make LTS branch pre-releases
[cabal.git] / Cabal-syntax / src / Distribution / Types / Version.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4 module Distribution.Types.Version
5 ( -- * Package versions
6 Version
7 , mkVersion
8 , mkVersion'
9 , versionNumbers
10 , nullVersion
11 , alterVersion
12 , version0
14 -- * Internal
15 , validVersion
16 , versionDigitParser
17 ) where
19 import Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR, (.&.), (.|.))
20 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
21 import Prelude ()
23 import Distribution.Parsec
24 import Distribution.Pretty
26 import qualified Data.Version as Base
27 import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
28 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
29 import qualified Text.Read as Read
31 -- | A 'Version' represents the version of a software entity.
33 -- Instances of 'Eq' and 'Ord' are provided, which gives exact
34 -- equality and lexicographic ordering of the version number
35 -- components (i.e. 2.1 > 2.0, 1.2.3 > 1.2.2, etc.).
37 -- This type is opaque and distinct from the 'Base.Version' type in
38 -- "Data.Version" since @Cabal-2.0@. The difference extends to the
39 -- 'Binary' instance using a different (and more compact) encoding.
41 -- @since
42 data Version
43 = PV0 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
44 | PV1 !Int [Int]
45 -- NOTE: If a version fits into the packed Word64
46 -- representation (i.e. at most four version components
47 -- which all fall into the [0..0xfffe] range), then PV0
48 -- MUST be used. This is essential for the 'Eq' instance
49 -- to work.
50 deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Typeable)
52 instance Ord Version where
53 compare (PV0 x) (PV0 y) = compare x y
54 compare (PV1 x xs) (PV1 y ys) = case compare x y of
55 EQ -> compare xs ys
56 c -> c
57 compare (PV0 w) (PV1 y ys) = case compare x y of
58 EQ -> compare [x2, x3, x4] ys
59 c -> c
60 where
61 x = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 48) .&. 0xffff) - 1
62 x2 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 32) .&. 0xffff) - 1
63 x3 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xffff) - 1
64 x4 = fromIntegral (w .&. 0xffff) - 1
65 compare (PV1 x xs) (PV0 w) = case compare x y of
66 EQ -> compare xs [y2, y3, y4]
67 c -> c
68 where
69 y = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 48) .&. 0xffff) - 1
70 y2 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 32) .&. 0xffff) - 1
71 y3 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xffff) - 1
72 y4 = fromIntegral (w .&. 0xffff) - 1
74 instance Show Version where
75 showsPrec d v =
76 showParen (d > 10) $
77 showString "mkVersion "
78 . showsPrec 11 (versionNumbers v)
80 instance Read Version where
81 readPrec = Read.parens $ do
82 Read.Ident "mkVersion" <- Read.lexP
83 v <- Read.step Read.readPrec
84 return (mkVersion v)
86 instance Binary Version
87 instance Structured Version
89 instance NFData Version where
90 rnf (PV0 _) = ()
91 rnf (PV1 _ ns) = rnf ns
93 instance Pretty Version where
94 pretty ver =
95 Disp.hcat
96 ( Disp.punctuate
97 (Disp.char '.')
98 (map $ versionNumbers ver)
101 instance Parsec Version where
102 parsec = mkVersion <$> toList <$> P.sepByNonEmpty versionDigitParser (P.char '.') <* tags
103 where
104 tags = do
105 ts <- many $ P.char '-' *> some (P.satisfy isAlphaNum)
106 case ts of
107 [] -> pure ()
108 (_ : _) -> parsecWarning PWTVersionTag "version with tags"
110 -- | An integral without leading zeroes.
112 -- @since 3.0
113 versionDigitParser :: CabalParsing m => m Int
114 versionDigitParser = (some d >>= toNumber) P.<?> "version digit (integral without leading zeroes)"
115 where
116 toNumber :: CabalParsing m => [Int] -> m Int
117 toNumber [0] = return 0
118 toNumber (0 : _) = P.unexpected "Version digit with leading zero"
119 toNumber xs
120 -- 10^9 = 1000000000
121 -- 2^30 = 1073741824
123 -- GHC Int is at least 32 bits, so 2^31-1 is the 'maxBound'.
124 | length xs > 9 = P.unexpected "At most 9 numbers are allowed per version number part"
125 | otherwise = return $ foldl' (\a b -> a * 10 + b) 0 xs
127 d :: P.CharParsing m => m Int
128 d = f <$> P.satisfyRange '0' '9'
129 f c = ord c - ord '0'
131 -- | Construct 'Version' from list of version number components.
133 -- For instance, @mkVersion [3,2,1]@ constructs a 'Version'
134 -- representing the version @3.2.1@.
136 -- All version components must be non-negative. @mkVersion []@
137 -- currently represents the special /null/ version; see also 'nullVersion'.
139 -- @since
140 mkVersion :: [Int] -> Version
141 -- TODO: add validity check; disallow 'mkVersion []' (we have
142 -- 'nullVersion' for that)
143 mkVersion [] = nullVersion
144 mkVersion (v1 : [])
145 | inWord16VerRep1 v1 = PV0 (mkWord64VerRep1 v1)
146 | otherwise = PV1 v1 []
147 where
148 inWord16VerRep1 x1 = inWord16 (x1 .|. (x1 + 1))
149 mkWord64VerRep1 y1 = mkWord64VerRep (y1 + 1) 0 0 0
150 mkVersion (v1 : vs@(v2 : []))
151 | inWord16VerRep2 v1 v2 = PV0 (mkWord64VerRep2 v1 v2)
152 | otherwise = PV1 v1 vs
153 where
154 inWord16VerRep2 x1 x2 =
155 inWord16
156 ( x1
157 .|. (x1 + 1)
158 .|. x2
159 .|. (x2 + 1)
161 mkWord64VerRep2 y1 y2 = mkWord64VerRep (y1 + 1) (y2 + 1) 0 0
162 mkVersion (v1 : vs@(v2 : v3 : []))
163 | inWord16VerRep3 v1 v2 v3 = PV0 (mkWord64VerRep3 v1 v2 v3)
164 | otherwise = PV1 v1 vs
165 where
166 inWord16VerRep3 x1 x2 x3 =
167 inWord16
168 ( x1
169 .|. (x1 + 1)
170 .|. x2
171 .|. (x2 + 1)
172 .|. x3
173 .|. (x3 + 1)
175 mkWord64VerRep3 y1 y2 y3 = mkWord64VerRep (y1 + 1) (y2 + 1) (y3 + 1) 0
176 mkVersion (v1 : vs@(v2 : v3 : v4 : []))
177 | inWord16VerRep4 v1 v2 v3 v4 = PV0 (mkWord64VerRep4 v1 v2 v3 v4)
178 | otherwise = PV1 v1 vs
179 where
180 inWord16VerRep4 x1 x2 x3 x4 =
181 inWord16
182 ( x1
183 .|. (x1 + 1)
184 .|. x2
185 .|. (x2 + 1)
186 .|. x3
187 .|. (x3 + 1)
188 .|. x4
189 .|. (x4 + 1)
191 mkWord64VerRep4 y1 y2 y3 y4 = mkWord64VerRep (y1 + 1) (y2 + 1) (y3 + 1) (y4 + 1)
192 mkVersion (v1 : vs) = PV1 v1 vs
194 -- | Version 0. A lower bound of 'Version'.
196 -- @since 2.2
197 version0 :: Version
198 version0 = mkVersion [0]
200 {-# INLINE mkWord64VerRep #-}
201 mkWord64VerRep :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Word64
202 mkWord64VerRep v1 v2 v3 v4 =
203 (fromIntegral v1 `shiftL` 48)
204 .|. (fromIntegral v2 `shiftL` 32)
205 .|. (fromIntegral v3 `shiftL` 16)
206 .|. fromIntegral v4
208 {-# INLINE inWord16 #-}
209 inWord16 :: Int -> Bool
210 inWord16 x = (fromIntegral x :: Word) <= 0xffff
212 -- | Variant of 'mkVersion' which converts a "Data.Version"
213 -- 'Base.Version' into Cabal's 'Version' type.
215 -- @since
216 mkVersion' :: Base.Version -> Version
217 mkVersion' = mkVersion . Base.versionBranch
219 -- | Unpack 'Version' into list of version number components.
221 -- This is the inverse to 'mkVersion', so the following holds:
223 -- > (versionNumbers . mkVersion) vs == vs
225 -- @since
226 versionNumbers :: Version -> [Int]
227 versionNumbers (PV1 n ns) = n : ns
228 versionNumbers (PV0 w)
229 | v1 < 0 = []
230 | v2 < 0 = [v1]
231 | v3 < 0 = [v1, v2]
232 | v4 < 0 = [v1, v2, v3]
233 | otherwise = [v1, v2, v3, v4]
234 where
235 v1 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 48) .&. 0xffff) - 1
236 v2 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 32) .&. 0xffff) - 1
237 v3 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xffff) - 1
238 v4 = fromIntegral (w .&. 0xffff) - 1
240 -- | Constant representing the special /null/ 'Version'
242 -- The 'nullVersion' compares (via 'Ord') as less than every proper
243 -- 'Version' value.
245 -- @since
246 nullVersion :: Version
247 -- TODO: at some point, 'mkVersion' may disallow creating /null/
248 -- 'Version's
249 nullVersion = PV0 0
251 -- | Apply function to list of version number components
253 -- > alterVersion f == mkVersion . f . versionNumbers
255 -- @since
256 alterVersion :: ([Int] -> [Int]) -> Version -> Version
257 alterVersion f = mkVersion . f . versionNumbers
259 -- internal helper
260 validVersion :: Version -> Bool
261 validVersion v = v /= nullVersion && all (>= 0) (versionNumbers v)