Merge pull request #10428 from 9999years/add-validate-tasty-arg
[cabal.git] / cabal-validate / src / Cli.hs
1 -- | Parse CLI arguments and resolve defaults from the environment.
2 module Cli
3 ( Opts (..)
4 , parseOpts
5 , HackageTests (..)
6 , Compiler (..)
7 , VersionParseException (..)
9 where
11 import Control.Applicative (Alternative (many, (<|>)), (<**>))
12 import Control.Exception (Exception (displayException), throw)
13 import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
14 import Data.Data (Typeable)
15 import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
16 import qualified Data.Text as T
17 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T (toStrict)
18 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as T (decodeUtf8)
19 import Data.Version (Version, parseVersion)
20 import GHC.Conc (getNumCapabilities)
21 import Options.Applicative
22 ( FlagFields
23 , Mod
24 , Parser
25 , ParserInfo
26 , auto
27 , execParser
28 , flag
29 , flag'
30 , fullDesc
31 , help
32 , helper
33 , hidden
34 , info
35 , long
36 , maybeReader
37 , option
38 , progDesc
39 , short
40 , strOption
41 , switch
42 , value
44 import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt
45 import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
46 import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
47 import System.Info (arch, os)
48 import System.Process.Typed (proc, readProcessStdout_)
49 import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S)
51 import ClockUtil (AbsoluteTime, getAbsoluteTime)
52 import Step (Step (..), displayStep, parseStep)
54 -- | Command-line options, resolved with context from the environment.
55 data Opts = Opts
56 { verbose :: Bool
57 -- ^ Whether to display build and test output.
58 , jobs :: Int
59 -- ^ How many jobs to use when running tests.
61 -- Defaults to the number of physical cores.
62 , cwd :: FilePath
63 -- ^ Current working directory when @cabal-validate@ was started.
64 , startTime :: AbsoluteTime
65 -- ^ System time when @cabal-validate@ was started.
67 -- Used to determine the total test duration so far.
68 , compiler :: Compiler
69 -- ^ Compiler to build Cabal with.
71 -- Defaults to @ghc@.
72 , extraCompilers :: [FilePath]
73 -- ^ Extra compilers to run @cabal-testsuite@ with.
74 , cabal :: FilePath
75 -- ^ @cabal-install@ to build Cabal with.
77 -- Defaults to @cabal@.
78 , hackageTests :: HackageTests
79 -- ^ Whether to run tests on Hackage data, and if so how much.
81 -- Defaults to `NoHackageTests`.
82 , archPath :: FilePath
83 -- ^ The path for this system's architecture within the build directory.
85 -- Like @x86_64-windows@ or @aarch64-osx@ or @arm-linux@.
86 , projectFile :: FilePath
87 -- ^ Path to the @cabal.project@ file to use for running tests.
88 , tastyArgs :: [String]
89 -- ^ Extra arguments to pass to @tasty@ test suites.
91 -- This defaults to @--hide-successes@ (which cannot yet be changed) and
92 -- includes the @--pattern@ argument if one is given.
93 , targets :: [String]
94 -- ^ Targets to build.
95 , steps :: [Step]
96 -- ^ Steps to run.
98 deriving (Show)
100 -- | Whether to run tests on Hackage data, and if so how much.
101 data HackageTests
102 = -- | Run tests on complete Hackage data.
103 CompleteHackageTests
104 | -- | Run tests on partial Hackage data.
105 PartialHackageTests
106 | -- | Do not run tests on Hackage data.
107 NoHackageTests
108 deriving (Show)
110 -- | A compiler executable and version number.
111 data Compiler = Compiler
112 { compilerExecutable :: FilePath
113 -- ^ The compiler's executable.
114 , compilerVersion :: Version
115 -- ^ The compiler's version number.
117 deriving (Show)
119 -- | An `Exception` thrown when parsing @--numeric-version@ output from a compiler.
120 data VersionParseException = VersionParseException
121 { versionInput :: String
122 -- ^ The string we attempted to parse.
123 , versionExecutable :: FilePath
124 -- ^ The compiler which produced the string.
126 deriving (Typeable, Show)
128 instance Exception VersionParseException where
129 displayException exception =
130 "Failed to parse `"
131 <> versionExecutable exception
132 <> " --numeric-version` output: "
133 <> show (versionInput exception)
135 -- | Runs @ghc --numeric-version@ for the given executable to construct a
136 -- `Compiler`.
137 makeCompiler :: FilePath -> IO Compiler
138 makeCompiler executable = do
139 stdout <-
140 readProcessStdout_ $
141 proc executable ["--numeric-version"]
142 let version = T.unpack $ T.strip $ T.toStrict $ T.decodeUtf8 stdout
143 parsedVersions = readP_to_S parseVersion version
144 -- Who needs error messages? Those aren't in the API.
145 maybeParsedVersion =
146 listToMaybe
147 [ parsed
148 | (parsed, []) <- parsedVersions
150 parsedVersion = case maybeParsedVersion of
151 Just parsedVersion' -> parsedVersion'
152 Nothing ->
153 throw
154 VersionParseException
155 { versionInput = version
156 , versionExecutable = executable
159 pure
160 Compiler
161 { compilerExecutable = executable
162 , compilerVersion = parsedVersion
165 -- | Resolve options and default values from the environment.
167 -- This makes the `Opts` type much nicer to deal with than `RawOpts`.
168 resolveOpts :: RawOpts -> IO Opts
169 resolveOpts opts = do
170 let optionals :: Bool -> [a] -> [a]
171 optionals True items = items
172 optionals False _ = []
174 optional :: Bool -> a -> [a]
175 optional keep item = optionals keep [item]
177 steps' =
178 if not (null (rawSteps opts))
179 then rawSteps opts
180 else
181 concat
183 [ PrintConfig
184 , PrintToolVersions
185 , Build
187 , optional (rawDoctest opts) Doctest
188 , optional (rawRunLibTests opts) LibTests
189 , optional (rawRunLibSuite opts) LibSuite
190 , optional (rawRunLibSuite opts && not (null (rawExtraCompilers opts))) LibSuiteExtras
191 , optional (rawRunCliTests opts && not (rawLibOnly opts)) CliTests
192 , optional (rawRunCliSuite opts && not (rawLibOnly opts)) CliSuite
193 , optionals (rawSolverBenchmarks opts) [SolverBenchmarksTests, SolverBenchmarksRun]
194 , [TimeSummary]
197 targets' =
198 concat
200 [ "Cabal"
201 , "Cabal-hooks"
202 , "cabal-testsuite"
203 , "Cabal-tests"
204 , "Cabal-QuickCheck"
205 , "Cabal-tree-diff"
206 , "Cabal-described"
208 , optionals
209 (not (rawLibOnly opts))
210 [ "cabal-install"
211 , "cabal-install-solver"
212 , "cabal-benchmarks"
214 , optionals
215 (rawSolverBenchmarks opts)
216 [ "solver-benchmarks"
217 , "solver-benchmarks:tests"
221 archPath' =
222 let osPath =
223 case os of
224 "darwin" -> "osx"
225 "linux" -> "linux"
226 "mingw32" -> "windows"
227 _ -> os -- TODO: Warning?
228 in arch <> "-" <> osPath
230 projectFile' =
231 if rawLibOnly opts
232 then "cabal.validate-libonly.project"
233 else "cabal.validate.project"
235 tastyArgs' =
236 "--hide-successes"
237 : maybe
239 (\tastyPattern -> ["--pattern", tastyPattern])
240 (rawTastyPattern opts)
241 ++ rawTastyArgs opts
243 when (rawListSteps opts) $ do
244 -- TODO: This should probably list _all_ available steps, not just the selected ones!
245 putStrLn "Targets:"
246 forM_ targets' $ \target -> do
247 putStrLn $ " " <> target
248 putStrLn "Steps:"
249 forM_ steps' $ \step -> do
250 putStrLn $ " " <> displayStep step
251 exitSuccess
253 startTime' <- getAbsoluteTime
254 jobs' <- maybe getNumCapabilities pure (rawJobs opts)
255 cwd' <- getCurrentDirectory
256 compiler' <- makeCompiler (rawCompiler opts)
258 pure
259 Opts
260 { verbose = rawVerbose opts
261 , jobs = jobs'
262 , cwd = cwd'
263 , startTime = startTime'
264 , compiler = compiler'
265 , extraCompilers = rawExtraCompilers opts
266 , cabal = rawCabal opts
267 , archPath = archPath'
268 , projectFile = projectFile'
269 , hackageTests = rawHackageTests opts
270 , tastyArgs = tastyArgs'
271 , targets = targets'
272 , steps = steps'
275 -- | Literate command-line options as supplied by the user, before resolving
276 -- defaults and other values from the environment.
277 data RawOpts = RawOpts
278 { rawVerbose :: Bool
279 , rawJobs :: Maybe Int
280 , rawCompiler :: FilePath
281 , rawCabal :: FilePath
282 , rawExtraCompilers :: [FilePath]
283 , rawTastyPattern :: Maybe String
284 , rawTastyArgs :: [String]
285 , rawDoctest :: Bool
286 , rawSteps :: [Step]
287 , rawListSteps :: Bool
288 , rawLibOnly :: Bool
289 , rawRunLibTests :: Bool
290 , rawRunCliTests :: Bool
291 , rawRunLibSuite :: Bool
292 , rawRunCliSuite :: Bool
293 , rawSolverBenchmarks :: Bool
294 , rawHackageTests :: HackageTests
296 deriving (Show)
298 -- | `Parser` for `RawOpts`.
300 -- See: `fullRawOptsParser`
301 rawOptsParser :: Parser RawOpts
302 rawOptsParser =
303 RawOpts
304 <$> ( flag'
305 True
306 ( short 'v'
307 <> long "verbose"
308 <> help "Always display build and test output"
310 <|> flag
311 False
312 False
313 ( short 'q'
314 <> long "quiet"
315 <> help "Silence build and test output"
318 <*> option
319 (Just <$> auto)
320 ( short 'j'
321 <> long "jobs"
322 <> help "Passed to `cabal build --jobs`"
323 <> value Nothing
325 <*> strOption
326 ( short 'w'
327 <> long "with-compiler"
328 <> help "Build Cabal with the given compiler instead of `ghc`"
329 <> value "ghc"
331 <*> strOption
332 ( long "with-cabal"
333 <> help "Test the given `cabal-install` (the `cabal` on your `$PATH` is used for builds)"
334 <> value "cabal"
336 <*> many
337 ( strOption
338 ( long "extra-hc"
339 <> help "Extra compilers to run the test suites against"
342 <*> option
343 (Just <$> Opt.str)
344 ( short 'p'
345 <> long "pattern"
346 <> help "Pattern to filter tests by"
347 <> value Nothing
349 <*> many
350 ( strOption
351 ( long "tasty-arg"
352 <> help "Extra arguments to pass to Tasty test suites"
355 <*> boolOption
356 False
357 "doctest"
358 ( help "Run doctest on the `Cabal` library"
360 <*> many
361 ( option
362 (maybeReader parseStep)
363 ( short 's'
364 <> long "step"
365 <> help "Run only a specific step (can be specified multiple times)"
368 <*> switch
369 ( long "list-steps"
370 <> help "List the available steps and exit"
372 <*> ( flag'
373 True
374 ( long "lib-only"
375 <> help "Test only `Cabal` (the library)"
377 <|> flag
378 False
379 False
380 ( long "cli"
381 <> help "Test `cabal-install` (the executable) in addition to `Cabal` (the library)"
384 <*> boolOption
385 True
386 "run-lib-tests"
387 ( help "Run tests for the `Cabal` library"
389 <*> boolOption
390 True
391 "run-cli-tests"
392 ( help "Run client tests for the `cabal-install` executable"
394 <*> boolOption
395 False
396 "run-lib-suite"
397 ( help "Run `cabal-testsuite` with the `Cabal` library"
399 <*> boolOption
400 False
401 "run-cli-suite"
402 ( help "Run `cabal-testsuite` with the `cabal-install` executable"
404 <*> boolOption
405 False
406 "solver-benchmarks"
407 ( help "Build and trial run `solver-benchmarks`"
409 <*> ( flag'
410 CompleteHackageTests
411 ( long "complete-hackage-tests"
412 <> help "Run `hackage-tests` on complete Hackage data"
414 <|> flag
415 NoHackageTests
416 PartialHackageTests
417 ( long "partial-hackage-tests"
418 <> help "Run `hackage-tests` on parts of Hackage data"
422 -- | Parse a boolean switch with separate names for the true and false options.
423 boolOption' :: Bool -> String -> String -> Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool
424 boolOption' defaultValue trueName falseName modifiers =
425 flag' True (modifiers <> long trueName)
426 <|> flag defaultValue False (modifiers <> hidden <> long falseName)
428 -- | Parse a boolean switch with a @--no-*@ flag for setting the option to false.
429 boolOption :: Bool -> String -> Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool
430 boolOption defaultValue trueName =
431 boolOption' defaultValue trueName ("no-" <> trueName)
433 -- | Full `Parser` for `RawOpts`, which includes a @--help@ argument and
434 -- information about the program.
435 fullRawOptsParser :: ParserInfo RawOpts
436 fullRawOptsParser =
437 info
438 (rawOptsParser <**> helper)
439 ( fullDesc
440 <> progDesc "Test suite runner for `Cabal` and `cabal-install` developers"
443 -- | Parse command-line arguments and resolve defaults from the environment,
444 -- producing `Opts`.
445 parseOpts :: IO Opts
446 parseOpts = execParser fullRawOptsParser >>= resolveOpts