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[cabal.git] / Cabal-syntax / src / Distribution / Types / MungedPackageName.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4 module Distribution.Types.MungedPackageName
5 ( MungedPackageName (..)
6 , decodeCompatPackageName
7 , encodeCompatPackageName
8 ) where
10 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
11 import Prelude ()
13 import Distribution.Parsec
14 import Distribution.Pretty
15 import Distribution.Types.LibraryName
16 import Distribution.Types.PackageName
17 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
19 import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
20 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
22 -- | A combination of a package and component name used in various legacy
23 -- interfaces, chiefly bundled with a version as 'MungedPackageId'. It's generally
24 -- better to use a 'UnitId' to opaquely refer to some compilation/packing unit,
25 -- but that doesn't always work, e.g. where a "name" is needed, in which case
26 -- this can be used as a fallback.
28 -- Use 'mkMungedPackageName' and 'unMungedPackageName' to convert from/to a 'String'.
30 -- In @ representation was changed from opaque (string) to semantic representation.
32 -- @since
33 data MungedPackageName = MungedPackageName !PackageName !LibraryName
34 deriving (Generic, Read, Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
36 instance Binary MungedPackageName
37 instance Structured MungedPackageName
38 instance NFData MungedPackageName where rnf = genericRnf
40 -- | Computes the package name for a library. If this is the public
41 -- library, it will just be the original package name; otherwise,
42 -- it will be a munged package name recording the original package
43 -- name as well as the name of the internal library.
45 -- A lot of tooling in the Haskell ecosystem assumes that if something
46 -- is installed to the package database with the package name 'foo',
47 -- then it actually is an entry for the (only public) library in package
48 -- 'foo'. With internal packages, this is not necessarily true:
49 -- a public library as well as arbitrarily many internal libraries may
50 -- come from the same package. To prevent tools from getting confused
51 -- in this case, the package name of these internal libraries is munged
52 -- so that they do not conflict the public library proper. A particular
53 -- case where this matters is ghc-pkg: if we don't munge the package
54 -- name, the inplace registration will OVERRIDE a different internal
55 -- library.
57 -- We munge into a reserved namespace, "z-", and encode both the
58 -- component name and the package name of an internal library using the
59 -- following format:
61 -- compat-pkg-name ::= "z-" package-name "-z-" library-name
63 -- where package-name and library-name have "-" ( "z" + ) "-"
64 -- segments encoded by adding an extra "z".
66 -- When we have the public library, the compat-pkg-name is just the
67 -- package-name, no surprises there!
69 -- >>> prettyShow $ MungedPackageName "servant" LMainLibName
70 -- "servant"
72 -- >>> prettyShow $ MungedPackageName "servant" (LSubLibName "lackey")
73 -- "z-servant-z-lackey"
74 instance Pretty MungedPackageName where
75 -- First handle the cases where we can just use the original 'PackageName'.
76 -- This is for the PRIMARY library, and it is non-Backpack, or the
77 -- indefinite package for us.
78 pretty = Disp.text . encodeCompatPackageName'
80 -- |
82 -- >>> simpleParsec "servant" :: Maybe MungedPackageName
83 -- Just (MungedPackageName (PackageName "servant") LMainLibName)
85 -- >>> simpleParsec "z-servant-z-lackey" :: Maybe MungedPackageName
86 -- Just (MungedPackageName (PackageName "servant") (LSubLibName (UnqualComponentName "lackey")))
88 -- >>> simpleParsec "z-servant-zz" :: Maybe MungedPackageName
89 -- Just (MungedPackageName (PackageName "z-servant-zz") LMainLibName)
90 instance Parsec MungedPackageName where
91 parsec = decodeCompatPackageName' <$> parsecUnqualComponentName
93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
94 -- ZDashCode conversions
95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
97 -- | Intended for internal use only
99 -- >>> decodeCompatPackageName "z-servant-z-lackey"
100 -- MungedPackageName (PackageName "servant") (LSubLibName (UnqualComponentName "lackey"))
101 decodeCompatPackageName :: PackageName -> MungedPackageName
102 decodeCompatPackageName = decodeCompatPackageName' . unPackageName
104 -- | Intended for internal use only
106 -- >>> encodeCompatPackageName $ MungedPackageName "servant" (LSubLibName "lackey")
107 -- PackageName "z-servant-z-lackey"
109 -- This is used in @cabal-install@ in the Solver.
110 -- May become obsolete as solver moves to per-component solving.
111 encodeCompatPackageName :: MungedPackageName -> PackageName
112 encodeCompatPackageName = mkPackageName . encodeCompatPackageName'
114 decodeCompatPackageName' :: String -> MungedPackageName
115 decodeCompatPackageName' m =
116 case m of
117 'z' : '-' : rest
118 | Right [pn, cn] <- explicitEitherParsec parseZDashCode rest ->
119 MungedPackageName (mkPackageName pn) (LSubLibName (mkUnqualComponentName cn))
120 s -> MungedPackageName (mkPackageName s) LMainLibName
122 encodeCompatPackageName' :: MungedPackageName -> String
123 encodeCompatPackageName' (MungedPackageName pn LMainLibName) = unPackageName pn
124 encodeCompatPackageName' (MungedPackageName pn (LSubLibName uqn)) =
125 "z-"
126 ++ zdashcode (unPackageName pn)
127 ++ "-z-"
128 ++ zdashcode (unUnqualComponentName uqn)
130 zdashcode :: String -> String
131 zdashcode s = go s (Nothing :: Maybe Int) []
132 where
133 go [] _ r = reverse r
134 go ('-' : z) (Just n) r | n > 0 = go z (Just 0) ('-' : 'z' : r)
135 go ('-' : z) _ r = go z (Just 0) ('-' : r)
136 go ('z' : z) (Just n) r = go z (Just (n + 1)) ('z' : r)
137 go (c : z) _ r = go z Nothing (c : r)
139 parseZDashCode :: CabalParsing m => m [String]
140 parseZDashCode = do
141 ns <- toList <$> P.sepByNonEmpty (some (P.satisfy (/= '-'))) (P.char '-')
142 return (go ns)
143 where
144 go ns = case break (== "z") ns of
145 (_, []) -> [paste ns]
146 (as, "z" : bs) -> paste as : go bs
147 _ -> error "parseZDashCode: go"
148 unZ :: String -> String
149 unZ "" = error "parseZDashCode: unZ"
150 unZ r@('z' : zs)
151 | all (== 'z') zs = zs
152 | otherwise = r
153 unZ r = r
154 paste :: [String] -> String
155 paste = intercalate "-" . map unZ
157 -- $setup
158 -- >>> :seti -XOverloadedStrings