validate dependabot configuration
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / tests / UnitTests / Distribution / Client / Store.hs
1 module UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Store (tests) where
3 -- import Control.Monad
4 -- import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
5 -- import Control.Concurrent.MVar
6 import qualified Data.Set as Set
7 import System.Directory
8 import System.FilePath
10 -- import System.Random
12 import Distribution.Package (UnitId, mkUnitId)
13 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler (AbiTag (..), Compiler (..), CompilerFlavor (..), CompilerId (..))
14 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (withTempDirectory)
15 import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity, silent)
16 import Distribution.Version (mkVersion)
18 import Distribution.Client.RebuildMonad
19 import Distribution.Client.Store
21 import Test.Tasty
22 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
24 tests :: [TestTree]
25 tests =
26 [ testCase "list content empty" testListEmpty
27 , testCase "install serial" testInstallSerial
28 -- , testCase "install parallel" testInstallParallel
29 -- TODO: figure out some way to do a parallel test, see issue below
32 testListEmpty :: Assertion
33 testListEmpty =
34 withTempDirectory verbosity "." "store-" $ \tmp -> do
35 let storeDirLayout = defaultStoreDirLayout (tmp </> "store")
37 assertStoreEntryExists storeDirLayout compiler unitid False
38 assertStoreContent tmp storeDirLayout compiler Set.empty
39 where
40 compiler :: Compiler
41 compiler =
42 Compiler
43 { compilerId = CompilerId GHC (mkVersion [1, 0])
44 , compilerAbiTag = NoAbiTag
45 , compilerCompat = []
46 , compilerLanguages = []
47 , compilerExtensions = []
48 , compilerProperties = mempty
51 unitid = mkUnitId "foo-1.0-xyz"
53 testInstallSerial :: Assertion
54 testInstallSerial =
55 withTempDirectory verbosity "." "store-" $ \tmp -> do
56 let storeDirLayout = defaultStoreDirLayout (tmp </> "store")
57 copyFiles file content dir = do
58 -- we copy into a prefix inside the tmp dir and return the prefix
59 let destprefix = dir </> "prefix"
60 createDirectory destprefix
61 writeFile (destprefix </> file) content
62 return (destprefix, [])
64 assertNewStoreEntry
65 tmp
66 storeDirLayout
67 compiler
68 unitid1
69 (copyFiles "file1" "content-foo")
70 (return ())
71 UseNewStoreEntry
73 assertNewStoreEntry
74 tmp
75 storeDirLayout
76 compiler
77 unitid1
78 (copyFiles "file1" "content-foo")
79 (return ())
80 UseExistingStoreEntry
82 assertNewStoreEntry
83 tmp
84 storeDirLayout
85 compiler
86 unitid2
87 (copyFiles "file2" "content-bar")
88 (return ())
89 UseNewStoreEntry
91 let pkgDir :: UnitId -> FilePath
92 pkgDir = storePackageDirectory storeDirLayout compiler
93 assertFileEqual (pkgDir unitid1 </> "file1") "content-foo"
94 assertFileEqual (pkgDir unitid2 </> "file2") "content-bar"
95 where
96 compiler :: Compiler
97 compiler =
98 Compiler
99 { compilerId = CompilerId GHC (mkVersion [1, 0])
100 , compilerAbiTag = NoAbiTag
101 , compilerCompat = []
102 , compilerLanguages = []
103 , compilerExtensions = []
104 , compilerProperties = mempty
107 unitid1 = mkUnitId "foo-1.0-xyz"
108 unitid2 = mkUnitId "bar-2.0-xyz"
111 -- unfortunately a parallel test like the one below is thwarted by the normal
112 -- process-internal file locking. If that locking were not in place then we
113 -- ought to get the blocking behaviour, but due to the normal Handle locking
114 -- it just fails instead.
116 testInstallParallel :: Assertion
117 testInstallParallel =
118 withTempDirectory verbosity "." "store-" $ \tmp -> do
119 let storeDirLayout = defaultStoreDirLayout (tmp </> "store")
121 sync1 <- newEmptyMVar
122 sync2 <- newEmptyMVar
123 outv <- newEmptyMVar
124 regv <- newMVar (0 :: Int)
126 sequence_
127 [ do forkIO $ do
128 let copyFiles dir = do
129 delay <- randomRIO (1,100000)
130 writeFile (dir </> "file") (show n)
131 putMVar sync1 ()
132 readMVar sync2
133 threadDelay delay
134 register = do
135 modifyMVar_ regv (return . (+1))
136 threadDelay 200000
137 o <- newStoreEntry verbosity storeDirLayout
138 compid unitid
139 copyFiles register
140 putMVar outv (n, o)
141 | n <- [0..9 :: Int] ]
143 replicateM_ 10 (takeMVar sync1)
144 -- all threads are in the copyFiles action concurrently, release them:
145 putMVar sync2 ()
147 outcomes <- replicateM 10 (takeMVar outv)
148 regcount <- readMVar regv
149 let regcount' = length [ () | (_, UseNewStoreEntry) <- outcomes ]
151 assertEqual "num registrations" 1 regcount
152 assertEqual "num registrations" 1 regcount'
154 assertStoreContent tmp storeDirLayout compid (Set.singleton unitid)
156 let pkgDir :: UnitId -> FilePath
157 pkgDir = storePackageDirectory storeDirLayout compid
158 case [ n | (n, UseNewStoreEntry) <- outcomes ] of
159 [n] -> assertFileEqual (pkgDir unitid </> "file") (show n)
160 _ -> assertFailure "impossible"
162 where
163 compid = CompilerId GHC (mkVersion [1,0])
164 unitid = mkUnitId "foo-1.0-xyz"
167 -------------
168 -- Utils
170 assertNewStoreEntry
171 :: FilePath
172 -> StoreDirLayout
173 -> Compiler
174 -> UnitId
175 -> (FilePath -> IO (FilePath, [FilePath]))
176 -> IO ()
177 -> NewStoreEntryOutcome
178 -> Assertion
179 assertNewStoreEntry
181 storeDirLayout
182 compiler
183 unitid
184 copyFiles
185 register
186 expectedOutcome = do
187 entries <- runRebuild tmp $ getStoreEntries storeDirLayout compiler
188 outcome <-
189 newStoreEntry
190 verbosity
191 storeDirLayout
192 compiler
193 unitid
194 copyFiles
195 register
196 assertEqual "newStoreEntry outcome" expectedOutcome outcome
197 assertStoreEntryExists storeDirLayout compiler unitid True
198 let expected = Set.insert unitid entries
199 assertStoreContent tmp storeDirLayout compiler expected
201 assertStoreEntryExists
202 :: StoreDirLayout
203 -> Compiler
204 -> UnitId
205 -> Bool
206 -> Assertion
207 assertStoreEntryExists storeDirLayout compiler unitid expected = do
208 actual <- doesStoreEntryExist storeDirLayout compiler unitid
209 assertEqual "store entry exists" expected actual
211 assertStoreContent
212 :: FilePath
213 -> StoreDirLayout
214 -> Compiler
215 -> Set.Set UnitId
216 -> Assertion
217 assertStoreContent tmp storeDirLayout compiler expected = do
218 actual <- runRebuild tmp $ getStoreEntries storeDirLayout compiler
219 assertEqual "store content" actual expected
221 assertFileEqual :: FilePath -> String -> Assertion
222 assertFileEqual path expected = do
223 exists <- doesFileExist path
224 assertBool ("file does not exist:\n" ++ path) exists
225 actual <- readFile path
226 assertEqual ("file content for:\n" ++ path) expected actual
228 verbosity :: Verbosity
229 verbosity = silent