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[cabal.git] / cabal-install-solver / src / Distribution / Solver / Modular / WeightedPSQ.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
4 module Distribution.Solver.Modular.WeightedPSQ (
5 WeightedPSQ
6 , fromList
7 , toList
8 , keys
9 , weights
10 , isZeroOrOne
11 , filter
12 , lookup
13 , mapWithKey
14 , mapWeightsWithKey
15 , traverseWithKey
16 , union
17 , takeUntil
18 ) where
20 import qualified Data.Foldable as F
21 import qualified Data.List as L
22 import Data.Ord (comparing)
23 import qualified Data.Traversable as T
24 import Prelude hiding (filter, lookup)
26 -- | An association list that is sorted by weight.
28 -- Each element has a key ('k'), value ('v'), and weight ('w'). All operations
29 -- that add elements or modify weights stably sort the elements by weight.
30 newtype WeightedPSQ w k v = WeightedPSQ [(w, k, v)]
31 deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, F.Foldable, T.Traversable)
33 -- | /O(N)/.
34 filter :: (v -> Bool) -> WeightedPSQ k w v -> WeightedPSQ k w v
35 filter p (WeightedPSQ xs) = WeightedPSQ (L.filter (p . triple_3) xs)
37 -- | /O(1)/. Return @True@ if the @WeightedPSQ@ contains zero or one elements.
38 isZeroOrOne :: WeightedPSQ w k v -> Bool
39 isZeroOrOne (WeightedPSQ []) = True
40 isZeroOrOne (WeightedPSQ [_]) = True
41 isZeroOrOne _ = False
43 -- | /O(1)/. Return the elements in order.
44 toList :: WeightedPSQ w k v -> [(w, k, v)]
45 toList (WeightedPSQ xs) = xs
47 -- | /O(N log N)/.
48 fromList :: Ord w => [(w, k, v)] -> WeightedPSQ w k v
49 fromList = WeightedPSQ . L.sortBy (comparing triple_1)
51 -- | /O(N)/. Return the weights in order.
52 weights :: WeightedPSQ w k v -> [w]
53 weights (WeightedPSQ xs) = triple_1 xs
55 -- | /O(N)/. Return the keys in order.
56 keys :: WeightedPSQ w k v -> [k]
57 keys (WeightedPSQ xs) = triple_2 xs
59 -- | /O(N)/. Return the value associated with the first occurrence of the give
60 -- key, if it exists.
61 lookup :: Eq k => k -> WeightedPSQ w k v -> Maybe v
62 lookup k (WeightedPSQ xs) = triple_3 `fmap` L.find ((k ==) . triple_2) xs
64 -- | /O(N log N)/. Update the weights.
65 mapWeightsWithKey :: Ord w2
66 => (k -> w1 -> w2)
67 -> WeightedPSQ w1 k v
68 -> WeightedPSQ w2 k v
69 mapWeightsWithKey f (WeightedPSQ xs) = fromList $
70 (\ (w, k, v) -> (f k w, k, v)) xs
72 -- | /O(N)/. Update the values.
73 mapWithKey :: (k -> v1 -> v2) -> WeightedPSQ w k v1 -> WeightedPSQ w k v2
74 mapWithKey f (WeightedPSQ xs) = WeightedPSQ $
75 (\ (w, k, v) -> (w, k, f k v)) xs
77 -- | /O(N)/. Traverse and update values in some applicative functor.
78 traverseWithKey
79 :: Applicative f
80 => (k -> v -> f v')
81 -> WeightedPSQ w k v
82 -> f (WeightedPSQ w k v')
83 traverseWithKey f (WeightedPSQ q) = WeightedPSQ <$>
84 traverse (\(w,k,v) -> (w,k,) <$> f k v) q
86 -- | /O((N + M) log (N + M))/. Combine two @WeightedPSQ@s, preserving all
87 -- elements. Elements from the first @WeightedPSQ@ come before elements in the
88 -- second when they have the same weight.
89 union :: Ord w => WeightedPSQ w k v -> WeightedPSQ w k v -> WeightedPSQ w k v
90 union (WeightedPSQ xs) (WeightedPSQ ys) = fromList (xs ++ ys)
92 -- | /O(N)/. Return the prefix of values ending with the first element that
93 -- satisfies p, or all elements if none satisfy p.
94 takeUntil :: forall w k v. (v -> Bool) -> WeightedPSQ w k v -> WeightedPSQ w k v
95 takeUntil p (WeightedPSQ xs) = WeightedPSQ (go xs)
96 where
97 go :: [(w, k, v)] -> [(w, k, v)]
98 go [] = []
99 go (y : ys) = y : if p (triple_3 y) then [] else go ys
101 triple_1 :: (x, y, z) -> x
102 triple_1 (x, _, _) = x
104 triple_2 :: (x, y, z) -> y
105 triple_2 (_, y, _) = y
107 triple_3 :: (x, y, z) -> z
108 triple_3 (_, _, z) = z