Support GHC 9.12
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / Hpc.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- |
8 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Hpc
9 -- Copyright : Thomas Tuegel 2011
10 -- License : BSD3
12 -- Maintainer :
13 -- Portability : portable
15 -- This module provides functions for locating various HPC-related paths and
16 -- a function for adding the necessary options to a PackageDescription to
17 -- build test suites with HPC enabled.
18 module Distribution.Simple.Hpc
19 ( Way (..)
20 , guessWay
21 , htmlDir
22 , mixDir
23 , tixDir
24 , tixFilePath
25 , HPCMarkupInfo (..)
26 , markupPackage
27 ) where
29 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
30 import Prelude ()
32 import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName, main)
33 import Distribution.PackageDescription
34 ( TestSuite (..)
35 , testModules
37 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
38 import Distribution.Pretty
39 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo (LocalBuildInfo (..))
40 import Distribution.Simple.Program
41 ( hpcProgram
42 , requireProgramVersion
44 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Hpc (markup, union)
45 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (notice)
46 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
47 import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity ())
48 import Distribution.Version (anyVersion)
49 import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist)
50 import System.FilePath
52 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 -- Haskell Program Coverage
55 data Way = Vanilla | Prof | Dyn
56 deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Read, Show)
58 hpcDir
59 :: FilePath
60 -- ^ \"dist/\" prefix
61 -> Way
62 -> FilePath
63 -- ^ Directory containing component's HPC .mix files
64 hpcDir distPref way = distPref </> "hpc" </> wayDir
65 where
66 wayDir = case way of
67 Vanilla -> "vanilla"
68 Prof -> "prof"
69 Dyn -> "dyn"
71 mixDir
72 :: FilePath
73 -- ^ \"dist/\" prefix
74 -> Way
75 -> FilePath
76 -- ^ Directory containing test suite's .mix files
77 mixDir distPref way = hpcDir distPref way </> "mix"
79 tixDir
80 :: FilePath
81 -- ^ \"dist/\" prefix
82 -> Way
83 -> FilePath
84 -- ^ Directory containing test suite's .tix files
85 tixDir distPref way = hpcDir distPref way </> "tix"
87 -- | Path to the .tix file containing a test suite's sum statistics.
88 tixFilePath
89 :: FilePath
90 -- ^ \"dist/\" prefix
91 -> Way
92 -> FilePath
93 -- ^ Component name
94 -> FilePath
95 -- ^ Path to test suite's .tix file
96 tixFilePath distPref way name = tixDir distPref way </> name <.> "tix"
98 htmlDir
99 :: FilePath
100 -- ^ \"dist/\" prefix
101 -> Way
102 -> FilePath
103 -- ^ Path to test suite's HTML markup directory
104 htmlDir distPref way = hpcDir distPref way </> "html"
106 -- | Attempt to guess the way the test suites in this package were compiled
107 -- and linked with the library so the correct module interfaces are found.
108 guessWay :: LocalBuildInfo -> Way
109 guessWay lbi
110 | withProfExe lbi = Prof
111 | withDynExe lbi = Dyn
112 | otherwise = Vanilla
114 -- | Haskell Program Coverage information required to produce a valid HPC
115 -- report through the `hpc markup` call for the package libraries.
116 data HPCMarkupInfo = HPCMarkupInfo
117 { pathsToLibsArtifacts :: [FilePath]
118 -- ^ The paths to the library components whose modules are included in the
119 -- coverage report
120 , libsModulesToInclude :: [ModuleName]
121 -- ^ The modules to include in the coverage report
124 -- | Generate the HTML markup for a package's test suites.
125 markupPackage
126 :: Verbosity
127 -> HPCMarkupInfo
128 -> LocalBuildInfo
129 -> FilePath
130 -- ^ Testsuite \"dist/\" prefix
131 -> PD.PackageDescription
132 -> [TestSuite]
133 -> IO ()
134 markupPackage verbosity HPCMarkupInfo{pathsToLibsArtifacts, libsModulesToInclude} lbi testDistPref pkg_descr suites = do
135 let tixFiles = map (tixFilePath testDistPref way) testNames
136 tixFilesExist <- traverse doesFileExist tixFiles
137 when (and tixFilesExist) $ do
138 -- behaviour of 'markup' depends on version, so we need *a* version
139 -- but no particular one
140 (hpc, hpcVer, _) <-
141 requireProgramVersion
142 verbosity
143 hpcProgram
144 anyVersion
145 (withPrograms lbi)
146 let htmlDir' = htmlDir testDistPref way
147 -- The tix file used to generate the report is either the testsuite's
148 -- tix file, when there is only one testsuite, or the sum of the tix
149 -- files of all testsuites in the package, which gets put under pkgName
150 -- for this component (a bit weird)
151 -- TODO: cabal-install should pass to Cabal where to put the summed tix
152 -- and report, and perhaps even the testsuites from other packages in
153 -- the project which are currently not accounted for in the summed
154 -- report.
155 tixFile <- case suites of
156 -- We call 'markupPackage' once for each testsuite to run individually,
157 -- to get the coverage report of just the one testsuite
158 [oneTest] -> do
159 let testName' = unUnqualComponentName $ testName oneTest
160 return $
161 tixFilePath testDistPref way testName'
162 -- And call 'markupPackage' once per `test` invocation with all the
163 -- testsuites to run, which results in multiple tix files being considered
164 _ -> do
165 let excluded = concatMap testModules suites ++ [main]
166 pkgName = prettyShow $ PD.package pkg_descr
167 summedTixFile = tixFilePath testDistPref way pkgName
168 createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory summedTixFile
169 union hpc verbosity tixFiles summedTixFile excluded
170 return summedTixFile
172 markup hpc hpcVer verbosity tixFile mixDirs htmlDir' libsModulesToInclude
173 notice verbosity $
174 "Package coverage report written to "
175 ++ htmlDir'
176 </> "hpc_index.html"
177 where
178 way = guessWay lbi
179 testNames = fmap (unUnqualComponentName . testName) suites
180 mixDirs = map (`mixDir` way) pathsToLibsArtifacts