validate dependabot configuration
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / tests / UnitTests / Distribution / Client / JobControl.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
3 module UnitTests.Distribution.Client.JobControl (tests) where
5 import Distribution.Client.JobControl
7 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
8 import Prelude ()
10 import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
11 import Control.Exception (try)
12 import Control.Monad (replicateM, replicateM_)
13 import Data.IORef (atomicModifyIORef, newIORef)
14 import qualified Data.Set as Set
16 import Test.Tasty
17 import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck hiding (collect)
19 tests :: [TestTree]
20 tests =
21 [ testGroup
22 "serial"
23 [ testProperty "submit batch" prop_submit_serial
24 , testProperty "submit batch" prop_remaining_serial
25 , testProperty "submit interleaved" prop_interleaved_serial
26 , testProperty "concurrent jobs" prop_concurrent_serial
27 , testProperty "cancel" prop_cancel_serial
28 , testProperty "exceptions" prop_exception_serial
30 , testGroup
31 "parallel"
32 [ testProperty "submit batch" prop_submit_parallel
33 , testProperty "submit batch" prop_remaining_parallel
34 , testProperty "submit interleaved" prop_interleaved_parallel
35 , testProperty "concurrent jobs" prop_concurrent_parallel
36 , testProperty "cancel" prop_cancel_parallel
37 , testProperty "exceptions" prop_exception_parallel
41 prop_submit_serial :: [Int] -> Property
42 prop_submit_serial xs =
43 ioProperty $ do
44 jobCtl <- newSerialJobControl
45 prop_submit jobCtl xs
47 prop_submit_parallel :: Positive (Small Int) -> [Int] -> Property
48 prop_submit_parallel (Positive (Small maxJobLimit)) xs =
49 ioProperty $ do
50 jobCtl <- newParallelJobControl maxJobLimit
51 prop_submit jobCtl xs
53 prop_remaining_serial :: [Int] -> Property
54 prop_remaining_serial xs =
55 ioProperty $ do
56 jobCtl <- newSerialJobControl
57 prop_remaining jobCtl xs
59 prop_remaining_parallel :: Positive (Small Int) -> [Int] -> Property
60 prop_remaining_parallel (Positive (Small maxJobLimit)) xs =
61 ioProperty $ do
62 jobCtl <- newParallelJobControl maxJobLimit
63 prop_remaining jobCtl xs
65 prop_interleaved_serial :: [Int] -> Property
66 prop_interleaved_serial xs =
67 ioProperty $ do
68 jobCtl <- newSerialJobControl
69 prop_submit_interleaved jobCtl xs
71 prop_interleaved_parallel :: Positive (Small Int) -> [Int] -> Property
72 prop_interleaved_parallel (Positive (Small maxJobLimit)) xs =
73 ioProperty $ do
74 jobCtl <- newParallelJobControl maxJobLimit
75 prop_submit_interleaved jobCtl xs
77 prop_submit :: JobControl IO Int -> [Int] -> IO Bool
78 prop_submit jobCtl xs = do
79 traverse_ (\x -> spawnJob jobCtl (return x)) xs
80 xs' <- traverse (\_ -> collectJob jobCtl) xs
81 return (sort xs == sort xs')
83 prop_remaining :: JobControl IO Int -> [Int] -> IO Bool
84 prop_remaining jobCtl xs = do
85 traverse_ (\x -> spawnJob jobCtl (return x)) xs
86 xs' <- collectRemainingJobs jobCtl
87 return (sort xs == sort xs')
89 collectRemainingJobs :: Monad m => JobControl m a -> m [a]
90 collectRemainingJobs jobCtl = go []
91 where
92 go xs = do
93 remaining <- remainingJobs jobCtl
94 if remaining
95 then do
96 x <- collectJob jobCtl
97 go (x : xs)
98 else return xs
100 prop_submit_interleaved :: JobControl IO (Maybe Int) -> [Int] -> IO Bool
101 prop_submit_interleaved jobCtl xs = do
102 xs' <-
103 sequenceA
104 [ spawn >> collect
105 | let spawns =
106 map (\x -> spawnJob jobCtl (return (Just x))) xs
107 ++ repeat (return ())
108 collects =
109 replicate 5 (return Nothing)
110 ++ map (\_ -> collectJob jobCtl) xs
111 , (spawn, collect) <- zip spawns collects
113 return (sort xs == sort (catMaybes xs'))
115 prop_concurrent_serial :: NonNegative (Small Int) -> Property
116 prop_concurrent_serial (NonNegative (Small ntasks)) =
117 ioProperty $ do
118 jobCtl <- newSerialJobControl
119 countRef <- newIORef (0 :: Int)
120 replicateM_ ntasks (spawnJob jobCtl (task countRef))
121 counts <- replicateM ntasks (collectJob jobCtl)
122 return $
123 length counts == ntasks
124 && all (\(n0, n1) -> n0 == 0 && n1 == 1) counts
125 where
126 task countRef = do
127 n0 <- atomicModifyIORef countRef (\n -> (n + 1, n))
128 threadDelay 100
129 n1 <- atomicModifyIORef countRef (\n -> (n - 1, n))
130 return (n0, n1)
132 prop_concurrent_parallel :: Positive (Small Int) -> NonNegative Int -> Property
133 prop_concurrent_parallel (Positive (Small maxJobLimit)) (NonNegative ntasks) =
134 ioProperty $ do
135 jobCtl <- newParallelJobControl maxJobLimit
136 countRef <- newIORef (0 :: Int)
137 replicateM_ ntasks (spawnJob jobCtl (task countRef))
138 counts <- replicateM ntasks (collectJob jobCtl)
139 return $
140 length counts == ntasks
141 && all
142 ( \(n0, n1) ->
143 n0 >= 0
144 && n0 < maxJobLimit
145 && n1 > 0
146 && n1 <= maxJobLimit
148 counts
149 -- we do hit the concurrency limit (in the right circumstances)
150 && if ntasks >= maxJobLimit * 2 -- give us enough of a margin
151 then any (\(_, n1) -> n1 == maxJobLimit) counts
152 else True
153 where
154 task countRef = do
155 n0 <- atomicModifyIORef countRef (\n -> (n + 1, n))
156 threadDelay 100
157 n1 <- atomicModifyIORef countRef (\n -> (n - 1, n))
158 return (n0, n1)
160 prop_cancel_serial :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Property
161 prop_cancel_serial xs ys =
162 ioProperty $ do
163 jobCtl <- newSerialJobControl
164 traverse_ (\x -> spawnJob jobCtl (return x)) (xs ++ ys)
165 xs' <- traverse (\_ -> collectJob jobCtl) xs
166 cancelJobs jobCtl
167 ys' <- collectRemainingJobs jobCtl
168 return (sort xs == sort xs' && null ys')
170 prop_cancel_parallel :: Positive (Small Int) -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Property
171 prop_cancel_parallel (Positive (Small maxJobLimit)) xs ys = do
172 ioProperty $ do
173 jobCtl <- newParallelJobControl maxJobLimit
174 traverse_ (\x -> spawnJob jobCtl (threadDelay 100 >> return x)) (xs ++ ys)
175 xs' <- traverse (\_ -> collectJob jobCtl) xs
176 cancelJobs jobCtl
177 ys' <- collectRemainingJobs jobCtl
178 return $ Set.fromList (xs' ++ ys') `Set.isSubsetOf` Set.fromList (xs ++ ys)
180 data TestException = TestException Int
181 deriving (Typeable, Show)
183 instance Exception TestException
185 prop_exception_serial :: [Either Int Int] -> Property
186 prop_exception_serial xs =
187 ioProperty $ do
188 jobCtl <- newSerialJobControl
189 prop_exception jobCtl xs
191 prop_exception_parallel :: Positive (Small Int) -> [Either Int Int] -> Property
192 prop_exception_parallel (Positive (Small maxJobLimit)) xs =
193 ioProperty $ do
194 jobCtl <- newParallelJobControl maxJobLimit
195 prop_exception jobCtl xs
197 prop_exception :: JobControl IO Int -> [Either Int Int] -> IO Bool
198 prop_exception jobCtl xs = do
199 traverse_ (\x -> spawnJob jobCtl (either (throwIO . TestException) return x)) xs
200 xs' <- replicateM (length xs) $ do
201 mx <- try (collectJob jobCtl)
202 return $ case mx of
203 Left (TestException n) -> Left n
204 Right n -> Right n
205 return (sort xs == sort xs')