Let intercalate check for singleton lists
[cabal.git] / cabal-install-solver / src / Distribution / Solver / Modular / ConflictSet.hs
1 -- | Conflict sets
2 --
3 -- Intended for double import
4 --
5 -- > import Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet (ConflictSet)
6 -- > import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet as CS
7 module Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet (
8 ConflictSet -- opaque
9 , Conflict(..)
10 , ConflictMap
11 , OrderedVersionRange(..)
12 , showConflictSet
13 , showCSSortedByFrequency
14 , showCSWithFrequency
15 -- Set-like operations
16 , toSet
17 , toList
18 , union
19 , unions
20 , insert
21 , delete
22 , empty
23 , singleton
24 , singletonWithConflict
25 , size
26 , member
27 , lookup
28 , filter
29 , fromList
30 ) where
32 import Prelude hiding (lookup)
33 import Data.List (intercalate, sortBy)
34 import Data.Map (Map)
35 import Data.Set (Set)
36 import Data.Function (on)
37 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
38 import qualified Data.Set as S
40 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Var
41 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Version
42 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath
44 -- | The set of variables involved in a solver conflict, each paired with
45 -- details about the conflict.
46 newtype ConflictSet = CS {
47 -- | The set of variables involved in the conflict
48 conflictSetToMap :: Map (Var QPN) (Set Conflict)
50 deriving (Eq, Show)
52 -- | More detailed information about how a conflict set variable caused a
53 -- conflict. This information can be used to determine whether a second value
54 -- for that variable would lead to the same conflict.
56 -- TODO: Handle dependencies under flags or stanzas.
57 data Conflict =
59 -- | The conflict set variable represents a package which depends on the
60 -- specified problematic package. For example, the conflict set entry
61 -- '(P x, GoalConflict y)' means that package x introduced package y, and y
62 -- led to a conflict.
63 GoalConflict QPN
65 -- | The conflict set variable represents a package with a constraint that
66 -- excluded the specified package and version. For example, the conflict set
67 -- entry '(P x, VersionConstraintConflict y (mkVersion [2, 0]))' means that
68 -- package x's constraint on y excluded y-2.0.
69 | VersionConstraintConflict QPN Ver
71 -- | The conflict set variable represents a package that was excluded by a
72 -- constraint from the specified package. For example, the conflict set
73 -- entry '(P x, VersionConflict y (orLaterVersion (mkVersion [2, 0])))'
74 -- means that package y's constraint 'x >= 2.0' excluded some version of x.
75 | VersionConflict QPN OrderedVersionRange
77 -- | Any other conflict.
78 | OtherConflict
79 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
81 -- | Version range with an 'Ord' instance.
82 newtype OrderedVersionRange = OrderedVersionRange VR
83 deriving (Eq, Show)
85 -- TODO: Avoid converting the version ranges to strings.
86 instance Ord OrderedVersionRange where
87 compare = compare `on` show
89 showConflictSet :: ConflictSet -> String
90 showConflictSet = intercalate ", " . map showVar . toList
92 showCSSortedByFrequency :: ConflictMap -> ConflictSet -> String
93 showCSSortedByFrequency = showCS False
95 showCSWithFrequency :: ConflictMap -> ConflictSet -> String
96 showCSWithFrequency = showCS True
98 showCS :: Bool -> ConflictMap -> ConflictSet -> String
99 showCS showCount cm =
100 intercalate ", " . map showWithFrequency . indexByFrequency
101 where
102 indexByFrequency = sortBy (flip compare `on` snd) . map (\c -> (c, M.lookup c cm)) . toList
103 showWithFrequency (conflict, maybeFrequency) = case maybeFrequency of
104 Just frequency
105 | showCount -> showVar conflict ++ " (" ++ show frequency ++ ")"
106 _ -> showVar conflict
108 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
109 Set-like operations
110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
112 toSet :: ConflictSet -> Set (Var QPN)
113 toSet = M.keysSet . conflictSetToMap
115 toList :: ConflictSet -> [Var QPN]
116 toList = M.keys . conflictSetToMap
118 union :: ConflictSet -> ConflictSet -> ConflictSet
119 union cs cs' = CS {
120 conflictSetToMap = M.unionWith S.union (conflictSetToMap cs) (conflictSetToMap cs')
123 unions :: [ConflictSet] -> ConflictSet
124 unions css = CS {
125 conflictSetToMap = M.unionsWith S.union (map conflictSetToMap css)
128 insert :: Var QPN -> ConflictSet -> ConflictSet
129 insert var cs = CS {
130 conflictSetToMap = M.insert var (S.singleton OtherConflict) (conflictSetToMap cs)
133 delete :: Var QPN -> ConflictSet -> ConflictSet
134 delete var cs = CS {
135 conflictSetToMap = M.delete var (conflictSetToMap cs)
138 empty :: ConflictSet
139 empty = CS {
140 conflictSetToMap = M.empty
143 singleton :: Var QPN -> ConflictSet
144 singleton var = singletonWithConflict var OtherConflict
146 singletonWithConflict :: Var QPN -> Conflict -> ConflictSet
147 singletonWithConflict var conflict = CS {
148 conflictSetToMap = M.singleton var (S.singleton conflict)
151 size :: ConflictSet -> Int
152 size = M.size . conflictSetToMap
154 member :: Var QPN -> ConflictSet -> Bool
155 member var = M.member var . conflictSetToMap
157 lookup :: Var QPN -> ConflictSet -> Maybe (Set Conflict)
158 lookup var = M.lookup var . conflictSetToMap
160 fromList :: [Var QPN] -> ConflictSet
161 fromList vars = CS {
162 conflictSetToMap = M.fromList [(var, S.singleton OtherConflict) | var <- vars]
165 type ConflictMap = Map (Var QPN) Int