mergify: two-day delay should account for the squash label (#8517)
[cabal.git] / Cabal-tests / Cabal-tests.cabal
1 cabal-version: 2.2
2 name:          Cabal-tests
3 version:       3
4 copyright:     2003-2022, Cabal Development Team (see AUTHORS file)
5 license:       BSD-3-Clause
6 license-file:  LICENSE
7 author:        Cabal Development Team <>
8 maintainer:
9 homepage:
10 bug-reports:
11 synopsis:      Tests for Cabal library
12 description:   The tests are external for development flows convenience.
13 category:      Distribution
14 build-type:    Simple
16 source-repository head
17   type:     git
18   location:
19   subdir:   Cabal-tests
21 -- Small, fast running tests.
22 test-suite unit-tests
23   type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0
24   hs-source-dirs:   tests
25   other-modules:
26     Test.Laws
27     Test.QuickCheck.Utils
28     UnitTests.Distribution.CabalSpecVersion
29     UnitTests.Distribution.Compat.Graph
30     UnitTests.Distribution.Compat.Time
31     UnitTests.Distribution.Described
32     UnitTests.Distribution.PkgconfigVersion
33     UnitTests.Distribution.Simple.Command
34     UnitTests.Distribution.Simple.Glob
35     UnitTests.Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC
36     UnitTests.Distribution.Simple.Program.Internal
37     UnitTests.Distribution.Simple.Utils
38     UnitTests.Distribution.SPDX
39     UnitTests.Distribution.System
40     UnitTests.Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription
41     UnitTests.Distribution.Utils.CharSet
42     UnitTests.Distribution.Utils.Generic
43     UnitTests.Distribution.Utils.Json
44     UnitTests.Distribution.Utils.NubList
45     UnitTests.Distribution.Utils.ShortText
46     UnitTests.Distribution.Utils.Structured
47     UnitTests.Distribution.Version
48     UnitTests.Orphans
50   main-is:          UnitTests.hs
51   build-depends:
52       array
53     , async               >=2.2.2 && <2.3
54     , base                >=0     && <5
55     , binary
56     , bytestring
57     , Cabal
58     , Cabal-described
59     , Cabal-syntax
60     , Cabal-QuickCheck
61     , containers
62     , deepseq
63     , Diff                >=0.4   && <0.5
64     , directory
65     , filepath
66     , integer-logarithms  >=1.0.2 && <1.1
67     , pretty
68     , QuickCheck          >=2.14  && <2.15
69     , rere                >=0.1   && <0.3
70     , tagged
71     , tasty               >=1.2.3 && <1.5
72     , tasty-hunit
73     , tasty-quickcheck
74     , temporary
75     , text
76     , transformers
78   ghc-options:      -Wall
79   default-language: Haskell2010
81 test-suite parser-tests
82   type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0
83   hs-source-dirs:   tests
84   main-is:          ParserTests.hs
85   build-depends:
86       base
87     , base-compat       >=0.11.0  && <0.13
88     , bytestring
89     , Cabal-syntax
90     , Cabal-tree-diff
91     , Diff              >=0.4     && <0.5
92     , directory
93     , filepath
94     , tasty             >=1.2.3   && <1.5
95     , tasty-golden      >= && <2.4
96     , tasty-hunit
97     , tasty-quickcheck
98     , tree-diff         >=0.1     && <0.3
100   ghc-options:      -Wall
101   default-language: Haskell2010
103 test-suite check-tests
104   type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0
105   hs-source-dirs:   tests
106   main-is:          CheckTests.hs
107   build-depends:
108       base
109     , bytestring
110     , Cabal
111     , Cabal-syntax
112     , Diff          >=0.4     && <0.5
113     , directory
114     , filepath
115     , tasty         >=1.2.3   && <1.5
116     , tasty-expected-failure
117     , tasty-golden  >= && <2.4
119   ghc-options:      -Wall
120   default-language: Haskell2010
122 test-suite custom-setup-tests
123   type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0
124   hs-source-dirs:   tests/custom-setup
125   main-is:          CustomSetupTests.hs
126   other-modules:
127     CabalDoctestSetup
128     IdrisSetup
130   build-depends:
131       base
132     , Cabal
133     , Cabal-syntax
134     , directory
135     , filepath
136     , process
138   default-language: Haskell2010
140 test-suite hackage-tests
141   type:               exitcode-stdio-1.0
142   main-is:            HackageTests.hs
145   hs-source-dirs:     tests
146   build-depends:
147       base
148     , bytestring
149     , Cabal
150     , Cabal-syntax
151     , Cabal-tree-diff
152     , containers
153     , deepseq
154     , directory
155     , filepath
157   build-depends:
158       base-compat           >=0.11.0   && <0.13
159     , base-orphans          >=0.6      && <0.9
160     , clock                 >=0.8      && <0.9
161     , optparse-applicative  >= && <0.17
162     , stm                   >=  && <2.6
163     , tar                   >=  && <0.6
164     , tree-diff             >=0.1      && <0.3
166   ghc-options:        -Wall -rtsopts -threaded
167   default-extensions: CPP
168   default-language:   Haskell2010
170 test-suite rpmvercmp
171   type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0
172   main-is:          RPMVerCmp.hs
173   hs-source-dirs:   tests
174   build-depends:
175       base
176     , bytestring
177     , Cabal-syntax
179   build-depends:
180       QuickCheck
181     , tasty             >=1.2.3 && <1.5
182     , tasty-hunit
183     , tasty-quickcheck
185   c-sources:        tests/cbits/rpmvercmp.c
186   cc-options:       -Wall
187   ghc-options:      -Wall
188   default-language: Haskell2010
190 test-suite no-thunks-test
191   default-language: Haskell2010
192   ghc-options:      -Wall
193   type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0
194   main-is:          NoThunks.hs
195   hs-source-dirs:   tests
196   build-depends:
197       base
198     , bytestring
199     , Cabal-syntax
200     , tasty        >=1.2.3 && <1.5
201     , tasty-hunit
203   -- this is test is buildable on old GHCs
204   -- but it doesn't do anything.
205   if impl(ghc >=8.6)
206     build-depends: nothunks >= && <0.2