Pass package dbs to abi hash calculation
[cabal.git] / Cabal / Distribution / Simple / UHC.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |
6 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.UHC
7 -- Copyright : Andres Loeh 2009
8 -- License : BSD3
9 --
10 -- Maintainer :
11 -- Portability : portable
13 -- This module contains most of the UHC-specific code for configuring, building
14 -- and installing packages.
16 -- Thanks to the authors of the other implementation-specific files, in
17 -- particular to Isaac Jones, Duncan Coutts and Henning Thielemann, for
18 -- inspiration on how to design this module.
20 module Distribution.Simple.UHC (
21 configure, getInstalledPackages,
22 buildLib, buildExe, installLib, registerPackage, inplacePackageDbPath
23 ) where
25 import Prelude ()
26 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
28 import Distribution.Compat.ReadP
29 import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
30 import Distribution.Package hiding (installedUnitId)
31 import Distribution.PackageDescription
32 import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
33 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler as C
34 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
35 import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex
36 import Distribution.Simple.Program
37 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
38 import Distribution.Text
39 import Distribution.Types.MungedPackageId
40 import Distribution.Verbosity
41 import Distribution.Version
42 import Distribution.System
43 import Language.Haskell.Extension
45 import qualified Data.Map as Map ( empty )
46 import System.Directory
47 import System.FilePath
49 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 -- Configuring
52 configure :: Verbosity -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe FilePath
53 -> ProgramDb -> IO (Compiler, Maybe Platform, ProgramDb)
54 configure verbosity hcPath _hcPkgPath progdb = do
56 (_uhcProg, uhcVersion, progdb') <-
57 requireProgramVersion verbosity uhcProgram
58 (orLaterVersion (mkVersion [1,0,2]))
59 (userMaybeSpecifyPath "uhc" hcPath progdb)
61 let comp = Compiler {
62 compilerId = CompilerId UHC uhcVersion,
63 compilerAbiTag = C.NoAbiTag,
64 compilerCompat = [],
65 compilerLanguages = uhcLanguages,
66 compilerExtensions = uhcLanguageExtensions,
67 compilerProperties = Map.empty
69 compPlatform = Nothing
70 return (comp, compPlatform, progdb')
72 uhcLanguages :: [(Language, C.Flag)]
73 uhcLanguages = [(Haskell98, "")]
75 -- | The flags for the supported extensions.
76 uhcLanguageExtensions :: [(Extension, Maybe C.Flag)]
77 uhcLanguageExtensions =
78 let doFlag (f, (enable, disable)) = [(EnableExtension f, enable),
79 (DisableExtension f, disable)]
80 alwaysOn = (Nothing, Nothing{- wrong -})
81 in concatMap doFlag
82 [(CPP, (Just "--cpp", Nothing{- wrong -})),
83 (PolymorphicComponents, alwaysOn),
84 (ExistentialQuantification, alwaysOn),
85 (ForeignFunctionInterface, alwaysOn),
86 (UndecidableInstances, alwaysOn),
87 (MultiParamTypeClasses, alwaysOn),
88 (Rank2Types, alwaysOn),
89 (PatternSignatures, alwaysOn),
90 (EmptyDataDecls, alwaysOn),
91 (ImplicitPrelude, (Nothing, Just "--no-prelude"{- wrong -})),
92 (TypeOperators, alwaysOn),
93 (OverlappingInstances, alwaysOn),
94 (FlexibleInstances, alwaysOn)]
96 getInstalledPackages :: Verbosity -> Compiler -> PackageDBStack -> ProgramDb
97 -> IO InstalledPackageIndex
98 getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packagedbs progdb = do
99 let compilerid = compilerId comp
100 systemPkgDir <- getGlobalPackageDir verbosity progdb
101 userPkgDir <- getUserPackageDir
102 let pkgDirs = nub (concatMap (packageDbPaths userPkgDir systemPkgDir) packagedbs)
103 -- putStrLn $ "pkgdirs: " ++ show pkgDirs
104 pkgs <- liftM (map addBuiltinVersions . concat) $
105 traverse (\ d -> getDirectoryContents d >>= filterM (isPkgDir (display compilerid) d))
106 pkgDirs
107 -- putStrLn $ "pkgs: " ++ show pkgs
108 let iPkgs =
109 map mkInstalledPackageInfo $
110 concatMap parsePackage $
111 pkgs
112 -- putStrLn $ "installed pkgs: " ++ show iPkgs
113 return (fromList iPkgs)
115 getGlobalPackageDir :: Verbosity -> ProgramDb -> IO FilePath
116 getGlobalPackageDir verbosity progdb = do
117 output <- getDbProgramOutput verbosity
118 uhcProgram progdb ["--meta-pkgdir-system"]
119 -- call to "lines" necessary, because pkgdir contains an extra newline at the end
120 let [pkgdir] = lines output
121 return pkgdir
123 getUserPackageDir :: NoCallStackIO FilePath
124 getUserPackageDir = do
125 homeDir <- getHomeDirectory
126 return $ homeDir </> ".cabal" </> "lib" -- TODO: determine in some other way
128 packageDbPaths :: FilePath -> FilePath -> PackageDB -> [FilePath]
129 packageDbPaths user system db =
130 case db of
131 GlobalPackageDB -> [ system ]
132 UserPackageDB -> [ user ]
133 SpecificPackageDB path -> [ path ]
135 -- | Hack to add version numbers to UHC-built-in packages. This should sooner or
136 -- later be fixed on the UHC side.
137 addBuiltinVersions :: String -> String
139 addBuiltinVersions "uhcbase" = "uhcbase-1.0"
140 addBuiltinVersions "base" = "base-3.0"
141 addBuiltinVersions "array" = "array-0.2"
143 addBuiltinVersions xs = xs
145 -- | Name of the installed package config file.
146 installedPkgConfig :: String
147 installedPkgConfig = "installed-pkg-config"
149 -- | Check if a certain dir contains a valid package. Currently, we are
150 -- looking only for the presence of an installed package configuration.
151 -- TODO: Actually make use of the information provided in the file.
152 isPkgDir :: String -> String -> String -> NoCallStackIO Bool
153 isPkgDir _ _ ('.' : _) = return False -- ignore files starting with a .
154 isPkgDir c dir xs = do
155 let candidate = dir </> uhcPackageDir xs c
156 -- putStrLn $ "trying: " ++ candidate
157 doesFileExist (candidate </> installedPkgConfig)
159 parsePackage :: String -> [PackageId]
160 parsePackage x = map fst (filter (\ (_,y) -> null y) (readP_to_S parse x))
162 -- | Create a trivial package info from a directory name.
163 mkInstalledPackageInfo :: PackageId -> InstalledPackageInfo
164 mkInstalledPackageInfo p = emptyInstalledPackageInfo
165 { installedUnitId = mkLegacyUnitId p,
166 sourcePackageId = p }
169 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
170 -- Building
172 buildLib :: Verbosity -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo
173 -> Library -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> IO ()
174 buildLib verbosity pkg_descr lbi lib clbi = do
176 systemPkgDir <- getGlobalPackageDir verbosity (withPrograms lbi)
177 userPkgDir <- getUserPackageDir
178 let runUhcProg = runDbProgram verbosity uhcProgram (withPrograms lbi)
179 let uhcArgs = -- set package name
180 ["--pkg-build=" ++ display (packageId pkg_descr)]
181 -- common flags lib/exe
182 ++ constructUHCCmdLine userPkgDir systemPkgDir
183 lbi (libBuildInfo lib) clbi
184 (buildDir lbi) verbosity
185 -- source files
186 -- suboptimal: UHC does not understand module names, so
187 -- we replace periods by path separators
188 ++ map (map (\ c -> if c == '.' then pathSeparator else c))
189 (map display (allLibModules lib clbi))
191 runUhcProg uhcArgs
193 return ()
195 buildExe :: Verbosity -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo
196 -> Executable -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> IO ()
197 buildExe verbosity _pkg_descr lbi exe clbi = do
198 systemPkgDir <- getGlobalPackageDir verbosity (withPrograms lbi)
199 userPkgDir <- getUserPackageDir
200 let runUhcProg = runDbProgram verbosity uhcProgram (withPrograms lbi)
201 let uhcArgs = -- common flags lib/exe
202 constructUHCCmdLine userPkgDir systemPkgDir
203 lbi (buildInfo exe) clbi
204 (buildDir lbi) verbosity
205 -- output file
206 ++ ["--output", buildDir lbi </> display (exeName exe)]
207 -- main source module
208 ++ [modulePath exe]
209 runUhcProg uhcArgs
211 constructUHCCmdLine :: FilePath -> FilePath
212 -> LocalBuildInfo -> BuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
213 -> FilePath -> Verbosity -> [String]
214 constructUHCCmdLine user system lbi bi clbi odir verbosity =
215 -- verbosity
216 (if verbosity >= deafening then ["-v4"]
217 else if verbosity >= normal then []
218 else ["-v0"])
219 ++ hcOptions UHC bi
220 -- flags for language extensions
221 ++ languageToFlags (compiler lbi) (defaultLanguage bi)
222 ++ extensionsToFlags (compiler lbi) (usedExtensions bi)
223 -- packages
224 ++ ["--hide-all-packages"]
225 ++ uhcPackageDbOptions user system (withPackageDB lbi)
226 ++ ["--package=uhcbase"]
227 ++ ["--package=" ++ display (mungedName pkgid) | (_, pkgid) <- componentPackageDeps clbi ]
228 -- search paths
229 ++ ["-i" ++ odir]
230 ++ ["-i" ++ l | l <- nub (hsSourceDirs bi)]
231 ++ ["-i" ++ autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi]
232 ++ ["-i" ++ autogenPackageModulesDir lbi]
233 -- cpp options
234 ++ ["--optP=" ++ opt | opt <- cppOptions bi]
235 -- output path
236 ++ ["--odir=" ++ odir]
237 -- optimization
238 ++ (case withOptimization lbi of
239 NoOptimisation -> ["-O0"]
240 NormalOptimisation -> ["-O1"]
241 MaximumOptimisation -> ["-O2"])
243 uhcPackageDbOptions :: FilePath -> FilePath -> PackageDBStack -> [String]
244 uhcPackageDbOptions user system db = map (\ x -> "--pkg-searchpath=" ++ x)
245 (concatMap (packageDbPaths user system) db)
247 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
248 -- Installation
250 installLib :: Verbosity -> LocalBuildInfo
251 -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
252 -> PackageDescription -> Library -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> IO ()
253 installLib verbosity _lbi targetDir _dynlibTargetDir builtDir pkg _library _clbi = do
254 -- putStrLn $ "dest: " ++ targetDir
255 -- putStrLn $ "built: " ++ builtDir
256 installDirectoryContents verbosity (builtDir </> display (packageId pkg)) targetDir
258 -- currently hard-coded UHC code generator and variant to use
259 uhcTarget, uhcTargetVariant :: String
260 uhcTarget = "bc"
261 uhcTargetVariant = "plain"
263 -- root directory for a package in UHC
264 uhcPackageDir :: String -> String -> FilePath
265 uhcPackageSubDir :: String -> FilePath
266 uhcPackageDir pkgid compilerid = pkgid </> uhcPackageSubDir compilerid
267 uhcPackageSubDir compilerid = compilerid </> uhcTarget </> uhcTargetVariant
269 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
270 -- Registering
272 registerPackage
273 :: Verbosity
274 -> Compiler
275 -> ProgramDb
276 -> PackageDBStack
277 -> InstalledPackageInfo
278 -> IO ()
279 registerPackage verbosity comp progdb packageDbs installedPkgInfo = do
280 dbdir <- case last packageDbs of
281 GlobalPackageDB -> getGlobalPackageDir verbosity progdb
282 UserPackageDB -> getUserPackageDir
283 SpecificPackageDB dir -> return dir
284 let pkgdir = dbdir </> uhcPackageDir (display pkgid) (display compilerid)
285 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True pkgdir
286 writeUTF8File (pkgdir </> installedPkgConfig)
287 (showInstalledPackageInfo installedPkgInfo)
288 where
289 pkgid = sourcePackageId installedPkgInfo
290 compilerid = compilerId comp
292 inplacePackageDbPath :: LocalBuildInfo -> FilePath
293 inplacePackageDbPath lbi = buildDir lbi