validate dependabot configuration
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / tests / UnitTests / Distribution / Client / ArbitraryInstances.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
4 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
6 module UnitTests.Distribution.Client.ArbitraryInstances
7 ( adjustSize
8 , shortListOf
9 , shortListOf1
10 , arbitraryFlag
11 , ShortToken (..)
12 , arbitraryShortToken
13 , NonMEmpty (..)
14 , NoShrink (..)
16 -- * Shrinker
17 , Shrinker
18 , runShrinker
19 , shrinker
20 , shrinkerPP
21 , shrinkerAla
22 ) where
24 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
25 import Prelude ()
27 import Data.Char (isLetter)
28 import Data.List ((\\))
30 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
31 import Distribution.Types.Flag (mkFlagAssignment)
33 import Distribution.Client.BuildReports.Types (BuildReport, InstallOutcome, Outcome, ReportLevel (..))
34 import Distribution.Client.CmdInstall.ClientInstallFlags (InstallMethod)
35 import Distribution.Client.Glob (FilePathRoot (..), Glob (..), GlobPiece (..), RootedGlob (..))
36 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.ActiveRepos (ActiveRepoEntry (..), ActiveRepos (..), CombineStrategy (..))
37 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.IndexState (RepoIndexState (..), TotalIndexState, makeTotalIndexState)
38 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils.Timestamp (Timestamp, epochTimeToTimestamp)
39 import Distribution.Client.Targets
40 import Distribution.Client.Types (RepoName (..), WriteGhcEnvironmentFilesPolicy)
41 import Distribution.Client.Types.AllowNewer
42 import Distribution.Client.Types.OverwritePolicy (OverwritePolicy)
43 import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza (OptionalStanza (..), OptionalStanzaMap, OptionalStanzaSet, optStanzaSetFromList, optStanzaTabulate)
44 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageConstraint (PackageProperty (..))
46 import Data.Coerce (Coercible, coerce)
47 import Network.URI (URI (..), URIAuth (..), isUnreserved)
48 import Test.QuickCheck
49 ( Arbitrary (..)
50 , Gen
51 , NonEmptyList (..)
52 , arbitraryBoundedEnum
53 , choose
54 , elements
55 , frequency
56 , genericShrink
57 , liftArbitrary
58 , listOf
59 , oneof
60 , resize
61 , shrinkBoundedEnum
62 , sized
63 , suchThat
64 , vectorOf
66 import Test.QuickCheck.GenericArbitrary (genericArbitrary)
67 import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Cabal ()
69 -- note: there are plenty of instances defined in ProjectConfig test file.
70 -- they should be moved here or into Cabal-quickcheck
72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 -- Utilities
74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 data Shrinker a = Shrinker a [a]
78 instance Functor Shrinker where
79 fmap f (Shrinker x xs) = Shrinker (f x) (map f xs)
81 instance Applicative Shrinker where
82 pure x = Shrinker x []
84 Shrinker f fs <*> Shrinker x xs = Shrinker (f x) (map f xs ++ map ($ x) fs)
86 runShrinker :: Shrinker a -> [a]
87 runShrinker (Shrinker _ xs) = xs
89 shrinker :: Arbitrary a => a -> Shrinker a
90 shrinker x = Shrinker x (shrink x)
92 shrinkerAla :: (Coercible a b, Arbitrary b) => (a -> b) -> a -> Shrinker a
93 shrinkerAla pack = shrinkerPP pack coerce
95 -- | shrinker with pre and post functions.
96 shrinkerPP :: Arbitrary b => (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> a -> Shrinker a
97 shrinkerPP pack unpack x = Shrinker x (map unpack (shrink (pack x)))
99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 -- Non-Cabal instances
101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 instance Arbitrary URI where
104 arbitrary =
106 <$> elements ["file:", "http:", "https:"]
107 <*> (Just <$> arbitrary)
108 <*> (('/' :) <$> arbitraryURIToken)
109 <*> (('?' :) <$> arbitraryURIToken)
110 <*> pure ""
112 instance Arbitrary URIAuth where
113 arbitrary =
114 URIAuth
115 <$> pure "" -- no password as this does not roundtrip
116 <*> arbitraryURIToken
117 <*> arbitraryURIPort
119 arbitraryURIToken :: Gen String
120 arbitraryURIToken =
121 shortListOf1 6 (elements (filter isUnreserved ['\0' .. '\255']))
123 arbitraryURIPort :: Gen String
124 arbitraryURIPort =
125 oneof [pure "", (':' :) <$> shortListOf1 4 (choose ('0', '9'))]
127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
128 -- cabal-install (and Cabal) types
129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 adjustSize :: (Int -> Int) -> Gen a -> Gen a
132 adjustSize adjust gen = sized (\n -> resize (adjust n) gen)
134 shortListOf :: Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
135 shortListOf bound gen =
136 sized $ \n -> do
137 k <- choose (0, (n `div` 2) `min` bound)
138 vectorOf k gen
140 shortListOf1 :: Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
141 shortListOf1 bound gen =
142 sized $ \n -> do
143 k <- choose (1, 1 `max` ((n `div` 2) `min` bound))
144 vectorOf k gen
146 newtype ShortToken = ShortToken {getShortToken :: String}
147 deriving (Show)
149 instance Arbitrary ShortToken where
150 arbitrary =
151 ShortToken
152 <$> ( shortListOf1 5 (choose ('#', '~'))
153 `suchThat` (all (`notElem` "{}"))
154 `suchThat` (not . ("[]" `isPrefixOf`))
157 -- TODO: [code cleanup] need to replace parseHaskellString impl to stop
158 -- accepting Haskell list syntax [], ['a'] etc, just allow String syntax.
159 -- Workaround, don't generate [] as this does not round trip.
161 shrink (ShortToken cs) =
162 [ShortToken cs' | cs' <- shrink cs, not (null cs')]
164 arbitraryShortToken :: Gen String
165 arbitraryShortToken = getShortToken <$> arbitrary
167 newtype NonMEmpty a = NonMEmpty {getNonMEmpty :: a}
168 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
170 instance (Arbitrary a, Monoid a, Eq a) => Arbitrary (NonMEmpty a) where
171 arbitrary = NonMEmpty <$> (arbitrary `suchThat` (/= mempty))
172 shrink (NonMEmpty x) = [NonMEmpty x' | x' <- shrink x, x' /= mempty]
174 newtype NoShrink a = NoShrink {getNoShrink :: a}
175 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
177 instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (NoShrink a) where
178 arbitrary = NoShrink <$> arbitrary
179 shrink _ = []
181 instance Arbitrary Timestamp where
182 -- note: no negative timestamps
184 -- >>> utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds $ UTCTime (fromGregorian 100000 01 01) 0
185 -- >>> 3093527980800s
187 arbitrary = epochTimeToTimestamp . (`mod` 3093527980800) . abs <$> arbitrary
189 instance Arbitrary RepoIndexState where
190 arbitrary =
191 frequency
192 [ (1, pure IndexStateHead)
193 , (50, IndexStateTime <$> arbitrary)
196 instance Arbitrary TotalIndexState where
197 arbitrary = makeTotalIndexState <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
199 instance Arbitrary WriteGhcEnvironmentFilesPolicy where
200 arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum
202 arbitraryFlag :: Gen a -> Gen (Flag a)
203 arbitraryFlag = liftArbitrary
205 instance Arbitrary RepoName where
206 -- TODO: rename refinement?
207 arbitrary = RepoName <$> (mk `suchThat` \x -> not $ "--" `isPrefixOf` x)
208 where
209 mk = (:) <$> lead <*> rest
210 lead =
211 elements
212 [c | c <- ['\NUL' .. '\255'], isAlpha c || c `elem` "_-."]
213 rest =
214 listOf
215 ( elements
216 [c | c <- ['\NUL' .. '\255'], isAlphaNum c || c `elem` "_-."]
219 instance Arbitrary ReportLevel where
220 arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum
222 instance Arbitrary OverwritePolicy where
223 arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum
225 instance Arbitrary InstallMethod where
226 arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum
228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
229 -- ActiveRepos
230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
232 instance Arbitrary ActiveRepos where
233 arbitrary = ActiveRepos <$> shortListOf 5 arbitrary
235 instance Arbitrary ActiveRepoEntry where
236 arbitrary =
237 frequency
238 [ (10, ActiveRepo <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
239 , (1, ActiveRepoRest <$> arbitrary)
242 instance Arbitrary CombineStrategy where
243 arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum
244 shrink = shrinkBoundedEnum
246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
247 -- AllowNewer
248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 instance Arbitrary AllowNewer where
251 arbitrary = AllowNewer <$> arbitrary
253 instance Arbitrary AllowOlder where
254 arbitrary = AllowOlder <$> arbitrary
256 instance Arbitrary RelaxDeps where
257 arbitrary =
258 oneof
259 [ pure mempty
260 , mkRelaxDepSome <$> shortListOf1 3 arbitrary
261 , pure RelaxDepsAll
264 instance Arbitrary RelaxDepMod where
265 arbitrary = elements [RelaxDepModNone, RelaxDepModCaret]
267 shrink RelaxDepModCaret = [RelaxDepModNone]
268 shrink _ = []
270 instance Arbitrary RelaxDepScope where
271 arbitrary = genericArbitrary
272 shrink = genericShrink
274 instance Arbitrary RelaxDepSubject where
275 arbitrary = genericArbitrary
276 shrink = genericShrink
278 instance Arbitrary RelaxedDep where
279 arbitrary = genericArbitrary
280 shrink = genericShrink
282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
283 -- UserConstraint
284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
286 instance Arbitrary UserConstraintScope where
287 arbitrary = genericArbitrary
288 shrink = genericShrink
290 instance Arbitrary UserQualifier where
291 arbitrary =
292 oneof
293 [ pure UserQualToplevel
294 , UserQualSetup <$> arbitrary
295 -- -- TODO: Re-enable UserQualExe tests once we decide on a syntax.
296 -- , UserQualExe <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
299 instance Arbitrary UserConstraint where
300 arbitrary = genericArbitrary
301 shrink = genericShrink
303 instance Arbitrary PackageProperty where
304 arbitrary =
305 oneof
306 [ PackagePropertyVersion <$> arbitrary
307 , pure PackagePropertyInstalled
308 , pure PackagePropertySource
309 , PackagePropertyFlags . mkFlagAssignment <$> shortListOf1 3 arbitrary
310 , PackagePropertyStanzas . (\x -> [x]) <$> arbitrary
313 instance Arbitrary OptionalStanza where
314 arbitrary = elements [minBound .. maxBound]
316 instance Arbitrary OptionalStanzaSet where
317 arbitrary = fmap optStanzaSetFromList arbitrary
319 instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (OptionalStanzaMap a) where
320 arbitrary = do
321 x1 <- arbitrary
322 x2 <- arbitrary
323 return $ optStanzaTabulate $ \x -> case x of
324 TestStanzas -> x1
325 BenchStanzas -> x2
327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
328 -- BuildReport
329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
331 instance Arbitrary BuildReport where
332 arbitrary = genericArbitrary
333 shrink = genericShrink
335 instance Arbitrary InstallOutcome where
336 arbitrary = genericArbitrary
337 shrink = genericShrink
339 instance Arbitrary Outcome where
340 arbitrary = genericArbitrary
341 shrink = genericShrink
343 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
344 -- Glob
345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
347 instance Arbitrary RootedGlob where
348 arbitrary =
349 (RootedGlob <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
350 `suchThat` validFilePathGlob
352 shrink (RootedGlob root pathglob) =
353 [ RootedGlob root' pathglob'
354 | (root', pathglob') <- shrink (root, pathglob)
355 , validFilePathGlob (RootedGlob root' pathglob')
358 validFilePathGlob :: RootedGlob -> Bool
359 validFilePathGlob (RootedGlob FilePathRelative pathglob) =
360 case pathglob of
361 GlobDirTrailing -> False
362 GlobDir [Literal "~"] _ -> False
363 GlobDir [Literal (d : ":")] _
364 | isLetter d -> False
365 _ -> True
366 validFilePathGlob _ = True
368 instance Arbitrary FilePathRoot where
369 arbitrary =
370 frequency
371 [ (3, pure FilePathRelative)
372 , (1, pure (FilePathRoot unixroot))
373 , (1, FilePathRoot <$> windrive)
374 , (1, pure FilePathHomeDir)
376 where
377 unixroot = "/"
378 windrive = do d <- choose ('A', 'Z'); return (d : ":\\")
380 shrink FilePathRelative = []
381 shrink (FilePathRoot _) = [FilePathRelative]
382 shrink FilePathHomeDir = [FilePathRelative]
384 instance Arbitrary Glob where
385 arbitrary = sized $ \sz ->
386 oneof $
387 take
388 (max 1 sz)
389 [ pure GlobDirTrailing
390 , GlobFile <$> (getGlobPieces <$> arbitrary)
391 , GlobDir
392 <$> (getGlobPieces <$> arbitrary)
393 <*> resize (sz `div` 2) arbitrary
396 shrink GlobDirTrailing = []
397 shrink (GlobFile glob) =
398 GlobDirTrailing
399 : [GlobFile (getGlobPieces glob') | glob' <- shrink (GlobPieces glob)]
400 shrink (GlobDir glob pathglob) =
401 pathglob
402 : GlobFile glob
403 : [ GlobDir (getGlobPieces glob') pathglob'
404 | (glob', pathglob') <- shrink (GlobPieces glob, pathglob)
406 shrink (GlobDirRecursive glob) =
407 GlobDirTrailing
408 : [GlobFile (getGlobPieces glob') | glob' <- shrink (GlobPieces glob)]
410 newtype GlobPieces = GlobPieces {getGlobPieces :: [GlobPiece]}
411 deriving (Eq)
413 instance Arbitrary GlobPieces where
414 arbitrary = GlobPieces . mergeLiterals <$> shortListOf1 5 arbitrary
416 shrink (GlobPieces glob) =
417 [ GlobPieces (mergeLiterals (getNonEmpty glob'))
418 | glob' <- shrink (NonEmpty glob)
421 mergeLiterals :: [GlobPiece] -> [GlobPiece]
422 mergeLiterals (Literal a : Literal b : ps) = mergeLiterals (Literal (a ++ b) : ps)
423 mergeLiterals (Union as : ps) = Union (map mergeLiterals as) : mergeLiterals ps
424 mergeLiterals (p : ps) = p : mergeLiterals ps
425 mergeLiterals [] = []
427 instance Arbitrary GlobPiece where
428 arbitrary = sized $ \sz ->
429 frequency
430 [ (3, Literal <$> shortListOf1 10 (elements globLiteralChars))
431 , (1, pure WildCard)
432 , (1, Union <$> resize (sz `div` 2) (shortListOf1 5 (shortListOf1 5 arbitrary)))
435 shrink (Literal str) =
436 [ Literal str'
437 | str' <- shrink str
438 , not (null str')
439 , all (`elem` globLiteralChars) str'
441 shrink WildCard = []
442 shrink (Union as) =
443 [ Union (map getGlobPieces (getNonEmpty as'))
444 | as' <- shrink (NonEmpty (map GlobPieces as))
447 globLiteralChars :: [Char]
448 globLiteralChars = ['\0' .. '\128'] \\ "*{},/\\"