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[cabal.git] / Cabal-syntax / src / Distribution / Compiler.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 -- |
10 -- Module : Distribution.Compiler
11 -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2003-2004
12 -- License : BSD3
14 -- Maintainer :
15 -- Portability : portable
17 -- This has an enumeration of the various compilers that Cabal knows about. It
18 -- also specifies the default compiler. Sadly you'll often see code that does
19 -- case analysis on this compiler flavour enumeration like:
21 -- > case compilerFlavor comp of
22 -- > GHC -> GHC.getInstalledPackages verbosity packageDb progdb
24 -- Obviously it would be better to use the proper 'Compiler' abstraction
25 -- because that would keep all the compiler-specific code together.
26 -- Unfortunately we cannot make this change yet without breaking the
27 -- 'UserHooks' api, which would break all custom @Setup.hs@ files, so for the
28 -- moment we just have to live with this deficiency. If you're interested, see
29 -- ticket #57.
30 module Distribution.Compiler
31 ( -- * Compiler flavor
32 CompilerFlavor (..)
33 , buildCompilerId
34 , buildCompilerFlavor
35 , defaultCompilerFlavor
36 , classifyCompilerFlavor
37 , knownCompilerFlavors
39 -- * Per compiler flavor
40 , PerCompilerFlavor (..)
41 , perCompilerFlavorToList
43 -- * Compiler id
44 , CompilerId (..)
46 -- * Compiler info
47 , CompilerInfo (..)
48 , unknownCompilerInfo
49 , AbiTag (..)
50 , abiTagString
51 ) where
53 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
54 import Prelude ()
56 import Language.Haskell.Extension
58 import Distribution.Version (Version, mkVersion', nullVersion)
60 import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
61 import Distribution.Parsec (Parsec (..))
62 import Distribution.Pretty (Pretty (..), prettyShow)
63 import qualified System.Info (compilerName, compilerVersion)
64 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
66 data CompilerFlavor
67 = GHC
68 | GHCJS
69 | NHC
70 | YHC
71 | Hugs
72 | HBC
73 | Helium
74 | JHC
75 | LHC
76 | UHC
77 | Eta
78 | MHS -- MicroHS, see
79 | HaskellSuite String -- string is the id of the actual compiler
80 | OtherCompiler String
81 deriving (Generic, Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
83 instance Binary CompilerFlavor
84 instance Structured CompilerFlavor
85 instance NFData CompilerFlavor where rnf = genericRnf
87 knownCompilerFlavors :: [CompilerFlavor]
88 knownCompilerFlavors =
89 [GHC, GHCJS, NHC, YHC, Hugs, HBC, Helium, JHC, LHC, UHC, Eta, MHS]
91 instance Pretty CompilerFlavor where
92 pretty (OtherCompiler name) = Disp.text name
93 pretty (HaskellSuite name) = Disp.text name
94 pretty NHC = Disp.text "nhc98"
95 pretty other = Disp.text (lowercase (show other))
97 instance Parsec CompilerFlavor where
98 parsec = classifyCompilerFlavor <$> component
99 where
100 component = do
101 cs <- P.munch1 isAlphaNum
102 if all isDigit cs then fail "all digits compiler name" else return cs
104 classifyCompilerFlavor :: String -> CompilerFlavor
105 classifyCompilerFlavor s =
106 fromMaybe (OtherCompiler s) $ lookup (lowercase s) compilerMap
107 where
108 compilerMap =
109 [ (lowercase (prettyShow compiler), compiler)
110 | compiler <- knownCompilerFlavors
113 buildCompilerFlavor :: CompilerFlavor
114 buildCompilerFlavor = classifyCompilerFlavor System.Info.compilerName
116 buildCompilerVersion :: Version
117 buildCompilerVersion = mkVersion' System.Info.compilerVersion
119 buildCompilerId :: CompilerId
120 buildCompilerId = CompilerId buildCompilerFlavor buildCompilerVersion
122 -- | The default compiler flavour to pick when compiling stuff. This defaults
123 -- to the compiler used to build the Cabal lib.
125 -- However if it's not a recognised compiler then it's 'Nothing' and the user
126 -- will have to specify which compiler they want.
127 defaultCompilerFlavor :: Maybe CompilerFlavor
128 defaultCompilerFlavor = case buildCompilerFlavor of
129 OtherCompiler _ -> Nothing
130 _ -> Just buildCompilerFlavor
132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 -- Per compiler data
134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 -- | 'PerCompilerFlavor' carries only info per GHC and GHCJS
138 -- Cabal parses only @ghc-options@ and @ghcjs-options@, others are omitted.
139 data PerCompilerFlavor v = PerCompilerFlavor v v
140 deriving
141 ( Generic
142 , Show
143 , Read
144 , Eq
145 , Ord
146 , Typeable
147 , Data
148 , Functor
149 , Foldable
150 , Traversable
153 instance Binary a => Binary (PerCompilerFlavor a)
154 instance Structured a => Structured (PerCompilerFlavor a)
155 instance NFData a => NFData (PerCompilerFlavor a)
157 perCompilerFlavorToList :: PerCompilerFlavor v -> [(CompilerFlavor, v)]
158 perCompilerFlavorToList (PerCompilerFlavor a b) = [(GHC, a), (GHCJS, b)]
160 instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (PerCompilerFlavor a) where
161 PerCompilerFlavor a b <> PerCompilerFlavor a' b' =
162 PerCompilerFlavor
163 (a <> a')
164 (b <> b')
166 instance (Semigroup a, Monoid a) => Monoid (PerCompilerFlavor a) where
167 mempty = PerCompilerFlavor mempty mempty
168 mappend = (<>)
170 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
172 -- * Compiler Id
174 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
176 data CompilerId = CompilerId CompilerFlavor Version
177 deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable)
179 instance Binary CompilerId
180 instance Structured CompilerId
181 instance NFData CompilerId where rnf = genericRnf
183 instance Pretty CompilerId where
184 pretty (CompilerId f v)
185 | v == nullVersion = pretty f
186 | otherwise = pretty f <<>> Disp.char '-' <<>> pretty v
188 instance Parsec CompilerId where
189 parsec = do
190 flavour <- parsec
191 version <- (P.char '-' >> parsec) <|> return nullVersion
192 return (CompilerId flavour version)
194 lowercase :: String -> String
195 lowercase = map toLower
197 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
199 -- * Compiler Info
201 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
203 -- | Compiler information used for resolving configurations. Some
204 -- fields can be set to Nothing to indicate that the information is
205 -- unknown.
206 data CompilerInfo = CompilerInfo
207 { compilerInfoId :: CompilerId
208 -- ^ Compiler flavour and version.
209 , compilerInfoAbiTag :: AbiTag
210 -- ^ Tag for distinguishing incompatible ABI's on the same
211 -- architecture/os.
212 , compilerInfoCompat :: Maybe [CompilerId]
213 -- ^ Other implementations that this compiler claims to be
214 -- compatible with, if known.
215 , compilerInfoLanguages :: Maybe [Language]
216 -- ^ Supported language standards, if known.
217 , compilerInfoExtensions :: Maybe [Extension]
218 -- ^ Supported extensions, if known.
220 deriving (Generic, Show, Read)
222 instance Binary CompilerInfo
224 data AbiTag
225 = NoAbiTag
226 | AbiTag String
227 deriving (Eq, Generic, Show, Read, Typeable)
229 instance Binary AbiTag
230 instance Structured AbiTag
232 instance Pretty AbiTag where
233 pretty NoAbiTag = Disp.empty
234 pretty (AbiTag tag) = Disp.text tag
236 instance Parsec AbiTag where
237 parsec = do
238 tag <- P.munch (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '_')
239 if null tag then return NoAbiTag else return (AbiTag tag)
241 abiTagString :: AbiTag -> String
242 abiTagString NoAbiTag = ""
243 abiTagString (AbiTag tag) = tag
245 -- | Make a CompilerInfo of which only the known information is its CompilerId,
246 -- its AbiTag and that it does not claim to be compatible with other
247 -- compiler id's.
248 unknownCompilerInfo :: CompilerId -> AbiTag -> CompilerInfo
249 unknownCompilerInfo compilerId abiTag =
250 CompilerInfo compilerId abiTag (Just []) Nothing Nothing