Add cyclical import tests with 1 and 2 hops in cycle
[cabal.git] / cabal-testsuite / PackageTests / CustomPlain / cabal.test.hs
1 import Test.Cabal.Prelude
2 main = cabalTest $ do
3 -- implicit setup-depends conflict with GHC >= 8.2; c.f. #415
4 skipUnlessGhcVersion "< 8.2"
5 -- Regression test for #4393
6 recordMode DoNotRecord $ do
7 -- TODO: Hack; see also CustomDep/cabal.test.hs
8 withEnvFilter (`notElem` ["HOME", "CABAL_DIR"]) $ do
9 -- On -v2, we don't have vQuiet set, which suppressed
10 -- the error
11 cabal "v2-build" ["-v1"]