFileUrl htmlPath)
703 , if hypSrcExists
704 then Just (fixFileUrl hypSrcPath)
705 else Nothing
707 Nothing -> return (Nothing, Nothing)
709 exists <- doesFileExist interface
710 if exists
711 then return (Right (interface, html', hypsrc'))
712 else return (Left pkgid)
713 | ipkg <- ipkgs, let pkgid = packageId ipkg
714 , pkgName pkgid `notElem` noHaddockWhitelist
717 let missing = [ pkgid | Left pkgid <- interfaces ]
718 warning = "The documentation for the following packages are not "
719 ++ "installed. No links will be generated to these packages: "
720 ++ intercalate ", " (map display missing)
721 flags = rights interfaces
723 return (flags, if null missing then Nothing else Just warning)
725 where
726 -- Don't warn about missing documentation for these packages. See #1231.
727 noHaddockWhitelist = map mkPackageName [ "rts" ]
729 -- Actually extract interface and HTML paths from an 'InstalledPackageInfo'.
730 interfaceAndHtmlPath :: InstalledPackageInfo
731 -> Maybe (FilePath, Maybe FilePath)
732 interfaceAndHtmlPath pkg = do
733 interface <- listToMaybe (InstalledPackageInfo.haddockInterfaces pkg)
734 html <- case mkHtmlPath of
735 Nothing -> listToMaybe (InstalledPackageInfo.haddockHTMLs pkg)
736 Just mkPath -> Just (mkPath pkg)
737 return (interface, if null html then Nothing else Just html)
739 -- The 'haddock-html' field in the hc-pkg output is often set as a
740 -- native path, but we need it as a URL. See #1064. Also don't "fix"
741 -- the path if it is an interpolated one.
742 fixFileUrl f | Nothing <- mkHtmlPath
743 , isAbsolute f = "file://" ++ f
744 | otherwise = f
746 -- 'src' is the default hyperlinked source directory ever since. It is
747 -- not possible to configure that directory in any way in haddock.
748 defaultHyperlinkedSourceDirectory = "src"
751 haddockPackageFlags :: Verbosity
752 -> LocalBuildInfo
753 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
754 -> Maybe PathTemplate
755 -> IO ([( FilePath -- path to interface
756 -- file
758 , Maybe FilePath -- url to html
759 -- documentation
761 , Maybe FilePath -- url to hyperlinked
762 -- source
764 , Maybe String -- warning about
765 -- missing documentation
767 haddockPackageFlags verbosity lbi clbi htmlTemplate = do
768 let allPkgs = installedPkgs lbi
769 directDeps = map fst (componentPackageDeps clbi)
770 transitiveDeps <- case PackageIndex.dependencyClosure allPkgs directDeps of
771 Left x -> return x
772 Right inf -> die' verbosity $ "internal error when calculating transitive "
773 ++ "package dependencies.\nDebug info: " ++ show inf
774 haddockPackagePaths (PackageIndex.allPackages transitiveDeps) mkHtmlPath
775 where
776 mkHtmlPath = fmap expandTemplateVars htmlTemplate
777 expandTemplateVars tmpl pkg =
778 fromPathTemplate . substPathTemplate (env pkg) $ tmpl
779 env pkg = haddockTemplateEnv lbi (packageId pkg)
782 haddockTemplateEnv :: LocalBuildInfo -> PackageIdentifier -> PathTemplateEnv
783 haddockTemplateEnv lbi pkg_id =
784 (PrefixVar, prefix (installDirTemplates lbi))
785 -- We want the legacy unit ID here, because it gives us nice paths
786 -- (Haddock people don't care about the dependencies)
787 : initialPathTemplateEnv
788 pkg_id
789 (mkLegacyUnitId pkg_id)
790 (compilerInfo (compiler lbi))
791 (hostPlatform lbi)
793 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
794 -- hscolour support.
796 hscolour :: PackageDescription
797 -> LocalBuildInfo
798 -> [PPSuffixHandler]
799 -> HscolourFlags
800 -> IO ()
801 hscolour = hscolour' dieNoVerbosity ForDevelopment
803 hscolour' :: (String -> IO ()) -- ^ Called when the 'hscolour' exe is not found.
804 -> HaddockTarget
805 -> PackageDescription
806 -> LocalBuildInfo
807 -> [PPSuffixHandler]
808 -> HscolourFlags
809 -> IO ()
810 hscolour' onNoHsColour haddockTarget pkg_descr lbi suffixes flags =
811 either onNoHsColour (\(hscolourProg, _, _) -> go hscolourProg) =<<
812 lookupProgramVersion verbosity hscolourProgram
813 (orLaterVersion (mkVersion [1,8])) (withPrograms lbi)
814 where
815 go :: ConfiguredProgram -> IO ()
816 go hscolourProg = do
817 warn verbosity $
818 "the 'cabal hscolour' command is deprecated in favour of 'cabal " ++
819 "haddock --hyperlink-source' and will be removed in the next major " ++
820 "release."
822 setupMessage verbosity "Running hscolour for" (packageId pkg_descr)
823 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True $
824 hscolourPref haddockTarget distPref pkg_descr
826 withAllComponentsInBuildOrder pkg_descr lbi $ \comp clbi -> do
827 componentInitialBuildSteps distPref pkg_descr lbi clbi verbosity
828 preprocessComponent pkg_descr comp lbi clbi False verbosity suffixes
830 doExe com = case (compToExe com) of
831 Just exe -> do
832 let outputDir = hscolourPref haddockTarget distPref pkg_descr
833 </> unUnqualComponentName (exeName exe) </> "src"
834 runHsColour hscolourProg outputDir =<< getExeSourceFiles verbosity lbi exe clbi
835 Nothing -> do
836 warn (fromFlag $ hscolourVerbosity flags)
837 "Unsupported component, skipping..."
838 return ()
839 case comp of
840 CLib lib -> do
841 let outputDir = hscolourPref haddockTarget distPref pkg_descr </> "src"
842 runHsColour hscolourProg outputDir =<< getLibSourceFiles verbosity lbi lib clbi
843 CFLib flib -> do
844 let outputDir = hscolourPref haddockTarget distPref pkg_descr
845 </> unUnqualComponentName (foreignLibName flib) </> "src"
846 runHsColour hscolourProg outputDir =<< getFLibSourceFiles verbosity lbi flib clbi
847 CExe _ -> when (fromFlag (hscolourExecutables flags)) $ doExe comp
848 CTest _ -> when (fromFlag (hscolourTestSuites flags)) $ doExe comp
849 CBench _ -> when (fromFlag (hscolourBenchmarks flags)) $ doExe comp
851 stylesheet = flagToMaybe (hscolourCSS flags)
853 verbosity = fromFlag (hscolourVerbosity flags)
854 distPref = fromFlag (hscolourDistPref flags)
856 runHsColour prog outputDir moduleFiles = do
857 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True outputDir
859 case stylesheet of -- copy the CSS file
860 Nothing | programVersion prog >= Just (mkVersion [1,9]) ->
861 runProgram verbosity prog
862 ["-print-css", "-o" ++ outputDir </> "hscolour.css"]
863 | otherwise -> return ()
864 Just s -> copyFileVerbose verbosity s (outputDir </> "hscolour.css")
866 for_ moduleFiles $ \(m, inFile) ->
867 runProgram verbosity prog
868 ["-css", "-anchor", "-o" ++ outFile m, inFile]
869 where
870 outFile m = outputDir </>
871 intercalate "-" (ModuleName.components m) <.> "html"
873 haddockToHscolour :: HaddockFlags -> HscolourFlags
874 haddockToHscolour flags =
875 HscolourFlags {
876 hscolourCSS = haddockHscolourCss flags,
877 hscolourExecutables = haddockExecutables flags,
878 hscolourTestSuites = haddockTestSuites flags,
879 hscolourBenchmarks = haddockBenchmarks flags,
880 hscolourForeignLibs = haddockForeignLibs flags,
881 hscolourVerbosity = haddockVerbosity flags,
882 hscolourDistPref = haddockDistPref flags,
883 hscolourCabalFilePath = haddockCabalFilePath flags
886 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
887 -- Boilerplate Monoid instance.
888 instance Monoid HaddockArgs where
889 mempty = gmempty
890 mappend = (<>)
892 instance Semigroup HaddockArgs where
893 (<>) = gmappend
895 instance Monoid Directory where
896 mempty = Dir "."
897 mappend = (<>)
899 instance Semigroup Directory where
900 Dir m <> Dir n = Dir $ m </> n