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[cabal.git] / Cabal-syntax / src / Distribution / Types / VersionInterval.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
4 -- | This module implements a view of a 'VersionRange' as a finite
5 -- list of separated version intervals.
6 --
7 -- In conversion from and to 'VersionRange' it makes some effort to
8 -- preserve the caret operator @^>=x.y@. This constraint a priori
9 -- specifies the same interval as @==x.y.*@, but indicates that newer
10 -- versions could be acceptable (@allow-newer: ^@).
11 module Distribution.Types.VersionInterval
12 ( -- * Version intervals
13 VersionIntervals
14 , unVersionIntervals
15 , mkVersionIntervals
17 -- * Conversions
18 , toVersionIntervals
19 , fromVersionIntervals
21 -- ** Normalisation
22 , normaliseVersionRange2
24 -- * Relaxation
25 , relaxLastInterval
26 , relaxHeadInterval
28 -- * Version intervals view
29 , asVersionIntervals
30 , VersionInterval (..)
31 , LowerBound (..)
32 , UpperBound (..)
33 , Bound (..)
35 -- * Invariants
36 , invariantVersionIntervals
37 ) where
39 import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
40 import Control.Exception (assert)
41 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude hiding (Applicative (..))
42 import Prelude ()
44 import Distribution.Types.Version
45 import Distribution.Types.VersionRange.Internal
47 -- To test this module, and to run version range normalisation benchmarks:
49 -- cabal run Cabal-tests:unit-tests -- -p Distribution.Version
50 -- cabal run cabal-benchmarks -- -o bench.html normaliseVersionRange
52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 -- Data
54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 -- | A complementary representation of a 'VersionRange'. Instead of a boolean
57 -- version predicate it uses an increasing sequence of non-overlapping,
58 -- non-empty intervals.
60 -- The key point is that this representation gives a canonical representation
61 -- for the semantics of 'VersionRange's. This makes it easier to check things
62 -- like whether a version range is empty, covers all versions, or requires a
63 -- certain minimum or maximum version. It also makes it easy to check equality
64 -- or containment. It also makes it easier to identify \'simple\' version
65 -- predicates for translation into foreign packaging systems that do not
66 -- support complex version range expressions.
67 newtype VersionIntervals = VersionIntervals [VersionInterval]
68 deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
70 -- | Inspect the list of version intervals.
71 unVersionIntervals :: VersionIntervals -> [VersionInterval]
72 unVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals is) = is
74 -- | Directly construct a 'VersionIntervals' from a list of intervals.
75 mkVersionIntervals :: [VersionInterval] -> Maybe VersionIntervals
76 mkVersionIntervals intervals
77 | invariantVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals intervals) = Just . VersionIntervals $ intervals
78 | otherwise = Nothing
80 data VersionInterval = VersionInterval !LowerBound !UpperBound deriving (Eq, Show)
81 data LowerBound = LowerBound !Version !Bound deriving (Eq, Show)
82 data UpperBound = NoUpperBound | UpperBound !Version !Bound deriving (Eq, Show)
83 data Bound = ExclusiveBound | InclusiveBound deriving (Eq, Show)
85 zeroLowerBound :: LowerBound
86 zeroLowerBound = LowerBound version0 InclusiveBound
88 isVersion0 :: Version -> Bool
89 isVersion0 = (==) version0
91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 -- Stage1
93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
95 stage1 :: VersionRange -> [VersionInterval]
96 stage1 = cataVersionRange alg
97 where
98 -- version range leafs transform into singleton intervals
99 alg (ThisVersionF v) = [VersionInterval (LowerBound v InclusiveBound) (UpperBound v InclusiveBound)]
100 alg (LaterVersionF v) = [VersionInterval (LowerBound v ExclusiveBound) NoUpperBound]
101 alg (OrLaterVersionF v) = [VersionInterval (LowerBound v InclusiveBound) NoUpperBound]
102 alg (EarlierVersionF v)
103 | isVersion0 v = []
104 | otherwise = [VersionInterval zeroLowerBound (UpperBound v ExclusiveBound)]
105 alg (OrEarlierVersionF v) = [VersionInterval zeroLowerBound (UpperBound v InclusiveBound)]
106 -- \^>= version-range's upper bound should be MajorBound
107 alg (MajorBoundVersionF v) = [VersionInterval (LowerBound v InclusiveBound) (UpperBound (majorUpperBound v) ExclusiveBound)]
108 -- union: just merge the version intervals
109 alg (UnionVersionRangesF v1 v2) = v1 ++ v2
110 -- intersection: pairwise intersect. Strip empty intervals. Sort to restore the invariant.
111 alg (IntersectVersionRangesF v1 v2) = mapMaybe nonEmptyInterval $ liftA2 intersectInterval (stage2and3 v1) (stage2and3 v2)
113 -- | Check that interval is non-empty
114 nonEmptyInterval :: VersionInterval -> Maybe VersionInterval
115 nonEmptyInterval i | nonEmptyVI i = Just i
116 nonEmptyInterval _ = Nothing
118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 -- Stage2
120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 stage2 :: [VersionInterval] -> [VersionInterval]
123 stage2 = sortBy lowerboundCmp
125 lowerboundCmp :: VersionInterval -> VersionInterval -> Ordering
126 lowerboundCmp (VersionInterval (LowerBound v vb) _) (VersionInterval (LowerBound u ub) _) =
127 compare v u `mappend` compareBound vb ub
128 where
129 compareBound :: Bound -> Bound -> Ordering
130 compareBound InclusiveBound InclusiveBound = EQ
131 compareBound InclusiveBound ExclusiveBound = LT
132 compareBound ExclusiveBound InclusiveBound = GT
133 compareBound ExclusiveBound ExclusiveBound = EQ
135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 -- Postprocess
137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 -- | Post-processing takes a list of ordered version intervals,
140 -- but possibly overlapping, and creates 'VersionIntervals'.
141 postprocess :: [VersionInterval] -> VersionIntervals
142 postprocess = checkInvariant . VersionIntervals . stage2and3
144 stage2and3 :: [VersionInterval] -> [VersionInterval]
145 stage2and3 = stage3 . stage2
147 stage3 :: [VersionInterval] -> [VersionInterval]
148 stage3 [] = []
149 stage3 (VersionInterval lb ub : rest) = stage3go lb ub rest
151 stage3go :: LowerBound -> UpperBound -> [VersionInterval] -> [VersionInterval]
152 stage3go !lb NoUpperBound _ = [VersionInterval lb NoUpperBound]
153 stage3go !lb !ub [] = [VersionInterval lb ub]
154 stage3go !lb !ub (VersionInterval lb' ub' : rest')
155 | doesNotTouch ub lb' = VersionInterval lb ub : stage3go lb' ub' rest'
156 | otherwise = stage3go lb (unionUpper ub ub') rest'
158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 -- Intersections
160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 intersectInterval :: VersionInterval -> VersionInterval -> VersionInterval
163 intersectInterval (VersionInterval lv uv) (VersionInterval lu uu) =
164 VersionInterval (intersectLower lv lu) (intersectUpper uv uu)
166 intersectLower :: LowerBound -> LowerBound -> LowerBound
167 intersectLower (LowerBound v vb) (LowerBound u ub) = case compare v u of
168 EQ -> LowerBound v (intersectBound vb ub)
169 LT -> LowerBound u ub
170 GT -> LowerBound v vb
172 intersectUpper :: UpperBound -> UpperBound -> UpperBound
173 intersectUpper NoUpperBound b = b
174 intersectUpper b NoUpperBound = b
175 intersectUpper (UpperBound v vb) (UpperBound u ub) = case compare v u of
176 EQ -> UpperBound v (intersectBound vb ub)
177 LT -> UpperBound v vb
178 GT -> UpperBound u ub
180 intersectBound :: Bound -> Bound -> Bound
181 intersectBound InclusiveBound InclusiveBound = InclusiveBound
182 intersectBound _ _ = ExclusiveBound
184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
185 -- Unions
186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
188 unionUpper :: UpperBound -> UpperBound -> UpperBound
189 unionUpper NoUpperBound _ = NoUpperBound
190 unionUpper _ NoUpperBound = NoUpperBound
191 unionUpper (UpperBound v vb) (UpperBound u ub) = case compare v u of
192 EQ -> UpperBound v (unionBound vb ub)
193 LT -> UpperBound u ub
194 GT -> UpperBound v vb
196 unionBound :: Bound -> Bound -> Bound
197 unionBound ExclusiveBound ExclusiveBound = ExclusiveBound
198 unionBound _ _ = InclusiveBound
200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
201 -- VersionRange
202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
204 -- | View a 'VersionRange' as a union of intervals.
206 -- This provides a canonical view of the semantics of a 'VersionRange' as
207 -- opposed to the syntax of the expression used to define it. For the syntactic
208 -- view use 'foldVersionRange'.
210 -- Each interval is non-empty. The sequence is in increasing order and no
211 -- intervals overlap or touch. Therefore only the first and last can be
212 -- unbounded. The sequence can be empty if the range is empty
213 -- (e.g. a range expression like @< 1 && > 2@).
215 -- Other checks are trivial to implement using this view. For example:
217 -- > isNoVersion vr | [] <- asVersionIntervals vr = True
218 -- > | otherwise = False
220 -- > isSpecificVersion vr
221 -- > | [(LowerBound v InclusiveBound
222 -- > ,UpperBound v' InclusiveBound)] <- asVersionIntervals vr
223 -- > , v == v' = Just v
224 -- > | otherwise = Nothing
225 asVersionIntervals :: VersionRange -> [VersionInterval]
226 asVersionIntervals = unVersionIntervals . toVersionIntervals
228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
229 -- Helpers
230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
232 -- | Check an upper bound does not intersect, or even touch a lower bound:
234 -- @
235 -- ---| or ---) but not ---] or ---) or ---]
236 -- |--- (--- (--- [--- [---
237 -- @
238 doesNotTouch :: UpperBound -> LowerBound -> Bool
239 doesNotTouch NoUpperBound _ = False
240 doesNotTouch (UpperBound u ub) (LowerBound l lb) =
241 (u < l) || (u == l && ub == ExclusiveBound && lb == ExclusiveBound)
243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
244 -- Invariants
245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
247 -- | 'VersionIntervals' invariant:
249 -- * all intervals are valid (lower bound is less then upper bound, i.e. non-empty)
250 -- * intervals doesn't touch each other (distinct)
251 invariantVersionIntervals :: VersionIntervals -> Bool
252 invariantVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals intervals) =
253 all validInterval intervals
254 && all doesNotTouch' adjacentIntervals
255 where
256 doesNotTouch' :: (VersionInterval, VersionInterval) -> Bool
257 doesNotTouch' (VersionInterval _ u, VersionInterval l' _) = doesNotTouch u l'
259 adjacentIntervals :: [(VersionInterval, VersionInterval)]
260 adjacentIntervals = case intervals of
261 [] -> []
262 (_ : tl) -> zip intervals tl
264 checkInvariant :: VersionIntervals -> VersionIntervals
265 checkInvariant is = assert (invariantVersionIntervals is) is
266 {-# INLINE checkInvariant #-}
268 validInterval :: VersionInterval -> Bool
269 validInterval i@(VersionInterval l u) = validLower l && validUpper u && nonEmptyVI i
270 where
271 validLower (LowerBound v _) = validVersion v
272 validUpper NoUpperBound = True
273 validUpper (UpperBound v _) = validVersion v
275 -- Check an interval is non-empty
277 nonEmptyVI :: VersionInterval -> Bool
278 nonEmptyVI (VersionInterval _ NoUpperBound) = True
279 nonEmptyVI (VersionInterval (LowerBound l lb) (UpperBound u ub)) =
280 (l < u) || (l == u && lb == InclusiveBound && ub == InclusiveBound)
282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
283 -- Conversions
284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
286 -- | Convert a 'VersionRange' to a sequence of version intervals.
287 toVersionIntervals :: VersionRange -> VersionIntervals
288 toVersionIntervals = postprocess . stage1
290 -- | Convert a 'VersionIntervals' value back into a 'VersionRange' expression
291 -- representing the version intervals.
292 fromVersionIntervals :: VersionIntervals -> VersionRange
293 fromVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals []) = noVersion
294 fromVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals (x : xs)) = foldr1 unionVersionRanges (fmap intervalToVersionRange (x :| xs))
296 intervalToVersionRange :: VersionInterval -> VersionRange
297 intervalToVersionRange (VersionInterval (LowerBound v vb) upper') = case upper' of
298 NoUpperBound ->
299 lowerBound
300 UpperBound u ub
301 | vb == InclusiveBound
302 , ub == InclusiveBound
303 , v == u ->
304 thisVersion v
305 UpperBound u ub -> withLowerBound (makeUpperBound u ub)
306 where
307 lowerBound :: VersionRange
308 lowerBound = case vb of
309 InclusiveBound -> orLaterVersion v
310 ExclusiveBound -> laterVersion v
312 withLowerBound :: VersionRange -> VersionRange
313 withLowerBound vr
314 | isVersion0 v, vb == InclusiveBound = vr
315 | otherwise = intersectVersionRanges lowerBound vr
317 makeUpperBound :: Version -> Bound -> VersionRange
318 makeUpperBound u InclusiveBound = orEarlierVersion u
319 makeUpperBound u ExclusiveBound = earlierVersion u
321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
322 -- Normalisation
323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
325 -- | Since @Cabal-3.6@ this function.. TODO
326 normaliseVersionRange2 :: VersionRange -> VersionRange
327 normaliseVersionRange2 = fromVersionIntervals . toVersionIntervals
329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
330 -- Relaxation
331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
333 relaxLastInterval :: VersionIntervals -> VersionIntervals
334 relaxLastInterval (VersionIntervals xs) = VersionIntervals (relaxLastInterval' xs)
335 where
336 relaxLastInterval' [] = []
337 relaxLastInterval' [VersionInterval l _] = [VersionInterval l NoUpperBound]
338 relaxLastInterval' (i : is) = i : relaxLastInterval' is
340 relaxHeadInterval :: VersionIntervals -> VersionIntervals
341 relaxHeadInterval (VersionIntervals xs) = VersionIntervals (relaxHeadInterval' xs)
342 where
343 relaxHeadInterval' [] = []
344 relaxHeadInterval' (VersionInterval _ u : is) = VersionInterval zeroLowerBound u : is