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[cabal.git] / Cabal-described / src / Distribution / Described.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
3 module Distribution.Described (
4 Described (..),
5 describeDoc,
6 -- * Regular expressions
7 GrammarRegex (..),
8 reEps,
9 reChar,
10 reChars,
11 reMunchCS,
12 reMunch1CS,
13 -- * Variables
14 reVar0,
15 reVar1,
16 -- * Special expressions
17 reDot,
18 reComma,
19 reSpacedComma,
20 reHsString,
21 reUnqualComponent,
22 -- *
23 describeFlagAssignmentNonEmpty,
24 -- * Lists
25 reSpacedList,
26 reCommaList,
27 reCommaNonEmpty,
28 reOptCommaList,
29 -- * Character Sets
30 csChar,
31 csAlpha,
32 csAlphaNum,
33 csUpper,
34 csNotSpace,
35 csNotSpaceOrComma,
36 -- * tasty
37 testDescribed,
38 ) where
40 import Prelude
41 (Bool (..), Char, Either (..), Enum (..), Eq (..), Ord (..), Show (..), String, elem, fmap, foldr, id, map, maybe, otherwise, return, undefined, ($),
42 (.))
44 import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
45 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
46 import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
47 import Data.String (IsString (..))
48 import Data.Typeable (Typeable, typeOf)
49 import Data.Void (Void, vacuous)
50 import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..), Property, counterexample)
51 import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
52 import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty)
54 import Distribution.Compat.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
55 import Distribution.Parsec (Parsec, eitherParsec)
56 import Distribution.Pretty (Pretty, prettyShow)
58 import qualified Distribution.Utils.CharSet as CS
59 import qualified RERE as RE
60 import qualified RERE.CharSet as RE
61 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP
63 import Distribution.Utils.GrammarRegex
65 -- Types
66 import Distribution.Compat.Newtype
67 import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerFlavor, CompilerId, knownCompilerFlavors)
68 import Distribution.FieldGrammar.Newtypes
69 import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
70 import Distribution.System (Arch, OS, knownArches, knownOSs)
71 import Distribution.Types.AbiDependency (AbiDependency)
72 import Distribution.Types.AbiHash (AbiHash)
73 import Distribution.Types.BenchmarkType (BenchmarkType)
74 import Distribution.Types.BuildType (BuildType)
75 import Distribution.Types.Dependency (Dependency)
76 import Distribution.Types.ExecutableScope (ExecutableScope)
77 import Distribution.Types.ExeDependency (ExeDependency)
78 import Distribution.Types.ExposedModule (ExposedModule)
79 import Distribution.Types.Flag (FlagAssignment, FlagName)
80 import Distribution.Types.ForeignLib (LibVersionInfo)
81 import Distribution.Types.ForeignLibOption (ForeignLibOption)
82 import Distribution.Types.ForeignLibType (ForeignLibType)
83 import Distribution.Types.IncludeRenaming (IncludeRenaming)
84 import Distribution.Types.LegacyExeDependency (LegacyExeDependency)
85 import Distribution.Types.LibraryVisibility (LibraryVisibility)
86 import Distribution.Types.Mixin (Mixin)
87 import Distribution.Types.ModuleReexport (ModuleReexport)
88 import Distribution.Types.ModuleRenaming (ModuleRenaming)
89 import Distribution.Types.MungedPackageName (MungedPackageName)
90 import Distribution.Types.PackageId (PackageIdentifier)
91 import Distribution.Types.PackageName (PackageName)
92 import Distribution.Types.PackageVersionConstraint (PackageVersionConstraint)
93 import Distribution.Types.PkgconfigDependency (PkgconfigDependency)
94 import Distribution.Types.SourceRepo (RepoType)
95 import Distribution.Types.TestType (TestType)
96 import Distribution.Types.UnitId (UnitId)
97 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName (UnqualComponentName)
98 import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity)
99 import Distribution.Version (Version, VersionRange)
100 import Language.Haskell.Extension (Extension, Language)
102 -- | Class describing the pretty/parsec format of a.
103 class (Pretty a, Parsec a) => Described a where
104 -- | A pretty document of "regex" describing the field format
105 describe :: proxy a -> GrammarRegex void
107 -- | Pretty-print description.
109 -- >>> describeDoc ([] :: [Bool])
110 -- \left\{ \mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{True}\mathord{"}}\mid\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{False}\mathord{"}} \right\}
112 describeDoc :: Described a => proxy a -> PP.Doc
113 describeDoc p = regexDoc (describe p)
115 instance Described Bool where
116 describe _ = REUnion ["True", "False"]
118 instance Described a => Described (Identity a) where
119 describe _ = describe ([] :: [a])
121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 -- Lists
123 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 reSpacedList :: GrammarRegex a -> GrammarRegex a
126 reSpacedList = REMunch RESpaces1
128 reCommaList :: GrammarRegex a -> GrammarRegex a
129 reCommaList = RECommaList
131 reCommaNonEmpty :: GrammarRegex a -> GrammarRegex a
132 reCommaNonEmpty = RECommaNonEmpty
134 reOptCommaList :: GrammarRegex a -> GrammarRegex a
135 reOptCommaList = REOptCommaList
137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 -- Specific grammars
139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 reHsString :: GrammarRegex a
142 reHsString = RENamed "hs-string" impl where
143 impl = reChar '"' <> REMunch reEps (REUnion [strChar, escChar]) <> reChar '"'
144 strChar = RECharSet $ CS.difference CS.universe (CS.fromList "\"\\")
146 escChar = REUnion
147 [ "\\&"
148 , "\\\\"
149 , REUnion ["\\n", RENamed "escapes" "\\n"] -- TODO
150 , "\\" <> RECharSet "0123456789"
151 , "\\o" <> RECharSet "01234567"
152 , "\\x" <> RECharSet "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
153 , REUnion ["\\^@", RENamed "control" "\\^@"] -- TODO
154 , REUnion ["\\NUL", RENamed "ascii" "\\NUL"] -- TODO
157 reUnqualComponent :: GrammarRegex a
158 reUnqualComponent = RENamed "unqual-name" $
159 REMunch1 (reChar '-') component
160 where
161 component
162 = REMunch reEps (RECharSet csAlphaNum)
163 -- currently the parser accepts "csAlphaNum `difference` "0123456789"
164 -- which is larger set than CS.alpha
166 -- Hackage rejects non ANSI names, so it's not so relevant.
167 <> RECharSet CS.alpha
168 <> REMunch reEps (RECharSet csAlphaNum)
170 reDot :: GrammarRegex a
171 reDot = reChar '.'
173 reComma :: GrammarRegex a
174 reComma = reChar ','
176 reSpacedComma :: GrammarRegex a
177 reSpacedComma = RESpaces <> reComma <> RESpaces
179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 -- Character sets
181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
183 csChar :: Char -> CS.CharSet
184 csChar = CS.singleton
186 csAlpha :: CS.CharSet
187 csAlpha = CS.alpha
189 csAlphaNum :: CS.CharSet
190 csAlphaNum = CS.alphanum
192 csUpper :: CS.CharSet
193 csUpper = CS.upper
195 csNotSpace :: CS.CharSet
196 csNotSpace = CS.difference CS.universe $ CS.singleton ' '
198 csNotSpaceOrComma :: CS.CharSet
199 csNotSpaceOrComma = CS.difference csNotSpace $ CS.singleton ','
201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
202 -- Special
203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
205 describeFlagAssignmentNonEmpty :: GrammarRegex void
206 describeFlagAssignmentNonEmpty = REMunch1 RESpaces1 $
207 REUnion [fromString "+", fromString "-"] <> describe (Proxy :: Proxy FlagName)
209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
210 -- Conversion
211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
213 convert :: GrammarRegex Void -> RE.RE Void
214 convert = go id . vacuous where
215 go :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> GrammarRegex a -> RE.RE b
216 go f (REAppend rs) = foldr (\r acc -> go f r <> acc) RE.Eps rs
217 go f (REUnion rs) = foldr (\r acc -> go f r RE.\/ acc) RE.Null rs
218 go _ (RECharSet cs) = RE.Ch (convertCS cs)
219 go _ (REString str) = RE.string_ str
221 go f (REMunch sep r) = RE.Eps RE.\/ r' <> RE.star_ (sep' <> r') where
222 sep' = go f sep
223 r' = go f r
224 go f (REMunch1 sep r) = r' <> RE.star_ (sep' <> r') where
225 sep' = go f sep
226 r' = go f r
227 go f (REMunchR n sep r)
228 | n <= 0 = RE.Eps
229 | otherwise = RE.Eps RE.\/ r' <> go' (pred n)
230 where
231 sep' = go f sep
232 r' = go f r
234 go' m | m <= 0 = RE.Eps
235 | otherwise = RE.Eps RE.\/ sep' <> r' <> go' (pred m)
237 go f (REOpt r) = RE.Eps RE.\/ go f r
239 go f (REVar a) = RE.Var (f a)
240 go f (RENamed _ r) = go f r
241 go f (RERec n r) = RE.fix_ (fromString n)
242 (go (maybe RE.B (RE.F . f)) r)
244 go _ RESpaces = RE.Eps RE.\/ RE.ch_ ' ' RE.\/ " " RE.\/ "\n"
245 go _ RESpaces1 = RE.ch_ ' ' RE.\/ " " RE.\/ "\n"
247 go f (RECommaList r) = go f (expandedCommaList r)
248 go f (RECommaNonEmpty r)= go f (expandedCommaNonEmpty r)
249 go f (REOptCommaList r) = go f (expandedOptCommaList r)
251 go _ RETodo = RE.Null
253 expandedCommaList :: GrammarRegex a -> GrammarRegex a
254 expandedCommaList = REUnion . expandedCommaList'
256 expandedCommaNonEmpty :: GrammarRegex a -> GrammarRegex a
257 expandedCommaNonEmpty r = REUnion
258 [ REMunch1 reSpacedComma r
259 , reComma <> RESpaces <> REMunch1 reSpacedComma r
260 , REMunch1 reSpacedComma r <> RESpaces <> reComma
263 expandedCommaList' :: GrammarRegex a -> [GrammarRegex a]
264 expandedCommaList' r =
265 [ REMunch reSpacedComma r
266 , reComma <> RESpaces <> REMunch1 reSpacedComma r
267 , REMunch1 reSpacedComma r <> RESpaces <> reComma
270 expandedOptCommaList :: GrammarRegex a -> GrammarRegex a
271 expandedOptCommaList r = REUnion $ reSpacedList r : expandedCommaList' r
273 convertCS :: CS.CharSet -> RE.CharSet
274 convertCS = RE.fromIntervalList . CS.toIntervalList
276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
277 -- tasty
278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
280 testDescribed
281 :: forall a. (Arbitrary a, Described a, Typeable a, Eq a, Show a)
282 => Proxy a
283 -> TestTree
284 testDescribed _ = testGroup name
285 [ testProperty "parsec" propParsec
286 , testProperty "pretty" propPretty
287 , testProperty "roundtrip" propRoundtrip
289 where
290 name = show (typeOf (undefined :: a))
292 propParsec :: Ex a -> Property
293 propParsec (Example str) = counterexample (show res) $ case res of
294 Right _ -> True
295 Left _ -> False
296 where
297 res :: Either String a
298 res = eitherParsec str
300 rr :: RE.RE Void
301 rr = convert $ describe (Proxy :: Proxy a)
303 propPretty :: a -> Property
304 propPretty x = counterexample str $ RE.matchR rr str
305 where
306 str = prettyShow x
308 propRoundtrip :: a -> Property
309 propRoundtrip x = counterexample (show (res, str)) $ case res of
310 Right y -> x == y
311 Left _ -> False
312 where
313 str = prettyShow x
314 res = eitherParsec str
316 newtype Ex a = Example String
317 deriving (Show)
319 instance Described a => Arbitrary (Ex a) where
320 arbitrary
321 = fmap Example
322 $ fromMaybe (return "")
323 $ RE.generate 10 5
324 $ convert $ describe (Proxy :: Proxy a)
326 shrink (Example s)
327 | '\n' `elem` s = [ Example $ map (\c -> if c == '\n' then ' ' else c) s ]
328 | otherwise = []
330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
331 -- Instances
332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
334 instance Described AbiDependency where
335 describe _ =
336 describe (Proxy :: Proxy UnitId) <>
337 reChar '=' <>
338 describe (Proxy :: Proxy AbiHash)
340 instance Described AbiHash where
341 describe _ = reMunchCS csAlphaNum
343 instance Described Arch where
344 describe _ = REUnion
345 [ fromString (prettyShow arch)
346 | arch <- knownArches
349 instance Described BenchmarkType where
350 describe _ = "exitcode-stdio-1.0"
352 instance Described BuildType where
353 describe _ = REUnion ["Simple","Configure","Custom","Make","Default"]
355 instance Described CompilerFlavor where
356 describe _ = REUnion
357 [ fromString (prettyShow c)
358 | c <- knownCompilerFlavors
361 instance Described CompilerId where
362 describe _ =
363 describe (Proxy :: Proxy CompilerFlavor)
364 <> fromString "-"
365 <> describe (Proxy :: Proxy Version)
367 instance Described Dependency where
368 describe _ = REAppend
369 [ RENamed "pkg-name" (describe (Proxy :: Proxy PackageName))
370 , REOpt $
371 reChar ':'
372 <> REUnion
373 [ reUnqualComponent
374 , REAppend
375 [ reChar '{'
376 , RESpaces
377 -- no leading or trailing comma
378 , REMunch1 reSpacedComma reUnqualComponent
379 , RESpaces
380 , reChar '}'
384 , REOpt $ RESpaces <> vr
386 where
387 vr = RENamed "version-range" (describe (Proxy :: Proxy VersionRange))
389 instance Described ExecutableScope where
390 describe _ = REUnion ["public","private"]
392 instance Described ExeDependency where
393 describe _ = RETodo
395 instance Described ExposedModule where
396 describe _ = RETodo
398 instance Described Extension where
399 describe _ = RETodo
401 instance Described FlagAssignment where
402 describe _ = REMunch RESpaces1 $
403 REUnion [fromString "+", fromString "-"] <> describe (Proxy :: Proxy FlagName)
405 instance Described FlagName where
406 describe _ = lead <> rest where
407 lead = RECharSet $ csAlphaNum <> fromString "_"
408 rest = reMunchCS $ csAlphaNum <> fromString "_-"
410 instance Described ForeignLibOption where
411 describe _ = "standalone"
413 instance Described ForeignLibType where
414 describe _ = REUnion ["native-shared","native-static"]
416 instance Described IncludeRenaming where
417 describe _ = mr <> REOpt (RESpaces <> "requires" <> RESpaces1 <> mr)
418 where
419 mr = describe (Proxy :: Proxy ModuleRenaming)
421 instance Described Language where
422 describe _ = REUnion ["Haskell98", "Haskell2010"]
424 instance Described LegacyExeDependency where
425 describe _ = RETodo
427 instance Described LibraryVisibility where
428 describe _ = REUnion ["public","private"]
430 instance Described LibVersionInfo where
431 describe _ = reDigits <> REOpt (reChar ':' <> reDigits <> REOpt (reChar ':' <> reDigits)) where
432 reDigits = reChars ['0'..'9']
434 instance Described Mixin where
435 describe _ =
436 RENamed "package-name" (describe (Proxy :: Proxy PackageName)) <>
437 REOpt (reChar ':' <> RENamed "library-name" (describe (Proxy :: Proxy UnqualComponentName))) <>
438 REOpt (RESpaces1 <> describe (Proxy :: Proxy IncludeRenaming))
440 instance Described ModuleName where
441 describe _ = REMunch1 (reChar '.') component where
442 component = RECharSet csUpper <> REMunch reEps (REUnion [RECharSet csAlphaNum, RECharSet (fromString "_'")])
444 instance Described ModuleReexport where
445 describe _ = RETodo
447 instance Described ModuleRenaming where
448 describe _ = REUnion
449 [ reEps
450 , "hiding" <> RESpaces <> bp (REMunch reSpacedComma mn)
451 , bp (REMunch reSpacedComma entry)
453 where
454 bp r = "(" <> RESpaces <> r <> RESpaces <> ")"
455 mn = RENamed "module-name" $ describe (Proxy :: Proxy ModuleName)
457 entry = mn <> REOpt (RESpaces1 <> "as" <> RESpaces1 <> mn)
459 instance Described MungedPackageName where
460 describe _ = RETodo
462 instance Described OS where
463 describe _ = REUnion
464 [ fromString (prettyShow os)
465 | os <- knownOSs
468 instance Described PackageIdentifier where
469 describe _ = describe (Proxy :: Proxy PackageName) <> fromString "-" <> describe (Proxy :: Proxy Version)
471 instance Described PackageName where
472 describe _ = reUnqualComponent
474 instance Described PackageVersionConstraint where
475 describe _ = describe (Proxy :: Proxy PackageName) <> REUnion
476 [ fromString "-" <> describe (Proxy :: Proxy Version)
477 , RESpaces <> describe (Proxy :: Proxy VersionRange)
480 instance Described PkgconfigDependency where
481 describe _ = RETodo
483 instance Described RepoType where
484 describe _ = reMunch1CS $ csAlphaNum <> csChar '_' <> csChar '-'
486 instance Described TestType where
487 describe _ = REUnion ["exitcode-stdio-1.0", "detailed-0.9"]
489 instance Described Verbosity where
490 describe _ = REUnion
491 [ REUnion ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
492 , REUnion ["silent", "normal", "verbose", "debug", "deafening"]
493 <> REMunch reEps (RESpaces <> "+" <>
494 -- markoutput is left out on purpose
495 REUnion ["callsite", "callstack", "nowrap", "timestamp", "stderr", "stdout" ])
498 instance Described Version where
499 describe _ = REMunch1 reDot reDigits where
500 reDigits = REUnion
501 [ reChar '0'
502 , reChars ['1'..'9'] <> REMunchR 8 reEps (reChars ['0'..'9'])
505 instance Described VersionRange where
506 describe _ = RERec "version-range" $ REUnion
507 [ "==" <> RESpaces <> ver
508 , ">" <> RESpaces <> ver
509 , "<" <> RESpaces <> ver
510 , "<=" <> RESpaces <> ver
511 , ">=" <> RESpaces <> ver
512 , "^>=" <> RESpaces <> ver
514 -- ==0.1.*
515 , "==" <> RESpaces <> wildVer
517 , reVar0 <> RESpaces <> "||" <> RESpaces <> reVar0
518 , reVar0 <> RESpaces <> "&&" <> RESpaces <> reVar0
519 , "(" <> RESpaces <> reVar0 <> RESpaces <> ")"
521 -- == { 0.1.2 }
522 -- silly haddock: ^>= { 0.1.2, 3.4.5 }
523 , "==" <> RESpaces <> verSet
524 , "^>=" <> RESpaces <> verSet
526 where
527 ver' = describe (Proxy :: Proxy Version)
528 ver = RENamed "version" ver'
529 wildVer = ver' <> ".*"
530 verSet = "{" <> RESpaces <> REMunch1 reSpacedComma ver <> RESpaces <> "}"
532 instance Described UnitId where
533 describe _ = reMunch1CS $ csAlphaNum <> csChar '-' <> csChar '_' <> csChar '.' <> csChar '+'
535 instance Described UnqualComponentName where
536 describe _ = reUnqualComponent
538 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
539 -- Instances: Newtypes
540 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
542 class Sep sep => DescribeSep sep where
543 describeSep :: Proxy sep -> GrammarRegex a -> GrammarRegex a
545 instance DescribeSep CommaVCat where describeSep _ = reCommaList
546 instance DescribeSep CommaFSep where describeSep _ = reCommaList
547 instance DescribeSep VCat where describeSep _ = reCommaList
548 instance DescribeSep FSep where describeSep _ = reOptCommaList
549 instance DescribeSep NoCommaFSep where describeSep _ = reSpacedList
551 instance (Newtype a b, DescribeSep sep, Described b) => Described (List sep b a) where
552 describe _ = describeSep (Proxy :: Proxy sep) (describe (Proxy :: Proxy b))
554 instance (Newtype a b, Ord a, DescribeSep sep, Described b) => Described (Set' sep b a) where
555 describe _ = describeSep (Proxy :: Proxy sep) (describe (Proxy :: Proxy b))
557 instance Described Token where
558 describe _ = REUnion [reHsString, reMunch1CS csNotSpaceOrComma]
560 instance Described Token' where
561 describe _ = REUnion [reHsString, reMunch1CS csNotSpace]
563 instance Described a => Described (MQuoted a) where
564 -- TODO: this is simplification
565 describe _ = describe ([] :: [a])
567 instance Described SpecVersion where
568 describe _ = "3.4" -- :)
570 instance Described SpecLicense where
571 describe _ = RETodo
573 instance Described TestedWith where
574 describe _ = RETodo
576 instance Described FilePathNT where
577 describe _ = describe ([] :: [Token])