validate dependabot configuration
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / tests / UnitTests / Distribution / Client / Targets.hs
1 module UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Targets
2 ( tests
3 ) where
5 import Distribution.Client.Targets
6 ( UserConstraint (..)
7 , UserConstraintScope (..)
8 , UserQualifier (..)
9 , readUserConstraint
11 import Distribution.Package (mkPackageName)
12 import Distribution.PackageDescription (mkFlagAssignment, mkFlagName)
13 import Distribution.Version (anyVersion, mkVersion, thisVersion)
15 import Distribution.Parsec (explicitEitherParsec, parsec, parsecCommaList)
17 import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza (OptionalStanza (..))
18 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageConstraint (PackageProperty (..))
20 import Test.Tasty
21 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
23 import Data.List (intercalate)
25 -- Helper function: makes a test group by mapping each element
26 -- of a list to a test case.
27 makeGroup :: String -> (a -> Assertion) -> [a] -> TestTree
28 makeGroup name f xs =
29 testGroup name $
30 zipWith testCase (map show [0 :: Integer ..]) (map f xs)
32 tests :: [TestTree]
33 tests =
34 [ makeGroup
35 "readUserConstraint"
36 (uncurry readUserConstraintTest)
37 exampleConstraints
38 , makeGroup
39 "parseUserConstraint"
40 (uncurry parseUserConstraintTest)
41 exampleConstraints
42 , makeGroup
43 "readUserConstraints"
44 (uncurry readUserConstraintsTest)
45 [ -- First example only.
47 ( case exampleStrs of (e : _) -> e; _ -> error "empty examples"
48 , take 1 exampleUcs
50 , -- All examples separated by commas.
51 (intercalate ", " exampleStrs, exampleUcs)
54 where
55 (exampleStrs, exampleUcs) = unzip exampleConstraints
57 exampleConstraints :: [(String, UserConstraint)]
58 exampleConstraints =
60 ( "template-haskell installed"
61 , UserConstraint
62 (UserQualified UserQualToplevel (pn "template-haskell"))
63 PackagePropertyInstalled
66 ( "bytestring >= 0"
67 , UserConstraint
68 (UserQualified UserQualToplevel (pn "bytestring"))
69 (PackagePropertyVersion anyVersion)
72 ( " test"
73 , UserConstraint
74 (UserAnyQualifier (pn "directory"))
75 (PackagePropertyStanzas [TestStanzas])
78 ( "setup.Cabal installed"
79 , UserConstraint
80 (UserAnySetupQualifier (pn "Cabal"))
81 PackagePropertyInstalled
84 ( "process:setup.bytestring ==5.2"
85 , UserConstraint
86 (UserQualified (UserQualSetup (pn "process")) (pn "bytestring"))
87 (PackagePropertyVersion (thisVersion (mkVersion [5, 2])))
89 , -- flag MUST be prefixed with - or +
91 ( "network:setup.containers +foo -bar +baz"
92 , UserConstraint
93 (UserQualified (UserQualSetup (pn "network")) (pn "containers"))
94 ( PackagePropertyFlags
95 ( mkFlagAssignment
96 [ (fn "foo", True)
97 , (fn "bar", False)
98 , (fn "baz", True)
103 -- -- TODO: Re-enable UserQualExe tests once we decide on a syntax.
105 -- , ("foo:happy:exe.template-haskell test",
106 -- UserConstraint (UserQualified (UserQualExe (pn "foo") (pn "happy")) (pn "template-haskell"))
107 -- (PackagePropertyStanzas [TestStanzas]))
109 where
110 pn = mkPackageName
111 fn = mkFlagName
113 readUserConstraintTest :: String -> UserConstraint -> Assertion
114 readUserConstraintTest str uc =
115 assertEqual ("Couldn't read constraint: '" ++ str ++ "'") expected actual
116 where
117 expected = Right uc
118 actual = readUserConstraint str
120 parseUserConstraintTest :: String -> UserConstraint -> Assertion
121 parseUserConstraintTest str uc =
122 assertEqual ("Couldn't parse constraint: '" ++ str ++ "'") expected actual
123 where
124 expected = Right uc
125 actual = explicitEitherParsec parsec str
127 readUserConstraintsTest :: String -> [UserConstraint] -> Assertion
128 readUserConstraintsTest str ucs =
129 assertEqual ("Couldn't read constraints: '" ++ str ++ "'") expected actual
130 where
131 expected = Right ucs
132 actual = explicitEitherParsec (parsecCommaList parsec) str