Let intercalate check for singleton lists
[cabal.git] / cabal-install-solver / src / Distribution / Solver / Modular / Tree.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-}
2 module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Tree
3 ( POption(..)
4 , Tree(..)
5 , TreeF(..)
6 , Weight
7 , FailReason(..)
8 , ConflictingDep(..)
9 , ana
10 , cata
11 , inn
12 , innM
13 , para
14 , trav
15 , zeroOrOneChoices
16 , active
17 , TreeTrav
18 , EndoTreeTrav
19 ) where
21 import Control.Monad hiding (mapM, sequence)
22 import Data.Foldable
23 import Data.Traversable
24 import Prelude hiding (foldr, mapM, sequence)
26 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency
27 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Flag
28 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Package
29 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.PSQ (PSQ)
30 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Version
31 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.WeightedPSQ (WeightedPSQ)
32 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.WeightedPSQ as W
33 import Distribution.Solver.Types.ConstraintSource
34 import Distribution.Solver.Types.Flag
35 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath
36 import Distribution.Types.PkgconfigVersionRange
37 import Distribution.Types.UnitId (UnitId)
38 import Language.Haskell.Extension (Extension, Language)
40 type Weight = Double
42 -- | Type of the search tree. Inlining the choice nodes for now. Weights on
43 -- package, flag, and stanza choices control the traversal order.
45 -- The tree can hold additional data on 'Done' nodes (type 'd') and choice nodes
46 -- (type 'c'). For example, during the final traversal, choice nodes contain the
47 -- variables that introduced the choices, and 'Done' nodes contain the
48 -- assignments for all variables.
50 -- TODO: The weight type should be changed from [Double] to Double to avoid
51 -- giving too much weight to preferences that are applied later.
52 data Tree d c =
53 -- | Choose a version for a package (or choose to link)
54 PChoice QPN RevDepMap c (WeightedPSQ [Weight] POption (Tree d c))
56 -- | Choose a value for a flag
58 -- The Bool is the default value.
59 | FChoice QFN RevDepMap c WeakOrTrivial FlagType Bool (WeightedPSQ [Weight] Bool (Tree d c))
61 -- | Choose whether or not to enable a stanza
62 | SChoice QSN RevDepMap c WeakOrTrivial (WeightedPSQ [Weight] Bool (Tree d c))
64 -- | Choose which choice to make next
66 -- Invariants:
68 -- * PSQ should never be empty
69 -- * For each choice we additionally record the 'QGoalReason' why we are
70 -- introducing that goal into tree. Note that most of the time we are
71 -- working with @Tree QGoalReason@; in that case, we must have the
72 -- invariant that the 'QGoalReason' cached in the 'PChoice', 'FChoice'
73 -- or 'SChoice' directly below a 'GoalChoice' node must equal the reason
74 -- recorded on that 'GoalChoice' node.
75 | GoalChoice RevDepMap (PSQ (Goal QPN) (Tree d c))
77 -- | We're done -- we found a solution!
78 | Done RevDepMap d
80 -- | We failed to find a solution in this path through the tree
81 | Fail ConflictSet FailReason
83 -- | A package option is a package instance with an optional linking annotation
85 -- The modular solver has a number of package goals to solve for, and can only
86 -- pick a single package version for a single goal. In order to allow to
87 -- install multiple versions of the same package as part of a single solution
88 -- the solver uses qualified goals. For example, @0.P@ and @1.P@ might both
89 -- be qualified goals for @P@, allowing to pick a difference version of package
90 -- @P@ for @0.P@ and @1.P@.
92 -- Linking is an essential part of this story. In addition to picking a specific
93 -- version for @1.P@, the solver can also decide to link @1.P@ to @0.P@ (or
94 -- vice versa). It means that @1.P@ and @0.P@ really must be the very same package
95 -- (and hence must have the same build time configuration, and their
96 -- dependencies must also be the exact same).
98 -- See <http://www.well-typed.com/blog/2015/03/qualified-goals/> for details.
99 data POption = POption I (Maybe PackagePath)
100 deriving (Eq, Show)
102 data FailReason = UnsupportedExtension Extension
103 | UnsupportedLanguage Language
104 | MissingPkgconfigPackage PkgconfigName PkgconfigVersionRange
105 | NewPackageDoesNotMatchExistingConstraint ConflictingDep
106 | ConflictingConstraints ConflictingDep ConflictingDep
107 | NewPackageIsMissingRequiredComponent ExposedComponent (DependencyReason QPN)
108 | NewPackageHasPrivateRequiredComponent ExposedComponent (DependencyReason QPN)
109 | NewPackageHasUnbuildableRequiredComponent ExposedComponent (DependencyReason QPN)
110 | PackageRequiresMissingComponent QPN ExposedComponent
111 | PackageRequiresPrivateComponent QPN ExposedComponent
112 | PackageRequiresUnbuildableComponent QPN ExposedComponent
113 | CannotReinstall
114 | NotExplicit
115 | Shadowed
116 | Broken UnitId
117 | UnknownPackage
118 | GlobalConstraintVersion VR ConstraintSource
119 | GlobalConstraintInstalled ConstraintSource
120 | GlobalConstraintSource ConstraintSource
121 | GlobalConstraintFlag ConstraintSource
122 | ManualFlag
123 | MalformedFlagChoice QFN
124 | MalformedStanzaChoice QSN
125 | EmptyGoalChoice
126 | Backjump
127 | MultipleInstances
128 | DependenciesNotLinked String
129 | CyclicDependencies
130 | UnsupportedSpecVer Ver
131 deriving (Eq, Show)
133 -- | Information about a dependency involved in a conflict, for error messages.
134 data ConflictingDep = ConflictingDep (DependencyReason QPN) (PkgComponent QPN) CI
135 deriving (Eq, Show)
137 -- | Functor for the tree type. 'a' is the type of nodes' children. 'd' and 'c'
138 -- have the same meaning as in 'Tree'.
139 data TreeF d c a =
140 PChoiceF QPN RevDepMap c (WeightedPSQ [Weight] POption a)
141 | FChoiceF QFN RevDepMap c WeakOrTrivial FlagType Bool (WeightedPSQ [Weight] Bool a)
142 | SChoiceF QSN RevDepMap c WeakOrTrivial (WeightedPSQ [Weight] Bool a)
143 | GoalChoiceF RevDepMap (PSQ (Goal QPN) a)
144 | DoneF RevDepMap d
145 | FailF ConflictSet FailReason
146 deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
148 out :: Tree d c -> TreeF d c (Tree d c)
149 out (PChoice p s i ts) = PChoiceF p s i ts
150 out (FChoice p s i b m d ts) = FChoiceF p s i b m d ts
151 out (SChoice p s i b ts) = SChoiceF p s i b ts
152 out (GoalChoice s ts) = GoalChoiceF s ts
153 out (Done x s ) = DoneF x s
154 out (Fail c x ) = FailF c x
156 inn :: TreeF d c (Tree d c) -> Tree d c
157 inn (PChoiceF p s i ts) = PChoice p s i ts
158 inn (FChoiceF p s i b m d ts) = FChoice p s i b m d ts
159 inn (SChoiceF p s i b ts) = SChoice p s i b ts
160 inn (GoalChoiceF s ts) = GoalChoice s ts
161 inn (DoneF x s ) = Done x s
162 inn (FailF c x ) = Fail c x
164 innM :: Monad m => TreeF d c (m (Tree d c)) -> m (Tree d c)
165 innM (PChoiceF p s i ts) = liftM (PChoice p s i ) (sequence ts)
166 innM (FChoiceF p s i b m d ts) = liftM (FChoice p s i b m d) (sequence ts)
167 innM (SChoiceF p s i b ts) = liftM (SChoice p s i b ) (sequence ts)
168 innM (GoalChoiceF s ts) = liftM (GoalChoice s ) (sequence ts)
169 innM (DoneF x s ) = return $ Done x s
170 innM (FailF c x ) = return $ Fail c x
172 -- | Determines whether a tree is active, i.e., isn't a failure node.
173 active :: Tree d c -> Bool
174 active (Fail _ _) = False
175 active _ = True
177 -- | Approximates the number of active choices that are available in a node.
178 -- Note that we count goal choices as having one choice, always.
179 zeroOrOneChoices :: Tree d c -> Bool
180 zeroOrOneChoices (PChoice _ _ _ ts) = W.isZeroOrOne (W.filter active ts)
181 zeroOrOneChoices (FChoice _ _ _ _ _ _ ts) = W.isZeroOrOne (W.filter active ts)
182 zeroOrOneChoices (SChoice _ _ _ _ ts) = W.isZeroOrOne (W.filter active ts)
183 zeroOrOneChoices (GoalChoice _ _ ) = True
184 zeroOrOneChoices (Done _ _ ) = True
185 zeroOrOneChoices (Fail _ _ ) = True
187 -- | Catamorphism on trees.
188 cata :: (TreeF d c a -> a) -> Tree d c -> a
189 cata phi x = (phi . fmap (cata phi) . out) x
191 type TreeTrav d c a = TreeF d c (Tree d a) -> TreeF d a (Tree d a)
192 type EndoTreeTrav d c = TreeTrav d c c
194 trav :: TreeTrav d c a -> Tree d c -> Tree d a
195 trav psi x = cata (inn . psi) x
197 -- | Paramorphism on trees.
198 para :: (TreeF d c (a, Tree d c) -> a) -> Tree d c -> a
199 para phi = phi . fmap (\ x -> (para phi x, x)) . out
201 -- | Anamorphism on trees.
202 ana :: (a -> TreeF d c a) -> a -> Tree d c
203 ana psi = inn . fmap (ana psi) . psi