validate dependabot configuration
[cabal.git] / Cabal-hooks / Cabal-hooks.cabal
1 cabal-version: 2.2\r
2 name:          Cabal-hooks\r
3 version:       0.1\r
4 copyright:     2023, Cabal Development Team\r
5 license:       BSD-3-Clause\r
6 license-file:  LICENSE\r
7 author:        Cabal Development Team <>\r
8 maintainer:\r
9 homepage:\r
10 bug-reports:\r
11 synopsis:      API for the Hooks build-type\r
12 description:\r
13   User-facing API for the Hooks build-type.\r
14 category:       Distribution\r
15 build-type:     Simple\r
17 extra-source-files:\r
20 source-repository head\r
21   type:     git\r
22   location:\r
23   subdir:   Cabal-hooks\r
25 library\r
26   default-language: Haskell2010\r
27   hs-source-dirs: src\r
29   build-depends:\r
30     Cabal-syntax    >= 3.13      && < 3.15,\r
31     Cabal           >= 3.13      && < 3.15,\r
32     base            >= 4.13      && < 5,\r
33     containers      >=   && < 0.8,\r
34     transformers    >=   && < 0.7\r
36   ghc-options: -Wall -fno-ignore-asserts -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates\r
38   exposed-modules:\r
39     Distribution.Simple.SetupHooks\r
41   other-extensions:\r
42     BangPatterns\r
43     CPP\r
44     DefaultSignatures\r
45     DeriveDataTypeable\r
46     DeriveFoldable\r
47     DeriveFunctor\r
48     DeriveGeneric\r
49     DeriveTraversable\r
50     ExistentialQuantification\r
51     FlexibleContexts\r
52     FlexibleInstances\r
53     GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving\r
54     ImplicitParams\r
55     KindSignatures\r
56     LambdaCase\r
57     NondecreasingIndentation\r
58     OverloadedStrings\r
59     PatternSynonyms\r
60     RankNTypes\r
61     RecordWildCards\r
62     ScopedTypeVariables\r
63     StandaloneDeriving\r
64     Trustworthy\r
65     TypeFamilies\r
66     TypeOperators\r
67     TypeSynonymInstances\r
68     UndecidableInstances\r