Let intercalate check for singleton lists
[cabal.git] / cabal-install-solver / src / Distribution / Solver / Modular / Dependency.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
3 module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency (
4 -- * Variables
5 Var(..)
6 , showVar
7 , varPN
8 -- * Conflict sets
9 , ConflictSet
10 , ConflictMap
11 , CS.showConflictSet
12 -- * Constrained instances
13 , CI(..)
14 -- * Flagged dependencies
15 , FlaggedDeps
16 , FlaggedDep(..)
17 , LDep(..)
18 , Dep(..)
19 , PkgComponent(..)
20 , ExposedComponent(..)
21 , DependencyReason(..)
22 , showDependencyReason
23 , flattenFlaggedDeps
24 , QualifyOptions(..)
25 , qualifyDeps
26 , unqualifyDeps
27 -- * Reverse dependency map
28 , RevDepMap
29 -- * Goals
30 , Goal(..)
31 , GoalReason(..)
32 , QGoalReason
33 , goalToVar
34 , varToConflictSet
35 , goalReasonToConflictSet
36 , goalReasonToConflictSetWithConflict
37 , dependencyReasonToConflictSet
38 , dependencyReasonToConflictSetWithVersionConstraintConflict
39 , dependencyReasonToConflictSetWithVersionConflict
40 ) where
42 import Prelude ()
43 import qualified Data.Map as M
44 import qualified Data.Set as S
45 import Distribution.Solver.Compat.Prelude hiding (pi)
47 import Language.Haskell.Extension (Extension(..), Language(..))
49 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet (ConflictSet, ConflictMap)
50 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Flag
51 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Package
52 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Var
53 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Version
54 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet as CS
56 import Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps (Component(..))
57 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath
58 import Distribution.Types.LibraryName
59 import Distribution.Types.PkgconfigVersionRange
60 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
62 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 Constrained instances
64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
66 -- | Constrained instance. It represents the allowed instances for a package,
67 -- which can be either a fixed instance or a version range.
68 data CI = Fixed I | Constrained VR
69 deriving (Eq, Show)
71 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 Flagged dependencies
73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
75 -- | Flagged dependencies
77 -- 'FlaggedDeps' is the modular solver's view of a packages dependencies:
78 -- rather than having the dependencies indexed by component, each dependency
79 -- defines what component it is in.
81 -- Note that each dependency is associated with a Component. We must know what
82 -- component the dependencies belong to, or else we won't be able to construct
83 -- fine-grained reverse dependencies.
84 type FlaggedDeps qpn = [FlaggedDep qpn]
86 -- | Flagged dependencies can either be plain dependency constraints,
87 -- or flag-dependent dependency trees.
88 data FlaggedDep qpn =
89 -- | Dependencies which are conditional on a flag choice.
90 Flagged (FN qpn) FInfo (TrueFlaggedDeps qpn) (FalseFlaggedDeps qpn)
91 -- | Dependencies which are conditional on whether or not a stanza
92 -- (e.g., a test suite or benchmark) is enabled.
93 | Stanza (SN qpn) (TrueFlaggedDeps qpn)
94 -- | Dependencies which are always enabled, for the component 'comp'.
95 | Simple (LDep qpn) Component
97 -- | Conservatively flatten out flagged dependencies
99 -- NOTE: We do not filter out duplicates.
100 flattenFlaggedDeps :: FlaggedDeps qpn -> [(LDep qpn, Component)]
101 flattenFlaggedDeps = concatMap aux
102 where
103 aux :: FlaggedDep qpn -> [(LDep qpn, Component)]
104 aux (Flagged _ _ t f) = flattenFlaggedDeps t ++ flattenFlaggedDeps f
105 aux (Stanza _ t) = flattenFlaggedDeps t
106 aux (Simple d c) = [(d, c)]
108 type TrueFlaggedDeps qpn = FlaggedDeps qpn
109 type FalseFlaggedDeps qpn = FlaggedDeps qpn
111 -- | A 'Dep' labeled with the reason it was introduced.
113 -- 'LDep' intentionally has no 'Functor' instance because the type variable
114 -- is used both to record the dependencies as well as who's doing the
115 -- depending; having a 'Functor' instance makes bugs where we don't distinguish
116 -- these two far too likely. (By rights 'LDep' ought to have two type variables.)
117 data LDep qpn = LDep (DependencyReason qpn) (Dep qpn)
119 -- | A dependency (constraint) associates a package name with a constrained
120 -- instance. It can also represent other types of dependencies, such as
121 -- dependencies on language extensions.
122 data Dep qpn = Dep (PkgComponent qpn) CI -- ^ dependency on a package component
123 | Ext Extension -- ^ dependency on a language extension
124 | Lang Language -- ^ dependency on a language version
125 | Pkg PkgconfigName PkgconfigVersionRange -- ^ dependency on a pkg-config package
126 deriving Functor
128 -- | An exposed component within a package. This type is used to represent
129 -- build-depends and build-tool-depends dependencies.
130 data PkgComponent qpn = PkgComponent qpn ExposedComponent
131 deriving (Eq, Ord, Functor, Show)
133 -- | A component that can be depended upon by another package, i.e., a library
134 -- or an executable.
135 data ExposedComponent =
136 ExposedLib LibraryName
137 | ExposedExe UnqualComponentName
138 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
140 -- | The reason that a dependency is active. It identifies the package and any
141 -- flag and stanza choices that introduced the dependency. It contains
142 -- everything needed for creating ConflictSets or describing conflicts in solver
143 -- log messages.
144 data DependencyReason qpn = DependencyReason qpn (Map Flag FlagValue) (S.Set Stanza)
145 deriving (Functor, Eq, Show)
147 -- | Print the reason that a dependency was introduced.
148 showDependencyReason :: DependencyReason QPN -> String
149 showDependencyReason (DependencyReason qpn flags stanzas) =
150 intercalate " " $
151 showQPN qpn
152 : map (uncurry showFlagValue) (M.toList flags)
153 ++ map (\s -> showSBool s True) (S.toList stanzas)
155 -- | Options for goal qualification (used in 'qualifyDeps')
157 -- See also 'defaultQualifyOptions'
158 data QualifyOptions = QO {
159 -- | Do we have a version of base relying on another version of base?
160 qoBaseShim :: Bool
162 -- Should dependencies of the setup script be treated as independent?
163 , qoSetupIndependent :: Bool
165 deriving Show
167 -- | Apply built-in rules for package qualifiers
169 -- Although the behaviour of 'qualifyDeps' depends on the 'QualifyOptions',
170 -- it is important that these 'QualifyOptions' are _static_. Qualification
171 -- does NOT depend on flag assignment; in other words, it behaves the same no
172 -- matter which choices the solver makes (modulo the global 'QualifyOptions');
173 -- we rely on this in 'linkDeps' (see comment there).
175 -- NOTE: It's the _dependencies_ of a package that may or may not be independent
176 -- from the package itself. Package flag choices must of course be consistent.
177 qualifyDeps :: QualifyOptions -> QPN -> FlaggedDeps PN -> FlaggedDeps QPN
178 qualifyDeps QO{..} (Q pp@(PackagePath ns q) pn) = go
179 where
180 go :: FlaggedDeps PN -> FlaggedDeps QPN
181 go = map go1
183 go1 :: FlaggedDep PN -> FlaggedDep QPN
184 go1 (Flagged fn nfo t f) = Flagged (fmap (Q pp) fn) nfo (go t) (go f)
185 go1 (Stanza sn t) = Stanza (fmap (Q pp) sn) (go t)
186 go1 (Simple dep comp) = Simple (goLDep dep comp) comp
188 -- Suppose package B has a setup dependency on package A.
189 -- This will be recorded as something like
191 -- > LDep (DependencyReason "B") (Dep (PkgComponent "A" (ExposedLib LMainLibName)) (Constrained AnyVersion))
193 -- Observe that when we qualify this dependency, we need to turn that
194 -- @"A"@ into @"B-setup.A"@, but we should not apply that same qualifier
195 -- to the DependencyReason.
196 goLDep :: LDep PN -> Component -> LDep QPN
197 goLDep (LDep dr dep) comp = LDep (fmap (Q pp) dr) (goD dep comp)
199 goD :: Dep PN -> Component -> Dep QPN
200 goD (Ext ext) _ = Ext ext
201 goD (Lang lang) _ = Lang lang
202 goD (Pkg pkn vr) _ = Pkg pkn vr
203 goD (Dep dep@(PkgComponent qpn (ExposedExe _)) ci) _ =
204 Dep (Q (PackagePath ns (QualExe pn qpn)) <$> dep) ci
205 goD (Dep dep@(PkgComponent qpn (ExposedLib _)) ci) comp
206 | qBase qpn = Dep (Q (PackagePath ns (QualBase pn)) <$> dep) ci
207 | qSetup comp = Dep (Q (PackagePath ns (QualSetup pn)) <$> dep) ci
208 | otherwise = Dep (Q (PackagePath ns inheritedQ ) <$> dep) ci
210 -- If P has a setup dependency on Q, and Q has a regular dependency on R, then
211 -- we say that the 'Setup' qualifier is inherited: P has an (indirect) setup
212 -- dependency on R. We do not do this for the base qualifier however.
214 -- The inherited qualifier is only used for regular dependencies; for setup
215 -- and base dependencies we override the existing qualifier. See #3160 for
216 -- a detailed discussion.
217 inheritedQ :: Qualifier
218 inheritedQ = case q of
219 QualSetup _ -> q
220 QualExe _ _ -> q
221 QualToplevel -> q
222 QualBase _ -> QualToplevel
224 -- Should we qualify this goal with the 'Base' package path?
225 qBase :: PN -> Bool
226 qBase dep = qoBaseShim && unPackageName dep == "base"
228 -- Should we qualify this goal with the 'Setup' package path?
229 qSetup :: Component -> Bool
230 qSetup comp = qoSetupIndependent && comp == ComponentSetup
232 -- | Remove qualifiers from set of dependencies
234 -- This is used during link validation: when we link package @Q.A@ to @Q'.A@,
235 -- then all dependencies @Q.B@ need to be linked to @Q'.B@. In order to compute
236 -- what to link these dependencies to, we need to requalify @Q.B@ to become
237 -- @Q'.B@; we do this by first removing all qualifiers and then calling
238 -- 'qualifyDeps' again.
239 unqualifyDeps :: FlaggedDeps QPN -> FlaggedDeps PN
240 unqualifyDeps = go
241 where
242 go :: FlaggedDeps QPN -> FlaggedDeps PN
243 go = map go1
245 go1 :: FlaggedDep QPN -> FlaggedDep PN
246 go1 (Flagged fn nfo t f) = Flagged (fmap unq fn) nfo (go t) (go f)
247 go1 (Stanza sn t) = Stanza (fmap unq sn) (go t)
248 go1 (Simple dep comp) = Simple (goLDep dep) comp
250 goLDep :: LDep QPN -> LDep PN
251 goLDep (LDep dr dep) = LDep (fmap unq dr) (fmap unq dep)
253 unq :: QPN -> PN
254 unq (Q _ pn) = pn
256 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
257 Reverse dependency map
258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
260 -- | A map containing reverse dependencies between qualified
261 -- package names.
262 type RevDepMap = Map QPN [(Component, QPN)]
264 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
265 Goals
266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
268 -- | A goal is just a solver variable paired with a reason.
269 -- The reason is only used for tracing.
270 data Goal qpn = Goal (Var qpn) (GoalReason qpn)
271 deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
273 -- | Reason why a goal is being added to a goal set.
274 data GoalReason qpn =
275 UserGoal -- introduced by a build target
276 | DependencyGoal (DependencyReason qpn) -- introduced by a package
277 deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
279 type QGoalReason = GoalReason QPN
281 goalToVar :: Goal a -> Var a
282 goalToVar (Goal v _) = v
284 -- | Compute a singleton conflict set from a 'Var'
285 varToConflictSet :: Var QPN -> ConflictSet
286 varToConflictSet = CS.singleton
288 -- | Convert a 'GoalReason' to a 'ConflictSet' that can be used when the goal
289 -- leads to a conflict.
290 goalReasonToConflictSet :: GoalReason QPN -> ConflictSet
291 goalReasonToConflictSet UserGoal = CS.empty
292 goalReasonToConflictSet (DependencyGoal dr) = dependencyReasonToConflictSet dr
294 -- | Convert a 'GoalReason' to a 'ConflictSet' containing the reason that the
295 -- conflict occurred, namely the conflict set variables caused a conflict by
296 -- introducing the given package goal. See the documentation for 'GoalConflict'.
298 -- This function currently only specifies the reason for the conflict in the
299 -- simple case where the 'GoalReason' does not involve any flags or stanzas.
300 -- Otherwise, it falls back to calling 'goalReasonToConflictSet'.
301 goalReasonToConflictSetWithConflict :: QPN -> GoalReason QPN -> ConflictSet
302 goalReasonToConflictSetWithConflict goal (DependencyGoal (DependencyReason qpn flags stanzas))
303 | M.null flags && S.null stanzas =
304 CS.singletonWithConflict (P qpn) $ CS.GoalConflict goal
305 goalReasonToConflictSetWithConflict _ gr = goalReasonToConflictSet gr
307 -- | This function returns the solver variables responsible for the dependency.
308 -- It drops the values chosen for flag and stanza variables, which are only
309 -- needed for log messages.
310 dependencyReasonToConflictSet :: DependencyReason QPN -> ConflictSet
311 dependencyReasonToConflictSet (DependencyReason qpn flags stanzas) =
312 CS.fromList $ P qpn : flagVars ++ map stanzaToVar (S.toList stanzas)
313 where
314 -- Filter out any flags that introduced the dependency with both values.
315 -- They don't need to be included in the conflict set, because changing the
316 -- flag value can't remove the dependency.
317 flagVars :: [Var QPN]
318 flagVars = [F (FN qpn fn) | (fn, fv) <- M.toList flags, fv /= FlagBoth]
320 stanzaToVar :: Stanza -> Var QPN
321 stanzaToVar = S . SN qpn
323 -- | Convert a 'DependencyReason' to a 'ConflictSet' specifying that the
324 -- conflict occurred because the conflict set variables introduced a problematic
325 -- version constraint. See the documentation for 'VersionConstraintConflict'.
327 -- This function currently only specifies the reason for the conflict in the
328 -- simple case where the 'DependencyReason' does not involve any flags or
329 -- stanzas. Otherwise, it falls back to calling 'dependencyReasonToConflictSet'.
330 dependencyReasonToConflictSetWithVersionConstraintConflict :: QPN
331 -> Ver
332 -> DependencyReason QPN
333 -> ConflictSet
334 dependencyReasonToConflictSetWithVersionConstraintConflict
335 dependency excludedVersion dr@(DependencyReason qpn flags stanzas)
336 | M.null flags && S.null stanzas =
337 CS.singletonWithConflict (P qpn) $
338 CS.VersionConstraintConflict dependency excludedVersion
339 | otherwise = dependencyReasonToConflictSet dr
341 -- | Convert a 'DependencyReason' to a 'ConflictSet' specifying that the
342 -- conflict occurred because the conflict set variables introduced a version of
343 -- a package that was excluded by a version constraint. See the documentation
344 -- for 'VersionConflict'.
346 -- This function currently only specifies the reason for the conflict in the
347 -- simple case where the 'DependencyReason' does not involve any flags or
348 -- stanzas. Otherwise, it falls back to calling 'dependencyReasonToConflictSet'.
349 dependencyReasonToConflictSetWithVersionConflict :: QPN
350 -> CS.OrderedVersionRange
351 -> DependencyReason QPN
352 -> ConflictSet
353 dependencyReasonToConflictSetWithVersionConflict
354 pkgWithVersionConstraint constraint dr@(DependencyReason qpn flags stanzas)
355 | M.null flags && S.null stanzas =
356 CS.singletonWithConflict (P qpn) $
357 CS.VersionConflict pkgWithVersionConstraint constraint
358 | otherwise = dependencyReasonToConflictSet dr