4 copyright: 2023, Cabal Development Team
5 license: BSD-3-Clause
6 license-file: LICENSE
7 author: Cabal Development Team <cabal-devel@haskell.org>
8 maintainer: cabal-devel@haskell.org
9 homepage: http://www.haskell.org/cabal/
10 bug-reports: https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues
11 synopsis: API for the Hooks build-type
13 User-facing API for the Hooks build-type.
14 category: Distribution
18 readme.md changelog.md
20 source-repository head
22 location: https://github.com/haskell/cabal/
26 default-language: Haskell2010
30 Cabal-syntax >= 3.13 && < 3.15,
31 Cabal >= 3.13 && < 3.15,
32 base >= 4.13 && < 5,
33 containers >= && < 0.8,
34 transformers >= && < 0.7
36 ghc-options: -Wall -fno-ignore-asserts -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates
39 Distribution.Simple.SetupHooks
50 ExistentialQuantification
53 GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
57 NondecreasingIndentation
67 TypeSynonymInstances
68 UndecidableInstances