Merge pull request #10634 from cabalism/hlint/unused-lang-pragma
[cabal.git] / Cabal-syntax / src / Distribution / FieldGrammar / Newtypes.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
10 -- | This module provides @newtype@ wrappers to be used with "Distribution.FieldGrammar".
11 module Distribution.FieldGrammar.Newtypes
12 ( -- * List
13 alaList
14 , alaList'
16 -- ** Modifiers
17 , CommaVCat (..)
18 , CommaFSep (..)
19 , VCat (..)
20 , FSep (..)
21 , NoCommaFSep (..)
22 , Sep (..)
24 -- ** Type
25 , List
27 -- ** Set
28 , alaSet
29 , alaSet'
30 , Set'
32 -- ** NonEmpty
33 , alaNonEmpty
34 , alaNonEmpty'
35 , NonEmpty'
37 -- * Version & License
38 , SpecVersion (..)
39 , TestedWith (..)
40 , SpecLicense (..)
42 -- * Identifiers
43 , Token (..)
44 , Token' (..)
45 , MQuoted (..)
46 , FilePathNT (..)
47 , SymbolicPathNT (..)
48 , RelativePathNT (..)
49 ) where
51 import Distribution.Compat.Newtype
52 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
53 import Prelude ()
55 import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion
56 import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerFlavor)
57 import Distribution.License (License)
58 import Distribution.Parsec
59 import Distribution.Pretty
60 import Distribution.Utils.Path
61 import Distribution.Version
62 ( LowerBound (..)
63 , Version
64 , VersionInterval (..)
65 , VersionRange
66 , VersionRangeF (..)
67 , anyVersion
68 , asVersionIntervals
69 , cataVersionRange
70 , mkVersion
71 , version0
72 , versionNumbers
74 import Text.PrettyPrint (Doc, comma, fsep, punctuate, text, vcat)
76 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
77 import qualified Data.Set as Set
78 import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
79 import qualified Distribution.SPDX as SPDX
81 -- | Vertical list with commas. Displayed with 'vcat'
82 data CommaVCat = CommaVCat
84 -- | Paragraph fill list with commas. Displayed with 'fsep'
85 data CommaFSep = CommaFSep
87 -- | Vertical list with optional commas. Displayed with 'vcat'.
88 data VCat = VCat
90 -- | Paragraph fill list with optional commas. Displayed with 'fsep'.
91 data FSep = FSep
93 -- | Paragraph fill list without commas. Displayed with 'fsep'.
94 data NoCommaFSep = NoCommaFSep
96 class Sep sep where
97 prettySep :: Proxy sep -> [Doc] -> Doc
99 parseSep :: CabalParsing m => Proxy sep -> m a -> m [a]
100 parseSepNE :: CabalParsing m => Proxy sep -> m a -> m (NonEmpty a)
102 instance Sep CommaVCat where
103 prettySep _ = vcat . punctuate comma
104 parseSep _ p = do
105 v <- askCabalSpecVersion
106 if v >= CabalSpecV2_2 then parsecLeadingCommaList p else parsecCommaList p
107 parseSepNE _ p = do
108 v <- askCabalSpecVersion
109 if v >= CabalSpecV2_2 then parsecLeadingCommaNonEmpty p else parsecCommaNonEmpty p
110 instance Sep CommaFSep where
111 prettySep _ = fsep . punctuate comma
112 parseSep _ p = do
113 v <- askCabalSpecVersion
114 if v >= CabalSpecV2_2 then parsecLeadingCommaList p else parsecCommaList p
115 parseSepNE _ p = do
116 v <- askCabalSpecVersion
117 if v >= CabalSpecV2_2 then parsecLeadingCommaNonEmpty p else parsecCommaNonEmpty p
118 instance Sep VCat where
119 prettySep _ = vcat
120 parseSep _ p = do
121 v <- askCabalSpecVersion
122 if v >= CabalSpecV3_0 then parsecLeadingOptCommaList p else parsecOptCommaList p
123 parseSepNE _ p = NE.some1 (p <* P.spaces)
124 instance Sep FSep where
125 prettySep _ = fsep
126 parseSep _ p = do
127 v <- askCabalSpecVersion
128 if v >= CabalSpecV3_0 then parsecLeadingOptCommaList p else parsecOptCommaList p
129 parseSepNE _ p = NE.some1 (p <* P.spaces)
130 instance Sep NoCommaFSep where
131 prettySep _ = fsep
132 parseSep _ p = many (p <* P.spaces)
133 parseSepNE _ p = NE.some1 (p <* P.spaces)
135 -- | List separated with optional commas. Displayed with @sep@, arguments of
136 -- type @a@ are parsed and pretty-printed as @b@.
137 newtype List sep b a = List {_getList :: [a]}
139 -- | 'alaList' and 'alaList'' are simply 'List', with additional phantom
140 -- arguments to constrain the resulting type
142 -- >>> :t alaList VCat
143 -- alaList VCat :: [a] -> List VCat (Identity a) a
145 -- >>> :t alaList' FSep Token
146 -- alaList' FSep Token :: [String] -> List FSep Token String
147 alaList :: sep -> [a] -> List sep (Identity a) a
148 alaList _ = List
150 -- | More general version of 'alaList'.
151 alaList' :: sep -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> List sep b a
152 alaList' _ _ = List
154 instance Newtype [a] (List sep wrapper a)
156 instance (Newtype a b, Sep sep, Parsec b) => Parsec (List sep b a) where
157 parsec = pack . map (unpack :: b -> a) <$> parseSep (Proxy :: Proxy sep) parsec
159 instance (Newtype a b, Sep sep, Pretty b) => Pretty (List sep b a) where
160 pretty = prettySep (Proxy :: Proxy sep) . map (pretty . (pack :: a -> b)) . unpack
164 -- | Like 'List', but for 'Set'.
166 -- @since
167 newtype Set' sep b a = Set' {_getSet :: Set a}
169 -- | 'alaSet' and 'alaSet'' are simply 'Set'' constructor, with additional phantom
170 -- arguments to constrain the resulting type
172 -- >>> :t alaSet VCat
173 -- alaSet VCat :: Set a -> Set' VCat (Identity a) a
175 -- >>> :t alaSet' FSep Token
176 -- alaSet' FSep Token :: Set String -> Set' FSep Token String
178 -- >>> unpack' (alaSet' FSep Token) <$> eitherParsec "foo bar foo"
179 -- Right (fromList ["bar","foo"])
181 -- @since
182 alaSet :: sep -> Set a -> Set' sep (Identity a) a
183 alaSet _ = Set'
185 -- | More general version of 'alaSet'.
187 -- @since
188 alaSet' :: sep -> (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set' sep b a
189 alaSet' _ _ = Set'
191 instance Newtype (Set a) (Set' sep wrapper a)
193 instance (Newtype a b, Ord a, Sep sep, Parsec b) => Parsec (Set' sep b a) where
194 parsec = pack . Set.fromList . map (unpack :: b -> a) <$> parseSep (Proxy :: Proxy sep) parsec
196 instance (Newtype a b, Sep sep, Pretty b) => Pretty (Set' sep b a) where
197 pretty = prettySep (Proxy :: Proxy sep) . map (pretty . (pack :: a -> b)) . Set.toList . unpack
201 -- | Like 'List', but for 'NonEmpty'.
203 -- @since
204 newtype NonEmpty' sep b a = NonEmpty' {_getNonEmpty :: NonEmpty a}
206 -- | 'alaNonEmpty' and 'alaNonEmpty'' are simply 'NonEmpty'' constructor, with additional phantom
207 -- arguments to constrain the resulting type
209 -- >>> :t alaNonEmpty VCat
210 -- alaNonEmpty VCat :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty' VCat (Identity a) a
212 -- >>> unpack' (alaNonEmpty' FSep Token) <$> eitherParsec "foo bar foo"
213 -- Right ("foo" :| ["bar","foo"])
215 -- @since
216 alaNonEmpty :: sep -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty' sep (Identity a) a
217 alaNonEmpty _ = NonEmpty'
219 -- | More general version of 'alaNonEmpty'.
221 -- @since
222 alaNonEmpty' :: sep -> (a -> b) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty' sep b a
223 alaNonEmpty' _ _ = NonEmpty'
225 instance Newtype (NonEmpty a) (NonEmpty' sep wrapper a)
227 instance (Newtype a b, Sep sep, Parsec b) => Parsec (NonEmpty' sep b a) where
228 parsec = pack . fmap (unpack :: b -> a) <$> parseSepNE (Proxy :: Proxy sep) parsec
230 instance (Newtype a b, Sep sep, Pretty b) => Pretty (NonEmpty' sep b a) where
231 pretty = prettySep (Proxy :: Proxy sep) . map (pretty . (pack :: a -> b)) . NE.toList . unpack
233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
234 -- Identifiers
235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
237 -- | Haskell string or @[^ ,]+@
238 newtype Token = Token {getToken :: String}
240 instance Newtype String Token
242 instance Parsec Token where
243 parsec = pack <$> parsecToken
245 instance Pretty Token where
246 pretty = showToken . unpack
248 -- | Haskell string or @[^ ]+@
249 newtype Token' = Token' {getToken' :: String}
251 instance Newtype String Token'
253 instance Parsec Token' where
254 parsec = pack <$> parsecToken'
256 instance Pretty Token' where
257 pretty = showToken . unpack
259 -- | Either @"quoted"@ or @un-quoted@.
260 newtype MQuoted a = MQuoted {getMQuoted :: a}
262 instance Newtype a (MQuoted a)
264 instance Parsec a => Parsec (MQuoted a) where
265 parsec = pack <$> parsecMaybeQuoted parsec
267 instance Pretty a => Pretty (MQuoted a) where
268 pretty = pretty . unpack
270 -- | Filepath are parsed as 'Token'.
271 newtype FilePathNT = FilePathNT {getFilePathNT :: String}
273 instance Newtype String FilePathNT
275 instance Parsec FilePathNT where
276 parsec = do
277 token <- parsecToken
278 if null token
279 then P.unexpected "empty FilePath"
280 else return (FilePathNT token)
282 instance Pretty FilePathNT where
283 pretty = showFilePath . unpack
285 -- | Newtype for 'SymbolicPath', with a different 'Parsec' instance
286 -- to disallow empty paths.
287 newtype SymbolicPathNT from to = SymbolicPathNT {getSymbolicPathNT :: SymbolicPath from to}
289 instance Newtype (SymbolicPath from to) (SymbolicPathNT from to)
291 instance Parsec (SymbolicPathNT from to) where
292 parsec = do
293 token <- parsecToken
294 if null token
295 then P.unexpected "empty FilePath"
296 else return (SymbolicPathNT $ makeSymbolicPath token)
298 instance Pretty (SymbolicPathNT from to) where
299 pretty = showFilePath . getSymbolicPath . getSymbolicPathNT
301 -- | Newtype for 'RelativePath', with a different 'Parsec' instance
302 -- to disallow empty paths but allow non-relative paths (which get rejected
303 -- later with a different error message, see 'Distribution.PackageDescription.Check.Paths.checkPath')
304 newtype RelativePathNT from to = RelativePathNT {getRelativePathNT :: RelativePath from to}
306 instance Newtype (RelativePath from to) (RelativePathNT from to)
308 -- NB: we don't reject non-relative paths here; we allow them here and reject
309 -- later (see 'Distribution.PackageDescription.Check.Paths.checkPath').
310 instance Parsec (RelativePathNT from to) where
311 parsec = do
312 token <- parsecToken
313 if null token
314 then P.unexpected "empty FilePath"
315 else return (RelativePathNT $ unsafeMakeSymbolicPath token)
317 instance Pretty (RelativePathNT from to) where
318 pretty = showFilePath . getSymbolicPath . getRelativePathNT
320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
321 -- SpecVersion
322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
324 -- | Version range or just version, i.e. @cabal-version@ field.
326 -- There are few things to consider:
328 -- * Starting with 2.2 the cabal-version field should be the first field in the
329 -- file and only exact version is accepted. Therefore if we get e.g.
330 -- @>= 2.2@, we fail.
331 -- See <>
333 -- We have this newtype, as writing Parsec and Pretty instances
334 -- for CabalSpecVersion would cause cycle in modules:
335 -- Version -> CabalSpecVersion -> Parsec -> ...
336 newtype SpecVersion = SpecVersion {getSpecVersion :: CabalSpecVersion}
337 deriving (Eq, Show) -- instances needed for tests
339 instance Newtype CabalSpecVersion SpecVersion
341 instance Parsec SpecVersion where
342 parsec = do
343 e <- parsecSpecVersion
344 let ver :: Version
345 ver = either id specVersionFromRange e
347 digits :: [Int]
348 digits = versionNumbers ver
350 case cabalSpecFromVersionDigits digits of
351 Nothing -> fail $ "Unknown cabal spec version specified: " ++ prettyShow ver
352 Just csv -> do
353 -- Check some warnings:
354 case e of
355 -- example: cabal-version: 1.10
356 -- should be cabal-version: >=1.10
357 Left _v
358 | csv < CabalSpecV1_12 ->
359 parsecWarning PWTSpecVersion $
360 concat
361 [ "With 1.10 or earlier, the 'cabal-version' field must use "
362 , "range syntax rather than a simple version number. Use "
363 , "'cabal-version: >= " ++ prettyShow ver ++ "'."
365 -- example: cabal-version: >=1.12
366 -- should be cabal-version: 1.12
367 Right _vr
368 | csv >= CabalSpecV1_12 ->
369 parsecWarning PWTSpecVersion $
370 concat
371 [ "Packages with 'cabal-version: 1.12' or later should specify a "
372 , "specific version of the Cabal spec of the form "
373 , "'cabal-version: x.y'. "
374 , "Use 'cabal-version: " ++ prettyShow ver ++ "'."
376 -- example: cabal-version: >=1.10 && <1.12
377 -- should be cabal-version: >=1.10
378 Right vr
379 | csv < CabalSpecV1_12
380 , not (simpleSpecVersionRangeSyntax vr) ->
381 parsecWarning PWTSpecVersion $
382 concat
383 [ "It is recommended that the 'cabal-version' field only specify a "
384 , "version range of the form '>= x.y' for older cabal versions. Use "
385 , "'cabal-version: >= " ++ prettyShow ver ++ "'. "
386 , "Tools based on Cabal 1.10 and later will ignore upper bounds."
388 -- otherwise no warnings
389 _ -> pure ()
391 return (pack csv)
392 where
393 parsecSpecVersion = Left <$> parsec <|> Right <$> range
395 range = do
396 vr <- parsec
397 if specVersionFromRange vr >= mkVersion [2, 1]
398 then fail "cabal-version higher than 2.2 cannot be specified as a range. See"
399 else return vr
401 specVersionFromRange :: VersionRange -> Version
402 specVersionFromRange versionRange = case asVersionIntervals versionRange of
403 [] -> version0
404 VersionInterval (LowerBound version _) _ : _ -> version
406 simpleSpecVersionRangeSyntax = cataVersionRange alg
407 where
408 alg (OrLaterVersionF _) = True
409 alg _ = False
411 instance Pretty SpecVersion where
412 pretty (SpecVersion csv)
413 | csv >= CabalSpecV1_12 = text (showCabalSpecVersion csv)
414 | otherwise = text ">=" <<>> text (showCabalSpecVersion csv)
416 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
417 -- SpecLicense
418 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
420 -- | SPDX License expression or legacy license
421 newtype SpecLicense = SpecLicense {getSpecLicense :: Either SPDX.License License}
422 deriving (Show, Eq)
424 instance Newtype (Either SPDX.License License) SpecLicense
426 instance Parsec SpecLicense where
427 parsec = do
428 v <- askCabalSpecVersion
429 if v >= CabalSpecV2_2
430 then SpecLicense . Left <$> parsec
431 else SpecLicense . Right <$> parsec
433 instance Pretty SpecLicense where
434 pretty = either pretty pretty . unpack
436 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
437 -- TestedWith
438 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
440 -- | Version range or just version
441 newtype TestedWith = TestedWith {getTestedWith :: (CompilerFlavor, VersionRange)}
443 instance Newtype (CompilerFlavor, VersionRange) TestedWith
445 instance Parsec TestedWith where
446 parsec = pack <$> parsecTestedWith
448 instance Pretty TestedWith where
449 pretty x = case unpack x of
450 (compiler, vr) -> pretty compiler <+> pretty vr
452 parsecTestedWith :: CabalParsing m => m (CompilerFlavor, VersionRange)
453 parsecTestedWith = do
454 name <- lexemeParsec
455 ver <- parsec <|> pure anyVersion
456 return (name, ver)