Let intercalate check for singleton lists
[cabal.git] / cabal-install-solver / src / Distribution / Solver / Modular / Flag.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
2 module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Flag
3 ( FInfo(..)
4 , Flag
5 , FlagInfo
6 , FN(..)
7 , QFN
8 , QSN
9 , Stanza
10 , SN(..)
11 , WeakOrTrivial(..)
12 , FlagValue(..)
13 , mkFlag
14 , showQFN
15 , showQFNBool
16 , showFlagValue
17 , showQSN
18 , showQSNBool
19 , showSBool
20 ) where
22 import Data.Map as M
23 import Prelude hiding (pi)
25 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as P -- from Cabal
27 import Distribution.Solver.Types.Flag
28 import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza
29 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath
31 -- | Flag name. Consists of a package instance and the flag identifier itself.
32 data FN qpn = FN qpn Flag
33 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor)
35 -- | Flag identifier. Just a string.
36 type Flag = P.FlagName
38 -- | Stanza identifier.
39 type Stanza = OptionalStanza
41 unFlag :: Flag -> String
42 unFlag = P.unFlagName
44 mkFlag :: String -> Flag
45 mkFlag = P.mkFlagName
47 -- | Flag info. Default value, whether the flag is manual, and
48 -- whether the flag is weak. Manual flags can only be set explicitly.
49 -- Weak flags are typically deferred by the solver.
50 data FInfo = FInfo { fdefault :: Bool, fmanual :: FlagType, fweak :: WeakOrTrivial }
51 deriving (Eq, Show)
53 -- | Flag defaults.
54 type FlagInfo = Map Flag FInfo
56 -- | Qualified flag name.
57 type QFN = FN QPN
59 -- | Stanza name. Paired with a package name, much like a flag.
60 data SN qpn = SN qpn Stanza
61 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor)
63 -- | Qualified stanza name.
64 type QSN = SN QPN
66 -- | A property of flag and stanza choices that determines whether the
67 -- choice should be deferred in the solving process.
69 -- A choice is called weak if we do want to defer it. This is the
70 -- case for flags that should be implied by what's currently installed on
71 -- the system, as opposed to flags that are used to explicitly enable or
72 -- disable some functionality.
74 -- A choice is called trivial if it clearly does not matter. The
75 -- special case of triviality we actually consider is if there are no new
76 -- dependencies introduced by the choice.
77 newtype WeakOrTrivial = WeakOrTrivial { unWeakOrTrivial :: Bool }
78 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
80 -- | Value shown for a flag in a solver log message. The message can refer to
81 -- only the true choice, only the false choice, or both choices.
82 data FlagValue = FlagTrue | FlagFalse | FlagBoth
83 deriving (Eq, Show)
85 showQFNBool :: QFN -> Bool -> String
86 showQFNBool qfn@(FN qpn _f) b = showQPN qpn ++ ":" ++ showFBool qfn b
88 showQSNBool :: QSN -> Bool -> String
89 showQSNBool (SN qpn s) b = showQPN qpn ++ ":" ++ showSBool s b
91 showFBool :: FN qpn -> Bool -> String
92 showFBool (FN _ f) v = P.showFlagValue (f, v)
94 -- | String representation of a flag-value pair.
95 showFlagValue :: P.FlagName -> FlagValue -> String
96 showFlagValue f FlagTrue = '+' : unFlag f
97 showFlagValue f FlagFalse = '-' : unFlag f
98 showFlagValue f FlagBoth = "+/-" ++ unFlag f
100 showSBool :: Stanza -> Bool -> String
101 showSBool s True = "*" ++ showStanza s
102 showSBool s False = "!" ++ showStanza s
104 showQFN :: QFN -> String
105 showQFN (FN qpn f) = showQPN qpn ++ ":" ++ unFlag f
107 showQSN :: QSN -> String
108 showQSN (SN qpn s) = showQPN qpn ++ ":" ++ showStanza s