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[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / ReadE.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |
6 -- Module : Distribution.ReadE
7 -- Copyright : Jose Iborra 2008
8 -- License : BSD3
9 --
10 -- Maintainer :
11 -- Portability : portable
13 -- Simple parsing with failure
14 module Distribution.ReadE
15 ( -- * ReadE
16 ReadE (..)
17 , succeedReadE
18 , failReadE
20 -- * Projections
21 , parsecToReadE
22 , parsecToReadEErr
24 -- * Parse Errors
25 , unexpectMsgString
26 ) where
28 import qualified Data.Bifunctor as Bi (first)
29 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
30 import Prelude ()
32 import Distribution.Parsec
33 import Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream
34 import qualified Text.Parsec.Error as Parsec
36 -- | Parser with simple error reporting
37 newtype ReadE a = ReadE {runReadE :: String -> Either ErrorMsg a}
39 type ErrorMsg = String
41 instance Functor ReadE where
42 fmap f (ReadE p) = ReadE $ \txt -> case p txt of
43 Right a -> Right (f a)
44 Left err -> Left err
46 succeedReadE :: (String -> a) -> ReadE a
47 succeedReadE f = ReadE (Right . f)
49 failReadE :: ErrorMsg -> ReadE a
50 failReadE = ReadE . const . Left
52 runParsecFromString :: ParsecParser a -> String -> Either Parsec.ParseError a
53 runParsecFromString p txt =
54 runParsecParser p "<parsecToReadE>" (fieldLineStreamFromString txt)
56 parsecToReadE :: (String -> ErrorMsg) -> ParsecParser a -> ReadE a
57 parsecToReadE err p = ReadE $ \txt ->
58 const (err txt) `Bi.first` runParsecFromString p txt
60 parsecToReadEErr :: (Parsec.ParseError -> ErrorMsg) -> ParsecParser a -> ReadE a
61 parsecToReadEErr err p =
62 ReadE $
63 Bi.first err . runParsecFromString p
65 -- Show only unexpected error messages
66 unexpectMsgString :: Parsec.ParseError -> String
67 unexpectMsgString =
68 unlines
69 . map Parsec.messageString
70 . filter (\case Parsec.UnExpect _ -> True; _ -> False)
71 . Parsec.errorMessages