validate dependabot configuration
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / tests / UnitTests / Distribution / Client / VCS.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
9 module UnitTests.Distribution.Client.VCS (tests) where
11 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
12 import Distribution.Client.RebuildMonad
13 ( execRebuild
15 import Distribution.Client.Types.SourceRepo (SourceRepoProxy, SourceRepositoryPackage (..))
16 import Distribution.Client.VCS
17 import Distribution.Simple.Program
18 import Distribution.System (OS (Windows), buildOS)
19 import Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity
20 import Test.Utils.TempTestDir (removeDirectoryRecursiveHack, withTestDir)
22 import Data.List (mapAccumL)
23 import qualified Data.Map as Map
24 import qualified Data.Set as Set
25 import Data.Tuple
27 import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
28 import Control.Exception
29 import Control.Monad.State (StateT, execStateT, liftIO)
30 import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
32 import System.Directory
33 import System.FilePath
34 import System.IO
35 import System.Random
37 import Test.Tasty
38 import Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure
39 import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
40 import UnitTests.Distribution.Client.ArbitraryInstances
42 -- | These tests take the following approach: we generate a pure representation
43 -- of a repository plus a corresponding real repository, and then run various
44 -- test operations and compare the actual working state with the expected
45 -- working state.
47 -- The first test simply checks that the test infrastructure works. It
48 -- constructs a repository on disk and then checks out every tag or commit
49 -- and checks that the working state is the same as the pure representation.
51 -- The second test works in a similar way but tests 'syncSourceRepos'. It
52 -- uses an arbitrary source repo and a set of (initially empty) destination
53 -- directories. It picks a number of tags or commits from the source repo and
54 -- synchronises the destination directories to those target states, and then
55 -- checks that the working state is as expected (given the pure representation).
56 tests :: MTimeChange -> [TestTree]
57 tests mtimeChange =
58 map
59 (localOption $ QuickCheckTests 10)
60 [ ignoreInWindows "See issue #8048 and #9519" $
61 testGroup
62 "git"
63 [ testProperty "check VCS test framework" prop_framework_git
64 , testProperty "cloneSourceRepo" prop_cloneRepo_git
65 , testProperty "syncSourceRepos" prop_syncRepos_git
67 , --
68 ignoreTestBecause "for the moment they're not yet working" $
69 testGroup
70 "darcs"
71 [ testProperty "check VCS test framework" $ prop_framework_darcs mtimeChange
72 , testProperty "cloneSourceRepo" $ prop_cloneRepo_darcs mtimeChange
73 , testProperty "syncSourceRepos" $ prop_syncRepos_darcs mtimeChange
75 , ignoreTestBecause "for the moment they're not yet working" $
76 testGroup
77 "pijul"
78 [ testProperty "check VCS test framework" prop_framework_pijul
79 , testProperty "cloneSourceRepo" prop_cloneRepo_pijul
80 , testProperty "syncSourceRepos" prop_syncRepos_pijul
82 , ignoreTestBecause "for the moment they're not yet working" $
83 testGroup
84 "mercurial"
85 [ testProperty "check VCS test framework" prop_framework_hg
86 , testProperty "cloneSourceRepo" prop_cloneRepo_hg
87 , testProperty "syncSourceRepos" prop_syncRepos_hg
90 where
91 ignoreInWindows msg = case buildOS of
92 Windows -> ignoreTestBecause msg
93 _ -> id
95 prop_framework_git :: BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesSupported -> Property
96 prop_framework_git =
97 ioProperty
98 . prop_framework vcsGit vcsTestDriverGit
99 . WithBranchingSupport
101 prop_framework_darcs :: MTimeChange -> NonBranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported -> Property
102 prop_framework_darcs mtimeChange =
103 ioProperty
104 . prop_framework vcsDarcs (vcsTestDriverDarcs mtimeChange)
105 . WithoutBranchingSupport
107 prop_framework_pijul :: BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported -> Property
108 prop_framework_pijul =
109 ioProperty
110 . prop_framework vcsPijul vcsTestDriverPijul
111 . WithBranchingSupport
113 prop_framework_hg :: BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported -> Property
114 prop_framework_hg =
115 ioProperty
116 . prop_framework vcsHg vcsTestDriverHg
117 . WithBranchingSupport
119 prop_cloneRepo_git :: BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesSupported -> Property
120 prop_cloneRepo_git =
121 ioProperty
122 . prop_cloneRepo vcsGit vcsTestDriverGit
123 . WithBranchingSupport
125 prop_cloneRepo_darcs
126 :: MTimeChange
127 -> NonBranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported
128 -> Property
129 prop_cloneRepo_darcs mtimeChange =
130 ioProperty
131 . prop_cloneRepo vcsDarcs (vcsTestDriverDarcs mtimeChange)
132 . WithoutBranchingSupport
134 prop_cloneRepo_pijul :: BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported -> Property
135 prop_cloneRepo_pijul =
136 ioProperty
137 . prop_cloneRepo vcsPijul vcsTestDriverPijul
138 . WithBranchingSupport
140 prop_cloneRepo_hg :: BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported -> Property
141 prop_cloneRepo_hg =
142 ioProperty
143 . prop_cloneRepo vcsHg vcsTestDriverHg
144 . WithBranchingSupport
146 prop_syncRepos_git
147 :: RepoDirSet
148 -> SyncTargetIterations
149 -> PrngSeed
150 -> BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesSupported
151 -> Property
152 prop_syncRepos_git destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed =
153 ioProperty
154 . prop_syncRepos
155 vcsGit
156 vcsTestDriverGit
157 destRepoDirs
158 syncTargetSetIterations
159 seed
160 . WithBranchingSupport
162 prop_syncRepos_darcs
163 :: MTimeChange
164 -> RepoDirSet
165 -> SyncTargetIterations
166 -> PrngSeed
167 -> NonBranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported
168 -> Property
169 prop_syncRepos_darcs mtimeChange destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed =
170 ioProperty
171 . prop_syncRepos
172 vcsDarcs
173 (vcsTestDriverDarcs mtimeChange)
174 destRepoDirs
175 syncTargetSetIterations
176 seed
177 . WithoutBranchingSupport
179 prop_syncRepos_pijul
180 :: RepoDirSet
181 -> SyncTargetIterations
182 -> PrngSeed
183 -> BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported
184 -> Property
185 prop_syncRepos_pijul destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed =
186 ioProperty
187 . prop_syncRepos
188 vcsPijul
189 vcsTestDriverPijul
190 destRepoDirs
191 syncTargetSetIterations
192 seed
193 . WithBranchingSupport
195 prop_syncRepos_hg
196 :: RepoDirSet
197 -> SyncTargetIterations
198 -> PrngSeed
199 -> BranchingRepoRecipe 'SubmodulesNotSupported
200 -> Property
201 prop_syncRepos_hg destRepoDirs syncTargetSetIterations seed =
202 ioProperty
203 . prop_syncRepos
204 vcsHg
205 vcsTestDriverHg
206 destRepoDirs
207 syncTargetSetIterations
208 seed
209 . WithBranchingSupport
211 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
213 -- * General test setup
215 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
217 testSetup
218 :: VCS Program
219 -> ( Verbosity
220 -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
221 -> FilePath
222 -> FilePath
223 -> VCSTestDriver
225 -> RepoRecipe submodules
226 -> (VCSTestDriver -> FilePath -> RepoState -> IO a)
227 -> IO a
228 testSetup vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe theTest = do
229 -- test setup
230 vcs' <- configureVCS verbosity [] vcs
231 withTestDir verbosity "vcstest" $ \tmpdir -> do
232 let srcRepoPath = tmpdir </> "src"
233 submodulesPath = tmpdir </> "submodules"
234 vcsDriver = mkVCSTestDriver verbosity vcs' submodulesPath srcRepoPath
235 repoState <- createRepo vcsDriver repoRecipe
237 -- actual test
238 result <- theTest vcsDriver tmpdir repoState
240 return result
241 where
242 verbosity = silent
244 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
246 -- * Test 1: VCS infrastructure
248 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
250 -- | This test simply checks that the test infrastructure works. It constructs
251 -- a repository on disk and then checks out every tag or commit and checks that
252 -- the working state is the same as the pure representation.
253 prop_framework
254 :: VCS Program
255 -> ( Verbosity
256 -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
257 -> FilePath
258 -> FilePath
259 -> VCSTestDriver
261 -> RepoRecipe submodules
262 -> IO ()
263 prop_framework vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe =
264 testSetup vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe $ \vcsDriver tmpdir repoState ->
265 mapM_ (checkAtTag vcsDriver tmpdir) (Map.toList (allTags repoState))
266 where
267 -- Check for any given tag/commit in the 'RepoState' that the working state
268 -- matches the actual working state from the repository at that tag/commit.
269 checkAtTag VCSTestDriver{..} tmpdir (tagname, expectedState) =
270 case vcsCheckoutTag of
271 -- We handle two cases: inplace checkouts for VCSs that support it
272 -- (e.g. git) and separate dir otherwise (e.g. darcs)
273 Left checkoutInplace -> do
274 checkoutInplace tagname
275 checkExpectedWorkingState vcsIgnoreFiles vcsRepoRoot expectedState
276 Right checkoutCloneTo -> do
277 checkoutCloneTo tagname destRepoPath
278 checkExpectedWorkingState vcsIgnoreFiles destRepoPath expectedState
279 removeDirectoryRecursiveHack silent destRepoPath
280 where
281 destRepoPath = tmpdir </> "dest"
283 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
285 -- * Test 2: 'cloneSourceRepo'
287 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
289 prop_cloneRepo
290 :: VCS Program
291 -> ( Verbosity
292 -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
293 -> FilePath
294 -> FilePath
295 -> VCSTestDriver
297 -> RepoRecipe submodules
298 -> IO ()
299 prop_cloneRepo vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe =
300 testSetup vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe $ \vcsDriver tmpdir repoState ->
301 mapM_ (checkAtTag vcsDriver tmpdir) (Map.toList (allTags repoState))
302 where
303 checkAtTag VCSTestDriver{..} tmpdir (tagname, expectedState) = do
304 cloneSourceRepo verbosity vcsVCS repo destRepoPath
305 checkExpectedWorkingState vcsIgnoreFiles destRepoPath expectedState
306 removeDirectoryRecursiveHack verbosity destRepoPath
307 where
308 destRepoPath = tmpdir </> "dest"
309 repo =
310 SourceRepositoryPackage
311 { srpType = vcsRepoType vcsVCS
312 , srpLocation = vcsRepoRoot
313 , srpTag = Just tagname
314 , srpBranch = Nothing
315 , srpSubdir = []
316 , srpCommand = []
318 verbosity = silent
320 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
322 -- * Test 3: 'syncSourceRepos'
324 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
326 newtype RepoDirSet = RepoDirSet Int deriving (Show)
327 newtype SyncTargetIterations = SyncTargetIterations Int deriving (Show)
328 newtype PrngSeed = PrngSeed Int deriving (Show)
330 prop_syncRepos
331 :: VCS Program
332 -> ( Verbosity
333 -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
334 -> FilePath
335 -> FilePath
336 -> VCSTestDriver
338 -> RepoDirSet
339 -> SyncTargetIterations
340 -> PrngSeed
341 -> RepoRecipe submodules
342 -> IO ()
343 prop_syncRepos
345 mkVCSTestDriver
346 repoDirs
347 syncTargetSetIterations
348 seed
349 repoRecipe =
350 testSetup vcs mkVCSTestDriver repoRecipe $ \vcsDriver tmpdir repoState ->
351 let srcRepoPath = vcsRepoRoot vcsDriver
352 destRepoPaths = map (tmpdir </>) (getRepoDirs repoDirs)
353 in checkSyncRepos
354 verbosity
355 vcsDriver
356 repoState
357 srcRepoPath
358 destRepoPaths
359 syncTargetSetIterations
360 seed
361 where
362 verbosity = silent
364 getRepoDirs :: RepoDirSet -> [FilePath]
365 getRepoDirs (RepoDirSet n) =
366 ["dest" ++ show i | i <- [1 .. n]]
368 -- | The purpose of this test is to check that irrespective of the local cached
369 -- repo dir we can sync it to an arbitrary target state. So we do that by
370 -- syncing each target dir to a sequence of target states without cleaning it
371 -- in between.
373 -- One slight complication is that 'syncSourceRepos' takes a whole list of
374 -- target dirs to sync in one go (to allow for sharing). So we must actually
375 -- generate and sync to a sequence of list of target repo states.
377 -- So, given a source repo dir, the corresponding 'RepoState' and a number of
378 -- target repo dirs, pick a sequence of (lists of) sync targets from the
379 -- 'RepoState' and synchronise the target dirs with those targets, checking for
380 -- each one that the actual working state matches the expected repo state.
381 checkSyncRepos
382 :: Verbosity
383 -> VCSTestDriver
384 -> RepoState
385 -> FilePath
386 -> [FilePath]
387 -> SyncTargetIterations
388 -> PrngSeed
389 -> IO ()
390 checkSyncRepos
391 verbosity
392 VCSTestDriver{vcsVCS = vcs, vcsIgnoreFiles}
393 repoState
394 srcRepoPath
395 destRepoPath
396 (SyncTargetIterations syncTargetSetIterations)
397 (PrngSeed seed) =
398 mapM_ checkSyncTargetSet syncTargetSets
399 where
400 checkSyncTargetSet :: [(SourceRepoProxy, FilePath, RepoWorkingState)] -> IO ()
401 checkSyncTargetSet syncTargets = do
402 _ <-
403 execRebuild "root-unused" $
404 syncSourceRepos
405 verbosity
407 [ (repo, repoPath)
408 | (repo, repoPath, _) <- syncTargets
410 sequence_
411 [ checkExpectedWorkingState vcsIgnoreFiles repoPath workingState
412 | (_, repoPath, workingState) <- syncTargets
415 syncTargetSets =
416 take syncTargetSetIterations $
417 pickSyncTargetSets
418 (vcsRepoType vcs)
419 repoState
420 srcRepoPath
421 destRepoPath
422 (mkStdGen seed)
424 pickSyncTargetSets
425 :: RepoType
426 -> RepoState
427 -> FilePath
428 -> [FilePath]
429 -> StdGen
430 -> [[(SourceRepoProxy, FilePath, RepoWorkingState)]]
431 pickSyncTargetSets repoType repoState srcRepoPath dstReposPath =
432 assert (Map.size (allTags repoState) > 0) $
433 unfoldr (Just . swap . pickSyncTargetSet)
434 where
435 pickSyncTargetSet :: Rand [(SourceRepoProxy, FilePath, RepoWorkingState)]
436 pickSyncTargetSet = flip (mapAccumL (flip pickSyncTarget)) dstReposPath
438 pickSyncTarget :: FilePath -> Rand (SourceRepoProxy, FilePath, RepoWorkingState)
439 pickSyncTarget destRepoPath prng =
440 (prng', (repo, destRepoPath, workingState))
441 where
442 repo =
443 SourceRepositoryPackage
444 { srpType = repoType
445 , srpLocation = srcRepoPath
446 , srpTag = Just tag
447 , srpBranch = Nothing
448 , srpSubdir = Proxy
449 , srpCommand = []
451 (tag, workingState) = Map.elemAt tagIdx (allTags repoState)
452 (tagIdx, prng') = randomR (0, Map.size (allTags repoState) - 1) prng
454 type Rand a = StdGen -> (StdGen, a)
456 instance Arbitrary RepoDirSet where
457 arbitrary =
458 sized $ \n ->
459 oneof $
460 [RepoDirSet <$> pure 1]
461 ++ [RepoDirSet <$> choose (2, 5) | n >= 3]
462 shrink (RepoDirSet n) =
463 [RepoDirSet i | i <- shrink n, i > 0]
465 instance Arbitrary SyncTargetIterations where
466 arbitrary =
467 sized $ \n -> SyncTargetIterations <$> elements [1 .. min 20 (n + 1)]
468 shrink (SyncTargetIterations n) =
469 [SyncTargetIterations i | i <- shrink n, i > 0]
471 instance Arbitrary PrngSeed where
472 arbitrary = PrngSeed <$> arbitraryBoundedRandom
474 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
476 -- * Instructions for constructing repositories
478 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
480 -- These instructions for constructing a repository can be interpreted in two
481 -- ways: to make a pure representation of repository state, and to execute
482 -- VCS commands to make a repository on-disk.
484 data SubmodulesSupport = SubmodulesSupported | SubmodulesNotSupported
486 class KnownSubmodulesSupport (a :: SubmodulesSupport) where
487 submoduleSupport :: SubmodulesSupport
489 instance KnownSubmodulesSupport 'SubmodulesSupported where
490 submoduleSupport = SubmodulesSupported
492 instance KnownSubmodulesSupport 'SubmodulesNotSupported where
493 submoduleSupport = SubmodulesNotSupported
495 data FileUpdate = FileUpdate FilePath String
496 deriving (Show)
497 data SubmoduleAdd = SubmoduleAdd FilePath FilePath (Commit 'SubmodulesSupported)
498 deriving (Show)
500 newtype Commit (submodules :: SubmodulesSupport)
501 = Commit [Either FileUpdate SubmoduleAdd]
502 deriving (Show)
504 data TaggedCommits (submodules :: SubmodulesSupport)
505 = TaggedCommits TagName [Commit submodules]
506 deriving (Show)
508 data BranchCommits (submodules :: SubmodulesSupport)
509 = BranchCommits BranchName [Commit submodules]
510 deriving (Show)
512 type BranchName = String
513 type TagName = String
515 -- | Instructions to make a repository without branches, for VCSs that do not
516 -- support branches (e.g. darcs).
517 newtype NonBranchingRepoRecipe submodules
518 = NonBranchingRepoRecipe [TaggedCommits submodules]
519 deriving (Show)
521 -- | Instructions to make a repository with branches, for VCSs that do
522 -- support branches (e.g. git).
523 newtype BranchingRepoRecipe submodules
524 = BranchingRepoRecipe [Either (TaggedCommits submodules) (BranchCommits submodules)]
525 deriving (Show)
527 data RepoRecipe submodules
528 = WithBranchingSupport (BranchingRepoRecipe submodules)
529 | WithoutBranchingSupport (NonBranchingRepoRecipe submodules)
530 deriving (Show)
532 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
533 -- Arbitrary instances for them
535 genFileName :: Gen FilePath
536 genFileName = (\c -> "file" </> [c]) <$> choose ('A', 'E')
538 instance Arbitrary FileUpdate where
539 arbitrary = genOnlyFileUpdate
540 where
541 genOnlyFileUpdate = FileUpdate <$> genFileName <*> genFileContent
542 genFileContent = vectorOf 10 (choose ('#', '~'))
544 instance Arbitrary SubmoduleAdd where
545 arbitrary = genOnlySubmoduleAdd
546 where
547 genOnlySubmoduleAdd = SubmoduleAdd <$> genFileName <*> genSubmoduleSrc <*> arbitrary
548 genSubmoduleSrc = vectorOf 20 (choose ('a', 'z'))
550 instance forall submodules. KnownSubmodulesSupport submodules => Arbitrary (Commit submodules) where
551 arbitrary = Commit <$> shortListOf1 5 fileUpdateOrSubmoduleAdd
552 where
553 fileUpdateOrSubmoduleAdd =
554 case submoduleSupport @submodules of
555 SubmodulesSupported ->
556 frequency
557 [ (10, Left <$> arbitrary)
558 , (1, Right <$> arbitrary)
560 SubmodulesNotSupported -> Left <$> arbitrary
561 shrink (Commit writes) = Commit <$> filter (not . null) (shrink writes)
563 instance KnownSubmodulesSupport submodules => Arbitrary (TaggedCommits submodules) where
564 arbitrary = TaggedCommits <$> genTagName <*> shortListOf1 5 arbitrary
565 where
566 genTagName = ("tag_" ++) <$> shortListOf1 5 (choose ('A', 'Z'))
567 shrink (TaggedCommits tag commits) =
568 TaggedCommits tag <$> filter (not . null) (shrink commits)
570 instance KnownSubmodulesSupport submodules => Arbitrary (BranchCommits submodules) where
571 arbitrary = BranchCommits <$> genBranchName <*> shortListOf1 5 arbitrary
572 where
573 genBranchName =
574 sized $ \n ->
575 (\c -> "branch_" ++ [c]) <$> elements (take (max 1 n) ['A' .. 'E'])
577 shrink (BranchCommits branch commits) =
578 BranchCommits branch <$> filter (not . null) (shrink commits)
580 instance KnownSubmodulesSupport submodules => Arbitrary (NonBranchingRepoRecipe submodules) where
581 arbitrary = NonBranchingRepoRecipe <$> shortListOf1 15 arbitrary
582 shrink (NonBranchingRepoRecipe xs) =
583 NonBranchingRepoRecipe <$> filter (not . null) (shrink xs)
585 instance KnownSubmodulesSupport submodules => Arbitrary (BranchingRepoRecipe submodules) where
586 arbitrary = BranchingRepoRecipe <$> shortListOf1 15 taggedOrBranch
587 where
588 taggedOrBranch =
589 frequency
590 [ (3, Left <$> arbitrary)
591 , (1, Right <$> arbitrary)
593 shrink (BranchingRepoRecipe xs) =
594 BranchingRepoRecipe <$> filter (not . null) (shrink xs)
596 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
598 -- * A pure model of repository state
600 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
602 -- | The full state of a repository. In particular it records the full working
603 -- state for every tag.
605 -- This is also the interpreter state for executing a 'RepoRecipe'.
607 -- This allows us to compare expected working states with the actual files in
608 -- the working directory of a repository. See 'checkExpectedWorkingState'.
609 data RepoState = RepoState
610 { currentBranch :: BranchName
611 , currentWorking :: RepoWorkingState
612 , allTags :: Map TagOrCommitId RepoWorkingState
613 , allBranches :: Map BranchName RepoWorkingState
615 deriving (Show)
617 type RepoWorkingState = Map FilePath String
618 type CommitId = String
619 type TagOrCommitId = String
621 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
622 -- Functions used to interpret instructions for constructing repositories
624 initialRepoState :: RepoState
625 initialRepoState =
626 RepoState
627 { currentBranch = "branch_master"
628 , currentWorking = Map.empty
629 , allTags = Map.empty
630 , allBranches = Map.empty
633 updateFile :: FilePath -> String -> RepoState -> RepoState
634 updateFile filename content state@RepoState{currentWorking} =
635 let removeSubmodule = Map.filterWithKey (\path _ -> not $ filename `isPrefixOf` path) currentWorking
636 in state{currentWorking = Map.insert filename content removeSubmodule}
638 addSubmodule :: FilePath -> RepoState -> RepoState -> RepoState
639 addSubmodule submodulePath submoduleState mainState =
640 let newFiles = Map.mapKeys (submodulePath </>) (currentWorking submoduleState)
641 removeSubmodule = Map.filterWithKey (\path _ -> not $ submodulePath `isPrefixOf` path) (currentWorking mainState)
642 newWorking = Map.union removeSubmodule newFiles
643 in mainState{currentWorking = newWorking}
645 addTagOrCommit :: TagOrCommitId -> RepoState -> RepoState
646 addTagOrCommit commit state@RepoState{currentWorking, allTags} =
647 state{allTags = Map.insert commit currentWorking allTags}
649 switchBranch :: BranchName -> RepoState -> RepoState
650 switchBranch branch state@RepoState{currentWorking, currentBranch, allBranches} =
651 -- Use updated allBranches to cover case of switching to the same branch
652 let allBranches' = Map.insert currentBranch currentWorking allBranches
653 in state
654 { currentBranch = branch
655 , currentWorking = case Map.lookup branch allBranches' of
656 Just working -> working
657 -- otherwise we're creating a new branch, which starts
658 -- from our current branch state
659 Nothing -> currentWorking
660 , allBranches = allBranches'
663 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
665 -- * Comparing on-disk with expected 'RepoWorkingState'
667 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
669 -- | Compare expected working states with the actual files in
670 -- the working directory of a repository.
671 checkExpectedWorkingState
672 :: Set FilePath
673 -> FilePath
674 -> RepoWorkingState
675 -> IO ()
676 checkExpectedWorkingState ignore repoPath expectedState = do
677 currentState <- getCurrentWorkingState ignore repoPath
678 unless (currentState == expectedState) $
679 throwIO (WorkingStateMismatch expectedState currentState)
681 data WorkingStateMismatch
682 = WorkingStateMismatch
683 RepoWorkingState -- expected
684 RepoWorkingState -- actual
685 deriving (Show)
687 instance Exception WorkingStateMismatch
689 getCurrentWorkingState :: Set FilePath -> FilePath -> IO RepoWorkingState
690 getCurrentWorkingState ignore repoRoot = do
691 entries <- getDirectoryContentsRecursive ignore repoRoot ""
692 Map.fromList
693 <$> mapM
694 getFileEntry
695 [file | (file, isDir) <- entries, not isDir]
696 where
697 getFileEntry name =
698 withBinaryFile (repoRoot </> name) ReadMode $ \h -> do
699 str <- hGetContents h
700 _ <- evaluate (length str)
701 return (name, str)
703 getDirectoryContentsRecursive
704 :: Set FilePath
705 -> FilePath
706 -> FilePath
707 -> IO [(FilePath, Bool)]
708 getDirectoryContentsRecursive ignore dir0 dir = do
709 entries <- getDirectoryContents (dir0 </> dir)
710 entries' <-
711 sequence
712 [ do
713 isdir <- doesDirectoryExist (dir0 </> dir </> entry)
714 return (dir </> entry, isdir)
715 | entry <- entries
716 , not (isPrefixOf "." entry)
717 , (dir </> entry) `Set.notMember` ignore
719 let subdirs = [d | (d, True) <- entries']
720 subdirEntries <- mapM (getDirectoryContentsRecursive ignore dir0) subdirs
721 return (concat (entries' : subdirEntries))
723 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
725 -- * Executing instructions to make on-disk VCS repos
727 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
729 -- | Execute the instructions in a 'RepoRecipe' using the given 'VCSTestDriver'
730 -- to make an on-disk repository.
732 -- This also returns a 'RepoState'. This is done as part of construction to
733 -- support VCSs like git that have commit ids, so that those commit ids can be
734 -- included in the 'RepoState's 'allTags' set.
735 createRepo :: VCSTestDriver -> RepoRecipe submodules -> IO RepoState
736 createRepo vcsDriver@VCSTestDriver{vcsRepoRoot, vcsInit} recipe = do
737 createDirectoryIfMissing True vcsRepoRoot
738 createDirectoryIfMissing True (vcsRepoRoot </> "file")
739 vcsInit
740 execStateT createRepoAction initialRepoState
741 where
742 createRepoAction :: StateT RepoState IO ()
743 createRepoAction = case recipe of
744 WithoutBranchingSupport r -> execNonBranchingRepoRecipe vcsDriver r
745 WithBranchingSupport r -> execBranchingRepoRecipe vcsDriver r
747 type CreateRepoAction a = VCSTestDriver -> a -> StateT RepoState IO ()
749 execNonBranchingRepoRecipe :: CreateRepoAction (NonBranchingRepoRecipe submodules)
750 execNonBranchingRepoRecipe vcsDriver (NonBranchingRepoRecipe taggedCommits) =
751 mapM_ (execTaggdCommits vcsDriver) taggedCommits
753 execBranchingRepoRecipe :: CreateRepoAction (BranchingRepoRecipe submodules)
754 execBranchingRepoRecipe vcsDriver (BranchingRepoRecipe taggedCommits) =
755 mapM_
756 ( either
757 (execTaggdCommits vcsDriver)
758 (execBranchCommits vcsDriver)
760 taggedCommits
762 execBranchCommits :: CreateRepoAction (BranchCommits submodules)
763 execBranchCommits
764 vcsDriver@VCSTestDriver{vcsSwitchBranch}
765 (BranchCommits branch commits) = do
766 mapM_ (execCommit vcsDriver) commits
767 -- add commits and then switch branch
768 State.modify (switchBranch branch)
769 state <- State.get -- repo state after the commits and branch switch
770 liftIO $ vcsSwitchBranch state branch
772 -- It may seem odd that we add commits on the existing branch and then
773 -- switch branch. In part this is because git cannot branch from an empty
774 -- repo state, it complains that the master branch doesn't exist yet.
776 execTaggdCommits :: CreateRepoAction (TaggedCommits submodules)
777 execTaggdCommits
778 vcsDriver@VCSTestDriver{vcsTagState}
779 (TaggedCommits tagname commits) = do
780 mapM_ (execCommit vcsDriver) commits
781 -- add commits then tag
782 state <- State.get -- repo state after the commits
783 liftIO $ vcsTagState state tagname
784 State.modify (addTagOrCommit tagname)
786 execCommit :: CreateRepoAction (Commit submodules)
787 execCommit vcsDriver@VCSTestDriver{..} (Commit fileUpdates) = do
788 mapM_ (either (execFileUpdate vcsDriver) (execSubmoduleAdd vcsDriver)) fileUpdates
789 state <- State.get -- existing state, not updated
790 mcommit <- liftIO $ vcsCommitChanges state
791 State.modify (maybe id addTagOrCommit mcommit)
793 execFileUpdate :: CreateRepoAction FileUpdate
794 execFileUpdate VCSTestDriver{..} (FileUpdate filename content) = do
795 isDir <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist (vcsRepoRoot </> filename)
796 liftIO . when isDir $ removeDirectoryRecursive (vcsRepoRoot </> filename)
797 liftIO $ writeFile (vcsRepoRoot </> filename) content
798 state <- State.get -- existing state, not updated
799 liftIO $ vcsAddFile state filename
800 State.modify (updateFile filename content)
802 execSubmoduleAdd :: CreateRepoAction SubmoduleAdd
803 execSubmoduleAdd vcsDriver (SubmoduleAdd submodulePath source submoduleCommit) = do
804 submoduleVcsDriver <- liftIO $ vcsSubmoduleDriver vcsDriver source
805 let submoduleRecipe = WithoutBranchingSupport $ NonBranchingRepoRecipe [TaggedCommits "submodule-tag" [submoduleCommit]]
806 submoduleState <- liftIO $ createRepo submoduleVcsDriver submoduleRecipe
807 mainState <- State.get -- existing state, not updated
808 liftIO $ vcsAddSubmodule vcsDriver mainState (vcsRepoRoot submoduleVcsDriver) submodulePath
809 State.modify $ addSubmodule submodulePath submoduleState
811 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
813 -- * VCSTestDriver for various VCSs
815 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
817 -- | Extends 'VCS' with extra methods to construct a repository. Used by
818 -- 'createRepo'.
820 -- Several of the methods are allowed to rely on the current 'RepoState'
821 -- because some VCSs need different commands for initial vs later actions
822 -- (like adding a file to the tracked set, or creating a new branch).
824 -- The driver instance knows the particular repo directory.
825 data VCSTestDriver = VCSTestDriver
826 { vcsVCS :: VCS ConfiguredProgram
827 , vcsRepoRoot :: FilePath
828 , vcsIgnoreFiles :: Set FilePath
829 , vcsInit :: IO ()
830 , vcsAddFile :: RepoState -> FilePath -> IO ()
831 , vcsSubmoduleDriver :: FilePath -> IO VCSTestDriver
832 , vcsAddSubmodule :: RepoState -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
833 , vcsCommitChanges :: RepoState -> IO (Maybe CommitId)
834 , vcsTagState :: RepoState -> TagName -> IO ()
835 , vcsSwitchBranch :: RepoState -> BranchName -> IO ()
836 , vcsCheckoutTag
837 :: Either
838 (TagName -> IO ())
839 (TagName -> FilePath -> IO ())
842 vcsTestDriverGit
843 :: Verbosity
844 -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
845 -> FilePath
846 -> FilePath
847 -> VCSTestDriver
848 vcsTestDriverGit verbosity vcs submoduleDir repoRoot =
849 VCSTestDriver
850 { vcsVCS = vcs
851 , vcsRepoRoot = repoRoot
852 , vcsIgnoreFiles = Set.empty
853 , vcsInit =
854 git $ ["init"] ++ verboseArg
855 , vcsAddFile = \_ filename ->
856 git ["add", filename]
857 , vcsCommitChanges = \_state -> do
858 git $
859 [ "-c"
860 , ""
861 , "-c"
862 , ""
863 , "commit"
864 , "--all"
865 , "--message=a patch"
866 , "--author=A <>"
868 ++ verboseArg
869 commit <- git' ["log", "--format=%H", "-1"]
870 let commit' = takeWhile (not . isSpace) commit
871 return (Just commit')
872 , vcsTagState = \_ tagname ->
873 git ["tag", "--force", "--no-sign", tagname]
874 , vcsSubmoduleDriver =
875 pure . vcsTestDriverGit verbosity vcs submoduleDir . (submoduleDir </>)
876 , vcsAddSubmodule = \_ source dest -> do
877 destExists <-
878 (||)
879 <$> doesFileExist (repoRoot </> dest)
880 <*> doesDirectoryExist (repoRoot </> dest)
881 when destExists $ git ["rm", "-f", dest]
882 -- If there is an old submodule git dir with the same name, remove it.
883 -- It most likely has a different URL and `git submodule add` will fai.
884 submoduleGitDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist $ submoduleGitDir dest
885 when submoduleGitDirExists $ removeDirectoryRecursive (submoduleGitDir dest)
886 git ["submodule", "add", source, dest]
887 git ["submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", "--force"]
888 , vcsSwitchBranch = \RepoState{allBranches} branchname -> do
889 deinitAndRemoveCachedSubmodules
890 unless (branchname `Map.member` allBranches) $
891 git ["branch", branchname]
892 git $ ["checkout", branchname] ++ verboseArg
893 updateSubmodulesAndCleanup
894 , vcsCheckoutTag = Left $ \tagname -> do
895 deinitAndRemoveCachedSubmodules
896 git $ ["checkout", "--detach", "--force", tagname] ++ verboseArg
897 updateSubmodulesAndCleanup
899 where
900 gitInvocation args =
901 (programInvocation (vcsProgram vcs) args)
902 { progInvokeCwd = Just repoRoot
904 git = runProgramInvocation verbosity . gitInvocation
905 git' = getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity . gitInvocation
906 verboseArg = ["--quiet" | verbosity < Verbosity.normal]
907 submoduleGitDir path = repoRoot </> ".git" </> "modules" </> path
908 deinitAndRemoveCachedSubmodules = do
909 git $ ["submodule", "deinit", "--force", "--all"] ++ verboseArg
910 let gitModulesDir = repoRoot </> ".git" </> "modules"
911 gitModulesExists <- doesDirectoryExist gitModulesDir
912 when gitModulesExists $ removeDirectoryRecursive gitModulesDir
913 updateSubmodulesAndCleanup = do
914 git $ ["submodule", "sync", "--recursive"] ++ verboseArg
915 git $ ["submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", "--force"] ++ verboseArg
916 git $ ["submodule", "foreach", "--recursive"] ++ verboseArg ++ ["git clean -ffxdq"]
917 git $ ["clean", "-ffxdq"] ++ verboseArg
919 type MTimeChange = Int
921 vcsTestDriverDarcs
922 :: MTimeChange
923 -> Verbosity
924 -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
925 -> FilePath
926 -> FilePath
927 -> VCSTestDriver
928 vcsTestDriverDarcs mtimeChange verbosity vcs _ repoRoot =
929 VCSTestDriver
930 { vcsVCS = vcs
931 , vcsRepoRoot = repoRoot
932 , vcsIgnoreFiles = Set.singleton "_darcs"
933 , vcsInit =
934 darcs ["initialize"]
935 , vcsAddFile = \state filename -> do
936 threadDelay mtimeChange
937 unless (filename `Map.member` currentWorking state) $
938 darcs ["add", filename]
939 , -- Darcs's file change tracking relies on mtime changes,
940 -- so we have to be careful with doing stuff too quickly:
942 vcsSubmoduleDriver = \_ ->
943 fail "vcsSubmoduleDriver: darcs does not support submodules"
944 , vcsAddSubmodule = \_ _ _ ->
945 fail "vcsAddSubmodule: darcs does not support submodules"
946 , vcsCommitChanges = \_state -> do
947 threadDelay mtimeChange
948 darcs ["record", "--all", "--author=author", "--name=a patch"]
949 return Nothing
950 , vcsTagState = \_ tagname ->
951 darcs ["tag", "--author=author", tagname]
952 , vcsSwitchBranch = \_ _ ->
953 fail "vcsSwitchBranch: darcs does not support branches within a repo"
954 , vcsCheckoutTag = Right $ \tagname dest ->
955 darcs ["clone", "--lazy", "--tag=^" ++ tagname ++ "$", ".", dest]
957 where
958 darcsInvocation args =
959 (programInvocation (vcsProgram vcs) args)
960 { progInvokeCwd = Just repoRoot
962 darcs = runProgramInvocation verbosity . darcsInvocation
964 vcsTestDriverPijul
965 :: Verbosity
966 -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
967 -> FilePath
968 -> FilePath
969 -> VCSTestDriver
970 vcsTestDriverPijul verbosity vcs _ repoRoot =
971 VCSTestDriver
972 { vcsVCS = vcs
973 , vcsRepoRoot = repoRoot
974 , vcsIgnoreFiles = Set.empty
975 , vcsInit =
976 pijul $ ["init"]
977 , vcsAddFile = \_ filename ->
978 pijul ["add", filename]
979 , vcsSubmoduleDriver = \_ ->
980 fail "vcsSubmoduleDriver: pijul does not support submodules"
981 , vcsAddSubmodule = \_ _ _ ->
982 fail "vcsAddSubmodule: pijul does not support submodules"
983 , vcsCommitChanges = \_state -> do
984 pijul $
985 [ "record"
986 , "-a"
987 , "-m 'a patch'"
988 , "-A 'A <>'"
990 commit <- pijul' ["log"]
991 let commit' = takeWhile (not . isSpace) commit
992 return (Just commit')
993 , -- tags work differently in pijul...
994 -- so this is wrong
995 vcsTagState = \_ tagname ->
996 pijul ["tag", tagname]
997 , vcsSwitchBranch = \_ branchname -> do
998 -- unless (branchname `Map.member` allBranches) $
999 -- pijul ["from-branch", branchname]
1000 pijul $ ["checkout", branchname]
1001 , vcsCheckoutTag = Left $ \tagname ->
1002 pijul $ ["checkout", tagname]
1004 where
1005 gitInvocation args =
1006 (programInvocation (vcsProgram vcs) args)
1007 { progInvokeCwd = Just repoRoot
1009 pijul = runProgramInvocation verbosity . gitInvocation
1010 pijul' = getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity . gitInvocation
1012 vcsTestDriverHg
1013 :: Verbosity
1014 -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
1015 -> FilePath
1016 -> FilePath
1017 -> VCSTestDriver
1018 vcsTestDriverHg verbosity vcs _ repoRoot =
1019 VCSTestDriver
1020 { vcsVCS = vcs
1021 , vcsRepoRoot = repoRoot
1022 , vcsIgnoreFiles = Set.empty
1023 , vcsInit =
1024 hg $ ["init"] ++ verboseArg
1025 , vcsAddFile = \_ filename ->
1026 hg ["add", filename]
1027 , vcsSubmoduleDriver = \_ ->
1028 fail "vcsSubmoduleDriver: hg submodules not supported"
1029 , vcsAddSubmodule = \_ _ _ ->
1030 fail "vcsAddSubmodule: hg submodules not supported"
1031 , vcsCommitChanges = \_state -> do
1032 hg $
1033 [ "--user='A <>'"
1034 , "commit"
1035 , "--message=a patch"
1037 ++ verboseArg
1038 commit <- hg' ["log", "--template='{node}\\n' -l1"]
1039 let commit' = takeWhile (not . isSpace) commit
1040 return (Just commit')
1041 , vcsTagState = \_ tagname ->
1042 hg ["tag", "--force", tagname]
1043 , vcsSwitchBranch = \RepoState{allBranches} branchname -> do
1044 unless (branchname `Map.member` allBranches) $
1045 hg ["branch", branchname]
1046 hg $ ["checkout", branchname] ++ verboseArg
1047 , vcsCheckoutTag = Left $ \tagname ->
1048 hg $ ["checkout", "--rev", tagname] ++ verboseArg
1050 where
1051 hgInvocation args =
1052 (programInvocation (vcsProgram vcs) args)
1053 { progInvokeCwd = Just repoRoot
1055 hg = runProgramInvocation verbosity . hgInvocation
1056 hg' = getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity . hgInvocation
1057 verboseArg = ["--quiet" | verbosity < Verbosity.normal]