validate dependabot configuration
[cabal.git] / Cabal-tests / tests / CheckTests.hs
1 module Main
2 ( main
3 ) where
5 import Test.Tasty
6 import Test.Tasty.Golden.Advanced (goldenTest)
8 import Data.Algorithm.Diff (PolyDiff (..), getGroupedDiff)
9 import Distribution.Fields (runParseResult)
10 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Check (checkPackage)
11 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec (parseGenericPackageDescription)
12 import Distribution.Parsec
13 import Distribution.Utils.Generic (fromUTF8BS, toUTF8BS)
14 import System.Directory (setCurrentDirectory)
15 import System.Environment (getArgs, withArgs)
16 import System.FilePath (replaceExtension, (</>))
18 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
19 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
20 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
22 tests :: TestTree
23 tests = checkTests
25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 -- Regressions
27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 checkTests :: TestTree
30 checkTests = testGroup "regressions"
31 [ checkTest "nothing-unicode.cabal"
32 , checkTest "haddock-api-2.18.1-check.cabal"
33 , checkTest "issue-774.cabal"
34 , checkTest "extensions-paths-5054.cabal"
35 , checkTest "pre-1.6-glob.cabal"
36 , checkTest "pre-2.4-globstar.cabal"
37 , checkTest "bad-glob-syntax.cabal"
38 , checkTest "globstar-literal.cabal"
39 , checkTest "pre-3.8-globstar-literal.cabal"
40 , checkTest "cc-options-with-optimization.cabal"
41 , checkTest "cxx-options-with-optimization.cabal"
42 , checkTest "ghc-option-j.cabal"
43 , checkTest "multiple-libs-2.cabal"
44 , checkTest "assoc-cpp-options.cabal"
45 , checkTest "public-multilib-1.cabal"
46 , checkTest "public-multilib-2.cabal"
47 , checkTest "all-upper-bound.cabal"
48 , checkTest "issue-6288-a.cabal"
49 , checkTest "issue-6288-b.cabal"
50 , checkTest "issue-6288-c.cabal"
51 , checkTest "issue-6288-d.cabal"
52 , checkTest "issue-6288-e.cabal"
53 , checkTest "issue-6288-f.cabal"
54 , checkTest "denormalised-paths.cabal"
55 , checkTest "issue-7776-a.cabal"
56 , checkTest "issue-7776-b.cabal"
57 , checkTest "issue-7776-c.cabal"
58 , checkTest "issue-8646.cabal"
59 , checkTest "decreasing-indentation.cabal"
62 checkTest :: FilePath -> TestTree
63 checkTest fp = cabalGoldenTest fp correct $ do
64 contents <- BS.readFile input
65 let res = parseGenericPackageDescription contents
66 let (ws, x) = runParseResult res
68 return $ toUTF8BS $ case x of
69 Right gpd ->
70 -- Note: parser warnings are reported by `cabal check`, but not by
71 -- D.PD.Check functionality.
72 unlines (map (showPWarning fp) ws) ++
73 unlines (map show (checkPackage gpd))
74 Left (_, errs) -> unlines $ map (("ERROR: " ++) . showPError fp) $ NE.toList errs
75 where
76 input = "tests" </> "ParserTests" </> "regressions" </> fp
77 correct = replaceExtension input "check"
79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 -- Main
81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 main :: IO ()
84 main = do
85 args <- getArgs
86 case args of
87 ("--cwd" : cwd : args') -> do
88 setCurrentDirectory cwd
89 withArgs args' $ defaultMain tests
90 _ -> defaultMain tests
92 cabalGoldenTest :: TestName -> FilePath -> IO BS.ByteString -> TestTree
93 cabalGoldenTest name ref act = goldenTest name (BS.readFile ref) act cmp upd
94 where
95 upd = BS.writeFile ref
96 cmp x y | x == y = return Nothing
97 cmp x y = return $ Just $ unlines $
98 concatMap f (getGroupedDiff (BS8.lines x) (BS8.lines y))
99 where
100 f (First xs) = map (cons3 '-' . fromUTF8BS) xs
101 f (Second ys) = map (cons3 '+' . fromUTF8BS) ys
102 -- we print unchanged lines too. It shouldn't be a problem while we have
103 -- reasonably small examples
104 f (Both xs _) = map (cons3 ' ' . fromUTF8BS) xs
105 -- we add three characters, so the changed lines are easier to spot
106 cons3 c cs = c : c : c : ' ' : cs