Support GHC 9.12
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Compat / Time.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
9 module Distribution.Compat.Time
10 ( ModTime (..) -- Needed for testing
11 , getModTime
12 , getFileAge
13 , getCurTime
14 , posixSecondsToModTime
15 , calibrateMtimeChangeDelay
17 where
19 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
20 import Prelude ()
22 import System.Directory (getModificationTime)
24 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (withTempDirectory)
25 import Distribution.Verbosity (silent)
27 import System.FilePath
29 import Data.Time (diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
30 import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime, getPOSIXTime, posixDayLength)
32 #if defined mingw32_HOST_OS
34 import qualified Prelude
35 import Data.Bits ((.|.), unsafeShiftL)
36 #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
37 import Data.Bits (finiteBitSize)
38 #else
39 import Data.Bits (bitSize)
40 #endif
42 import Foreign ( allocaBytes, peekByteOff )
43 import System.IO.Error ( mkIOError, doesNotExistErrorType )
44 import System.Win32.Types ( BOOL, DWORD, LPCTSTR, LPVOID, withTString )
46 #else
48 import System.Posix.Files ( FileStatus, getFileStatus )
50 #if MIN_VERSION_unix(2,6,0)
51 import System.Posix.Files ( modificationTimeHiRes )
52 #else
53 import System.Posix.Files ( modificationTime )
54 #endif
56 #endif
58 -- | An opaque type representing a file's modification time, represented
59 -- internally as a 64-bit unsigned integer in the Windows UTC format.
60 newtype ModTime = ModTime Word64
61 deriving (Binary, Generic, Bounded, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
63 instance Structured ModTime
65 instance Show ModTime where
66 show (ModTime x) = show x
68 instance Read ModTime where
69 readsPrec p str = map (first ModTime) (readsPrec p str)
71 -- | Return modification time of the given file. Works around the low clock
72 -- resolution problem that 'getModificationTime' has on GHC < 7.8.
74 -- This is a modified version of the code originally written for Shake by Neil
75 -- Mitchell. See module Development.Shake.FileInfo.
76 getModTime :: FilePath -> IO ModTime
78 #if defined mingw32_HOST_OS
80 -- Directly against the Win32 API.
81 getModTime path = allocaBytes size_WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA $ \info -> do
82 res <- getFileAttributesEx path info
83 if not res
84 then do
85 let err = mkIOError doesNotExistErrorType
86 "Distribution.Compat.Time.getModTime"
87 Nothing (Just path)
88 ioError err
89 else do
90 dwLow <- peekByteOff info
91 index_WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_ftLastWriteTime_dwLowDateTime
92 dwHigh <- peekByteOff info
93 index_WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_ftLastWriteTime_dwHighDateTime
94 #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
95 let qwTime =
96 (fromIntegral (dwHigh :: DWORD) `unsafeShiftL` finiteBitSize dwHigh)
97 .|. (fromIntegral (dwLow :: DWORD))
98 #else
99 let qwTime =
100 (fromIntegral (dwHigh :: DWORD) `unsafeShiftL` bitSize dwHigh)
101 .|. (fromIntegral (dwLow :: DWORD))
102 #endif
103 return $! ModTime (qwTime :: Word64)
106 #ifdef x86_64_HOST_ARCH
107 #define CALLCONV ccall
108 #else
109 #define CALLCONV stdcall
110 #endif
112 foreign import CALLCONV "windows.h GetFileAttributesExW"
113 c_getFileAttributesEx :: LPCTSTR -> Int32 -> LPVOID -> Prelude.IO BOOL
115 getFileAttributesEx :: String -> LPVOID -> IO BOOL
116 getFileAttributesEx path lpFileInformation =
117 withTString path $ \c_path ->
118 c_getFileAttributesEx c_path getFileExInfoStandard lpFileInformation
120 getFileExInfoStandard :: Int32
121 getFileExInfoStandard = 0
126 index_WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_ftLastWriteTime_dwLowDateTime :: Int
127 index_WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_ftLastWriteTime_dwLowDateTime = 20
129 index_WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_ftLastWriteTime_dwHighDateTime :: Int
130 index_WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_ftLastWriteTime_dwHighDateTime = 24
132 #else
134 -- Directly against the unix library.
135 getModTime path = do
136 st <- getFileStatus path
137 return $! (extractFileTime st)
139 extractFileTime :: FileStatus -> ModTime
140 extractFileTime x = posixTimeToModTime (modificationTimeHiRes x)
142 #endif
145 windowsTick, secToUnixEpoch :: Word64
146 windowsTick = 10000000
147 secToUnixEpoch = 11644473600
149 -- | Convert POSIX seconds to ModTime.
150 posixSecondsToModTime :: Int64 -> ModTime
151 posixSecondsToModTime s =
152 ModTime $ ((fromIntegral s :: Word64) + secToUnixEpoch) * windowsTick
154 -- | Convert 'POSIXTime' to 'ModTime'.
155 posixTimeToModTime :: POSIXTime -> ModTime
156 posixTimeToModTime p =
157 ModTime $
158 ceiling (p * 1e7) -- 100 ns precision
159 + (secToUnixEpoch * windowsTick)
161 -- | Return age of given file in days.
162 getFileAge :: FilePath -> IO Double
163 getFileAge file = do
164 t0 <- getModificationTime file
165 t1 <- getCurrentTime
166 return $ realToFrac (t1 `diffUTCTime` t0) / realToFrac posixDayLength
168 -- | Return the current time as 'ModTime'.
169 getCurTime :: IO ModTime
170 getCurTime = posixTimeToModTime `fmap` getPOSIXTime -- Uses 'gettimeofday'.
172 -- | Based on code written by Neil Mitchell for Shake. See
173 -- 'sleepFileTimeCalibrate' in 'Test.Type'. Returns a pair
174 -- of microsecond values: first, the maximum delay seen, and the
175 -- recommended delay to use before testing for file modification change.
176 -- The returned delay is never smaller
177 -- than 10 ms, but never larger than 1 second.
178 calibrateMtimeChangeDelay :: IO (Int, Int)
179 calibrateMtimeChangeDelay =
180 withTempDirectory silent "." "calibration-" $ \dir -> do
181 let fileName = dir </> "probe"
182 mtimes <- for [1 .. 25] $ \(i :: Int) -> time $ do
183 writeFile fileName $ show i
184 t0 <- getModTime fileName
185 let spin j = do
186 writeFile fileName $ show (i, j)
187 t1 <- getModTime fileName
188 unless (t0 < t1) (spin $ j + 1)
189 spin (0 :: Int)
190 let mtimeChange = maximum mtimes
191 mtimeChange' = min 1000000 $ (max 10000 mtimeChange) * 2
192 return (mtimeChange, mtimeChange')
193 where
194 time :: IO () -> IO Int
195 time act = do
196 t0 <- getCurrentTime
198 t1 <- getCurrentTime
199 return . ceiling $! (t1 `diffUTCTime` t0) * 1e6 -- microseconds