Merge pull request #10428 from 9999years/add-validate-tasty-arg
[cabal.git] / Cabal-described / src / Distribution / Utils / GrammarRegex.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
6 module Distribution.Utils.GrammarRegex (
7 -- * Regular expressions
8 GrammarRegex (..),
9 reEps,
10 reChar,
11 reChars,
12 reMunchCS,
13 reMunch1CS,
14 -- * Variables
15 reVar0,
16 reVar1,
17 -- * Pretty-printing
18 regexDoc,
19 ) where
21 import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isControl, ord)
22 import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
23 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
24 import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
25 import Data.String (IsString (..))
26 import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
27 import Data.Void (Void, vacuous)
28 import Distribution.Compat.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
29 import Prelude (Bool (..), Char, Eq (..), Functor, Int, Maybe (..), Ord (..), Show, String, fmap, length, map, otherwise, ($), (++), (.))
31 import qualified Distribution.Utils.CharSet as CS
32 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP
34 (<<>>) :: PP.Doc -> PP.Doc -> PP.Doc
35 (<<>>) = (PP.<>)
37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 -- GrammarRegex
39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 -- | Recursive regular expressions tuned for 'Described' use-case.
42 data GrammarRegex a
43 = REAppend [GrammarRegex a] -- ^ append @ab@
44 | REUnion [GrammarRegex a] -- ^ union @a|b@
46 -- repetition
47 | REMunch (GrammarRegex a) (GrammarRegex a) -- ^ star @a*@, with a separator
48 | REMunch1 (GrammarRegex a) (GrammarRegex a) -- ^ plus @a+@, with a separator
49 | REMunchR Int (GrammarRegex a) (GrammarRegex a) -- ^ 1-n, with a separator
50 | REOpt (GrammarRegex a) -- ^ optional @r?@
52 | REString String -- ^ literal string @abcd@
53 | RECharSet CS.CharSet -- ^ charset @[:alnum:]@
54 | REVar a -- ^ variable
55 | RENamed String (GrammarRegex a) -- ^ named expression
56 | RERec String (GrammarRegex (Maybe a)) -- ^ recursive expressions
58 -- cabal syntax specifics
59 | RESpaces -- ^ zero-or-more spaces
60 | RESpaces1 -- ^ one-or-more spaces
61 | RECommaList (GrammarRegex a) -- ^ comma list (note, leading or trailing commas)
62 | RECommaNonEmpty (GrammarRegex a) -- ^ comma non-empty list (note, leading or trailing commas)
63 | REOptCommaList (GrammarRegex a) -- ^ opt comma list
65 | RETodo -- ^ unspecified
66 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 -- Instances
70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 instance IsString (GrammarRegex a) where
73 fromString = REString
75 instance Semigroup (GrammarRegex a) where
76 x <> y = REAppend (unAppend x ++ unAppend y) where
77 unAppend (REAppend rs) = rs
78 unAppend r = [r]
80 instance Monoid (GrammarRegex a) where
81 mempty = REAppend []
82 mappend = (<>)
84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 -- Smart constructors
86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 reEps :: GrammarRegex a
89 reEps = REAppend []
91 reChar :: Char -> GrammarRegex a
92 reChar = RECharSet . CS.singleton
94 reChars :: [Char] -> GrammarRegex a
95 reChars = RECharSet . CS.fromList
97 reMunch1CS :: CS.CharSet -> GrammarRegex a
98 reMunch1CS = REMunch1 reEps . RECharSet
100 reMunchCS :: CS.CharSet -> GrammarRegex a
101 reMunchCS = REMunch reEps . RECharSet
103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 -- Variables
105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
107 reVar0 :: GrammarRegex (Maybe a)
108 reVar0 = REVar Nothing
110 reVar1 :: GrammarRegex (Maybe (Maybe a))
111 reVar1 = REVar (Just Nothing)
113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
114 -- Pretty-printing
115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
117 -- |
119 -- >>> regexDoc $ REString "True"
120 -- \mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{True}\mathord{"}}
122 -- Note: we don't simplify regexps yet:
124 -- >>> regexDoc $ REString "foo" <> REString "bar"
125 -- \mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{foo}\mathord{"}}\mathop{\mathord{``}\mathtt{bar}\mathord{"}}
127 regexDoc :: GrammarRegex Void -> PP.Doc
128 regexDoc = go 0 . vacuous where
129 go :: Int -> GrammarRegex PP.Doc -> PP.Doc
130 go _ (REAppend []) = ""
131 go d (REAppend rs) = parensIf (d > 2) $ PP.hcat (map (go 2) rs)
132 go d (REUnion [r]) = go d r
133 go _ (REUnion rs) = PP.hsep
134 [ "\\left\\{"
135 , if length rs < 4
136 then PP.hcat (PP.punctuate (PP.text "\\mid") (map (go 0) rs))
137 else "\\begin{gathered}" <<>>
138 PP.hcat (PP.punctuate "\\\\" (map (go 0) rs)) <<>>
139 "\\end{gathered}"
140 , "\\right\\}" ]
142 go d (REMunch sep r) = parensIf (d > 3) $
143 PP.text "{" <<>> go 4 r <<>> PP.text "}^\\ast_{" <<>> go 4 sep <<>> PP.text "}"
144 go d (REMunch1 sep r) = parensIf (d > 3) $
145 PP.text "{" <<>> go 4 r <<>> PP.text "}^+_{" <<>> go 4 sep <<>> PP.text "}"
146 go d (REMunchR n sep r) = parensIf (d > 3) $
147 PP.text "{" <<>> go 4 r <<>> PP.text "}^{\\in [0\\ldots" <<>> n <<>> "]}_{" <<>> go 4 sep <<>> PP.text "}"
148 go d (REOpt r) = parensIf (d > 3) $
149 PP.text "{" <<>> go 4 r <<>> PP.text "}^?"
151 go _ (REString s) = PP.text "\\mathop{\\mathord{``}\\mathtt{" <<>> PP.hcat (map charDoc s) <<>> PP.text "}\\mathord{\"}}"
152 go _ (RECharSet cs) = charsetDoc cs
154 go _ RESpaces = "\\circ"
155 go _ RESpaces1 = "\\bullet"
157 go _ (RECommaList r) =
158 "\\mathrm{commalist}" <<>> go 4 r
159 go _ (RECommaNonEmpty r) =
160 "\\mathrm{commanonempty}" <<>> go 4 r
161 go _ (REOptCommaList r) =
162 "\\mathrm{optcommalist}" <<>> go 4 r
164 go _ (REVar a) = a
165 go _ (RENamed n _) = terminalDoc n
166 go d (RERec n r) = parensIf (d > 0) $
167 "\\mathbf{fix}\\;" <<>> n' <<>> "\\;\\mathbf{in}\\;" <<>>
168 go 0 (fmap (fromMaybe n') r)
169 where
170 n' = terminalDoc n
172 go _ RETodo = PP.text "\\mathsf{\\color{red}{TODO}}"
174 parensIf :: Bool -> PP.Doc -> PP.Doc
175 parensIf True d = PP.text "\\left(" <<>> d <<>> PP.text "\\right)"
176 parensIf False d = d
178 terminalDoc :: String -> PP.Doc
179 terminalDoc s = PP.text "\\mathop{\\mathit{" <<>> PP.hcat (map charDoc s) <<>> PP.text "}}"
181 charDoc :: Char -> PP.Doc
182 charDoc ' ' = PP.text "\\ "
183 charDoc '{' = PP.text "\\{"
184 charDoc '}' = PP.text "\\}"
185 charDoc '\\' = PP.text "\\text{\\\\}"
186 charDoc c
187 | isAlphaNum c = PP.char c
188 | isControl c = (ord c) -- TODO: some syntax
189 | otherwise = PP.text ("\\text{" ++ c : "}")
191 inquotes :: PP.Doc -> PP.Doc
192 inquotes d = "\\mathop{\\mathord{``}" <<>> d <<>> "\\mathord{\"}}"
194 mathtt :: PP.Doc -> PP.Doc
195 mathtt d = "\\mathtt{" <<>> d <<>> "}"
197 charsetDoc :: CS.CharSet -> PP.Doc
198 charsetDoc acs
199 | acs == CS.alpha = terminalDoc "alpha"
200 | acs == CS.alphanum = terminalDoc "alpha-num"
201 | acs == CS.upper = terminalDoc "upper"
202 charsetDoc acs = case CS.toIntervalList acs of
203 [] -> "\\emptyset"
204 [(x,y)] | x == y -> inquotes $ mathtt $ charDoc x
206 | CS.size acs <= CS.size notAcs
207 -> PP.brackets $ PP.hcat $ map rangeDoc rs
208 | otherwise
209 -> PP.braces $ PP.brackets (PP.hcat $ map rangeDoc (CS.toIntervalList notAcs)) <<>> PP.text "^c"
210 where
211 notAcs = CS.complement acs
213 rangeDoc :: (Char, Char) -> PP.Doc
214 rangeDoc (x, y) | x == y = inquotes (mathtt $ charDoc x)
215 | otherwise = inquotes (mathtt $ charDoc x) <<>> PP.text "\\cdots" <<>> inquotes (mathtt $ charDoc y)