2 Resolving dependencies...
3 Build profile: -w ghc-<GHCVER> -O1
4 In order, the following will be built:
5 - cabal6440-0.1 (lib:intern6440) (first run)
6 - cabal6440-0.1 (lib) (first run)
7 - cabal6440-0.1 (test:tests) (first run)
8 Configuring library 'intern6440' for cabal6440-0.1...
9 Warning: [no-default-language] Packages using 'cabal-version: >= 1.10' and before 'cabal-version: 3.4' must specify the 'default-language' field for each component (e.g. Haskell98 or Haskell2010). If a component uses different languages in different modules then list the other ones in the 'other-languages' field.
10 Preprocessing library 'intern6440' for cabal6440-0.1...
11 Building library 'intern6440' for cabal6440-0.1...
12 Configuring library for cabal6440-0.1...
13 Warning: [no-default-language] Packages using 'cabal-version: >= 1.10' and before 'cabal-version: 3.4' must specify the 'default-language' field for each component (e.g. Haskell98 or Haskell2010). If a component uses different languages in different modules then list the other ones in the 'other-languages' field.
14 Preprocessing library for cabal6440-0.1...
15 Building library for cabal6440-0.1...
16 Configuring test suite 'tests' for cabal6440-0.1...
17 Warning: [no-default-language] Packages using 'cabal-version: >= 1.10' and before 'cabal-version: 3.4' must specify the 'default-language' field for each component (e.g. Haskell98 or Haskell2010). If a component uses different languages in different modules then list the other ones in the 'other-languages' field.
18 Preprocessing test suite 'tests' for cabal6440-0.1...
19 Building test suite 'tests' for cabal6440-0.1...
20 Running 1 test suites...
21 Test suite tests: RUNNING...
22 Test suite tests: PASS
23 Test suite logged to: <ROOT>/cabal.dist/work/./dist/build/<ARCH>/ghc-<GHCVER>/cabal6440-0.1/t/tests/test/cabal6440-0.1-tests.log
24 Package coverage report written to <ROOT>/cabal.dist/work/./dist/build/<ARCH>/ghc-<GHCVER>/cabal6440-0.1/t/tests/hpc/vanilla/html/hpc_index.html
25 1 of 1 test suites (1 of 1 test cases) passed.
26 Package coverage report written to <ROOT>/cabal.dist/work/./dist/build/<ARCH>/ghc-<GHCVER>/cabal6440-0.1/t/tests/hpc/vanilla/html/hpc_index.html