Support GHC 9.12
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / Utils.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
10 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 -- |
15 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Utils
16 -- Copyright : Isaac Jones, Simon Marlow 2003-2004
17 -- License : BSD3
18 -- portions Copyright (c) 2007, Galois Inc.
20 -- Maintainer :
21 -- Portability : portable
23 -- A large and somewhat miscellaneous collection of utility functions used
24 -- throughout the rest of the Cabal lib and in other tools that use the Cabal
25 -- lib like @cabal-install@. It has a very simple set of logging actions. It
26 -- has low level functions for running programs, a bunch of wrappers for
27 -- various directory and file functions that do extra logging.
28 module Distribution.Simple.Utils
29 ( cabalVersion
31 -- * logging and errors
32 , dieNoVerbosity
33 , die'
34 , dieWithException
35 , dieWithLocation'
36 , dieNoWrap
37 , topHandler
38 , topHandlerWith
39 , warn
40 , warnError
41 , notice
42 , noticeNoWrap
43 , noticeDoc
44 , setupMessage
45 , info
46 , infoNoWrap
47 , debug
48 , debugNoWrap
49 , chattyTry
50 , annotateIO
51 , exceptionWithMetadata
52 , withOutputMarker
54 -- * exceptions
55 , handleDoesNotExist
56 , ignoreSigPipe
58 -- * running programs
59 , rawSystemExit
60 , rawSystemExitCode
61 , rawSystemProc
62 , rawSystemProcAction
63 , rawSystemExitWithEnv
64 , rawSystemStdout
65 , rawSystemStdInOut
66 , rawSystemIOWithEnv
67 , rawSystemIOWithEnvAndAction
68 , fromCreatePipe
69 , maybeExit
70 , xargs
71 , findProgramVersion
73 -- ** 'IOData' re-export
76 -- These types are re-exported from
77 -- "Distribution.Utils.IOData" for convenience as they're
78 -- exposed in the API of 'rawSystemStdInOut'
79 , IOData (..)
80 , KnownIODataMode (..)
81 , IODataMode (..)
82 , VerboseException (..)
84 -- * copying files
85 , createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose
86 , copyFileVerbose
87 , copyFiles
88 , copyFileTo
90 -- * installing files
91 , installOrdinaryFile
92 , installExecutableFile
93 , installMaybeExecutableFile
94 , installOrdinaryFiles
95 , installExecutableFiles
96 , installMaybeExecutableFiles
97 , installDirectoryContents
98 , copyDirectoryRecursive
100 -- * File permissions
101 , doesExecutableExist
102 , setFileOrdinary
103 , setFileExecutable
105 -- * file names
106 , currentDir
107 , shortRelativePath
108 , dropExeExtension
109 , exeExtensions
111 -- * finding files
112 , findFileEx
113 , findFileCwd
114 , findFirstFile
115 , findFileWithExtension
116 , findFileCwdWithExtension
117 , findFileWithExtension'
118 , findAllFilesWithExtension
119 , findAllFilesCwdWithExtension
120 , findModuleFileEx
121 , findModuleFilesEx
122 , getDirectoryContentsRecursive
124 -- * environment variables
125 , isInSearchPath
126 , addLibraryPath
128 -- * modification time
129 , moreRecentFile
130 , existsAndIsMoreRecentThan
132 -- * temp files and dirs
133 , TempFileOptions (..)
134 , defaultTempFileOptions
135 , withTempFile
136 , withTempFileEx
137 , withTempDirectory
138 , withTempDirectoryEx
139 , createTempDirectory
141 -- * .cabal and .buildinfo files
142 , defaultPackageDesc
143 , findPackageDesc
144 , findPackageDescCwd
145 , tryFindPackageDesc
146 , tryFindPackageDescCwd
147 , findHookedPackageDesc
149 -- * reading and writing files safely
150 , withFileContents
151 , writeFileAtomic
152 , rewriteFileEx
153 , rewriteFileLBS
155 -- * Unicode
156 , fromUTF8BS
157 , fromUTF8LBS
158 , toUTF8BS
159 , toUTF8LBS
160 , readUTF8File
161 , withUTF8FileContents
162 , writeUTF8File
163 , normaliseLineEndings
165 -- * BOM
166 , ignoreBOM
168 -- * generic utils
169 , dropWhileEndLE
170 , takeWhileEndLE
171 , equating
172 , comparing
173 , isInfixOf
174 , intercalate
175 , lowercase
176 , listUnion
177 , listUnionRight
178 , ordNub
179 , ordNubBy
180 , ordNubRight
181 , safeHead
182 , safeTail
183 , safeLast
184 , safeInit
185 , unintersperse
186 , wrapText
187 , wrapLine
189 -- * FilePath stuff
190 , isAbsoluteOnAnyPlatform
191 , isRelativeOnAnyPlatform
192 , exceptionWithCallStackPrefix
193 ) where
195 import Distribution.Compat.Async (waitCatch, withAsyncNF)
196 import Distribution.Compat.CopyFile
197 import Distribution.Compat.FilePath as FilePath
198 import Distribution.Compat.Internal.TempFile
199 import Distribution.Compat.Lens (Lens', over)
200 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
201 import Distribution.Compat.Stack
202 import Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
203 import Distribution.Simple.Errors
204 import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess.Types
205 import Distribution.System
206 import Distribution.Types.PackageId
207 import Distribution.Utils.Generic
208 import Distribution.Utils.IOData (IOData (..), IODataMode (..), KnownIODataMode (..))
209 import qualified Distribution.Utils.IOData as IOData
210 import Distribution.Verbosity
211 import Distribution.Version
212 import Prelude ()
216 #endif
219 import qualified Paths_Cabal (version)
220 #endif
222 import Distribution.Parsec
223 import Distribution.Pretty
225 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
226 import Data.Typeable
227 ( cast
230 import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
231 import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime, getPOSIXTime)
232 import Distribution.Compat.Process (proc)
233 import Foreign.C.Error (Errno (..), ePIPE)
234 import qualified GHC.IO.Exception as GHC
235 import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
236 import Numeric (showFFloat)
237 import System.Directory
238 ( Permissions (executable)
239 , createDirectory
240 , doesDirectoryExist
241 , doesFileExist
242 , getDirectoryContents
243 , getModificationTime
244 , getPermissions
245 , removeDirectoryRecursive
246 , removeFile
248 import System.Environment
249 ( getProgName
251 import System.FilePath as FilePath
252 ( getSearchPath
253 , joinPath
254 , normalise
255 , searchPathSeparator
256 , splitDirectories
257 , splitExtension
258 , takeDirectory
259 , (<.>)
260 , (</>)
262 import System.IO
263 ( BufferMode (..)
264 , Handle
265 , hClose
266 , hFlush
267 , hGetContents
268 , hPutStr
269 , hPutStrLn
270 , hSetBinaryMode
271 , hSetBuffering
272 , stderr
273 , stdout
275 import System.IO.Error
276 import System.IO.Unsafe
277 ( unsafeInterleaveIO
279 import qualified System.Process as Process
280 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
282 -- We only get our own version number when we're building with ourselves
283 cabalVersion :: Version
284 #if defined(BOOTSTRAPPED_CABAL)
285 cabalVersion = mkVersion' Paths_Cabal.version
286 #elif defined(CABAL_VERSION)
287 cabalVersion = mkVersion [CABAL_VERSION]
288 #else
289 cabalVersion = mkVersion [3,0] --used when bootstrapping
290 #endif
292 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
293 -- Exception and logging utils
295 -- Cabal's logging infrastructure has a few constraints:
297 -- * We must make all logging formatting and emissions decisions based
298 -- on the 'Verbosity' parameter, which is the only parameter that is
299 -- plumbed to enough call-sites to actually be used for this matter.
300 -- (One of Cabal's "big mistakes" is to have never have defined a
301 -- monad of its own.)
303 -- * When we 'die', we must raise an IOError. This a backwards
304 -- compatibility consideration, because that's what we've raised
305 -- previously, and if we change to any other exception type,
306 -- exception handlers which match on IOError will no longer work.
307 -- One case where it is known we rely on IOError being catchable
308 -- is 'readPkgConfigDb' in cabal-install; there may be other
309 -- user code that also assumes this.
311 -- * The 'topHandler' does not know what 'Verbosity' is, because
312 -- it gets called before we've done command line parsing (where
313 -- the 'Verbosity' parameter would come from).
315 -- This leads to two big architectural choices:
317 -- * Although naively we might imagine 'Verbosity' to be a simple
318 -- enumeration type, actually it is a full-on abstract data type
319 -- that may contain arbitrarily complex information. At the
320 -- moment, it is fully representable as a string, but we might
321 -- eventually also use verbosity to let users register their
322 -- own logging handler.
324 -- * When we call 'die', we perform all the formatting and addition
325 -- of extra information we need, and then ship this in the IOError
326 -- to the top-level handler. Here are alternate designs that
327 -- don't work:
329 -- a) Ship the unformatted info to the handler. This doesn't
330 -- work because at the point the handler gets the message,
331 -- we've lost call stacks, and even if we did, we don't have access
332 -- to 'Verbosity' to decide whether or not to render it.
334 -- b) Print the information at the 'die' site, then raise an
335 -- error. This means that if the exception is subsequently
336 -- caught by a handler, we will still have emitted the output,
337 -- which is not the correct behavior.
339 -- For the top-level handler to "know" that an error message
340 -- contains one of these fully formatted packets, we set a sentinel
341 -- in one of IOError's extra fields. This is handled by
342 -- 'ioeSetVerbatim' and 'ioeGetVerbatim'.
345 dieNoVerbosity :: String -> IO a
346 dieNoVerbosity msg =
347 ioError (userError msg)
348 where
349 _ = callStack -- TODO: Attach CallStack to exception
351 -- | Tag an 'IOError' whose error string should be output to the screen
352 -- verbatim.
353 ioeSetVerbatim :: IOError -> IOError
354 ioeSetVerbatim e = ioeSetLocation e "dieVerbatim"
356 -- | Check if an 'IOError' should be output verbatim to screen.
357 ioeGetVerbatim :: IOError -> Bool
358 ioeGetVerbatim e = ioeGetLocation e == "dieVerbatim"
360 -- | Create a 'userError' whose error text will be output verbatim
361 verbatimUserError :: String -> IOError
362 verbatimUserError = ioeSetVerbatim . userError
364 dieWithLocation' :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> Maybe Int -> String -> IO a
365 dieWithLocation' verbosity filename mb_lineno msg =
366 die' verbosity $
367 filename
368 ++ ( case mb_lineno of
369 Just lineno -> ":" ++ show lineno
370 Nothing -> ""
372 ++ ": "
373 ++ msg
375 die' :: Verbosity -> String -> IO a
376 die' verbosity msg = withFrozenCallStack $ do
377 ioError . verbatimUserError
378 =<< annotateErrorString verbosity
379 =<< pure . wrapTextVerbosity verbosity
380 =<< pure . addErrorPrefix
381 =<< prefixWithProgName msg
383 -- Type which will be a wrapper for cabal -expections and cabal-install exceptions
384 data VerboseException a = VerboseException CallStack POSIXTime Verbosity a
385 deriving (Show, Typeable)
387 -- Function which will replace the existing die' call sites
388 dieWithException :: (HasCallStack, Show a1, Typeable a1, Exception (VerboseException a1)) => Verbosity -> a1 -> IO a
389 dieWithException verbosity exception = do
390 ts <- getPOSIXTime
391 throwIO $ VerboseException callStack ts verbosity exception
393 -- Instance for Cabal Exception which will display error code and error message with callStack info
394 instance Exception (VerboseException CabalException) where
395 displayException :: VerboseException CabalException -> [Char]
396 displayException (VerboseException stack timestamp verb cabalexception) =
397 withOutputMarker
398 verb
399 ( concat
400 [ "Error: [Cabal-"
401 , show (exceptionCode cabalexception)
402 , "]\n"
405 ++ exceptionWithMetadata stack timestamp verb (exceptionMessage cabalexception)
407 dieNoWrap :: Verbosity -> String -> IO a
408 dieNoWrap verbosity msg = withFrozenCallStack $ do
409 -- TODO: should this have program name or not?
410 ioError . verbatimUserError
411 =<< annotateErrorString
412 verbosity
413 (addErrorPrefix msg)
415 -- | Prefixing a message to indicate that it is a fatal error,
416 -- if the 'errorPrefix' is not already present.
417 addErrorPrefix :: String -> String
418 addErrorPrefix msg
419 | errorPrefix `isPrefixOf` msg = msg
420 -- Backpack prefixes its errors already with "Error:", see
421 -- 'Distribution.Utils.LogProgress.dieProgress'.
422 -- Taking it away there destroys the layout, so we rather
423 -- check here whether the prefix is already present.
424 | otherwise = unwords [errorPrefix, msg]
426 -- | A prefix indicating that a message is a fatal error.
427 errorPrefix :: String
428 errorPrefix = "Error:"
430 -- | Prefix an error string with program name from 'getProgName'
431 prefixWithProgName :: String -> IO String
432 prefixWithProgName msg = do
433 pname <- getProgName
434 return $ pname ++ ": " ++ msg
436 -- | Annotate an error string with timestamp and 'withMetadata'.
437 annotateErrorString :: Verbosity -> String -> IO String
438 annotateErrorString verbosity msg = do
439 ts <- getPOSIXTime
440 return $ withMetadata ts AlwaysMark VerboseTrace verbosity msg
442 -- | Given a block of IO code that may raise an exception, annotate
443 -- it with the metadata from the current scope. Use this as close
444 -- to external code that raises IO exceptions as possible, since
445 -- this function unconditionally wraps the error message with a trace
446 -- (so it is NOT idempotent.)
447 annotateIO :: Verbosity -> IO a -> IO a
448 annotateIO verbosity act = do
449 ts <- getPOSIXTime
450 flip modifyIOError act $
451 ioeModifyErrorString $
452 withMetadata ts NeverMark VerboseTrace verbosity
454 -- | A semantic editor for the error message inside an 'IOError'.
455 ioeModifyErrorString :: (String -> String) -> IOError -> IOError
456 ioeModifyErrorString = over ioeErrorString
458 -- | A lens for the error message inside an 'IOError'.
459 ioeErrorString :: Lens' IOError String
460 ioeErrorString f ioe = ioeSetErrorString ioe <$> f (ioeGetErrorString ioe)
462 {-# NOINLINE topHandlerWith #-}
463 topHandlerWith :: forall a. (Exception.SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
464 topHandlerWith cont prog = do
465 -- By default, stderr to a terminal device is NoBuffering. But this
466 -- is *really slow*
467 hSetBuffering stderr LineBuffering
468 Exception.catches
469 prog
470 [ Exception.Handler rethrowAsyncExceptions
471 , Exception.Handler rethrowExitStatus
472 , Exception.Handler handle
474 where
475 -- Let async exceptions rise to the top for the default top-handler
476 rethrowAsyncExceptions :: Exception.AsyncException -> IO a
477 rethrowAsyncExceptions a = throwIO a
479 -- ExitCode gets thrown asynchronously too, and we don't want to print it
480 rethrowExitStatus :: ExitCode -> IO a
481 rethrowExitStatus = throwIO
483 -- Print all other exceptions
484 handle :: Exception.SomeException -> IO a
485 handle se = do
486 hFlush stdout
487 pname <- getProgName
488 hPutStr stderr (message pname se)
489 cont se
491 message :: String -> Exception.SomeException -> String
492 message pname (Exception.SomeException se) =
493 case cast se :: Maybe Exception.IOException of
494 Just ioe
495 | ioeGetVerbatim ioe ->
496 -- Use the message verbatim
497 ioeGetErrorString ioe ++ "\n"
498 | isUserError ioe ->
499 let file = case ioeGetFileName ioe of
500 Nothing -> ""
501 Just path -> path ++ location ++ ": "
502 location = case ioeGetLocation ioe of
503 l@(n : _) | isDigit n -> ':' : l
504 _ -> ""
505 detail = ioeGetErrorString ioe
506 in wrapText $ addErrorPrefix $ pname ++ ": " ++ file ++ detail
507 _ ->
508 displaySomeException se ++ "\n"
510 -- | BC wrapper around 'Exception.displayException'.
511 displaySomeException :: Exception.Exception e => e -> String
512 displaySomeException se = Exception.displayException se
514 topHandler :: IO a -> IO a
515 topHandler prog = topHandlerWith (const $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)) prog
517 -- | Depending on 'isVerboseStderr', set the output handle to 'stderr' or 'stdout'.
518 verbosityHandle :: Verbosity -> Handle
519 verbosityHandle verbosity
520 | isVerboseStderr verbosity = stderr
521 | otherwise = stdout
523 -- | Non fatal conditions that may be indicative of an error or problem.
525 -- We display these at the 'normal' verbosity level.
526 warn :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
527 warn verbosity msg = warnMessage "Warning" verbosity msg
529 -- | Like 'warn', but prepend @Error: …@ instead of @Waring: …@ before the
530 -- the message. Useful when you want to highlight the condition is an error
531 -- but do not want to quit the program yet.
532 warnError :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
533 warnError verbosity message = warnMessage "Error" verbosity message
535 -- | Warning message, with a custom label.
536 warnMessage :: String -> Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
537 warnMessage l verbosity msg = withFrozenCallStack $ do
538 when ((verbosity >= normal) && not (isVerboseNoWarn verbosity)) $ do
539 ts <- getPOSIXTime
540 hFlush stdout
541 hPutStr stderr
542 . withMetadata ts NormalMark FlagTrace verbosity
543 . wrapTextVerbosity verbosity
544 $ l ++ ": " ++ msg
546 -- | Useful status messages.
548 -- We display these at the 'normal' verbosity level.
550 -- This is for the ordinary helpful status messages that users see. Just
551 -- enough information to know that things are working but not floods of detail.
552 notice :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
553 notice verbosity msg = withFrozenCallStack $ do
554 when (verbosity >= normal) $ do
555 let h = verbosityHandle verbosity
556 ts <- getPOSIXTime
557 hPutStr h $
558 withMetadata ts NormalMark FlagTrace verbosity $
559 wrapTextVerbosity verbosity $
562 -- | Display a message at 'normal' verbosity level, but without
563 -- wrapping.
564 noticeNoWrap :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
565 noticeNoWrap verbosity msg = withFrozenCallStack $ do
566 when (verbosity >= normal) $ do
567 let h = verbosityHandle verbosity
568 ts <- getPOSIXTime
569 hPutStr h . withMetadata ts NormalMark FlagTrace verbosity $ msg
571 -- | Pretty-print a 'Disp.Doc' status message at 'normal' verbosity
572 -- level. Use this if you need fancy formatting.
573 noticeDoc :: Verbosity -> Disp.Doc -> IO ()
574 noticeDoc verbosity msg = withFrozenCallStack $ do
575 when (verbosity >= normal) $ do
576 let h = verbosityHandle verbosity
577 ts <- getPOSIXTime
578 hPutStr h $
579 withMetadata ts NormalMark FlagTrace verbosity $
580 Disp.renderStyle defaultStyle $
583 -- | Display a "setup status message". Prefer using setupMessage'
584 -- if possible.
585 setupMessage :: Verbosity -> String -> PackageIdentifier -> IO ()
586 setupMessage verbosity msg pkgid = withFrozenCallStack $ do
587 noticeNoWrap verbosity (msg ++ ' ' : prettyShow pkgid ++ "...")
589 -- | More detail on the operation of some action.
591 -- We display these messages when the verbosity level is 'verbose'
592 info :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
593 info verbosity msg = withFrozenCallStack $
594 when (verbosity >= verbose) $ do
595 let h = verbosityHandle verbosity
596 ts <- getPOSIXTime
597 hPutStr h $
598 withMetadata ts NeverMark FlagTrace verbosity $
599 wrapTextVerbosity verbosity $
602 infoNoWrap :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
603 infoNoWrap verbosity msg = withFrozenCallStack $
604 when (verbosity >= verbose) $ do
605 let h = verbosityHandle verbosity
606 ts <- getPOSIXTime
607 hPutStr h $
608 withMetadata ts NeverMark FlagTrace verbosity $
611 -- | Detailed internal debugging information
613 -- We display these messages when the verbosity level is 'deafening'
614 debug :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
615 debug verbosity msg = withFrozenCallStack $
616 when (verbosity >= deafening) $ do
617 let h = verbosityHandle verbosity
618 ts <- getPOSIXTime
619 hPutStr h $
620 withMetadata ts NeverMark FlagTrace verbosity $
621 wrapTextVerbosity verbosity $
623 -- ensure that we don't lose output if we segfault/infinite loop
624 hFlush stdout
626 -- | A variant of 'debug' that doesn't perform the automatic line
627 -- wrapping. Produces better output in some cases.
628 debugNoWrap :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
629 debugNoWrap verbosity msg = withFrozenCallStack $
630 when (verbosity >= deafening) $ do
631 let h = verbosityHandle verbosity
632 ts <- getPOSIXTime
633 hPutStr h $
634 withMetadata ts NeverMark FlagTrace verbosity $
636 -- ensure that we don't lose output if we segfault/infinite loop
637 hFlush stdout
639 -- | Perform an IO action, catching any IO exceptions and printing an error
640 -- if one occurs.
641 chattyTry
642 :: String
643 -- ^ a description of the action we were attempting
644 -> IO ()
645 -- ^ the action itself
646 -> IO ()
647 chattyTry desc action =
648 catchIO action $ \exception ->
649 hPutStrLn stderr $ "Error while " ++ desc ++ ": " ++ show exception
651 -- | Run an IO computation, returning @e@ if it raises a "file
652 -- does not exist" error.
653 handleDoesNotExist :: a -> IO a -> IO a
654 handleDoesNotExist e =
655 Exception.handleJust
656 (\ioe -> if isDoesNotExistError ioe then Just ioe else Nothing)
657 (\_ -> return e)
659 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
660 -- Helper functions
662 -- | Wraps text unless the @+nowrap@ verbosity flag is active
663 wrapTextVerbosity :: Verbosity -> String -> String
664 wrapTextVerbosity verb
665 | isVerboseNoWrap verb = withTrailingNewline
666 | otherwise = withTrailingNewline . wrapText
668 -- | Prepends a timestamp if @+timestamp@ verbosity flag is set
670 -- This is used by 'withMetadata'
671 withTimestamp :: Verbosity -> POSIXTime -> String -> String
672 withTimestamp v ts msg
673 | isVerboseTimestamp v = msg'
674 | otherwise = msg -- no-op
675 where
676 msg' = case lines msg of
677 [] -> tsstr "\n"
678 l1 : rest -> unlines (tsstr (' ' : l1) : map (contpfx ++) rest)
680 -- format timestamp to be prepended to first line with msec precision
681 tsstr = showFFloat (Just 3) (realToFrac ts :: Double)
683 -- continuation prefix for subsequent lines of msg
684 contpfx = replicate (length (tsstr " ")) ' '
686 -- | Wrap output with a marker if @+markoutput@ verbosity flag is set.
688 -- NB: Why is markoutput done with start/end markers, and not prefixes?
689 -- Markers are more convenient to add (if we want to add prefixes,
690 -- we have to 'lines' and then 'map'; here's it's just some
691 -- concatenates). Note that even in the prefix case, we can't
692 -- guarantee that the markers are unambiguous, because some of
693 -- Cabal's output comes straight from external programs, where
694 -- we don't have the ability to interpose on the output.
696 -- This is used by 'withMetadata'
697 withOutputMarker :: Verbosity -> String -> String
698 withOutputMarker v xs | not (isVerboseMarkOutput v) = xs
699 withOutputMarker _ "" = "" -- Minor optimization, don't mark uselessly
700 withOutputMarker _ xs =
701 "-----BEGIN CABAL OUTPUT-----\n"
702 ++ withTrailingNewline xs
703 ++ "-----END CABAL OUTPUT-----\n"
705 -- | Append a trailing newline to a string if it does not
706 -- already have a trailing newline.
707 withTrailingNewline :: String -> String
708 withTrailingNewline "" = ""
709 withTrailingNewline (x : xs) = x : go x xs
710 where
711 go _ (c : cs) = c : go c cs
712 go '\n' "" = ""
713 go _ "" = "\n"
715 -- | Prepend a call-site and/or call-stack based on Verbosity
716 withCallStackPrefix :: WithCallStack (TraceWhen -> Verbosity -> String -> String)
717 withCallStackPrefix tracer verbosity s =
718 withFrozenCallStack $
719 ( if isVerboseCallSite verbosity
720 then
721 parentSrcLocPrefix
723 -- Hack: need a newline before starting output marker :(
724 if isVerboseMarkOutput verbosity
725 then "\n"
726 else ""
727 else ""
729 ++ ( case traceWhen verbosity tracer of
730 Just pre -> pre ++ prettyCallStack callStack ++ "\n"
731 Nothing -> ""
733 ++ s
735 -- | When should we emit the call stack? We always emit
736 -- for internal errors, emit the trace for errors when we
737 -- are in verbose mode, and otherwise only emit it if
738 -- explicitly asked for using the @+callstack@ verbosity
739 -- flag. (At the moment, 'AlwaysTrace' is not used.
740 data TraceWhen
741 = AlwaysTrace
742 | VerboseTrace
743 | FlagTrace
744 deriving (Eq)
746 -- | Determine if we should emit a call stack.
747 -- If we trace, it also emits any prefix we should append.
748 traceWhen :: Verbosity -> TraceWhen -> Maybe String
749 traceWhen _ AlwaysTrace = Just ""
750 traceWhen v VerboseTrace | v >= verbose = Just ""
751 traceWhen v FlagTrace | isVerboseCallStack v = Just "----\n"
752 traceWhen _ _ = Nothing
754 -- | When should we output the marker? Things like 'die'
755 -- always get marked, but a 'NormalMark' will only be
756 -- output if we're not a quiet verbosity.
757 data MarkWhen = AlwaysMark | NormalMark | NeverMark
759 -- | Add all necessary metadata to a logging message
760 withMetadata :: WithCallStack (POSIXTime -> MarkWhen -> TraceWhen -> Verbosity -> String -> String)
761 withMetadata ts marker tracer verbosity x =
762 withFrozenCallStack
764 -- NB: order matters. Output marker first because we
765 -- don't want to capture call stacks.
766 withTrailingNewline
767 . withCallStackPrefix tracer verbosity
768 . ( case marker of
769 AlwaysMark -> withOutputMarker verbosity
770 NormalMark
771 | not (isVerboseQuiet verbosity) ->
772 withOutputMarker verbosity
773 | otherwise ->
775 NeverMark -> id
777 -- Clear out any existing markers
778 . clearMarkers
779 . withTimestamp verbosity ts
782 -- | Add all necessary metadata to a logging message
783 exceptionWithMetadata :: CallStack -> POSIXTime -> Verbosity -> String -> String
784 exceptionWithMetadata stack ts verbosity x =
785 withTrailingNewline
786 . exceptionWithCallStackPrefix stack verbosity
787 . withOutputMarker verbosity
788 . clearMarkers
789 . withTimestamp verbosity ts
792 clearMarkers :: String -> String
793 clearMarkers s = unlines . filter isMarker $ lines s
794 where
795 isMarker "-----BEGIN CABAL OUTPUT-----" = False
796 isMarker "-----END CABAL OUTPUT-----" = False
797 isMarker _ = True
799 -- | Append a call-site and/or call-stack based on Verbosity
800 exceptionWithCallStackPrefix :: CallStack -> Verbosity -> String -> String
801 exceptionWithCallStackPrefix stack verbosity s =
803 ++ withFrozenCallStack
804 ( ( if isVerboseCallSite verbosity
805 then
806 parentSrcLocPrefix
808 -- Hack: need a newline before starting output marker :(
809 if isVerboseMarkOutput verbosity
810 then "\n"
811 else ""
812 else ""
814 ++ ( if verbosity >= verbose
815 then prettyCallStack stack ++ "\n"
816 else ""
820 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
821 -- rawSystem variants
823 -- These all use 'Distribution.Compat.Process.proc' to ensure we
824 -- consistently use process jobs on Windows and Ctrl-C delegation
825 -- on Unix.
827 -- Additionally, they take care of logging command execution.
830 -- | Helper to use with one of the 'rawSystem' variants, and exit
831 -- unless the command completes successfully.
832 maybeExit :: IO ExitCode -> IO ()
833 maybeExit cmd = do
834 exitcode <- cmd
835 unless (exitcode == ExitSuccess) $ exitWith exitcode
837 -- | Log a command execution (that's typically about to happen)
838 -- at info level, and log working directory and environment overrides
839 -- at debug level if specified.
840 logCommand :: Verbosity -> Process.CreateProcess -> IO ()
841 logCommand verbosity cp = do
842 infoNoWrap verbosity $
843 "Running: " <> case Process.cmdspec cp of
844 Process.ShellCommand sh -> sh
845 Process.RawCommand path args -> Process.showCommandForUser path args
846 case Process.env cp of
847 Just env -> debugNoWrap verbosity $ "with environment: " ++ show env
848 Nothing -> return ()
849 case Process.cwd cp of
850 Just cwd -> debugNoWrap verbosity $ "with working directory: " ++ show cwd
851 Nothing -> return ()
852 hFlush stdout
854 -- | Execute the given command with the given arguments, exiting
855 -- with the same exit code if the command fails.
856 rawSystemExit :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
857 rawSystemExit verbosity path args =
858 withFrozenCallStack $
859 maybeExit $
860 rawSystemExitCode verbosity path args
862 -- | Execute the given command with the given arguments, returning
863 -- the command's exit code.
864 rawSystemExitCode :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ExitCode
865 rawSystemExitCode verbosity path args =
866 withFrozenCallStack $
867 rawSystemProc verbosity $
868 proc path args
870 -- | Execute the given command with the given arguments, returning
871 -- the command's exit code.
873 -- Create the process argument with 'Distribution.Compat.Process.proc'
874 -- to ensure consistent options with other 'rawSystem' functions in this
875 -- module.
876 rawSystemProc :: Verbosity -> Process.CreateProcess -> IO ExitCode
877 rawSystemProc verbosity cp = withFrozenCallStack $ do
878 (exitcode, _) <- rawSystemProcAction verbosity cp $ \_ _ _ -> return ()
879 return exitcode
881 -- | Execute the given command with the given arguments, returning
882 -- the command's exit code. 'action' is executed while the command
883 -- is running, and would typically be used to communicate with the
884 -- process through pipes.
886 -- Create the process argument with 'Distribution.Compat.Process.proc'
887 -- to ensure consistent options with other 'rawSystem' functions in this
888 -- module.
889 rawSystemProcAction
890 :: Verbosity
891 -> Process.CreateProcess
892 -> (Maybe Handle -> Maybe Handle -> Maybe Handle -> IO a)
893 -> IO (ExitCode, a)
894 rawSystemProcAction verbosity cp action = withFrozenCallStack $ do
895 logCommand verbosity cp
896 (exitcode, a) <- Process.withCreateProcess cp $ \mStdin mStdout mStderr p -> do
897 a <- action mStdin mStdout mStderr
898 exitcode <- Process.waitForProcess p
899 return (exitcode, a)
900 unless (exitcode == ExitSuccess) $ do
901 let cmd = case Process.cmdspec cp of
902 Process.ShellCommand sh -> sh
903 Process.RawCommand path _args -> path
904 debug verbosity $ cmd ++ " returned " ++ show exitcode
905 return (exitcode, a)
907 -- | fromJust for dealing with 'Maybe Handle' values as obtained via
908 -- 'System.Process.CreatePipe'. Creating a pipe using 'CreatePipe' guarantees
909 -- a 'Just' value for the corresponding handle.
910 fromCreatePipe :: Maybe Handle -> Handle
911 fromCreatePipe = maybe (error "fromCreatePipe: Nothing") id
913 -- | Execute the given command with the given arguments and
914 -- environment, exiting with the same exit code if the command fails.
915 rawSystemExitWithEnv
916 :: Verbosity
917 -> FilePath
918 -> [String]
919 -> [(String, String)]
920 -> IO ()
921 rawSystemExitWithEnv verbosity path args env =
922 withFrozenCallStack $
923 maybeExit $
924 rawSystemProc verbosity $
925 (proc path args)
926 { Process.env = Just env
929 -- | Execute the given command with the given arguments, returning
930 -- the command's exit code.
932 -- Optional arguments allow setting working directory, environment
933 -- and input and output handles.
934 rawSystemIOWithEnv
935 :: Verbosity
936 -> FilePath
937 -> [String]
938 -> Maybe FilePath
939 -- ^ New working dir or inherit
940 -> Maybe [(String, String)]
941 -- ^ New environment or inherit
942 -> Maybe Handle
943 -- ^ stdin
944 -> Maybe Handle
945 -- ^ stdout
946 -> Maybe Handle
947 -- ^ stderr
948 -> IO ExitCode
949 rawSystemIOWithEnv verbosity path args mcwd menv inp out err = withFrozenCallStack $ do
950 (exitcode, _) <-
951 rawSystemIOWithEnvAndAction
952 verbosity
953 path
954 args
955 mcwd
956 menv
957 action
961 return exitcode
962 where
963 action = return ()
965 -- | Execute the given command with the given arguments, returning
966 -- the command's exit code. 'action' is executed while the command
967 -- is running, and would typically be used to communicate with the
968 -- process through pipes.
970 -- Optional arguments allow setting working directory, environment
971 -- and input and output handles.
972 rawSystemIOWithEnvAndAction
973 :: Verbosity
974 -> FilePath
975 -> [String]
976 -> Maybe FilePath
977 -- ^ New working dir or inherit
978 -> Maybe [(String, String)]
979 -- ^ New environment or inherit
980 -> IO a
981 -- ^ action to perform after process is created, but before 'waitForProcess'.
982 -> Maybe Handle
983 -- ^ stdin
984 -> Maybe Handle
985 -- ^ stdout
986 -> Maybe Handle
987 -- ^ stderr
988 -> IO (ExitCode, a)
989 rawSystemIOWithEnvAndAction verbosity path args mcwd menv action inp out err = withFrozenCallStack $ do
990 let cp =
991 (proc path args)
992 { Process.cwd = mcwd
993 , Process.env = menv
994 , Process.std_in = mbToStd inp
995 , Process.std_out = mbToStd out
996 , Process.std_err = mbToStd err
998 rawSystemProcAction verbosity cp (\_ _ _ -> action)
999 where
1000 mbToStd :: Maybe Handle -> Process.StdStream
1001 mbToStd = maybe Process.Inherit Process.UseHandle
1003 -- | Execute the given command with the given arguments, returning
1004 -- the command's output. Exits if the command exits with error.
1006 -- Provides control over the binary/text mode of the output.
1007 rawSystemStdout :: forall mode. KnownIODataMode mode => Verbosity -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO mode
1008 rawSystemStdout verbosity path args = withFrozenCallStack $ do
1009 (output, errors, exitCode) <-
1010 rawSystemStdInOut
1011 verbosity
1012 path
1013 args
1014 Nothing
1015 Nothing
1016 Nothing
1017 (IOData.iodataMode :: IODataMode mode)
1018 when (exitCode /= ExitSuccess) $
1019 dieWithException verbosity $
1020 RawSystemStdout errors
1021 return output
1023 -- | Execute the given command with the given arguments, returning
1024 -- the command's output, errors and exit code.
1026 -- Optional arguments allow setting working directory, environment
1027 -- and command input.
1029 -- Provides control over the binary/text mode of the input and output.
1030 rawSystemStdInOut
1031 :: KnownIODataMode mode
1032 => Verbosity
1033 -> FilePath
1034 -- ^ Program location
1035 -> [String]
1036 -- ^ Arguments
1037 -> Maybe FilePath
1038 -- ^ New working dir or inherit
1039 -> Maybe [(String, String)]
1040 -- ^ New environment or inherit
1041 -> Maybe IOData
1042 -- ^ input text and binary mode
1043 -> IODataMode mode
1044 -- ^ iodata mode, acts as proxy
1045 -> IO (mode, String, ExitCode)
1046 -- ^ output, errors, exit
1047 rawSystemStdInOut verbosity path args mcwd menv input _ = withFrozenCallStack $ do
1048 let cp =
1049 (proc path args)
1050 { Process.cwd = mcwd
1051 , Process.env = menv
1052 , Process.std_in = Process.CreatePipe
1053 , Process.std_out = Process.CreatePipe
1054 , Process.std_err = Process.CreatePipe
1057 (exitcode, (mberr1, mberr2)) <- rawSystemProcAction verbosity cp $ \mb_in mb_out mb_err -> do
1058 let (inh, outh, errh) = (fromCreatePipe mb_in, fromCreatePipe mb_out, fromCreatePipe mb_err)
1059 flip Exception.finally (hClose inh >> hClose outh >> hClose errh) $ do
1060 -- output mode depends on what the caller wants
1061 -- but the errors are always assumed to be text (in the current locale)
1062 hSetBinaryMode errh False
1064 -- fork off a couple threads to pull on the stderr and stdout
1065 -- so if the process writes to stderr we do not block.
1067 withAsyncNF (hGetContents errh) $ \errA -> withAsyncNF (IOData.hGetIODataContents outh) $ \outA -> do
1068 -- push all the input, if any
1069 ignoreSigPipe $ case input of
1070 Nothing -> hClose inh
1071 Just inputData -> IOData.hPutContents inh inputData
1073 -- wait for both to finish
1074 mberr1 <- waitCatch outA
1075 mberr2 <- waitCatch errA
1076 return (mberr1, mberr2)
1078 -- get the stderr, so it can be added to error message
1079 err <- reportOutputIOError mberr2
1081 unless (exitcode == ExitSuccess) $
1082 debug verbosity $
1083 path
1084 ++ " returned "
1085 ++ show exitcode
1086 ++ if null err
1087 then ""
1088 else
1089 " with error message:\n"
1090 ++ err
1091 ++ case input of
1092 Nothing -> ""
1093 Just d | IOData.null d -> ""
1094 Just (IODataText inp) -> "\nstdin input:\n" ++ inp
1095 Just (IODataBinary inp) -> "\nstdin input (binary):\n" ++ show inp
1097 -- Check if we hit an exception while consuming the output
1098 -- (e.g. a text decoding error)
1099 out <- reportOutputIOError mberr1
1101 return (out, err, exitcode)
1102 where
1103 reportOutputIOError :: Either Exception.SomeException a -> IO a
1104 reportOutputIOError (Right x) = return x
1105 reportOutputIOError (Left exc) = case fromException exc of
1106 Just ioe -> throwIO (ioeSetFileName ioe ("output of " ++ path))
1107 Nothing -> throwIO exc
1109 -- | Ignore SIGPIPE in a subcomputation.
1110 ignoreSigPipe :: IO () -> IO ()
1111 ignoreSigPipe = Exception.handle $ \case
1112 GHC.IOError{GHC.ioe_type = GHC.ResourceVanished, GHC.ioe_errno = Just ioe}
1113 | Errno ioe == ePIPE -> return ()
1114 e -> throwIO e
1116 -- | Look for a program and try to find it's version number. It can accept
1117 -- either an absolute path or the name of a program binary, in which case we
1118 -- will look for the program on the path.
1119 findProgramVersion
1120 :: String
1121 -- ^ version args
1122 -> (String -> String)
1123 -- ^ function to select version
1124 -- number from program output
1125 -> Verbosity
1126 -> FilePath
1127 -- ^ location
1128 -> IO (Maybe Version)
1129 findProgramVersion versionArg selectVersion verbosity path = withFrozenCallStack $ do
1130 str <-
1131 rawSystemStdout verbosity path [versionArg]
1132 `catchIO` (\_ -> return "")
1133 `catch` (\(_ :: VerboseException CabalException) -> return "")
1134 `catchExit` (\_ -> return "")
1135 let version :: Maybe Version
1136 version = simpleParsec (selectVersion str)
1137 case version of
1138 Nothing ->
1139 warn verbosity $
1140 "cannot determine version of "
1141 ++ path
1142 ++ " :\n"
1143 ++ show str
1144 Just v -> debug verbosity $ path ++ " is version " ++ prettyShow v
1145 return version
1147 -- | Like the Unix xargs program. Useful for when we've got very long command
1148 -- lines that might overflow an OS limit on command line length and so you
1149 -- need to invoke a command multiple times to get all the args in.
1151 -- Use it with either of the rawSystem variants above. For example:
1153 -- > xargs (32*1024) (rawSystemExit verbosity) prog fixedArgs bigArgs
1154 xargs
1155 :: Int
1156 -> ([String] -> IO ())
1157 -> [String]
1158 -> [String]
1159 -> IO ()
1160 xargs maxSize rawSystemFun fixedArgs bigArgs =
1161 let fixedArgSize = sum (map length fixedArgs) + length fixedArgs
1162 chunkSize = maxSize - fixedArgSize
1163 in traverse_ (rawSystemFun . (fixedArgs ++)) (chunks chunkSize bigArgs)
1164 where
1165 chunks len = unfoldr $ \s ->
1166 if null s
1167 then Nothing
1168 else Just (chunk [] len s)
1170 chunk acc _ [] = (reverse acc, [])
1171 chunk acc len (s : ss)
1172 | len' < len = chunk (s : acc) (len - len' - 1) ss
1173 | otherwise = (reverse acc, s : ss)
1174 where
1175 len' = length s
1177 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
1179 -- * File Utilities
1181 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
1183 ----------------
1184 -- Finding files
1186 -- | Find a file by looking in a search path. The file path must match exactly.
1188 -- @since
1189 findFileCwd
1190 :: Verbosity
1191 -> FilePath
1192 -- ^ cwd
1193 -> [FilePath]
1194 -- ^ relative search location
1195 -> FilePath
1196 -- ^ File Name
1197 -> IO FilePath
1198 findFileCwd verbosity cwd searchPath fileName =
1199 findFirstFile
1200 (cwd </>)
1201 [ path </> fileName
1202 | path <- ordNub searchPath
1204 >>= maybe (dieWithException verbosity $ FindFileCwd fileName) return
1206 -- | Find a file by looking in a search path. The file path must match exactly.
1207 findFileEx
1208 :: Verbosity
1209 -> [FilePath]
1210 -- ^ search locations
1211 -> FilePath
1212 -- ^ File Name
1213 -> IO FilePath
1214 findFileEx verbosity searchPath fileName =
1215 findFirstFile
1217 [ path </> fileName
1218 | path <- ordNub searchPath
1220 >>= maybe (dieWithException verbosity $ FindFileEx fileName) return
1222 -- | Find a file by looking in a search path with one of a list of possible
1223 -- file extensions. The file base name should be given and it will be tried
1224 -- with each of the extensions in each element of the search path.
1225 findFileWithExtension
1226 :: [Suffix]
1227 -> [FilePath]
1228 -> FilePath
1229 -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
1230 findFileWithExtension extensions searchPath baseName =
1231 findFirstFile
1233 [ path </> baseName <.> ext
1234 | path <- ordNub searchPath
1235 , Suffix ext <- ordNub extensions
1238 -- | @since
1239 findFileCwdWithExtension
1240 :: FilePath
1241 -> [Suffix]
1242 -> [FilePath]
1243 -> FilePath
1244 -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
1245 findFileCwdWithExtension cwd extensions searchPath baseName =
1246 findFirstFile
1247 (cwd </>)
1248 [ path </> baseName <.> ext
1249 | path <- ordNub searchPath
1250 , Suffix ext <- ordNub extensions
1253 -- | @since
1254 findAllFilesCwdWithExtension
1255 :: FilePath
1256 -- ^ cwd
1257 -> [Suffix]
1258 -- ^ extensions
1259 -> [FilePath]
1260 -- ^ relative search locations
1261 -> FilePath
1262 -- ^ basename
1263 -> IO [FilePath]
1264 findAllFilesCwdWithExtension cwd extensions searchPath basename =
1265 findAllFiles
1266 (cwd </>)
1267 [ path </> basename <.> ext
1268 | path <- ordNub searchPath
1269 , Suffix ext <- ordNub extensions
1272 findAllFilesWithExtension
1273 :: [Suffix]
1274 -> [FilePath]
1275 -> FilePath
1276 -> IO [FilePath]
1277 findAllFilesWithExtension extensions searchPath basename =
1278 findAllFiles
1280 [ path </> basename <.> ext
1281 | path <- ordNub searchPath
1282 , Suffix ext <- ordNub extensions
1285 -- | Like 'findFileWithExtension' but returns which element of the search path
1286 -- the file was found in, and the file path relative to that base directory.
1287 findFileWithExtension'
1288 :: [Suffix]
1289 -> [FilePath]
1290 -> FilePath
1291 -> IO (Maybe (FilePath, FilePath))
1292 findFileWithExtension' extensions searchPath baseName =
1293 findFirstFile
1294 (uncurry (</>))
1295 [ (path, baseName <.> ext)
1296 | path <- ordNub searchPath
1297 , Suffix ext <- ordNub extensions
1300 findFirstFile :: (a -> FilePath) -> [a] -> IO (Maybe a)
1301 findFirstFile file = findFirst
1302 where
1303 findFirst [] = return Nothing
1304 findFirst (x : xs) = do
1305 exists <- doesFileExist (file x)
1306 if exists
1307 then return (Just x)
1308 else findFirst xs
1310 findAllFiles :: (a -> FilePath) -> [a] -> IO [a]
1311 findAllFiles file = filterM (doesFileExist . file)
1313 -- | Finds the files corresponding to a list of Haskell module names.
1315 -- As 'findModuleFile' but for a list of module names.
1316 findModuleFilesEx
1317 :: Verbosity
1318 -> [FilePath]
1319 -- ^ build prefix (location of objects)
1320 -> [Suffix]
1321 -- ^ search suffixes
1322 -> [ModuleName]
1323 -- ^ modules
1324 -> IO [(FilePath, FilePath)]
1325 findModuleFilesEx verbosity searchPath extensions moduleNames =
1326 traverse (findModuleFileEx verbosity searchPath extensions) moduleNames
1328 -- | Find the file corresponding to a Haskell module name.
1330 -- This is similar to 'findFileWithExtension'' but specialised to a module
1331 -- name. The function fails if the file corresponding to the module is missing.
1332 findModuleFileEx
1333 :: Verbosity
1334 -> [FilePath]
1335 -- ^ build prefix (location of objects)
1336 -> [Suffix]
1337 -- ^ search suffixes
1338 -> ModuleName
1339 -- ^ module
1340 -> IO (FilePath, FilePath)
1341 findModuleFileEx verbosity searchPath extensions mod_name =
1342 maybe notFound return
1343 =<< findFileWithExtension'
1344 extensions
1345 searchPath
1346 (ModuleName.toFilePath mod_name)
1347 where
1348 notFound =
1349 dieWithException verbosity $ FindModuleFileEx mod_name extensions searchPath
1351 -- | List all the files in a directory and all subdirectories.
1353 -- The order places files in sub-directories after all the files in their
1354 -- parent directories. The list is generated lazily so is not well defined if
1355 -- the source directory structure changes before the list is used.
1356 getDirectoryContentsRecursive :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
1357 getDirectoryContentsRecursive topdir = recurseDirectories [""]
1358 where
1359 recurseDirectories :: [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
1360 recurseDirectories [] = return []
1361 recurseDirectories (dir : dirs) = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
1362 (files, dirs') <- collect [] [] =<< getDirectoryContents (topdir </> dir)
1363 files' <- recurseDirectories (dirs' ++ dirs)
1364 return (files ++ files')
1365 where
1366 collect files dirs' [] =
1367 return
1368 ( reverse files
1369 , reverse dirs'
1371 collect files dirs' (entry : entries)
1372 | ignore entry =
1373 collect files dirs' entries
1374 collect files dirs' (entry : entries) = do
1375 let dirEntry = dir </> entry
1376 isDirectory <- doesDirectoryExist (topdir </> dirEntry)
1377 if isDirectory
1378 then collect files (dirEntry : dirs') entries
1379 else collect (dirEntry : files) dirs' entries
1381 ignore ['.'] = True
1382 ignore ['.', '.'] = True
1383 ignore _ = False
1385 ------------------------
1386 -- Environment variables
1388 -- | Is this directory in the system search path?
1389 isInSearchPath :: FilePath -> IO Bool
1390 isInSearchPath path = fmap (elem path) getSearchPath
1392 addLibraryPath
1393 :: OS
1394 -> [FilePath]
1395 -> [(String, String)]
1396 -> [(String, String)]
1397 addLibraryPath os paths = addEnv
1398 where
1399 pathsString = intercalate [searchPathSeparator] paths
1400 ldPath = case os of
1402 _ -> "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
1404 addEnv [] = [(ldPath, pathsString)]
1405 addEnv ((key, value) : xs)
1406 | key == ldPath =
1407 if null value
1408 then (key, pathsString) : xs
1409 else (key, value ++ (searchPathSeparator : pathsString)) : xs
1410 | otherwise = (key, value) : addEnv xs
1412 --------------------
1413 -- Modification time
1415 -- | Compare the modification times of two files to see if the first is newer
1416 -- than the second. The first file must exist but the second need not.
1417 -- The expected use case is when the second file is generated using the first.
1418 -- In this use case, if the result is True then the second file is out of date.
1419 moreRecentFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Bool
1420 moreRecentFile a b = do
1421 exists <- doesFileExist b
1422 if not exists
1423 then return True
1424 else do
1425 tb <- getModificationTime b
1426 ta <- getModificationTime a
1427 return (ta > tb)
1429 -- | Like 'moreRecentFile', but also checks that the first file exists.
1430 existsAndIsMoreRecentThan :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Bool
1431 existsAndIsMoreRecentThan a b = do
1432 exists <- doesFileExist a
1433 if not exists
1434 then return False
1435 else a `moreRecentFile` b
1437 ----------------------------------------
1438 -- Copying and installing files and dirs
1440 -- | Same as 'createDirectoryIfMissing' but logs at higher verbosity levels.
1441 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose
1442 :: Verbosity
1443 -> Bool
1444 -- ^ Create its parents too?
1445 -> FilePath
1446 -> IO ()
1447 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity create_parents path0
1448 | create_parents = withFrozenCallStack $ createDirs (parents path0)
1449 | otherwise = withFrozenCallStack $ createDirs (take 1 (parents path0))
1450 where
1451 parents = reverse . scanl1 (</>) . splitDirectories . normalise
1453 createDirs [] = return ()
1454 createDirs (dir : []) = createDir dir throwIO
1455 createDirs (dir : dirs) =
1456 createDir dir $ \_ -> do
1457 createDirs dirs
1458 createDir dir throwIO
1460 createDir :: FilePath -> (IOException -> IO ()) -> IO ()
1461 createDir dir notExistHandler = do
1462 r <- tryIO $ createDirectoryVerbose verbosity dir
1463 case (r :: Either IOException ()) of
1464 Right () -> return ()
1465 Left e
1466 | isDoesNotExistError e -> notExistHandler e
1467 -- createDirectory (and indeed POSIX mkdir) does not distinguish
1468 -- between a dir already existing and a file already existing. So we
1469 -- check for it here. Unfortunately there is a slight race condition
1470 -- here, but we think it is benign. It could report an exception in
1471 -- the case that the dir did exist but another process deletes the
1472 -- directory and creates a file in its place before we can check
1473 -- that the directory did indeed exist.
1474 | isAlreadyExistsError e ->
1475 ( do
1476 isDir <- doesDirectoryExist dir
1477 unless isDir $ throwIO e
1479 `catchIO` ((\_ -> return ()) :: IOException -> IO ())
1480 | otherwise -> throwIO e
1482 createDirectoryVerbose :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO ()
1483 createDirectoryVerbose verbosity dir = withFrozenCallStack $ do
1484 info verbosity $ "creating " ++ dir
1485 createDirectory dir
1486 setDirOrdinary dir
1488 -- | Copies a file without copying file permissions. The target file is created
1489 -- with default permissions. Any existing target file is replaced.
1491 -- At higher verbosity levels it logs an info message.
1492 copyFileVerbose :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
1493 copyFileVerbose verbosity src dest = withFrozenCallStack $ do
1494 info verbosity ("copy " ++ src ++ " to " ++ dest)
1495 copyFile src dest
1497 -- | Install an ordinary file. This is like a file copy but the permissions
1498 -- are set appropriately for an installed file. On Unix it is \"-rw-r--r--\"
1499 -- while on Windows it uses the default permissions for the target directory.
1500 installOrdinaryFile :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
1501 installOrdinaryFile verbosity src dest = withFrozenCallStack $ do
1502 info verbosity ("Installing " ++ src ++ " to " ++ dest)
1503 copyOrdinaryFile src dest
1505 -- | Install an executable file. This is like a file copy but the permissions
1506 -- are set appropriately for an installed file. On Unix it is \"-rwxr-xr-x\"
1507 -- while on Windows it uses the default permissions for the target directory.
1508 installExecutableFile :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
1509 installExecutableFile verbosity src dest = withFrozenCallStack $ do
1510 info verbosity ("Installing executable " ++ src ++ " to " ++ dest)
1511 copyExecutableFile src dest
1513 -- | Install a file that may or not be executable, preserving permissions.
1514 installMaybeExecutableFile :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
1515 installMaybeExecutableFile verbosity src dest = withFrozenCallStack $ do
1516 perms <- getPermissions src
1517 if (executable perms) -- only checks user x bit
1518 then installExecutableFile verbosity src dest
1519 else installOrdinaryFile verbosity src dest
1521 -- | Given a relative path to a file, copy it to the given directory, preserving
1522 -- the relative path and creating the parent directories if needed.
1523 copyFileTo :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
1524 copyFileTo verbosity dir file = withFrozenCallStack $ do
1525 let targetFile = dir </> file
1526 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True (takeDirectory targetFile)
1527 installOrdinaryFile verbosity file targetFile
1529 -- | Common implementation of 'copyFiles', 'installOrdinaryFiles',
1530 -- 'installExecutableFiles' and 'installMaybeExecutableFiles'.
1531 copyFilesWith
1532 :: (Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ())
1533 -> Verbosity
1534 -> FilePath
1535 -> [(FilePath, FilePath)]
1536 -> IO ()
1537 copyFilesWith doCopy verbosity targetDir srcFiles = withFrozenCallStack $ do
1538 -- Create parent directories for everything
1539 let dirs = map (targetDir </>) . ordNub . map (takeDirectory . snd) $ srcFiles
1540 traverse_ (createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True) dirs
1542 -- Copy all the files
1543 sequence_
1544 [ let src = srcBase </> srcFile
1545 dest = targetDir </> srcFile
1546 in doCopy verbosity src dest
1547 | (srcBase, srcFile) <- srcFiles
1550 -- | Copies a bunch of files to a target directory, preserving the directory
1551 -- structure in the target location. The target directories are created if they
1552 -- do not exist.
1554 -- The files are identified by a pair of base directory and a path relative to
1555 -- that base. It is only the relative part that is preserved in the
1556 -- destination.
1558 -- For example:
1560 -- > copyFiles normal "dist/src"
1561 -- > [("", "src/Foo.hs"), ("dist/build/", "src/Bar.hs")]
1563 -- This would copy \"src\/Foo.hs\" to \"dist\/src\/src\/Foo.hs\" and
1564 -- copy \"dist\/build\/src\/Bar.hs\" to \"dist\/src\/src\/Bar.hs\".
1566 -- This operation is not atomic. Any IO failure during the copy (including any
1567 -- missing source files) leaves the target in an unknown state so it is best to
1568 -- use it with a freshly created directory so that it can be simply deleted if
1569 -- anything goes wrong.
1570 copyFiles :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> IO ()
1571 copyFiles v fp fs = withFrozenCallStack (copyFilesWith copyFileVerbose v fp fs)
1573 -- | This is like 'copyFiles' but uses 'installOrdinaryFile'.
1574 installOrdinaryFiles :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> IO ()
1575 installOrdinaryFiles v fp fs = withFrozenCallStack (copyFilesWith installOrdinaryFile v fp fs)
1577 -- | This is like 'copyFiles' but uses 'installExecutableFile'.
1578 installExecutableFiles
1579 :: Verbosity
1580 -> FilePath
1581 -> [(FilePath, FilePath)]
1582 -> IO ()
1583 installExecutableFiles v fp fs = withFrozenCallStack (copyFilesWith installExecutableFile v fp fs)
1585 -- | This is like 'copyFiles' but uses 'installMaybeExecutableFile'.
1586 installMaybeExecutableFiles
1587 :: Verbosity
1588 -> FilePath
1589 -> [(FilePath, FilePath)]
1590 -> IO ()
1591 installMaybeExecutableFiles v fp fs = withFrozenCallStack (copyFilesWith installMaybeExecutableFile v fp fs)
1593 -- | This installs all the files in a directory to a target location,
1594 -- preserving the directory layout. All the files are assumed to be ordinary
1595 -- rather than executable files.
1596 installDirectoryContents :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
1597 installDirectoryContents verbosity srcDir destDir = withFrozenCallStack $ do
1598 info verbosity ("copy directory '" ++ srcDir ++ "' to '" ++ destDir ++ "'.")
1599 srcFiles <- getDirectoryContentsRecursive srcDir
1600 installOrdinaryFiles verbosity destDir [(srcDir, f) | f <- srcFiles]
1602 -- | Recursively copy the contents of one directory to another path.
1603 copyDirectoryRecursive :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
1604 copyDirectoryRecursive verbosity srcDir destDir = withFrozenCallStack $ do
1605 info verbosity ("copy directory '" ++ srcDir ++ "' to '" ++ destDir ++ "'.")
1606 srcFiles <- getDirectoryContentsRecursive srcDir
1607 copyFilesWith
1608 (const copyFile)
1609 verbosity
1610 destDir
1611 [ (srcDir, f)
1612 | f <- srcFiles
1615 -------------------
1616 -- File permissions
1618 -- | Like 'doesFileExist', but also checks that the file is executable.
1619 doesExecutableExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
1620 doesExecutableExist f = do
1621 exists <- doesFileExist f
1622 if exists
1623 then do
1624 perms <- getPermissions f
1625 return (executable perms)
1626 else return False
1628 ---------------------------
1629 -- Temporary files and dirs
1631 -- | Advanced options for 'withTempFile' and 'withTempDirectory'.
1632 data TempFileOptions = TempFileOptions
1633 { optKeepTempFiles :: Bool
1634 -- ^ Keep temporary files?
1637 defaultTempFileOptions :: TempFileOptions
1638 defaultTempFileOptions = TempFileOptions{optKeepTempFiles = False}
1640 -- | Use a temporary filename that doesn't already exist.
1641 withTempFile
1642 :: FilePath
1643 -- ^ Temp dir to create the file in
1644 -> String
1645 -- ^ File name template. See 'openTempFile'.
1646 -> (FilePath -> Handle -> IO a)
1647 -> IO a
1648 withTempFile tmpDir template action =
1649 withTempFileEx defaultTempFileOptions tmpDir template action
1651 -- | A version of 'withTempFile' that additionally takes a 'TempFileOptions'
1652 -- argument.
1653 withTempFileEx
1654 :: TempFileOptions
1655 -> FilePath
1656 -- ^ Temp dir to create the file in
1657 -> String
1658 -- ^ File name template. See 'openTempFile'.
1659 -> (FilePath -> Handle -> IO a)
1660 -> IO a
1661 withTempFileEx opts tmpDir template action =
1662 Exception.bracket
1663 (openTempFile tmpDir template)
1664 ( \(name, handle) -> do
1665 hClose handle
1666 unless (optKeepTempFiles opts) $
1667 handleDoesNotExist () . removeFile $
1668 name
1670 (withLexicalCallStack (\x -> uncurry action x))
1672 -- | Create and use a temporary directory.
1674 -- Creates a new temporary directory inside the given directory, making use
1675 -- of the template. The temp directory is deleted after use. For example:
1677 -- > withTempDirectory verbosity "src" "sdist." $ \tmpDir -> do ...
1679 -- The @tmpDir@ will be a new subdirectory of the given directory, e.g.
1680 -- @src/sdist.342@.
1681 withTempDirectory :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> String -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
1682 withTempDirectory verbosity targetDir template f =
1683 withFrozenCallStack $
1684 withTempDirectoryEx
1685 verbosity
1686 defaultTempFileOptions
1687 targetDir
1688 template
1689 (withLexicalCallStack (\x -> f x))
1691 -- | A version of 'withTempDirectory' that additionally takes a
1692 -- 'TempFileOptions' argument.
1693 withTempDirectoryEx
1694 :: Verbosity
1695 -> TempFileOptions
1696 -> FilePath
1697 -> String
1698 -> (FilePath -> IO a)
1699 -> IO a
1700 withTempDirectoryEx _verbosity opts targetDir template f =
1701 withFrozenCallStack $
1702 Exception.bracket
1703 (createTempDirectory targetDir template)
1704 ( unless (optKeepTempFiles opts)
1705 . handleDoesNotExist ()
1706 . removeDirectoryRecursive
1708 (withLexicalCallStack (\x -> f x))
1710 -----------------------------------
1711 -- Safely reading and writing files
1713 -- | Write a file but only if it would have new content. If we would be writing
1714 -- the same as the existing content then leave the file as is so that we do not
1715 -- update the file's modification time.
1717 -- NB: Before Cabal-3.0 the file content was assumed to be
1718 -- ASCII-representable. Since Cabal-3.0 the file is assumed to be
1719 -- UTF-8 encoded.
1720 rewriteFileEx :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> String -> IO ()
1721 rewriteFileEx verbosity path =
1722 rewriteFileLBS verbosity path . toUTF8LBS
1724 -- | Same as `rewriteFileEx` but for 'ByteString's.
1725 rewriteFileLBS :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
1726 rewriteFileLBS verbosity path newContent =
1727 flip catchIO mightNotExist $ do
1728 existingContent <- annotateIO verbosity $ BS.readFile path
1729 _ <- evaluate (BS.length existingContent)
1730 unless (existingContent == newContent) $
1731 annotateIO verbosity $
1732 writeFileAtomic path newContent
1733 where
1734 mightNotExist e
1735 | isDoesNotExistError e =
1736 annotateIO verbosity $ writeFileAtomic path newContent
1737 | otherwise =
1738 ioError e
1740 -- | The path name that represents the current directory.
1741 -- In Unix, it's @\".\"@, but this is system-specific.
1742 -- (E.g. AmigaOS uses the empty string @\"\"@ for the current directory.)
1743 currentDir :: FilePath
1744 currentDir = "."
1746 shortRelativePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
1747 shortRelativePath from to =
1748 case dropCommonPrefix (splitDirectories from) (splitDirectories to) of
1749 (stuff, path) -> joinPath (map (const "..") stuff ++ path)
1750 where
1751 dropCommonPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
1752 dropCommonPrefix (x : xs) (y : ys)
1753 | x == y = dropCommonPrefix xs ys
1754 dropCommonPrefix xs ys = (xs, ys)
1756 -- | Drop the extension if it's one of 'exeExtensions', or return the path
1757 -- unchanged.
1758 dropExeExtension :: FilePath -> FilePath
1759 dropExeExtension filepath =
1760 -- System.FilePath's extension handling functions are horribly
1761 -- inconsistent, consider:
1763 -- isExtensionOf "" "foo" == False but
1764 -- isExtensionOf "" "foo." == True.
1766 -- On the other hand stripExtension doesn't remove the empty extension:
1768 -- stripExtension "" "foo." == Just "foo."
1770 -- Since by "" in exeExtensions we mean 'no extension' anyways we can
1771 -- just always ignore it here.
1772 let exts = [ext | ext <- exeExtensions, ext /= ""]
1773 in fromMaybe filepath $ do
1774 ext <- find (`FilePath.isExtensionOf` filepath) exts
1775 ext `FilePath.stripExtension` filepath
1777 -- | List of possible executable file extensions on the current build
1778 -- platform.
1779 exeExtensions :: [String]
1780 exeExtensions = case (buildArch, buildOS) of
1781 -- Possible improvement: on Windows, read the list of extensions from the
1782 -- PATHEXT environment variable. By default PATHEXT is ".com; .exe; .bat;
1783 -- .cmd".
1784 (_, Windows) -> ["", "exe"]
1785 (_, Ghcjs) -> ["", "exe"]
1786 (Wasm32, _) -> ["", "wasm"]
1787 _ -> [""]
1789 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
1791 -- * Finding the description file
1793 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
1795 -- | Package description file (/pkgname/@.cabal@)
1796 defaultPackageDesc :: Verbosity -> IO FilePath
1797 defaultPackageDesc verbosity = tryFindPackageDesc verbosity currentDir
1799 -- | Find a package description file in the given directory. Looks for
1800 -- @.cabal@ files.
1801 findPackageDesc
1802 :: FilePath
1803 -- ^ Where to look
1804 -> IO (Either CabalException FilePath)
1805 -- ^ <pkgname>.cabal
1806 findPackageDesc = findPackageDescCwd "."
1808 -- | @since
1809 findPackageDescCwd
1810 :: FilePath
1811 -- ^ project root
1812 -> FilePath
1813 -- ^ relative directory
1814 -> IO (Either CabalException FilePath)
1815 -- ^ <pkgname>.cabal relative to the project root
1816 findPackageDescCwd cwd dir =
1818 files <- getDirectoryContents (cwd </> dir)
1819 -- to make sure we do not mistake a ~/.cabal/ dir for a <pkgname>.cabal
1820 -- file we filter to exclude dirs and null base file names:
1821 cabalFiles <-
1822 filterM
1823 (doesFileExist . snd)
1824 [ (dir </> file, cwd </> dir </> file)
1825 | file <- files
1826 , let (name, ext) = splitExtension file
1827 , not (null name) && ext == ".cabal"
1829 case map fst cabalFiles of
1830 [] -> return (Left NoDesc)
1831 [cabalFile] -> return (Right cabalFile)
1832 multiple -> return (Left $ MultiDesc multiple)
1834 -- | Like 'findPackageDesc', but calls 'die' in case of error.
1835 tryFindPackageDesc :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
1836 tryFindPackageDesc verbosity dir =
1837 either (dieWithException verbosity) return =<< findPackageDesc dir
1839 -- | Like 'findPackageDescCwd', but calls 'die' in case of error.
1841 -- @since
1842 tryFindPackageDescCwd :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
1843 tryFindPackageDescCwd verbosity cwd dir =
1844 either (dieWithException verbosity) return =<< findPackageDescCwd cwd dir
1846 -- | Find auxiliary package information in the given directory.
1847 -- Looks for @.buildinfo@ files.
1848 findHookedPackageDesc
1849 :: Verbosity
1850 -> FilePath
1851 -- ^ Directory to search
1852 -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
1853 -- ^ /dir/@\/@/pkgname/@.buildinfo@, if present
1854 findHookedPackageDesc verbosity dir = do
1855 files <- getDirectoryContents dir
1856 buildInfoFiles <-
1857 filterM
1858 doesFileExist
1859 [ dir </> file
1860 | file <- files
1861 , let (name, ext) = splitExtension file
1862 , not (null name) && ext == buildInfoExt
1864 case buildInfoFiles of
1865 [] -> return Nothing
1866 [f] -> return (Just f)
1867 _ -> dieWithException verbosity $ MultipleFilesWithExtension buildInfoExt
1869 buildInfoExt :: String
1870 buildInfoExt = ".buildinfo"