Support GHC 9.12
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / ConfigureScript.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-}
9 -- |
10 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.ConfigureScript
11 -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2003-2005
12 -- License : BSD3
14 -- Maintainer :
15 -- Portability : portable
16 module Distribution.Simple.ConfigureScript
17 ( runConfigureScript
18 ) where
20 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
21 import Prelude ()
23 -- local
24 import Distribution.PackageDescription
25 import Distribution.Pretty
26 import Distribution.Simple.Errors
27 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
28 import Distribution.Simple.Program
29 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db
30 import Distribution.Simple.Setup.Common
31 import Distribution.Simple.Setup.Config
32 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
33 import Distribution.System (buildPlatform)
34 import Distribution.Utils.NubList
35 import Distribution.Verbosity
37 -- Base
38 import System.FilePath
39 ( dropDrive
40 , searchPathSeparator
41 , splitDirectories
42 , takeDirectory
43 , (</>)
45 #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
46 import System.FilePath (normalise, splitDrive)
47 #endif
48 import Distribution.Compat.Directory (makeAbsolute)
49 import Distribution.Compat.Environment (getEnvironment)
50 import Distribution.Compat.GetShortPathName (getShortPathName)
52 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
53 import qualified Data.Map as Map
55 runConfigureScript
56 :: Verbosity
57 -> ConfigFlags
58 -> LocalBuildInfo
59 -> IO ()
60 runConfigureScript verbosity flags lbi = do
61 env <- getEnvironment
62 let programDb = withPrograms lbi
63 (ccProg, ccFlags) <- configureCCompiler verbosity programDb
64 ccProgShort <- getShortPathName ccProg
65 -- The C compiler's compilation and linker flags (e.g.
66 -- "C compiler flags" and "Gcc Linker flags" from GHC) have already
67 -- been merged into ccFlags, so we set both CFLAGS and LDFLAGS
68 -- to ccFlags
69 -- We don't try and tell configure which ld to use, as we don't have
70 -- a way to pass its flags too
71 configureFile <-
72 makeAbsolute $
73 fromMaybe "." (takeDirectory <$> cabalFilePath lbi) </> "configure"
74 -- autoconf is fussy about filenames, and has a set of forbidden
75 -- characters that can't appear in the build directory, etc:
76 --
78 -- This has caused hard-to-debug failures in the past (#5368), so we
79 -- detect some cases early and warn with a clear message. Windows's
80 -- use of backslashes is problematic here, so we'll switch to
81 -- slashes, but we do still want to fail on backslashes in POSIX
82 -- paths.
84 -- TODO: We don't check for colons, tildes or leading dashes. We
85 -- also should check the builddir's path, destdir, and all other
86 -- paths as well.
87 let configureFile' = toUnix configureFile
88 for_ badAutoconfCharacters $ \(c, cname) ->
89 when (c `elem` dropDrive configureFile') $
90 warn verbosity $
91 concat
92 [ "The path to the './configure' script, '"
93 , configureFile'
94 , "', contains the character '"
95 , [c]
96 , "' ("
97 , cname
98 , ")."
99 , " This may cause the script to fail with an obscure error, or for"
100 , " building the package to fail later."
104 -- Convert a flag name to name of environment variable to represent its
105 -- value for the configure script.
106 flagEnvVar :: FlagName -> String
107 flagEnvVar flag = "CABAL_FLAG_" ++ map f (unFlagName flag)
108 where
110 | isAlphaNum c = c
111 | otherwise = '_'
112 -- A map from such env vars to every flag name and value where the name
113 -- name maps to that that env var.
114 cabalFlagMap :: Map String (NonEmpty (FlagName, Bool))
115 cabalFlagMap =
116 Map.fromListWith
117 (<>)
118 [ (flagEnvVar flag, (flag, bool) :| [])
119 | (flag, bool) <- unFlagAssignment $ flagAssignment lbi
121 -- A map from env vars to flag names to the single flag we will go with
122 cabalFlagMapDeconflicted :: Map String (FlagName, Bool) <-
123 flip Map.traverseWithKey cabalFlagMap $ \envVar -> \case
124 -- No conflict: no problem
125 singleFlag :| [] -> pure singleFlag
126 -- Conflict: warn and discard all but first
127 collidingFlags@(firstFlag :| _ : _) -> do
128 let quote s = "'" ++ s ++ "'"
129 toName = quote . unFlagName . fst
130 renderedList = intercalate ", " $ NonEmpty.toList $ toName <$> collidingFlags
131 warn verbosity $
132 unwords
133 [ "Flags"
134 , renderedList
135 , "all map to the same environment variable"
136 , quote envVar
137 , "causing a collision."
138 , "The value first flag"
139 , toName firstFlag
140 , "will be used."
142 pure firstFlag
144 let cabalFlagEnv =
145 [ (envVar, Just val)
146 | (envVar, (_, bool)) <- Map.toList cabalFlagMapDeconflicted
147 , let val = if bool then "1" else "0"
149 ++ [
151 , Just $ unwords [showFlagValue fv | fv <- unFlagAssignment $ flagAssignment lbi]
154 let extraPath = fromNubList $ configProgramPathExtra flags
155 let cflagsEnv =
156 maybe (unwords ccFlags) (++ (" " ++ unwords ccFlags)) $
157 lookup "CFLAGS" env
158 spSep = [searchPathSeparator]
159 pathEnv =
160 maybe
161 (intercalate spSep extraPath)
162 ((intercalate spSep extraPath ++ spSep) ++)
163 $ lookup "PATH" env
164 overEnv =
165 ("CFLAGS", Just cflagsEnv)
166 : [("PATH", Just pathEnv) | not (null extraPath)]
167 ++ cabalFlagEnv
168 hp = hostPlatform lbi
169 maybeHostFlag = if hp == buildPlatform then [] else ["--host=" ++ show (pretty hp)]
170 args' = configureFile' : args ++ ["CC=" ++ ccProgShort] ++ maybeHostFlag
171 shProg = simpleProgram "sh"
172 progDb <- prependProgramSearchPath verbosity extraPath emptyProgramDb
173 shConfiguredProg <-
174 lookupProgram shProg
175 `fmap` configureProgram verbosity shProg progDb
176 case shConfiguredProg of
177 Just sh ->
178 runProgramInvocation verbosity $
179 (programInvocation (sh{programOverrideEnv = overEnv}) args')
180 { progInvokeCwd = Just (buildDir lbi)
182 Nothing -> dieWithException verbosity NotFoundMsg
183 where
184 args = configureArgs backwardsCompatHack flags
185 backwardsCompatHack = False
187 -- | Convert Windows path to Unix ones
188 toUnix :: String -> String
189 #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
190 toUnix s = let tmp = normalise s
191 (l, rest) = case splitDrive tmp of
192 ([], x) -> ("/" , x)
193 (h:_, x) -> ('/':h:"/", x)
194 parts = splitDirectories rest
195 in l ++ intercalate "/" parts
196 #else
197 toUnix s = intercalate "/" $ splitDirectories s
198 #endif
200 badAutoconfCharacters :: [(Char, String)]
201 badAutoconfCharacters =
202 [ (' ', "space")
203 , ('\t', "tab")
204 , ('\n', "newline")
205 , ('\0', "null")
206 , ('"', "double quote")
207 , ('#', "hash")
208 , ('$', "dollar sign")
209 , ('&', "ampersand")
210 , ('\'', "single quote")
211 , ('(', "left bracket")
212 , (')', "right bracket")
213 , ('*', "star")
214 , (';', "semicolon")
215 , ('<', "less-than sign")
216 , ('=', "equals sign")
217 , ('>', "greater-than sign")
218 , ('?', "question mark")
219 , ('[', "left square bracket")
220 , ('\\', "backslash")
221 , ('`', "backtick")
222 , ('|', "pipe")