Support GHC 9.12
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / PreProcess.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -- |
7 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.PreProcess
8 -- Copyright : (c) 2003-2005, Isaac Jones, Malcolm Wallace
9 -- License : BSD3
11 -- Maintainer :
12 -- Portability : portable
14 -- This module defines 'PPSuffixHandler', which is a combination of a file
15 -- extension and a function for configuring a 'PreProcessor'. It also defines
16 -- a bunch of known built-in preprocessors like @cpp@, @cpphs@, @c2hs@,
17 -- @hsc2hs@, @happy@, @alex@ etc and lists them in 'knownSuffixHandlers'.
18 -- On top of this it provides a function for actually preprocessing some sources
19 -- given a bunch of known suffix handlers.
20 -- This module is not as good as it could be, it could really do with a rewrite
21 -- to address some of the problems we have with pre-processors.
22 module Distribution.Simple.PreProcess
23 ( preprocessComponent
24 , preprocessExtras
25 , knownSuffixHandlers
26 , ppSuffixes
27 , PPSuffixHandler
28 , Suffix (..)
29 , builtinHaskellSuffixes
30 , builtinHaskellBootSuffixes
31 , PreProcessor (..)
32 , mkSimplePreProcessor
33 , runSimplePreProcessor
34 , ppCpp
35 , ppCpp'
36 , ppGreenCard
37 , ppC2hs
38 , ppHsc2hs
39 , ppHappy
40 , ppAlex
41 , ppUnlit
42 , platformDefines
43 , unsorted
45 where
47 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
48 import Distribution.Compat.Stack
49 import Prelude ()
51 import Distribution.Backpack.DescribeUnitId
52 import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Installed
53 import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
54 import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
55 import Distribution.Package
56 import Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
57 import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
58 import Distribution.Simple.CCompiler
59 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
60 import Distribution.Simple.Errors
61 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
62 import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
63 import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess.Types
64 import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess.Unlit
65 import Distribution.Simple.Program
66 import Distribution.Simple.Program.ResponseFile
67 import Distribution.Simple.Test.LibV09
68 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
69 import Distribution.System
70 import Distribution.Types.PackageName.Magic
71 import Distribution.Utils.Path
72 import Distribution.Verbosity
73 import Distribution.Version
74 import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist)
75 import System.FilePath
76 ( dropExtensions
77 , normalise
78 , replaceExtension
79 , splitExtension
80 , takeDirectory
81 , takeExtensions
82 , (<.>)
83 , (</>)
85 import System.Info (arch, os)
87 -- | Just present the modules in the order given; this is the default and it is
88 -- appropriate for preprocessors which do not have any sort of dependencies
89 -- between modules.
90 unsorted
91 :: Verbosity
92 -> [FilePath]
93 -> [ModuleName]
94 -> IO [ModuleName]
95 unsorted _ _ ms = pure ms
97 -- | Function to determine paths to possible extra C sources for a
98 -- preprocessor: just takes the path to the build directory and uses
99 -- this to search for C sources with names that match the
100 -- preprocessor's output name format.
101 type PreProcessorExtras = FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
103 mkSimplePreProcessor
104 :: (FilePath -> FilePath -> Verbosity -> IO ())
105 -> (FilePath, FilePath)
106 -> (FilePath, FilePath)
107 -> Verbosity
108 -> IO ()
109 mkSimplePreProcessor
110 simplePP
111 (inBaseDir, inRelativeFile)
112 (outBaseDir, outRelativeFile)
113 verbosity = simplePP inFile outFile verbosity
114 where
115 inFile = normalise (inBaseDir </> inRelativeFile)
116 outFile = normalise (outBaseDir </> outRelativeFile)
118 runSimplePreProcessor
119 :: PreProcessor
120 -> FilePath
121 -> FilePath
122 -> Verbosity
123 -> IO ()
124 runSimplePreProcessor pp inFile outFile verbosity =
125 runPreProcessor pp (".", inFile) (".", outFile) verbosity
127 -- | A preprocessor for turning non-Haskell files with the given 'Suffix'
128 -- (i.e. file extension) into plain Haskell source files.
129 type PPSuffixHandler =
130 (Suffix, BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor)
132 -- | Apply preprocessors to the sources from 'hsSourceDirs' for a given
133 -- component (lib, exe, or test suite).
135 -- XXX: This is terrible
136 preprocessComponent
137 :: PackageDescription
138 -> Component
139 -> LocalBuildInfo
140 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
141 -> Bool
142 -> Verbosity
143 -> [PPSuffixHandler]
144 -> IO ()
145 preprocessComponent pd comp lbi clbi isSrcDist verbosity handlers =
146 -- Skip preprocessing for scripts since they should be regular Haskell files,
147 -- but may have no or unknown extensions.
148 when (package pd /= fakePackageId) $ do
149 -- NB: never report instantiation here; we'll report it properly when
150 -- building.
151 setupMessage'
152 verbosity
153 "Preprocessing"
154 (packageId pd)
155 (componentLocalName clbi)
156 (Nothing :: Maybe [(ModuleName, Module)])
157 case comp of
158 (CLib lib@Library{libBuildInfo = bi}) -> do
159 let dirs =
160 map getSymbolicPath (hsSourceDirs bi)
161 ++ [autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi, autogenPackageModulesDir lbi]
162 let hndlrs = localHandlers bi
163 mods <- orderingFromHandlers verbosity dirs hndlrs (allLibModules lib clbi)
164 for_ (map ModuleName.toFilePath mods) $
165 pre dirs (componentBuildDir lbi clbi) hndlrs
166 (CFLib flib@ForeignLib{foreignLibBuildInfo = bi, foreignLibName = nm}) -> do
167 let nm' = unUnqualComponentName nm
168 let flibDir = buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
169 dirs =
170 map getSymbolicPath (hsSourceDirs bi)
171 ++ [ autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi
172 , autogenPackageModulesDir lbi
174 let hndlrs = localHandlers bi
175 mods <- orderingFromHandlers verbosity dirs hndlrs (foreignLibModules flib)
176 for_ (map ModuleName.toFilePath mods) $
177 pre dirs flibDir hndlrs
178 (CExe exe@Executable{buildInfo = bi, exeName = nm}) -> do
179 let nm' = unUnqualComponentName nm
180 let exeDir = buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
181 dirs =
182 map getSymbolicPath (hsSourceDirs bi)
183 ++ [ autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi
184 , autogenPackageModulesDir lbi
186 let hndlrs = localHandlers bi
187 mods <- orderingFromHandlers verbosity dirs hndlrs (otherModules bi)
188 for_ (map ModuleName.toFilePath mods) $
189 pre dirs exeDir hndlrs
190 pre (map getSymbolicPath (hsSourceDirs bi)) exeDir (localHandlers bi) $
191 dropExtensions (modulePath exe)
192 CTest test@TestSuite{testName = nm} -> do
193 let nm' = unUnqualComponentName nm
194 case testInterface test of
195 TestSuiteExeV10 _ f ->
196 preProcessTest test f $ buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
197 TestSuiteLibV09 _ _ -> do
198 let testDir =
199 buildDir lbi
200 </> stubName test
201 </> stubName test
202 ++ "-tmp"
203 writeSimpleTestStub test testDir
204 preProcessTest test (stubFilePath test) testDir
205 TestSuiteUnsupported tt ->
206 dieWithException verbosity $ NoSupportForPreProcessingTest tt
207 CBench bm@Benchmark{benchmarkName = nm} -> do
208 let nm' = unUnqualComponentName nm
209 case benchmarkInterface bm of
210 BenchmarkExeV10 _ f ->
211 preProcessBench bm f $ buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
212 BenchmarkUnsupported tt ->
213 dieWithException verbosity $ NoSupportForPreProcessingBenchmark tt
214 where
215 orderingFromHandlers v d hndlrs mods =
216 foldM (\acc (_, pp) -> ppOrdering pp v d acc) mods hndlrs
217 builtinCSuffixes = map Suffix cSourceExtensions
218 builtinSuffixes = builtinHaskellSuffixes ++ builtinCSuffixes
219 localHandlers bi = [(ext, h bi lbi clbi) | (ext, h) <- handlers]
220 pre dirs dir lhndlrs fp =
221 preprocessFile (map unsafeMakeSymbolicPath dirs) dir isSrcDist fp verbosity builtinSuffixes lhndlrs True
222 preProcessTest test =
223 preProcessComponent
224 (testBuildInfo test)
225 (testModules test)
226 preProcessBench bm =
227 preProcessComponent
228 (benchmarkBuildInfo bm)
229 (benchmarkModules bm)
231 preProcessComponent
232 :: BuildInfo
233 -> [ModuleName]
234 -> FilePath
235 -> FilePath
236 -> IO ()
237 preProcessComponent bi modules exePath dir = do
238 let biHandlers = localHandlers bi
239 sourceDirs =
240 map getSymbolicPath (hsSourceDirs bi)
241 ++ [ autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi
242 , autogenPackageModulesDir lbi
244 sequence_
245 [ preprocessFile
246 (map unsafeMakeSymbolicPath sourceDirs)
248 isSrcDist
249 (ModuleName.toFilePath modu)
250 verbosity
251 builtinSuffixes
252 biHandlers
253 False
254 | modu <- modules
256 -- XXX: what we do here (re SymbolicPath dir)
257 -- XXX: 2020-10-15 do we rely here on CWD being the PackageDir?
258 -- Note we don't fail on missing in this case, because the main file may be generated later (i.e. by a test code generator)
259 preprocessFile
260 (unsafeMakeSymbolicPath dir : hsSourceDirs bi)
262 isSrcDist
263 (dropExtensions $ exePath)
264 verbosity
265 builtinSuffixes
266 biHandlers
267 False
269 -- TODO: try to list all the modules that could not be found
270 -- not just the first one. It's annoying and slow due to the need
271 -- to reconfigure after editing the .cabal file each time.
273 -- | Find the first extension of the file that exists, and preprocess it
274 -- if required.
275 preprocessFile
276 :: [SymbolicPath PackageDir SourceDir]
277 -- ^ source directories
278 -> FilePath
279 -- ^ build directory
280 -> Bool
281 -- ^ preprocess for sdist
282 -> FilePath
283 -- ^ module file name
284 -> Verbosity
285 -- ^ verbosity
286 -> [Suffix]
287 -- ^ builtin suffixes
288 -> [(Suffix, PreProcessor)]
289 -- ^ possible preprocessors
290 -> Bool
291 -- ^ fail on missing file
292 -> IO ()
293 preprocessFile searchLoc buildLoc forSDist baseFile verbosity builtinSuffixes handlers failOnMissing = do
294 -- look for files in the various source dirs with this module name
295 -- and a file extension of a known preprocessor
296 psrcFiles <- findFileWithExtension' (map fst handlers) (map getSymbolicPath searchLoc) baseFile
297 case psrcFiles of
298 -- no preprocessor file exists, look for an ordinary source file
299 -- just to make sure one actually exists at all for this module.
300 -- Note: by looking in the target/output build dir too, we allow
301 -- source files to appear magically in the target build dir without
302 -- any corresponding "real" source file. This lets custom Setup.hs
303 -- files generate source modules directly into the build dir without
304 -- the rest of the build system being aware of it (somewhat dodgy)
305 Nothing -> do
306 bsrcFiles <- findFileWithExtension builtinSuffixes (buildLoc : map getSymbolicPath searchLoc) baseFile
307 case (bsrcFiles, failOnMissing) of
308 (Nothing, True) ->
309 dieWithException verbosity $
310 CantFindSourceForPreProcessFile $
311 "can't find source for "
312 ++ baseFile
313 ++ " in "
314 ++ intercalate ", " (map getSymbolicPath searchLoc)
315 _ -> return ()
316 -- found a pre-processable file in one of the source dirs
317 Just (psrcLoc, psrcRelFile) -> do
318 let (srcStem, ext) = splitExtension psrcRelFile
319 psrcFile = psrcLoc </> psrcRelFile
320 pp =
321 fromMaybe
322 (error "Distribution.Simple.PreProcess: Just expected")
323 (lookup (Suffix $ safeTail ext) handlers)
324 -- Preprocessing files for 'sdist' is different from preprocessing
325 -- for 'build'. When preprocessing for sdist we preprocess to
326 -- avoid that the user has to have the preprocessors available.
327 -- ATM, we don't have a way to specify which files are to be
328 -- preprocessed and which not, so for sdist we only process
329 -- platform independent files and put them into the 'buildLoc'
330 -- (which we assume is set to the temp. directory that will become
331 -- the tarball).
332 -- TODO: eliminate sdist variant, just supply different handlers
333 when (not forSDist || forSDist && platformIndependent pp) $ do
334 -- look for existing pre-processed source file in the dest dir to
335 -- see if we really have to re-run the preprocessor.
336 ppsrcFiles <- findFileWithExtension builtinSuffixes [buildLoc] baseFile
337 recomp <- case ppsrcFiles of
338 Nothing -> return True
339 Just ppsrcFile ->
340 psrcFile `moreRecentFile` ppsrcFile
341 when recomp $ do
342 let destDir = buildLoc </> dirName srcStem
343 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True destDir
344 runPreProcessorWithHsBootHack
346 (psrcLoc, psrcRelFile)
347 (buildLoc, srcStem <.> "hs")
348 where
349 dirName = takeDirectory
351 -- FIXME: This is a somewhat nasty hack. GHC requires that hs-boot files
352 -- be in the same place as the hs files, so if we put the hs file in dist/
353 -- then we need to copy the hs-boot file there too. This should probably be
354 -- done another way. Possibly we should also be looking for .lhs-boot
355 -- files, but I think that preprocessors only produce .hs files.
356 runPreProcessorWithHsBootHack
358 (inBaseDir, inRelativeFile)
359 (outBaseDir, outRelativeFile) = do
360 runPreProcessor
362 (inBaseDir, inRelativeFile)
363 (outBaseDir, outRelativeFile)
364 verbosity
366 exists <- doesFileExist inBoot
367 when exists $ copyFileVerbose verbosity inBoot outBoot
368 where
369 inBoot = replaceExtension inFile "hs-boot"
370 outBoot = replaceExtension outFile "hs-boot"
372 inFile = normalise (inBaseDir </> inRelativeFile)
373 outFile = normalise (outBaseDir </> outRelativeFile)
375 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
377 -- * known preprocessors
379 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
381 ppGreenCard :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
382 ppGreenCard _ lbi _ =
383 PreProcessor
384 { platformIndependent = False
385 , ppOrdering = unsorted
386 , runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity ->
387 runDbProgram
388 verbosity
389 greencardProgram
390 (withPrograms lbi)
391 (["-tffi", "-o" ++ outFile, inFile])
394 -- This one is useful for preprocessors that can't handle literate source.
395 -- We also need a way to chain preprocessors.
396 ppUnlit :: PreProcessor
397 ppUnlit =
398 PreProcessor
399 { platformIndependent = True
400 , ppOrdering = unsorted
401 , runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity ->
402 withUTF8FileContents inFile $ \contents ->
403 either (writeUTF8File outFile) (dieWithException verbosity) (unlit inFile contents)
406 ppCpp :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
407 ppCpp = ppCpp' []
409 ppCpp' :: [String] -> BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
410 ppCpp' extraArgs bi lbi clbi =
411 case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
412 GHC -> ppGhcCpp ghcProgram (const True) args bi lbi clbi
413 GHCJS -> ppGhcCpp ghcjsProgram (const True) args bi lbi clbi
414 _ -> ppCpphs args bi lbi clbi
415 where
416 cppArgs = getCppOptions bi lbi
417 args = cppArgs ++ extraArgs
419 ppGhcCpp
420 :: Program
421 -> (Version -> Bool)
422 -> [String]
423 -> BuildInfo
424 -> LocalBuildInfo
425 -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
426 -> PreProcessor
427 ppGhcCpp program xHs extraArgs _bi lbi clbi =
428 PreProcessor
429 { platformIndependent = False
430 , ppOrdering = unsorted
431 , runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity -> do
432 (prog, version, _) <-
433 requireProgramVersion
434 verbosity
435 program
436 anyVersion
437 (withPrograms lbi)
438 runProgram verbosity prog $
439 ["-E", "-cpp"]
440 -- This is a bit of an ugly hack. We're going to
441 -- unlit the file ourselves later on if appropriate,
442 -- so we need GHC not to unlit it now or it'll get
443 -- double-unlitted. In the future we might switch to
444 -- using cpphs --unlit instead.
445 ++ (if xHs version then ["-x", "hs"] else [])
446 ++ ["-optP-include", "-optP" ++ (autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi </> cppHeaderName)]
447 ++ ["-o", outFile, inFile]
448 ++ extraArgs
451 ppCpphs :: [String] -> BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
452 ppCpphs extraArgs _bi lbi clbi =
453 PreProcessor
454 { platformIndependent = False
455 , ppOrdering = unsorted
456 , runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity -> do
457 (cpphsProg, cpphsVersion, _) <-
458 requireProgramVersion
459 verbosity
460 cpphsProgram
461 anyVersion
462 (withPrograms lbi)
463 runProgram verbosity cpphsProg $
464 ("-O" ++ outFile)
465 : inFile
466 : "--noline"
467 : "--strip"
468 : ( if cpphsVersion >= mkVersion [1, 6]
469 then ["--include=" ++ (autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi </> cppHeaderName)]
470 else []
472 ++ extraArgs
475 ppHsc2hs :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
476 ppHsc2hs bi lbi clbi =
477 PreProcessor
478 { platformIndependent = False
479 , ppOrdering = unsorted
480 , runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity -> do
481 (gccProg, _) <- requireProgram verbosity gccProgram (withPrograms lbi)
482 (hsc2hsProg, hsc2hsVersion, _) <-
483 requireProgramVersion
484 verbosity
485 hsc2hsProgram
486 anyVersion
487 (withPrograms lbi)
488 -- See Trac #13896 and
489 let isCross = hostPlatform lbi /= buildPlatform
490 prependCrossFlags = if isCross then ("-x" :) else id
491 let hsc2hsSupportsResponseFiles = hsc2hsVersion >= mkVersion [0, 68, 4]
492 pureArgs = genPureArgs hsc2hsVersion gccProg inFile outFile
493 if hsc2hsSupportsResponseFiles
494 then
495 withResponseFile
496 verbosity
497 defaultTempFileOptions
498 (takeDirectory outFile)
499 "hsc2hs-response.txt"
500 Nothing
501 pureArgs
502 ( \responseFileName ->
503 runProgram verbosity hsc2hsProg (prependCrossFlags ["@" ++ responseFileName])
505 else runProgram verbosity hsc2hsProg (prependCrossFlags pureArgs)
507 where
508 -- Returns a list of command line arguments that can either be passed
509 -- directly, or via a response file.
510 genPureArgs :: Version -> ConfiguredProgram -> String -> String -> [String]
511 genPureArgs hsc2hsVersion gccProg inFile outFile =
512 -- Additional gcc options
513 [ "--cflag=" ++ opt
514 | opt <-
515 programDefaultArgs gccProg
516 ++ programOverrideArgs gccProg
518 ++ [ "--lflag=" ++ opt
519 | opt <-
520 programDefaultArgs gccProg
521 ++ programOverrideArgs gccProg
523 -- OSX frameworks:
524 ++ [ what ++ "=-F" ++ opt
525 | isOSX
526 , opt <- nub (concatMap Installed.frameworkDirs pkgs)
527 , what <- ["--cflag", "--lflag"]
529 ++ [ "--lflag=" ++ arg
530 | isOSX
531 , opt <- PD.frameworks bi ++ concatMap Installed.frameworks pkgs
532 , arg <- ["-framework", opt]
534 -- Note that on ELF systems, wherever we use -L, we must also use -R
535 -- because presumably that -L dir is not on the normal path for the
536 -- system's dynamic linker. This is needed because hsc2hs works by
537 -- compiling a C program and then running it.
539 ++ ["--cflag=" ++ opt | opt <- platformDefines lbi]
540 -- Options from the current package:
541 ++ ["--cflag=-I" ++ dir | dir <- PD.includeDirs bi]
542 ++ ["--cflag=-I" ++ buildDir lbi </> dir | dir <- PD.includeDirs bi]
543 ++ [ "--cflag=" ++ opt
544 | opt <-
545 PD.ccOptions bi
546 ++ PD.cppOptions bi
547 -- hsc2hs uses the C ABI
548 -- We assume that there are only C sources
549 -- and C++ functions are exported via a C
550 -- interface and wrapped in a C source file.
551 -- Therefore we do not supply C++ flags
552 -- because there will not be C++ sources.
554 -- DO NOT add PD.cxxOptions unless this changes!
556 ++ [ "--cflag=" ++ opt
557 | opt <-
558 [ "-I" ++ autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi
559 , "-I" ++ autogenPackageModulesDir lbi
560 , "-include"
561 , autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi </> cppHeaderName
564 ++ [ "--lflag=-L" ++ opt
565 | opt <-
566 if withFullyStaticExe lbi
567 then PD.extraLibDirsStatic bi
568 else PD.extraLibDirs bi
570 ++ [ "--lflag=-Wl,-R," ++ opt
571 | isELF
572 , opt <-
573 if withFullyStaticExe lbi
574 then PD.extraLibDirsStatic bi
575 else PD.extraLibDirs bi
577 ++ ["--lflag=-l" ++ opt | opt <- PD.extraLibs bi]
578 ++ ["--lflag=" ++ opt | opt <- PD.ldOptions bi]
579 -- Options from dependent packages
580 ++ [ "--cflag=" ++ opt
581 | pkg <- pkgs
582 , opt <-
583 ["-I" ++ opt | opt <- Installed.includeDirs pkg]
584 ++ Installed.ccOptions pkg
586 ++ [ "--lflag=" ++ opt
587 | pkg <- pkgs
588 , opt <-
589 ["-L" ++ opt | opt <- Installed.libraryDirs pkg]
590 ++ [ "-Wl,-R," ++ opt | isELF, opt <- Installed.libraryDirs pkg
592 ++ [ "-l" ++ opt
593 | opt <-
594 if withFullyStaticExe lbi
595 then Installed.extraLibrariesStatic pkg
596 else Installed.extraLibraries pkg
598 ++ Installed.ldOptions pkg
600 ++ preccldFlags
601 ++ hsc2hsOptions bi
602 ++ postccldFlags
603 ++ ["-o", outFile, inFile]
604 where
605 -- hsc2hs flag parsing was wrong
606 -- (see --
607 -- so we need to put -- --cc/--ld *after* hsc2hsOptions,
608 -- for older hsc2hs (pre 0.68.8) so that they can be overridden.
609 ccldFlags =
610 [ "--cc=" ++ programPath gccProg
611 , "--ld=" ++ programPath gccProg
614 (preccldFlags, postccldFlags)
615 | hsc2hsVersion >= mkVersion [0, 68, 8] = (ccldFlags, [])
616 | otherwise = ([], ccldFlags)
618 hacked_index = packageHacks (installedPkgs lbi)
619 -- Look only at the dependencies of the current component
620 -- being built! This relies on 'installedPkgs' maintaining
621 -- 'InstalledPackageInfo' for internal deps too; see #2971.
622 pkgs = PackageIndex.topologicalOrder $
623 case PackageIndex.dependencyClosure
624 hacked_index
625 (map fst (componentPackageDeps clbi)) of
626 Left index' -> index'
627 Right inf ->
628 error ("ppHsc2hs: broken closure: " ++ show inf)
629 isOSX = case buildOS of OSX -> True; _ -> False
630 isELF = case buildOS of OSX -> False; Windows -> False; AIX -> False; _ -> True
631 packageHacks = case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
632 GHC -> hackRtsPackage
633 GHCJS -> hackRtsPackage
634 _ -> id
635 -- We don't link in the actual Haskell libraries of our dependencies, so
636 -- the -u flags in the ldOptions of the rts package mean linking fails on
637 -- OS X (its ld is a tad stricter than gnu ld). Thus we remove the
638 -- ldOptions for GHC's rts package:
639 hackRtsPackage index =
640 case PackageIndex.lookupPackageName index (mkPackageName "rts") of
641 [(_, [rts])] ->
642 PackageIndex.insert rts{Installed.ldOptions = []} index
643 _ -> error "No (or multiple) ghc rts package is registered!!"
645 ppHsc2hsExtras :: PreProcessorExtras
646 ppHsc2hsExtras buildBaseDir =
647 filter ("_hsc.c" `isSuffixOf`)
648 `fmap` getDirectoryContentsRecursive buildBaseDir
650 ppC2hs :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
651 ppC2hs bi lbi clbi =
652 PreProcessor
653 { platformIndependent = False
654 , ppOrdering = unsorted
655 , runPreProcessor =
656 \(inBaseDir, inRelativeFile)
657 (outBaseDir, outRelativeFile)
658 verbosity -> do
659 (c2hsProg, _, _) <-
660 requireProgramVersion
661 verbosity
662 c2hsProgram
663 (orLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 15]))
664 (withPrograms lbi)
665 (gccProg, _) <- requireProgram verbosity gccProgram (withPrograms lbi)
666 runProgram verbosity c2hsProg $
667 -- Options from the current package:
668 ["--cpp=" ++ programPath gccProg, "--cppopts=-E"]
669 ++ ["--cppopts=" ++ opt | opt <- getCppOptions bi lbi]
670 ++ ["--cppopts=-include" ++ (autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi </> cppHeaderName)]
671 ++ ["--include=" ++ outBaseDir]
672 -- Options from dependent packages
673 ++ [ "--cppopts=" ++ opt
674 | pkg <- pkgs
675 , opt <-
676 ["-I" ++ opt | opt <- Installed.includeDirs pkg]
677 ++ [ opt | opt@('-' : c : _) <- Installed.ccOptions pkg,
678 -- c2hs uses the C ABI
679 -- We assume that there are only C sources
680 -- and C++ functions are exported via a C
681 -- interface and wrapped in a C source file.
682 -- Therefore we do not supply C++ flags
683 -- because there will not be C++ sources.
686 -- DO NOT add Installed.cxxOptions unless this changes!
687 c `elem` "DIU"
690 -- TODO: install .chi files for packages, so we can --include
691 -- those dirs here, for the dependencies
693 -- input and output files
694 ++ [ "--output-dir=" ++ outBaseDir
695 , "--output=" ++ outRelativeFile
696 , inBaseDir </> inRelativeFile
699 where
700 pkgs = PackageIndex.topologicalOrder (installedPkgs lbi)
702 ppC2hsExtras :: PreProcessorExtras
703 ppC2hsExtras d =
704 filter (\p -> takeExtensions p == ".chs.c")
705 `fmap` getDirectoryContentsRecursive d
707 -- TODO: perhaps use this with hsc2hs too
708 -- TODO: remove cc-options from cpphs for cabal-version: >= 1.10
709 -- TODO: Refactor and add separate getCppOptionsForHs, getCppOptionsForCxx, & getCppOptionsForC
710 -- instead of combining all these cases in a single function. This blind combination can
711 -- potentially lead to compilation inconsistencies.
712 getCppOptions :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> [String]
713 getCppOptions bi lbi =
714 platformDefines lbi
715 ++ cppOptions bi
716 ++ ["-I" ++ dir | dir <- PD.includeDirs bi]
717 ++ [opt | opt@('-' : c : _) <- PD.ccOptions bi ++ PD.cxxOptions bi, c `elem` "DIU"]
719 platformDefines :: LocalBuildInfo -> [String]
720 platformDefines lbi =
721 case compilerFlavor comp of
722 GHC ->
723 ["-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=" ++ versionInt version]
724 ++ ["-D" ++ os ++ "_BUILD_OS=1"]
725 ++ ["-D" ++ arch ++ "_BUILD_ARCH=1"]
726 ++ map (\os' -> "-D" ++ os' ++ "_HOST_OS=1") osStr
727 ++ map (\arch' -> "-D" ++ arch' ++ "_HOST_ARCH=1") archStr
728 GHCJS ->
729 compatGlasgowHaskell
730 ++ ["-D__GHCJS__=" ++ versionInt version]
731 ++ ["-D" ++ os ++ "_BUILD_OS=1"]
732 ++ ["-D" ++ arch ++ "_BUILD_ARCH=1"]
733 ++ map (\os' -> "-D" ++ os' ++ "_HOST_OS=1") osStr
734 ++ map (\arch' -> "-D" ++ arch' ++ "_HOST_ARCH=1") archStr
735 HaskellSuite{} ->
736 ["-D__HASKELL_SUITE__"]
737 ++ map (\os' -> "-D" ++ os' ++ "_HOST_OS=1") osStr
738 ++ map (\arch' -> "-D" ++ arch' ++ "_HOST_ARCH=1") archStr
739 _ -> []
740 where
741 comp = compiler lbi
742 Platform hostArch hostOS = hostPlatform lbi
743 version = compilerVersion comp
744 compatGlasgowHaskell =
745 maybe
747 (\v -> ["-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=" ++ versionInt v])
748 (compilerCompatVersion GHC comp)
749 -- TODO: move this into the compiler abstraction
750 -- FIXME: this forces GHC's crazy 4.8.2 -> 408 convention on all
751 -- the other compilers. Check if that's really what they want.
752 versionInt :: Version -> String
753 versionInt v = case versionNumbers v of
754 [] -> "1"
755 [n] -> show n
756 n1 : n2 : _ ->
757 -- 6.8.x -> 608
758 -- 6.10.x -> 610
759 let s1 = show n1
760 s2 = show n2
761 middle = case s2 of
762 _ : _ : _ -> ""
763 _ -> "0"
764 in s1 ++ middle ++ s2
766 osStr = case hostOS of
767 Linux -> ["linux"]
768 Windows -> ["mingw32"]
769 OSX -> ["darwin"]
770 FreeBSD -> ["freebsd"]
771 OpenBSD -> ["openbsd"]
772 NetBSD -> ["netbsd"]
773 DragonFly -> ["dragonfly"]
774 Solaris -> ["solaris2"]
775 AIX -> ["aix"]
776 HPUX -> ["hpux"]
777 IRIX -> ["irix"]
778 HaLVM -> []
779 IOS -> ["ios"]
780 Android -> ["android"]
781 Ghcjs -> ["ghcjs"]
782 Wasi -> ["wasi"]
783 Hurd -> ["hurd"]
784 Haiku -> ["haiku"]
785 OtherOS _ -> []
786 archStr = case hostArch of
787 I386 -> ["i386"]
788 X86_64 -> ["x86_64"]
789 PPC -> ["powerpc"]
790 PPC64 -> ["powerpc64"]
791 PPC64LE -> ["powerpc64le"]
792 Sparc -> ["sparc"]
793 Sparc64 -> ["sparc64"]
794 Arm -> ["arm"]
795 AArch64 -> ["aarch64"]
796 Mips -> ["mips"]
797 SH -> []
798 IA64 -> ["ia64"]
799 S390 -> ["s390"]
800 S390X -> ["s390x"]
801 Alpha -> ["alpha"]
802 Hppa -> ["hppa"]
803 Rs6000 -> ["rs6000"]
804 M68k -> ["m68k"]
805 Vax -> ["vax"]
806 RISCV64 -> ["riscv64"]
807 LoongArch64 -> ["loongarch64"]
808 JavaScript -> ["javascript"]
809 Wasm32 -> ["wasm32"]
810 OtherArch _ -> []
812 ppHappy :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
813 ppHappy _ lbi _ = pp{platformIndependent = True}
814 where
815 pp = standardPP lbi happyProgram (hcFlags hc)
816 hc = compilerFlavor (compiler lbi)
817 hcFlags GHC = ["-agc"]
818 hcFlags GHCJS = ["-agc"]
819 hcFlags _ = []
821 ppAlex :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
822 ppAlex _ lbi _ = pp{platformIndependent = True}
823 where
824 pp = standardPP lbi alexProgram (hcFlags hc)
825 hc = compilerFlavor (compiler lbi)
826 hcFlags GHC = ["-g"]
827 hcFlags GHCJS = ["-g"]
828 hcFlags _ = []
830 standardPP :: LocalBuildInfo -> Program -> [String] -> PreProcessor
831 standardPP lbi prog args =
832 PreProcessor
833 { platformIndependent = False
834 , ppOrdering = unsorted
835 , runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity ->
836 runDbProgram
837 verbosity
838 prog
839 (withPrograms lbi)
840 (args ++ ["-o", outFile, inFile])
843 -- | Convenience function; get the suffixes of these preprocessors.
844 ppSuffixes :: [PPSuffixHandler] -> [Suffix]
845 ppSuffixes = map fst
847 -- | Standard preprocessors: GreenCard, c2hs, hsc2hs, happy, alex and cpphs.
848 knownSuffixHandlers :: [PPSuffixHandler]
849 knownSuffixHandlers =
850 [ (Suffix "gc", ppGreenCard)
851 , (Suffix "chs", ppC2hs)
852 , (Suffix "hsc", ppHsc2hs)
853 , (Suffix "x", ppAlex)
854 , (Suffix "y", ppHappy)
855 , (Suffix "ly", ppHappy)
856 , (Suffix "cpphs", ppCpp)
859 -- | Standard preprocessors with possible extra C sources: c2hs, hsc2hs.
860 knownExtrasHandlers :: [PreProcessorExtras]
861 knownExtrasHandlers = [ppC2hsExtras, ppHsc2hsExtras]
863 -- | Find any extra C sources generated by preprocessing that need to
864 -- be added to the component (addresses issue #238).
865 preprocessExtras
866 :: Verbosity
867 -> Component
868 -> LocalBuildInfo
869 -> IO [FilePath]
870 preprocessExtras verbosity comp lbi = case comp of
871 CLib _ -> pp $ buildDir lbi
872 (CExe Executable{exeName = nm}) -> do
873 let nm' = unUnqualComponentName nm
874 pp $ buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
875 (CFLib ForeignLib{foreignLibName = nm}) -> do
876 let nm' = unUnqualComponentName nm
877 pp $ buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
878 CTest test -> do
879 let nm' = unUnqualComponentName $ testName test
880 case testInterface test of
881 TestSuiteExeV10 _ _ ->
882 pp $ buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
883 TestSuiteLibV09 _ _ ->
884 pp $ buildDir lbi </> stubName test </> stubName test ++ "-tmp"
885 TestSuiteUnsupported tt ->
886 dieWithException verbosity $ NoSupportPreProcessingTestExtras tt
887 CBench bm -> do
888 let nm' = unUnqualComponentName $ benchmarkName bm
889 case benchmarkInterface bm of
890 BenchmarkExeV10 _ _ ->
891 pp $ buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
892 BenchmarkUnsupported tt ->
893 dieWithException verbosity $ NoSupportPreProcessingBenchmarkExtras tt
894 where
895 pp :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
896 pp dir = do
897 b <- doesDirectoryExist dir
898 if b
899 then
900 (map (dir </>) . filter not_sub . concat)
901 <$> for
902 knownExtrasHandlers
903 (withLexicalCallStack (\f -> f dir))
904 else pure []
905 -- TODO: This is a terrible hack to work around #3545 while we don't
906 -- reorganize the directory layout. Basically, for the main
907 -- library, we might accidentally pick up autogenerated sources for
908 -- our subcomponents, because they are all stored as subdirectories
909 -- in dist/build. This is a cheap and cheerful check to prevent
910 -- this from happening. It is not particularly correct; for example
911 -- if a user has a test suite named foobar and puts their C file in
912 -- foobar/foo.c, this test will incorrectly exclude it. But I
913 -- didn't want to break BC...
914 not_sub p = and [not (pre `isPrefixOf` p) | pre <- component_dirs]
915 component_dirs = component_names (localPkgDescr lbi)
916 -- TODO: libify me
917 component_names pkg_descr =
918 fmap unUnqualComponentName $
919 mapMaybe (libraryNameString . libName) (subLibraries pkg_descr)
920 ++ map exeName (executables pkg_descr)
921 ++ map testName (testSuites pkg_descr)
922 ++ map benchmarkName (benchmarks pkg_descr)