Let intercalate check for singleton lists
[cabal.git] / cabal-install-solver / src / Distribution / Solver / Modular / Solver.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
5 #endif
6 module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Solver
7 ( SolverConfig(..)
8 , solve
9 , PruneAfterFirstSuccess(..)
10 ) where
12 import Distribution.Solver.Compat.Prelude
13 import Prelude ()
15 import qualified Data.Map as M
16 import qualified Data.List as L
17 import qualified Data.Set as S
18 import Distribution.Verbosity
20 import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerInfo)
22 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath
23 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePreferences
24 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PkgConfigDb (PkgConfigDb)
25 import Distribution.Solver.Types.LabeledPackageConstraint
26 import Distribution.Solver.Types.Settings
27 import Distribution.Solver.Types.Variable
29 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Assignment
30 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Builder
31 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Cycles
32 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency
33 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Explore
34 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Index
35 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Log
36 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Message
37 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Package
38 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.Preference as P
39 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Validate
40 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Linking
41 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.PSQ (PSQ)
42 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.RetryLog
43 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Tree
44 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.PSQ as PSQ
46 import Distribution.Simple.Setup (BooleanFlag(..))
49 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet as CS
50 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.WeightedPSQ as W
51 import qualified Distribution.Deprecated.Text as T
53 import Debug.Trace.Tree (gtraceJson)
54 import Debug.Trace.Tree.Simple
55 import Debug.Trace.Tree.Generic
56 import Debug.Trace.Tree.Assoc (Assoc(..))
57 #endif
59 -- | Various options for the modular solver.
60 data SolverConfig = SolverConfig {
61 reorderGoals :: ReorderGoals,
62 countConflicts :: CountConflicts,
63 fineGrainedConflicts :: FineGrainedConflicts,
64 minimizeConflictSet :: MinimizeConflictSet,
65 independentGoals :: IndependentGoals,
66 avoidReinstalls :: AvoidReinstalls,
67 shadowPkgs :: ShadowPkgs,
68 strongFlags :: StrongFlags,
69 onlyConstrained :: OnlyConstrained,
70 maxBackjumps :: Maybe Int,
71 enableBackjumping :: EnableBackjumping,
72 solveExecutables :: SolveExecutables,
73 goalOrder :: Maybe (Variable QPN -> Variable QPN -> Ordering),
74 solverVerbosity :: Verbosity,
75 pruneAfterFirstSuccess :: PruneAfterFirstSuccess
78 -- | Whether to remove all choices after the first successful choice at each
79 -- level in the search tree.
80 newtype PruneAfterFirstSuccess = PruneAfterFirstSuccess Bool
82 -- | Run all solver phases.
84 -- In principle, we have a valid tree after 'validationPhase', which
85 -- means that every 'Done' node should correspond to valid solution.
87 -- There is one exception, though, and that is cycle detection, which
88 -- has been added relatively recently. Cycles are only removed directly
89 -- before exploration.
91 solve :: SolverConfig -- ^ solver parameters
92 -> CompilerInfo
93 -> Index -- ^ all available packages as an index
94 -> PkgConfigDb -- ^ available pkg-config pkgs
95 -> (PN -> PackagePreferences) -- ^ preferences
96 -> M.Map PN [LabeledPackageConstraint] -- ^ global constraints
97 -> S.Set PN -- ^ global goals
98 -> RetryLog Message SolverFailure (Assignment, RevDepMap)
99 solve sc cinfo idx pkgConfigDB userPrefs userConstraints userGoals =
100 explorePhase .
101 traceTree "cycles.json" id .
102 detectCycles .
103 traceTree "heuristics.json" id .
104 trav (
105 heuristicsPhase .
106 preferencesPhase .
107 validationPhase
109 traceTree "semivalidated.json" id .
110 validationCata .
111 traceTree "pruned.json" id .
112 trav prunePhase .
113 traceTree "build.json" id $
114 buildPhase
115 where
116 explorePhase = backjumpAndExplore (maxBackjumps sc)
117 (enableBackjumping sc)
118 (fineGrainedConflicts sc)
119 (countConflicts sc)
121 detectCycles = detectCyclesPhase
122 heuristicsPhase =
124 sortGoals = case goalOrder sc of
125 Nothing -> goalChoiceHeuristics .
126 P.deferSetupExeChoices .
127 P.deferWeakFlagChoices .
128 P.preferBaseGoalChoice
129 Just order -> P.firstGoal .
130 P.sortGoals order
131 PruneAfterFirstSuccess prune = pruneAfterFirstSuccess sc
132 in sortGoals .
133 (if prune then P.pruneAfterFirstSuccess else id)
134 preferencesPhase = P.preferLinked .
135 P.preferPackagePreferences userPrefs
136 validationPhase = P.enforcePackageConstraints userConstraints .
137 P.enforceManualFlags userConstraints
138 validationCata = P.enforceSingleInstanceRestriction .
139 validateLinking idx .
140 validateTree cinfo idx pkgConfigDB
141 prunePhase = (if asBool (avoidReinstalls sc) then P.avoidReinstalls (const True) else id) .
142 (case onlyConstrained sc of
143 OnlyConstrainedAll ->
144 P.onlyConstrained pkgIsExplicit
145 OnlyConstrainedNone ->
147 buildPhase = buildTree idx (independentGoals sc) (S.toList userGoals)
149 allExplicit = M.keysSet userConstraints `S.union` userGoals
151 pkgIsExplicit :: PN -> Bool
152 pkgIsExplicit pn = S.member pn allExplicit
154 -- When --reorder-goals is set, we use preferReallyEasyGoalChoices, which
155 -- prefers (keeps) goals only if the have 0 or 1 enabled choice.
157 -- In the past, we furthermore used P.firstGoal to trim down the goal choice nodes
158 -- to just a single option. This was a way to work around a space leak that was
159 -- unnecessary and is now fixed, so we no longer do it.
161 -- If --count-conflicts is active, it will then choose among the remaining goals
162 -- the one that has been responsible for the most conflicts so far.
164 -- Otherwise, we simply choose the first remaining goal.
166 goalChoiceHeuristics
167 | asBool (reorderGoals sc) = P.preferReallyEasyGoalChoices
168 | otherwise = id {- P.firstGoal -}
170 -- | Dump solver tree to a file (in debugging mode)
172 -- This only does something if the @debug-tracetree@ configure argument was
173 -- given; otherwise this is just the identity function.
174 traceTree ::
176 GSimpleTree a =>
177 #endif
178 FilePath -- ^ Output file
179 -> (a -> a) -- ^ Function to summarize the tree before dumping
180 -> a -> a
182 traceTree = gtraceJson
183 #else
184 traceTree _ _ = id
185 #endif
188 instance GSimpleTree (Tree d c) where
189 fromGeneric = go
190 where
191 go :: Tree d c -> SimpleTree
192 go (PChoice qpn _ _ psq) = Node "P" $ Assoc $ L.map (uncurry (goP qpn)) $ psqToList psq
193 go (FChoice _ _ _ _ _ _ psq) = Node "F" $ Assoc $ L.map (uncurry goFS) $ psqToList psq
194 go (SChoice _ _ _ _ psq) = Node "S" $ Assoc $ L.map (uncurry goFS) $ psqToList psq
195 go (GoalChoice _ psq) = Node "G" $ Assoc $ L.map (uncurry goG) $ PSQ.toList psq
196 go (Done _rdm _s) = Node "D" $ Assoc []
197 go (Fail cs _reason) = Node "X" $ Assoc [("CS", Leaf $ goCS cs)]
199 psqToList :: W.WeightedPSQ w k v -> [(k, v)]
200 psqToList = L.map (\(_, k, v) -> (k, v)) . W.toList
202 -- Show package choice
203 goP :: QPN -> POption -> Tree d c -> (String, SimpleTree)
204 goP _ (POption (I ver _loc) Nothing) subtree = (T.display ver, go subtree)
205 goP (Q _ pn) (POption _ (Just pp)) subtree = (showQPN (Q pp pn), go subtree)
207 -- Show flag or stanza choice
208 goFS :: Bool -> Tree d c -> (String, SimpleTree)
209 goFS val subtree = (show val, go subtree)
211 -- Show goal choice
212 goG :: Goal QPN -> Tree d c -> (String, SimpleTree)
213 goG (Goal var gr) subtree = (showVar var ++ " (" ++ shortGR gr ++ ")", go subtree)
215 -- Variation on 'showGR' that produces shorter strings
216 -- (Actually, QGoalReason records more info than necessary: we only need
217 -- to know the variable that introduced the goal, not the value assigned
218 -- to that variable)
219 shortGR :: QGoalReason -> String
220 shortGR UserGoal = "user"
221 shortGR (DependencyGoal dr) = showDependencyReason dr
223 -- Show conflict set
224 goCS :: ConflictSet -> String
225 goCS cs = "{" ++ (intercalate "," . L.map showVar . CS.toList $ cs) ++ "}"
226 #endif
228 -- | Replace all goal reasons with a dummy goal reason in the tree
230 -- This is useful for debugging (when experimenting with the impact of GRs)
231 _removeGR :: Tree d c -> Tree d QGoalReason
232 _removeGR = trav go
233 where
234 go :: TreeF d c (Tree d QGoalReason) -> TreeF d QGoalReason (Tree d QGoalReason)
235 go (PChoiceF qpn rdm _ psq) = PChoiceF qpn rdm dummy psq
236 go (FChoiceF qfn rdm _ a b d psq) = FChoiceF qfn rdm dummy a b d psq
237 go (SChoiceF qsn rdm _ a psq) = SChoiceF qsn rdm dummy a psq
238 go (GoalChoiceF rdm psq) = GoalChoiceF rdm (goG psq)
239 go (DoneF rdm s) = DoneF rdm s
240 go (FailF cs reason) = FailF cs reason
242 goG :: PSQ (Goal QPN) (Tree d QGoalReason) -> PSQ (Goal QPN) (Tree d QGoalReason)
243 goG = PSQ.fromList
244 . L.map (\(Goal var _, subtree) -> (Goal var dummy, subtree))
245 . PSQ.toList
247 dummy :: QGoalReason
248 dummy =
249 DependencyGoal $
250 DependencyReason
251 (Q (PackagePath DefaultNamespace QualToplevel) (mkPackageName "$"))
252 M.empty S.empty