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[cabal.git] / Cabal-syntax / src / Distribution / FieldGrammar / Class.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
8 module Distribution.FieldGrammar.Class
9 ( FieldGrammar (..)
10 , uniqueField
11 , optionalField
12 , optionalFieldDef
13 , monoidalField
14 , defaultFreeTextFieldDefST
15 ) where
17 import Distribution.Compat.Lens
18 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
19 import Prelude ()
21 import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion (CabalSpecVersion)
22 import Distribution.Compat.Newtype (Newtype)
23 import Distribution.FieldGrammar.Newtypes
24 import Distribution.Fields.Field
25 import Distribution.Utils.ShortText
27 -- | 'FieldGrammar' is parametrised by
29 -- * @s@ which is a structure we are parsing. We need this to provide prettyprinter
30 -- functionality
32 -- * @a@ type of the field.
34 -- /Note:/ We'd like to have @forall s. Applicative (f s)@ context.
35 class
36 ( c SpecVersion
37 , c TestedWith
38 , c SpecLicense
39 , c Token
40 , c Token'
41 , c FilePathNT
42 ) =>
43 FieldGrammar c g
44 | g -> c
45 where
46 -- | Unfocus, zoom out, /blur/ 'FieldGrammar'.
47 blurFieldGrammar :: ALens' a b -> g b d -> g a d
49 -- | Field which should be defined, exactly once.
50 uniqueFieldAla
51 :: (c b, Newtype a b)
52 => FieldName
53 -- ^ field name
54 -> (a -> b)
55 -- ^ 'Newtype' pack
56 -> ALens' s a
57 -- ^ lens into the field
58 -> g s a
60 -- | Boolean field with a default value.
61 booleanFieldDef
62 :: FieldName
63 -- ^ field name
64 -> ALens' s Bool
65 -- ^ lens into the field
66 -> Bool
67 -- ^ default
68 -> g s Bool
70 -- | Optional field.
71 optionalFieldAla
72 :: (c b, Newtype a b)
73 => FieldName
74 -- ^ field name
75 -> (a -> b)
76 -- ^ 'pack'
77 -> ALens' s (Maybe a)
78 -- ^ lens into the field
79 -> g s (Maybe a)
81 -- | Optional field with default value.
82 optionalFieldDefAla
83 :: (c b, Newtype a b, Eq a)
84 => FieldName
85 -- ^ field name
86 -> (a -> b)
87 -- ^ 'Newtype' pack
88 -> ALens' s a
89 -- ^ @'Lens'' s a@: lens into the field
90 -> a
91 -- ^ default value
92 -> g s a
94 -- | Free text field is essentially 'optionalFieldDefAla` with @""@
95 -- as the default and "accept everything" parser.
97 -- @since
98 freeTextField
99 :: FieldName
100 -> ALens' s (Maybe String)
101 -- ^ lens into the field
102 -> g s (Maybe String)
104 -- | Free text field is essentially 'optionalFieldDefAla` with @""@
105 -- as the default and "accept everything" parser.
107 -- @since
108 freeTextFieldDef
109 :: FieldName
110 -> ALens' s String
111 -- ^ lens into the field
112 -> g s String
114 -- | @since
115 freeTextFieldDefST
116 :: FieldName
117 -> ALens' s ShortText
118 -- ^ lens into the field
119 -> g s ShortText
121 -- | Monoidal field.
123 -- Values are combined with 'mappend'.
125 -- /Note:/ 'optionalFieldAla' is a @monoidalField@ with 'Last' monoid.
126 monoidalFieldAla
127 :: (c b, Monoid a, Newtype a b)
128 => FieldName
129 -- ^ field name
130 -> (a -> b)
131 -- ^ 'pack'
132 -> ALens' s a
133 -- ^ lens into the field
134 -> g s a
136 -- | Parser matching all fields with a name starting with a prefix.
137 prefixedFields
138 :: FieldName
139 -- ^ field name prefix
140 -> ALens' s [(String, String)]
141 -- ^ lens into the field
142 -> g s [(String, String)]
144 -- | Known field, which we don't parse, nor pretty print.
145 knownField :: FieldName -> g s ()
147 -- | Field which is parsed but not pretty printed.
148 hiddenField :: g s a -> g s a
150 -- | Deprecated since
151 deprecatedSince
152 :: CabalSpecVersion
153 -- ^ version
154 -> String
155 -- ^ deprecation message
156 -> g s a
157 -> g s a
159 -- | Removed in. If we encounter removed field, parsing fails.
160 removedIn
161 :: CabalSpecVersion
162 -- ^ version
163 -> String
164 -- ^ removal message
165 -> g s a
166 -> g s a
168 -- | Annotate field with since spec-version.
169 availableSince
170 :: CabalSpecVersion
171 -- ^ spec version
172 -> a
173 -- ^ default value
174 -> g s a
175 -> g s a
177 -- | Annotate field with since spec-version.
178 -- This is used to recognise, but warn about the field.
179 -- It is used to process @other-extensions@ field.
181 -- Default implementation is to not warn.
183 -- @since
184 availableSinceWarn
185 :: CabalSpecVersion
186 -- ^ spec version
187 -> g s a
188 -> g s a
189 availableSinceWarn _ = id
191 -- | Field which can be defined at most once.
192 uniqueField
193 :: (FieldGrammar c g, c (Identity a))
194 => FieldName
195 -- ^ field name
196 -> ALens' s a
197 -- ^ lens into the field
198 -> g s a
199 uniqueField fn l = uniqueFieldAla fn Identity l
201 -- | Field which can be defined at most once.
202 optionalField
203 :: (FieldGrammar c g, c (Identity a))
204 => FieldName
205 -- ^ field name
206 -> ALens' s (Maybe a)
207 -- ^ lens into the field
208 -> g s (Maybe a)
209 optionalField fn l = optionalFieldAla fn Identity l
211 -- | Optional field with default value.
212 optionalFieldDef
213 :: (FieldGrammar c g, Functor (g s), c (Identity a), Eq a)
214 => FieldName
215 -- ^ field name
216 -> ALens' s a
217 -- ^ @'Lens'' s a@: lens into the field
218 -> a
219 -- ^ default value
220 -> g s a
221 optionalFieldDef fn l x = optionalFieldDefAla fn Identity l x
223 -- | Field which can be define multiple times, and the results are @mappend@ed.
224 monoidalField
225 :: (FieldGrammar c g, c (Identity a), Monoid a)
226 => FieldName
227 -- ^ field name
228 -> ALens' s a
229 -- ^ lens into the field
230 -> g s a
231 monoidalField fn l = monoidalFieldAla fn Identity l
233 -- | Default implementation for 'freeTextFieldDefST'.
234 defaultFreeTextFieldDefST
235 :: (Functor (g s), FieldGrammar c g)
236 => FieldName
237 -> ALens' s ShortText
238 -- ^ lens into the field
239 -> g s ShortText
240 defaultFreeTextFieldDefST fn l =
241 toShortText <$> freeTextFieldDef fn (cloneLens l . st)
242 where
243 st :: Lens' ShortText String
244 st f s = toShortText <$> f (fromShortText s)