Let intercalate check for singleton lists
[cabal.git] / cabal-install-solver / src / Distribution / Solver / Modular / Message.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
5 module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Message (
6 Message(..),
7 showMessages
8 ) where
10 import Data.Maybe (isJust)
11 import qualified Data.List as L
12 import Data.Map (Map)
13 import qualified Data.Map as M
14 import Data.Set (Set)
15 import qualified Data.Set as S
16 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe)
17 import Prelude hiding (pi)
19 import Distribution.Pretty (prettyShow) -- from Cabal
21 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet as CS
22 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency
23 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Flag ( QFN, QSN )
24 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.Flag as Flag ( showQFN, showQFNBool, showQSN, showQSNBool )
25 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.MessageUtils
26 (showUnsupportedExtension, showUnsupportedLanguage)
27 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Package
28 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Tree
29 ( FailReason(..), POption(..), ConflictingDep(..) )
30 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Version
31 import Distribution.Solver.Types.ConstraintSource
32 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath
33 import Distribution.Solver.Types.Progress
34 import Distribution.Types.LibraryName
35 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
37 data Message =
38 Enter -- ^ increase indentation level
39 | Leave -- ^ decrease indentation level
40 | TryP QPN POption
41 | TryF QFN Bool
42 | TryS QSN Bool
43 | Next (Goal QPN)
44 | Skip (Set CS.Conflict)
45 | Success
46 | Failure ConflictSet FailReason
48 -- | Transforms the structured message type to actual messages (strings).
50 -- The log contains level numbers, which are useful for any trace that involves
51 -- backtracking, because only the level numbers will allow to keep track of
52 -- backjumps.
53 showMessages :: Progress Message a b -> Progress String a b
54 showMessages = go 0
55 where
56 -- 'go' increments the level for a recursive call when it encounters
57 -- 'TryP', 'TryF', or 'TryS' and decrements the level when it encounters 'Leave'.
58 go :: Int -> Progress Message a b -> Progress String a b
59 go !_ (Done x) = Done x
60 go !_ (Fail x) = Fail x
61 -- complex patterns
62 go !l (Step (TryP qpn i) (Step Enter (Step (Failure c fr) (Step Leave ms)))) =
63 goPReject l qpn [i] c fr ms
64 go !l (Step (TryP qpn i) (Step Enter (Step (Skip conflicts) (Step Leave ms)))) =
65 goPSkip l qpn [i] conflicts ms
66 go !l (Step (TryF qfn b) (Step Enter (Step (Failure c fr) (Step Leave ms)))) =
67 (atLevel l $ showQFNBool Rejecting qfn b ++ showFR c fr) (go l ms)
68 go !l (Step (TryS qsn b) (Step Enter (Step (Failure c fr) (Step Leave ms)))) =
69 (atLevel l $ showQSNBool Rejecting qsn b ++ showFR c fr) (go l ms)
70 go !l (Step (Next (Goal (P _ ) gr)) (Step (TryP qpn' i) ms@(Step Enter (Step (Next _) _)))) =
71 (atLevel l $ showOptions Trying qpn' [i] ++ showGR gr) (go l ms)
72 go !l (Step (Next (Goal (P qpn) gr)) (Step (Failure _c UnknownPackage) ms)) =
73 atLevel l ("unknown package: " ++ showQPN qpn ++ showGR gr) $ go l ms
74 -- standard display
75 go !l (Step Enter ms) = go (l+1) ms
76 go !l (Step Leave ms) = go (l-1) ms
77 go !l (Step (TryP qpn i) ms) = (atLevel l $ showOptions Trying qpn [i]) (go l ms)
78 go !l (Step (TryF qfn b) ms) = (atLevel l $ showQFNBool Trying qfn b) (go l ms)
79 go !l (Step (TryS qsn b) ms) = (atLevel l $ showQSNBool Trying qsn b) (go l ms)
80 go !l (Step (Next (Goal (P qpn) gr)) ms) = (atLevel l $ showPackageGoal qpn gr) (go l ms)
81 go !l (Step (Next _) ms) = go l ms -- ignore flag goals in the log
82 go !l (Step (Skip conflicts) ms) =
83 -- 'Skip' should always be handled by 'goPSkip' in the case above.
84 (atLevel l $ showing Skipping ++ showConflicts conflicts) (go l ms)
85 go !l (Step (Success) ms) = (atLevel l $ "done") (go l ms)
86 go !l (Step (Failure c fr) ms) = (atLevel l $ showFailure c fr) (go l ms)
88 showPackageGoal :: QPN -> QGoalReason -> String
89 showPackageGoal qpn gr = "next goal: " ++ showQPN qpn ++ showGR gr
91 showFailure :: ConflictSet -> FailReason -> String
92 showFailure c fr = "fail" ++ showFR c fr
94 -- special handler for many subsequent package rejections
95 goPReject :: Int
96 -> QPN
97 -> [POption]
98 -> ConflictSet
99 -> FailReason
100 -> Progress Message a b
101 -> Progress String a b
102 goPReject l qpn is c fr (Step (TryP qpn' i) (Step Enter (Step (Failure _ fr') (Step Leave ms))))
103 | qpn == qpn' && fr == fr' = goPReject l qpn (i : is) c fr ms
104 goPReject l qpn is c fr ms =
105 (atLevel l $ showOptions Rejecting qpn is ++ showFR c fr)
106 (go l ms)
108 -- Handle many subsequent skipped package instances.
109 goPSkip :: Int
110 -> QPN
111 -> [POption]
112 -> Set CS.Conflict
113 -> Progress Message a b
114 -> Progress String a b
115 goPSkip l qpn is conflicts (Step (TryP qpn' i) (Step Enter (Step (Skip conflicts') (Step Leave ms))))
116 | qpn == qpn' && conflicts == conflicts' = goPSkip l qpn (i : is) conflicts ms
117 goPSkip l qpn is conflicts ms =
118 let msg = showOptions Skipping qpn is ++ showConflicts conflicts
119 in atLevel l msg (go l ms)
121 -- write a message with the current level number
122 atLevel :: Int -> String -> Progress String a b -> Progress String a b
123 atLevel l x xs =
124 let s = show l
125 in Step ("[" ++ replicate (3 - length s) '_' ++ s ++ "] " ++ x) xs
127 -- | Display the set of 'Conflicts' for a skipped package version.
128 showConflicts :: Set CS.Conflict -> String
129 showConflicts conflicts =
130 " (has the same characteristics that caused the previous version to fail: "
131 ++ conflictMsg ++ ")"
132 where
133 conflictMsg :: String
134 conflictMsg =
135 if S.member CS.OtherConflict conflicts
136 then
137 -- This case shouldn't happen, because an unknown conflict should not
138 -- cause a version to be skipped.
139 "unknown conflict"
140 else let mergedConflicts =
141 [ showConflict qpn conflict
142 | (qpn, conflict) <- M.toList (mergeConflicts conflicts) ]
143 in if L.null mergedConflicts
144 then
145 -- This case shouldn't happen unless backjumping is turned off.
146 "none"
147 else L.intercalate "; " mergedConflicts
149 -- Merge conflicts to simplify the log message.
150 mergeConflicts :: Set CS.Conflict -> Map QPN MergedPackageConflict
151 mergeConflicts = M.fromListWith mergeConflict . mapMaybe toMergedConflict . S.toList
152 where
153 mergeConflict :: MergedPackageConflict
154 -> MergedPackageConflict
155 -> MergedPackageConflict
156 mergeConflict mergedConflict1 mergedConflict2 = MergedPackageConflict {
157 isGoalConflict =
158 isGoalConflict mergedConflict1 || isGoalConflict mergedConflict2
159 , versionConstraintConflict =
160 L.nub $ versionConstraintConflict mergedConflict1
161 ++ versionConstraintConflict mergedConflict2
162 , versionConflict =
163 mergeVersionConflicts (versionConflict mergedConflict1)
164 (versionConflict mergedConflict2)
166 where
167 mergeVersionConflicts (Just vr1) (Just vr2) = Just (vr1 .||. vr2)
168 mergeVersionConflicts (Just vr1) Nothing = Just vr1
169 mergeVersionConflicts Nothing (Just vr2) = Just vr2
170 mergeVersionConflicts Nothing Nothing = Nothing
172 toMergedConflict :: CS.Conflict -> Maybe (QPN, MergedPackageConflict)
173 toMergedConflict (CS.GoalConflict qpn) =
174 Just (qpn, MergedPackageConflict True [] Nothing)
175 toMergedConflict (CS.VersionConstraintConflict qpn v) =
176 Just (qpn, MergedPackageConflict False [v] Nothing)
177 toMergedConflict (CS.VersionConflict qpn (CS.OrderedVersionRange vr)) =
178 Just (qpn, MergedPackageConflict False [] (Just vr))
179 toMergedConflict CS.OtherConflict = Nothing
181 showConflict :: QPN -> MergedPackageConflict -> String
182 showConflict qpn mergedConflict = L.intercalate "; " conflictStrings
183 where
184 conflictStrings = catMaybes [
185 case () of
186 () | isGoalConflict mergedConflict -> Just $
187 "depends on '" ++ showQPN qpn ++ "'" ++
188 (if null (versionConstraintConflict mergedConflict)
189 then ""
190 else " but excludes "
191 ++ showVersions (versionConstraintConflict mergedConflict))
192 | not $ L.null (versionConstraintConflict mergedConflict) -> Just $
193 "excludes '" ++ showQPN qpn
194 ++ "' " ++ showVersions (versionConstraintConflict mergedConflict)
195 | otherwise -> Nothing
196 , (\vr -> "excluded by constraint '" ++ showVR vr ++ "' from '" ++ showQPN qpn ++ "'")
197 <$> versionConflict mergedConflict
200 showVersions [] = "no versions"
201 showVersions [v] = "version " ++ showVer v
202 showVersions vs = "versions " ++ L.intercalate ", " (map showVer vs)
204 -- | All conflicts related to one package, used for simplifying the display of
205 -- a 'Set CS.Conflict'.
206 data MergedPackageConflict = MergedPackageConflict {
207 isGoalConflict :: Bool
208 , versionConstraintConflict :: [Ver]
209 , versionConflict :: Maybe VR
212 data ProgressAction =
213 Trying
214 | Skipping
215 | Rejecting
217 showing :: ProgressAction -> String
218 showing = \case
219 Trying -> "trying: "
220 Skipping -> "skipping: "
221 Rejecting -> "rejecting: "
223 showQFNBool :: ProgressAction -> QFN -> Bool -> String
224 showQFNBool a q b = showing a ++ Flag.showQFNBool q b
226 showQSNBool :: ProgressAction -> QSN -> Bool -> String
227 showQSNBool a q b = showing a ++ Flag.showQSNBool q b
229 showOptions :: ProgressAction -> QPN -> [POption] -> String
230 showOptions a q [p] = showing a ++ showOption q p
231 showOptions a q ps = showing a ++ showIsOrVs q (tryVs ps)
233 showOption :: QPN -> POption -> String
234 showOption qpn@(Q _pp pn) (POption i linkedTo) =
235 case linkedTo of
236 Nothing -> showPI (PI qpn i) -- Consistent with prior to POption
237 Just pp' -> showQPN qpn ++ "~>" ++ showPI (PI (Q pp' pn) i)
239 -- | A list of versions, or a list of instances.
240 data IsOrVs = Is [POption] | Vs [Ver] deriving Show
242 -- | Try to convert a list of options to a list of versions, or a list of
243 -- instances if any of the options is linked (installed). Singleton lists or
244 -- empty lists are always converted to Is.
245 -- >>> tryVs [v0, v1]
246 -- Vs [mkVersion [0],mkVersion [1]]
247 -- >>> tryVs [v0]
248 -- Is [POption (I (mkVersion [0]) InRepo) Nothing]
249 -- >>> tryVs [i0, i1]
250 -- Is [POption (I (mkVersion [0]) (Inst (UnitId "foo-0-inplace"))) Nothing,POption (I (mkVersion [1]) (Inst (UnitId "foo-1-inplace"))) Nothing]
251 -- >>> tryVs [i0, v1]
252 -- Is [POption (I (mkVersion [0]) (Inst (UnitId "foo-0-inplace"))) Nothing,POption (I (mkVersion [1]) InRepo) Nothing]
253 -- >>> tryVs [v0, i1]
254 -- Is [POption (I (mkVersion [0]) InRepo) Nothing,POption (I (mkVersion [1]) (Inst (UnitId "foo-1-inplace"))) Nothing]
255 -- >>> tryVs [i0]
256 -- Is [POption (I (mkVersion [0]) (Inst (UnitId "foo-0-inplace"))) Nothing]
257 -- >>> tryVs []
258 -- Is []
259 tryVs :: [POption] -> IsOrVs
260 tryVs xs@[] = Is xs
261 tryVs xs@[_] = Is xs
262 tryVs xs
263 | any (\(POption (instI -> b0) (isJust -> b1)) -> b0 || b1) xs = Is xs
264 | otherwise =
265 let (vs, is) = L.partition ((== InRepo) . snd) [(v, l) | POption i _ <- xs, let I v l = i]
266 in if null is then Vs (fst `map` vs) else Is xs
268 -- | Shows a list of versions in a human-friendly way, abbreviated. Shows a list
269 -- of instances in full.
270 -- >>> showIsOrVs fooQPN $ tryVs [v0, v1]
271 -- "foo; 1, 0"
272 -- >>> showIsOrVs fooQPN $ tryVs [v0]
273 -- "foo-0"
274 -- >>> showIsOrVs fooQPN $ tryVs [i0, i1]
275 -- "foo-1/installed-inplace, foo-0/installed-inplace"
276 -- >>> showIsOrVs fooQPN $ tryVs [i0, v1]
277 -- "foo-1, foo-0/installed-inplace"
278 -- >>> showIsOrVs fooQPN $ tryVs [v0, i1]
279 -- "foo-1/installed-inplace, foo-0"
280 -- >>> showIsOrVs fooQPN $ tryVs []
281 -- "unexpected empty list of versions"
282 showIsOrVs :: QPN -> IsOrVs -> String
283 showIsOrVs _ (Is []) = "unexpected empty list of versions"
284 showIsOrVs q (Is (reverse -> xs)) = L.intercalate ", " (showOption q `map` xs)
285 showIsOrVs q (Vs (reverse -> xs)) = showQPN q ++ "; " ++ L.intercalate ", " (showVer `map` xs)
287 showGR :: QGoalReason -> String
288 showGR UserGoal = " (user goal)"
289 showGR (DependencyGoal dr) = " (dependency of " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"
291 showFR :: ConflictSet -> FailReason -> String
292 showFR _ (UnsupportedExtension ext) = " (conflict: requires " ++ showUnsupportedExtension ext ++ ")"
293 showFR _ (UnsupportedLanguage lang) = " (conflict: requires " ++ showUnsupportedLanguage lang ++ ")"
294 showFR _ (MissingPkgconfigPackage pn vr) = " (conflict: pkg-config package " ++ prettyShow pn ++ prettyShow vr ++ ", not found in the pkg-config database)"
295 showFR _ (NewPackageDoesNotMatchExistingConstraint d) = " (conflict: " ++ showConflictingDep d ++ ")"
296 showFR _ (ConflictingConstraints d1 d2) = " (conflict: " ++ L.intercalate ", " (L.map showConflictingDep [d1, d2]) ++ ")"
297 showFR _ (NewPackageIsMissingRequiredComponent comp dr) = " (does not contain " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ ", which is required by " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"
298 showFR _ (NewPackageHasPrivateRequiredComponent comp dr) = " (" ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " is private, but it is required by " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"
299 showFR _ (NewPackageHasUnbuildableRequiredComponent comp dr) = " (" ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " is not buildable in the current environment, but it is required by " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"
300 showFR _ (PackageRequiresMissingComponent qpn comp) = " (requires " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " from " ++ showQPN qpn ++ ", but the component does not exist)"
301 showFR _ (PackageRequiresPrivateComponent qpn comp) = " (requires " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " from " ++ showQPN qpn ++ ", but the component is private)"
302 showFR _ (PackageRequiresUnbuildableComponent qpn comp) = " (requires " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " from " ++ showQPN qpn ++ ", but the component is not buildable in the current environment)"
303 showFR _ CannotReinstall = " (avoiding to reinstall a package with same version but new dependencies)"
304 showFR _ NotExplicit = " (not a user-provided goal nor mentioned as a constraint, but reject-unconstrained-dependencies was set)"
305 showFR _ Shadowed = " (shadowed by another installed package with same version)"
306 showFR _ (Broken u) = " (package is broken, missing dependency " ++ prettyShow u ++ ")"
307 showFR _ UnknownPackage = " (unknown package)"
308 showFR _ (GlobalConstraintVersion vr src) = " (" ++ constraintSource src ++ " requires " ++ prettyShow vr ++ ")"
309 showFR _ (GlobalConstraintInstalled src) = " (" ++ constraintSource src ++ " requires installed instance)"
310 showFR _ (GlobalConstraintSource src) = " (" ++ constraintSource src ++ " requires source instance)"
311 showFR _ (GlobalConstraintFlag src) = " (" ++ constraintSource src ++ " requires opposite flag selection)"
312 showFR _ ManualFlag = " (manual flag can only be changed explicitly)"
313 showFR c Backjump = " (backjumping, conflict set: " ++ showConflictSet c ++ ")"
314 showFR _ MultipleInstances = " (multiple instances)"
315 showFR c (DependenciesNotLinked msg) = " (dependencies not linked: " ++ msg ++ "; conflict set: " ++ showConflictSet c ++ ")"
316 showFR c CyclicDependencies = " (cyclic dependencies; conflict set: " ++ showConflictSet c ++ ")"
317 showFR _ (UnsupportedSpecVer ver) = " (unsupported spec-version " ++ prettyShow ver ++ ")"
318 -- The following are internal failures. They should not occur. In the
319 -- interest of not crashing unnecessarily, we still just print an error
320 -- message though.
321 showFR _ (MalformedFlagChoice qfn) = " (INTERNAL ERROR: MALFORMED FLAG CHOICE: " ++ Flag.showQFN qfn ++ ")"
322 showFR _ (MalformedStanzaChoice qsn) = " (INTERNAL ERROR: MALFORMED STANZA CHOICE: " ++ Flag.showQSN qsn ++ ")"
323 showFR _ EmptyGoalChoice = " (INTERNAL ERROR: EMPTY GOAL CHOICE)"
325 showExposedComponent :: ExposedComponent -> String
326 showExposedComponent (ExposedLib LMainLibName) = "library"
327 showExposedComponent (ExposedLib (LSubLibName name)) = "library '" ++ unUnqualComponentName name ++ "'"
328 showExposedComponent (ExposedExe name) = "executable '" ++ unUnqualComponentName name ++ "'"
330 constraintSource :: ConstraintSource -> String
331 constraintSource src = "constraint from " ++ showConstraintSource src
333 showConflictingDep :: ConflictingDep -> String
334 showConflictingDep (ConflictingDep dr (PkgComponent qpn comp) ci) =
335 let DependencyReason qpn' _ _ = dr
336 componentStr = case comp of
337 ExposedExe exe -> " (exe " ++ unUnqualComponentName exe ++ ")"
338 ExposedLib LMainLibName -> ""
339 ExposedLib (LSubLibName lib) -> " (lib " ++ unUnqualComponentName lib ++ ")"
340 in case ci of
341 Fixed i -> (if qpn /= qpn' then showDependencyReason dr ++ " => " else "") ++
342 showQPN qpn ++ componentStr ++ "==" ++ showI i
343 Constrained vr -> showDependencyReason dr ++ " => " ++ showQPN qpn ++
344 componentStr ++ showVR vr
346 -- $setup
347 -- >>> import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath
348 -- >>> import Distribution.Types.Version
349 -- >>> import Distribution.Types.UnitId
350 -- >>> let fooQPN = Q (PackagePath DefaultNamespace QualToplevel) (mkPackageName "foo")
351 -- >>> let v0 = POption (I (mkVersion [0]) InRepo) Nothing
352 -- >>> let v1 = POption (I (mkVersion [1]) InRepo) Nothing
353 -- >>> let i0 = POption (I (mkVersion [0]) (Inst $ mkUnitId "foo-0-inplace")) Nothing
354 -- >>> let i1 = POption (I (mkVersion [1]) (Inst $ mkUnitId "foo-1-inplace")) Nothing