Support GHC 9.12
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / HaskellSuite.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
4 module Distribution.Simple.HaskellSuite where
6 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
7 import Prelude ()
9 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
11 import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo hiding (includeDirs)
12 import Distribution.Package
13 import Distribution.PackageDescription
14 import Distribution.Parsec (simpleParsec)
15 import Distribution.Pretty
16 import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
17 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
18 import Distribution.Simple.Errors
19 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
20 import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
21 import Distribution.Simple.Program
22 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin
23 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
24 import Distribution.System (Platform)
25 import Distribution.Utils.Path
26 import Distribution.Verbosity
27 import Distribution.Version
28 import Language.Haskell.Extension
30 configure
31 :: Verbosity
32 -> Maybe FilePath
33 -> Maybe FilePath
34 -> ProgramDb
35 -> IO (Compiler, Maybe Platform, ProgramDb)
36 configure verbosity mbHcPath hcPkgPath progdb0 = do
37 -- We have no idea how a haskell-suite tool is named, so we require at
38 -- least some information from the user.
39 hcPath <-
40 let msg = "You have to provide name or path of a haskell-suite tool (-w PATH)"
41 in maybe (dieWithException verbosity $ ProvideHaskellSuiteTool msg) return mbHcPath
43 when (isJust hcPkgPath) $
44 warn verbosity "--with-hc-pkg option is ignored for haskell-suite"
46 (comp, confdCompiler, progdb1) <- configureCompiler hcPath progdb0
48 -- Update our pkg tool. It uses the same executable as the compiler, but
49 -- all command start with "pkg"
50 (confdPkg, _) <- requireProgram verbosity haskellSuitePkgProgram progdb1
51 let progdb2 =
52 updateProgram
53 confdPkg
54 { programLocation = programLocation confdCompiler
55 , programDefaultArgs = ["pkg"]
57 progdb1
59 return (comp, Nothing, progdb2)
60 where
61 configureCompiler hcPath progdb0' = do
62 let
63 haskellSuiteProgram' =
64 haskellSuiteProgram
65 { programFindLocation = \v p -> findProgramOnSearchPath v p hcPath
68 -- NB: cannot call requireProgram right away — it'd think that
69 -- the program is already configured and won't reconfigure it again.
70 -- Instead, call configureProgram directly first.
71 progdb1 <- configureProgram verbosity haskellSuiteProgram' progdb0'
72 (confdCompiler, progdb2) <- requireProgram verbosity haskellSuiteProgram' progdb1
74 extensions <- getExtensions verbosity confdCompiler
75 languages <- getLanguages verbosity confdCompiler
76 (compName, compVersion) <-
77 getCompilerVersion verbosity confdCompiler
79 let
80 comp =
81 Compiler
82 { compilerId = CompilerId (HaskellSuite compName) compVersion
83 , compilerAbiTag = NoAbiTag
84 , compilerCompat = []
85 , compilerLanguages = languages
86 , compilerExtensions = extensions
87 , compilerProperties = mempty
90 return (comp, confdCompiler, progdb2)
92 hstoolVersion :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe Version)
93 hstoolVersion = findProgramVersion "--hspkg-version" id
95 numericVersion :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe Version)
96 numericVersion = findProgramVersion "--compiler-version" (fromMaybe "" . safeLast . words)
98 getCompilerVersion :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> IO (String, Version)
99 getCompilerVersion verbosity prog = do
100 output <- rawSystemStdout verbosity (programPath prog) ["--compiler-version"]
102 parts = words output
103 name = concat $ safeInit parts -- there shouldn't be any spaces in the name anyway
104 versionStr = fromMaybe "" $ safeLast parts
105 version <-
106 maybe
107 (dieWithException verbosity CannotDetermineCompilerVersion)
108 return
109 $ simpleParsec versionStr
110 return (name, version)
112 getExtensions :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> IO [(Extension, Maybe CompilerFlag)]
113 getExtensions verbosity prog = do
114 extStrs <-
115 lines
116 `fmap` rawSystemStdout verbosity (programPath prog) ["--supported-extensions"]
117 return
118 [(ext, Just $ "-X" ++ prettyShow ext) | Just ext <- map simpleParsec extStrs]
120 getLanguages :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> IO [(Language, CompilerFlag)]
121 getLanguages verbosity prog = do
122 langStrs <-
123 lines
124 `fmap` rawSystemStdout verbosity (programPath prog) ["--supported-languages"]
125 return
126 [(ext, "-G" ++ prettyShow ext) | Just ext <- map simpleParsec langStrs]
128 -- Other compilers do some kind of a packagedb stack check here. Not sure
129 -- if we need something like that as well.
130 getInstalledPackages
131 :: Verbosity
132 -> PackageDBStack
133 -> ProgramDb
134 -> IO InstalledPackageIndex
135 getInstalledPackages verbosity packagedbs progdb =
136 liftM (PackageIndex.fromList . concat) $ for packagedbs $ \packagedb ->
138 str <-
139 getDbProgramOutput
140 verbosity
141 haskellSuitePkgProgram
142 progdb
143 ["dump", packageDbOpt packagedb]
144 `catchExit` \_ -> dieWithException verbosity PkgDumpFailed
146 case parsePackages str of
147 Right ok -> return ok
148 _ -> dieWithException verbosity FailedToParseOutput
149 where
150 parsePackages str =
151 case partitionEithers $ map (parseInstalledPackageInfo . toUTF8BS) (splitPkgs str) of
152 ([], ok) -> Right [pkg | (_, pkg) <- ok]
153 (msgss, _) -> Left (foldMap NE.toList msgss)
155 splitPkgs :: String -> [String]
156 splitPkgs = map unlines . splitWith ("---" ==) . lines
157 where
158 splitWith :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
159 splitWith p xs =
160 ys : case zs of
161 [] -> []
162 _ : ws -> splitWith p ws
163 where
164 (ys, zs) = break p xs
166 buildLib
167 :: Verbosity
168 -> PackageDescription
169 -> LocalBuildInfo
170 -> Library
171 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
172 -> IO ()
173 buildLib verbosity pkg_descr lbi lib clbi = do
174 -- In future, there should be a mechanism for the compiler to request any
175 -- number of the above parameters (or their parts) — in particular,
176 -- pieces of PackageDescription.
178 -- For now, we only pass those that we know are used.
180 let odir = buildDir lbi
181 bi = libBuildInfo lib
182 srcDirs = map getSymbolicPath (hsSourceDirs bi) ++ [odir]
183 dbStack = withPackageDB lbi
184 language = fromMaybe Haskell98 (defaultLanguage bi)
185 progdb = withPrograms lbi
186 pkgid = packageId pkg_descr
188 runDbProgram verbosity haskellSuiteProgram progdb $
189 ["compile", "--build-dir", odir]
190 ++ concat [["-i", d] | d <- srcDirs]
191 ++ concat
192 [ ["-I", d]
193 | d <-
194 [ autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi
195 , autogenPackageModulesDir lbi
196 , odir
198 ++ includeDirs bi
200 ++ [packageDbOpt pkgDb | pkgDb <- dbStack]
201 ++ ["--package-name", prettyShow pkgid]
202 ++ concat
203 [ ["--package-id", prettyShow ipkgid]
204 | (ipkgid, _) <- componentPackageDeps clbi
206 ++ ["-G", prettyShow language]
207 ++ concat [["-X", prettyShow ex] | ex <- usedExtensions bi]
208 ++ cppOptions (libBuildInfo lib)
209 ++ [prettyShow modu | modu <- allLibModules lib clbi]
211 installLib
212 :: Verbosity
213 -> LocalBuildInfo
214 -> FilePath
215 -- ^ install location
216 -> FilePath
217 -- ^ install location for dynamic libraries
218 -> FilePath
219 -- ^ Build location
220 -> PackageDescription
221 -> Library
222 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
223 -> IO ()
224 installLib verbosity lbi targetDir dynlibTargetDir builtDir pkg lib clbi = do
225 let progdb = withPrograms lbi
226 runDbProgram verbosity haskellSuitePkgProgram progdb $
227 [ "install-library"
228 , "--build-dir"
229 , builtDir
230 , "--target-dir"
231 , targetDir
232 , "--dynlib-target-dir"
233 , dynlibTargetDir
234 , "--package-id"
235 , prettyShow $ packageId pkg
237 ++ map prettyShow (allLibModules lib clbi)
239 registerPackage
240 :: Verbosity
241 -> ProgramDb
242 -> PackageDBStack
243 -> InstalledPackageInfo
244 -> IO ()
245 registerPackage verbosity progdb packageDbs installedPkgInfo = do
246 (hspkg, _) <- requireProgram verbosity haskellSuitePkgProgram progdb
248 runProgramInvocation verbosity $
249 ( programInvocation
250 hspkg
251 ["update", packageDbOpt $ registrationPackageDB packageDbs]
253 { progInvokeInput = Just $ IODataText $ showInstalledPackageInfo installedPkgInfo
256 initPackageDB :: Verbosity -> ProgramDb -> FilePath -> IO ()
257 initPackageDB verbosity progdb dbPath =
258 runDbProgram
259 verbosity
260 haskellSuitePkgProgram
261 progdb
262 ["init", dbPath]
264 packageDbOpt :: PackageDB -> String
265 packageDbOpt GlobalPackageDB = "--global"
266 packageDbOpt UserPackageDB = "--user"
267 packageDbOpt (SpecificPackageDB db) = "--package-db=" ++ db