Merge pull request #10634 from cabalism/hlint/unused-lang-pragma
[cabal.git] / Cabal-syntax / src / Distribution / FieldGrammar / Parsec.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
6 -- | This module provides a 'FieldGrammarParser', one way to parse
7 -- @.cabal@ -like files.
8 --
9 -- Fields can be specified multiple times in the .cabal files. The order of
10 -- such entries is important, but the mutual ordering of different fields is
11 -- not.Also conditional sections are considered after non-conditional data.
12 -- The example of this silent-commutation quirk is the fact that
14 -- @
15 -- buildable: True
16 -- if os(linux)
17 -- buildable: False
18 -- @
20 -- and
22 -- @
23 -- if os(linux)
24 -- buildable: False
25 -- buildable: True
26 -- @
28 -- behave the same! This is the limitation of 'GeneralPackageDescription'
29 -- structure.
31 -- So we transform the list of fields @['Field' ann]@ into
32 -- a map of grouped ordinary fields and a list of lists of sections:
33 -- @'Fields' ann = 'Map' 'FieldName' ['NamelessField' ann]@ and @[['Section' ann]]@.
35 -- We need list of list of sections, because we need to distinguish situations
36 -- where there are fields in between. For example
38 -- @
39 -- if flag(bytestring-lt-0_10_4)
40 -- build-depends: bytestring < 0.10.4
42 -- default-language: Haskell2020
44 -- else
45 -- build-depends: bytestring >= 0.10.4
47 -- @
49 -- is obviously invalid specification.
51 -- We can parse 'Fields' like we parse @aeson@ objects, yet we use
52 -- slightly higher-level API, so we can process unspecified fields,
53 -- to report unknown fields and save custom @x-fields@.
54 module Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec
55 ( ParsecFieldGrammar
56 , parseFieldGrammar
57 , fieldGrammarKnownFieldList
59 -- * Auxiliary
60 , Fields
61 , NamelessField (..)
62 , namelessFieldAnn
63 , Section (..)
64 , runFieldParser
65 , runFieldParser'
66 , fieldLinesToStream
67 ) where
69 import Distribution.Compat.Newtype
70 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
71 import Distribution.Utils.Generic (fromUTF8BS)
72 import Distribution.Utils.String (trim)
73 import Prelude ()
75 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
76 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
77 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
78 import qualified Data.Set as Set
79 import qualified Distribution.Utils.ShortText as ShortText
80 import qualified Text.Parsec as P
81 import qualified Text.Parsec.Error as P
83 import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion
84 import Distribution.FieldGrammar.Class
85 import Distribution.Fields.Field
86 import Distribution.Fields.ParseResult
87 import Distribution.Parsec
88 import Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream
89 import Distribution.Parsec.Position (positionCol, positionRow)
91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 -- Auxiliary types
93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
95 type Fields ann = Map FieldName [NamelessField ann]
97 -- | Single field, without name, but with its annotation.
98 data NamelessField ann = MkNamelessField !ann [FieldLine ann]
99 deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
101 namelessFieldAnn :: NamelessField ann -> ann
102 namelessFieldAnn (MkNamelessField ann _) = ann
104 -- | The 'Section' constructor of 'Field'.
105 data Section ann = MkSection !(Name ann) [SectionArg ann] [Field ann]
106 deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
109 -- ParsecFieldGrammar
110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
112 data ParsecFieldGrammar s a = ParsecFG
113 { fieldGrammarKnownFields :: !(Set FieldName)
114 , fieldGrammarKnownPrefixes :: !(Set FieldName)
115 , fieldGrammarParser :: !(CabalSpecVersion -> Fields Position -> ParseResult a)
117 deriving (Functor)
119 parseFieldGrammar :: CabalSpecVersion -> Fields Position -> ParsecFieldGrammar s a -> ParseResult a
120 parseFieldGrammar v fields grammar = do
121 for_ (Map.toList (Map.filterWithKey isUnknownField fields)) $ \(name, nfields) ->
122 for_ nfields $ \(MkNamelessField pos _) ->
123 parseWarning pos PWTUnknownField $ "Unknown field: " ++ show name
124 -- TODO: fields allowed in this section
126 -- parse
127 fieldGrammarParser grammar v fields
128 where
129 isUnknownField k _ =
130 not $
131 k `Set.member` fieldGrammarKnownFields grammar
132 || any (`BS.isPrefixOf` k) (fieldGrammarKnownPrefixes grammar)
134 fieldGrammarKnownFieldList :: ParsecFieldGrammar s a -> [FieldName]
135 fieldGrammarKnownFieldList = Set.toList . fieldGrammarKnownFields
137 instance Applicative (ParsecFieldGrammar s) where
138 pure x = ParsecFG mempty mempty (\_ _ -> pure x)
139 {-# INLINE pure #-}
141 ParsecFG f f' f'' <*> ParsecFG x x' x'' =
142 ParsecFG
143 (mappend f x)
144 (mappend f' x')
145 (\v fields -> f'' v fields <*> x'' v fields)
146 {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
148 warnMultipleSingularFields :: FieldName -> [NamelessField Position] -> ParseResult ()
149 warnMultipleSingularFields _ [] = pure ()
150 warnMultipleSingularFields fn (x : xs) = do
151 let pos = namelessFieldAnn x
152 poss = map namelessFieldAnn xs
153 parseWarning pos PWTMultipleSingularField $
154 "The field " <> show fn <> " is specified more than once at positions " ++ intercalate ", " (map showPos (pos : poss))
156 instance FieldGrammar Parsec ParsecFieldGrammar where
157 blurFieldGrammar _ (ParsecFG s s' parser) = ParsecFG s s' parser
159 uniqueFieldAla fn _pack _extract = ParsecFG (Set.singleton fn) Set.empty parser
160 where
161 parser v fields = case Map.lookup fn fields of
162 Nothing -> parseFatalFailure zeroPos $ show fn ++ " field missing"
163 Just [] -> parseFatalFailure zeroPos $ show fn ++ " field missing"
164 Just [x] -> parseOne v x
165 Just xs@(_ : y : ys) -> do
166 warnMultipleSingularFields fn xs
167 NE.last <$> traverse (parseOne v) (y :| ys)
169 parseOne v (MkNamelessField pos fls) =
170 unpack' _pack <$> runFieldParser pos parsec v fls
172 booleanFieldDef fn _extract def = ParsecFG (Set.singleton fn) Set.empty parser
173 where
174 parser v fields = case Map.lookup fn fields of
175 Nothing -> pure def
176 Just [] -> pure def
177 Just [x] -> parseOne v x
178 Just xs@(_ : y : ys) -> do
179 warnMultipleSingularFields fn xs
180 NE.last <$> traverse (parseOne v) (y :| ys)
182 parseOne v (MkNamelessField pos fls) = runFieldParser pos parsec v fls
184 optionalFieldAla fn _pack _extract = ParsecFG (Set.singleton fn) Set.empty parser
185 where
186 parser v fields = case Map.lookup fn fields of
187 Nothing -> pure Nothing
188 Just [] -> pure Nothing
189 Just [x] -> parseOne v x
190 Just xs@(_ : y : ys) -> do
191 warnMultipleSingularFields fn xs
192 NE.last <$> traverse (parseOne v) (y :| ys)
194 parseOne v (MkNamelessField pos fls)
195 | null fls = pure Nothing
196 | otherwise = Just . unpack' _pack <$> runFieldParser pos parsec v fls
198 optionalFieldDefAla fn _pack _extract def = ParsecFG (Set.singleton fn) Set.empty parser
199 where
200 parser v fields = case Map.lookup fn fields of
201 Nothing -> pure def
202 Just [] -> pure def
203 Just [x] -> parseOne v x
204 Just xs@(_ : y : ys) -> do
205 warnMultipleSingularFields fn xs
206 NE.last <$> traverse (parseOne v) (y :| ys)
208 parseOne v (MkNamelessField pos fls)
209 | null fls = pure def
210 | otherwise = unpack' _pack <$> runFieldParser pos parsec v fls
212 freeTextField fn _ = ParsecFG (Set.singleton fn) Set.empty parser
213 where
214 parser v fields = case Map.lookup fn fields of
215 Nothing -> pure Nothing
216 Just [] -> pure Nothing
217 Just [x] -> parseOne v x
218 Just xs@(_ : y : ys) -> do
219 warnMultipleSingularFields fn xs
220 NE.last <$> traverse (parseOne v) (y :| ys)
222 parseOne v (MkNamelessField pos fls)
223 | null fls = pure Nothing
224 | v >= CabalSpecV3_0 = pure (Just (fieldlinesToFreeText3 pos fls))
225 | otherwise = pure (Just (fieldlinesToFreeText fls))
227 freeTextFieldDef fn _ = ParsecFG (Set.singleton fn) Set.empty parser
228 where
229 parser v fields = case Map.lookup fn fields of
230 Nothing -> pure ""
231 Just [] -> pure ""
232 Just [x] -> parseOne v x
233 Just xs@(_ : y : ys) -> do
234 warnMultipleSingularFields fn xs
235 NE.last <$> traverse (parseOne v) (y :| ys)
237 parseOne v (MkNamelessField pos fls)
238 | null fls = pure ""
239 | v >= CabalSpecV3_0 = pure (fieldlinesToFreeText3 pos fls)
240 | otherwise = pure (fieldlinesToFreeText fls)
242 -- freeTextFieldDefST = defaultFreeTextFieldDefST
243 freeTextFieldDefST fn _ = ParsecFG (Set.singleton fn) Set.empty parser
244 where
245 parser v fields = case Map.lookup fn fields of
246 Nothing -> pure mempty
247 Just [] -> pure mempty
248 Just [x] -> parseOne v x
249 Just xs@(_ : y : ys) -> do
250 warnMultipleSingularFields fn xs
251 NE.last <$> traverse (parseOne v) (y :| ys)
253 parseOne v (MkNamelessField pos fls) = case fls of
254 [] -> pure mempty
255 [FieldLine _ bs] -> pure (ShortText.unsafeFromUTF8BS bs)
257 | v >= CabalSpecV3_0 -> pure (ShortText.toShortText $ fieldlinesToFreeText3 pos fls)
258 | otherwise -> pure (ShortText.toShortText $ fieldlinesToFreeText fls)
260 monoidalFieldAla fn _pack _extract = ParsecFG (Set.singleton fn) Set.empty parser
261 where
262 parser v fields = case Map.lookup fn fields of
263 Nothing -> pure mempty
264 Just xs -> foldMap (unpack' _pack) <$> traverse (parseOne v) xs
266 parseOne v (MkNamelessField pos fls) = runFieldParser pos parsec v fls
268 prefixedFields fnPfx _extract = ParsecFG mempty (Set.singleton fnPfx) (\_ fs -> pure (parser fs))
269 where
270 parser :: Fields Position -> [(String, String)]
271 parser values = reorder $ concatMap convert $ filter match $ Map.toList values
273 match (fn, _) = fnPfx `BS.isPrefixOf` fn
274 convert (fn, fields) =
275 [ (pos, (fromUTF8BS fn, trim $ fromUTF8BS $ fieldlinesToBS fls))
276 | MkNamelessField pos fls <- fields
278 -- hack: recover the order of prefixed fields
279 reorder = map snd . sortBy (comparing fst)
281 availableSince vs def (ParsecFG names prefixes parser) = ParsecFG names prefixes parser'
282 where
283 parser' v values
284 | v >= vs = parser v values
285 | otherwise = do
286 let unknownFields = Map.intersection values $ Map.fromSet (const ()) names
287 for_ (Map.toList unknownFields) $ \(name, fields) ->
288 for_ fields $ \(MkNamelessField pos _) ->
289 parseWarning pos PWTUnknownField $
290 "The field " <> show name <> " is available only since the Cabal specification version " ++ showCabalSpecVersion vs ++ ". This field will be ignored."
292 pure def
294 availableSinceWarn vs (ParsecFG names prefixes parser) = ParsecFG names prefixes parser'
295 where
296 parser' v values
297 | v >= vs = parser v values
298 | otherwise = do
299 let unknownFields = Map.intersection values $ Map.fromSet (const ()) names
300 for_ (Map.toList unknownFields) $ \(name, fields) ->
301 for_ fields $ \(MkNamelessField pos _) ->
302 parseWarning pos PWTUnknownField $
303 "The field " <> show name <> " is available only since the Cabal specification version " ++ showCabalSpecVersion vs ++ "."
305 parser v values
307 -- todo we know about this field
308 deprecatedSince vs msg (ParsecFG names prefixes parser) = ParsecFG names prefixes parser'
309 where
310 parser' v values
311 | v >= vs = do
312 let deprecatedFields = Map.intersection values $ Map.fromSet (const ()) names
313 for_ (Map.toList deprecatedFields) $ \(name, fields) ->
314 for_ fields $ \(MkNamelessField pos _) ->
315 parseWarning pos PWTDeprecatedField $
316 "The field " <> show name <> " is deprecated in the Cabal specification version " ++ showCabalSpecVersion vs ++ ". " ++ msg
318 parser v values
319 | otherwise = parser v values
321 removedIn vs msg (ParsecFG names prefixes parser) = ParsecFG names prefixes parser'
322 where
323 parser' v values
324 | v >= vs = do
325 let msg' = if null msg then "" else ' ' : msg
326 let unknownFields = Map.intersection values $ Map.fromSet (const ()) names
327 let namePos =
328 [ (name, pos)
329 | (name, fields) <- Map.toList unknownFields
330 , MkNamelessField pos _ <- fields
333 let makeMsg name = "The field " <> show name <> " is removed in the Cabal specification version " ++ showCabalSpecVersion vs ++ "." ++ msg'
335 case namePos of
336 -- no fields => proceed (with empty values, to be sure)
337 [] -> parser v mempty
338 -- if there's single field: fail fatally with it
339 ((name, pos) : rest) -> do
340 for_ rest $ \(name', pos') -> parseFailure pos' $ makeMsg name'
341 parseFatalFailure pos $ makeMsg name
342 | otherwise = parser v values
344 knownField fn = ParsecFG (Set.singleton fn) Set.empty (\_ _ -> pure ())
346 hiddenField = id
348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
349 -- Parsec
350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
352 runFieldParser' :: [Position] -> ParsecParser a -> CabalSpecVersion -> FieldLineStream -> ParseResult a
353 runFieldParser' inputPoss p v str = case P.runParser p' [] "<field>" str of
354 Right (pok, ws) -> do
355 traverse_ (\(PWarning t pos w) -> parseWarning (mapPosition pos) t w) ws
356 pure pok
357 Left err -> do
358 let ppos = P.errorPos err
359 let epos = mapPosition $ Position (P.sourceLine ppos) (P.sourceColumn ppos)
361 let msg =
362 P.showErrorMessages
363 "or"
364 "unknown parse error"
365 "expecting"
366 "unexpected"
367 "end of input"
368 (P.errorMessages err)
369 parseFatalFailure epos $ msg ++ "\n"
370 where
371 p' = (,) <$ P.spaces <*> unPP p v <* P.spaces <* P.eof <*> P.getState
373 -- Positions start from 1:1, not 0:0
374 mapPosition (Position prow pcol) = go (prow - 1) inputPoss
375 where
376 go _ [] = zeroPos
377 go _ [Position row col] = Position row (col + pcol - 1)
378 go n (Position row col : _) | n <= 0 = Position row (col + pcol - 1)
379 go n (_ : ps) = go (n - 1) ps
381 runFieldParser :: Position -> ParsecParser a -> CabalSpecVersion -> [FieldLine Position] -> ParseResult a
382 runFieldParser pp p v ls = runFieldParser' poss p v (fieldLinesToStream ls)
383 where
384 poss = map (\(FieldLine pos _) -> pos) ls ++ [pp] -- add "default" position
386 fieldlinesToBS :: [FieldLine ann] -> BS.ByteString
387 fieldlinesToBS = BS.intercalate "\n" . map (\(FieldLine _ bs) -> bs)
389 -- Example package with dot lines
390 --
391 fieldlinesToFreeText :: [FieldLine ann] -> String
392 fieldlinesToFreeText [FieldLine _ "."] = "."
393 fieldlinesToFreeText fls = intercalate "\n" (map go fls)
394 where
395 go (FieldLine _ bs)
396 | s == "." = ""
397 | otherwise = s
398 where
399 s = trim (fromUTF8BS bs)
401 fieldlinesToFreeText3 :: Position -> [FieldLine Position] -> String
402 fieldlinesToFreeText3 _ [] = ""
403 fieldlinesToFreeText3 _ [FieldLine _ bs] = fromUTF8BS bs
404 fieldlinesToFreeText3 pos (FieldLine pos1 bs1 : fls2@(FieldLine pos2 _ : _))
405 -- if first line is on the same line with field name:
406 -- the indentation level is either
407 -- 1. the indentation of left most line in rest fields
408 -- 2. the indentation of the first line
409 -- whichever is leftmost
410 | positionRow pos == positionRow pos1 =
411 concat $
412 fromUTF8BS bs1
413 : mealy (mk mcol1) pos1 fls2
414 -- otherwise, also indent the first line
415 | otherwise =
416 concat $
417 replicate (positionCol pos1 - mcol2) ' '
418 : fromUTF8BS bs1
419 : mealy (mk mcol2) pos1 fls2
420 where
421 mcol1 = foldl' (\a b -> min a $ positionCol $ fieldLineAnn b) (min (positionCol pos1) (positionCol pos2)) fls2
422 mcol2 = foldl' (\a b -> min a $ positionCol $ fieldLineAnn b) (positionCol pos1) fls2
424 mk :: Int -> Position -> FieldLine Position -> (Position, String)
425 mk col p (FieldLine q bs) =
427 , replicate newlines '\n'
428 ++ replicate indent ' '
429 ++ fromUTF8BS bs
431 where
432 newlines = positionRow q - positionRow p
433 indent = positionCol q - col
435 mealy :: (s -> a -> (s, b)) -> s -> [a] -> [b]
436 mealy f = go
437 where
438 go _ [] = []
439 go s (x : xs) = let ~(s', y) = f s x in y : go s' xs
441 fieldLinesToStream :: [FieldLine ann] -> FieldLineStream
442 fieldLinesToStream [] = fieldLineStreamEnd
443 fieldLinesToStream [FieldLine _ bs] = FLSLast bs
444 fieldLinesToStream (FieldLine _ bs : fs) = FLSCons bs (fieldLinesToStream fs)