Un-ignore .bat files
[cabal.git] / cabal-testsuite / PackageTests / Backpack / Includes3 / setup-external-fail.test.hs
1 import Test.Cabal.Prelude
2 main = setupAndCabalTest $ do
3 skipUnlessGhcVersion ">= 8.1"
4 withPackageDb $ do
5 withDirectory "repo/sigs-" $ setup_install []
6 withDirectory "repo/indef-" $ setup_install []
7 -- Forgot to build the instantiated versions!
8 withDirectory "repo/exe-" $ do
9 -- Missing package message includes a unit identifier,
10 -- which wobbles when version numbers change
11 r <- recordMode DoNotRecord . fails $ setup' "configure" []
12 assertOutputContains "indef-" r
13 return ()