Merge pull request #10756 from haskell/wip/teo/T10537
[cabal.git] / Cabal-syntax / src / Distribution / InstalledPackageInfo.hs
1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 -- This module is meant to be local-only to Distribution...
5 -- |
6 -- Module : Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
7 -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2004
8 --
9 -- Maintainer :
10 -- Portability : portable
12 -- This is the information about an /installed/ package that
13 -- is communicated to the @ghc-pkg@ program in order to register
14 -- a package. @ghc-pkg@ now consumes this package format (as of version
15 -- 6.4). This is specific to GHC at the moment.
17 -- The @.cabal@ file format is for describing a package that is not yet
18 -- installed. It has a lot of flexibility, like conditionals and dependency
19 -- ranges. As such, that format is not at all suitable for describing a package
20 -- that has already been built and installed. By the time we get to that stage,
21 -- we have resolved all conditionals and resolved dependency version
22 -- constraints to exact versions of dependent packages. So, this module defines
23 -- the 'InstalledPackageInfo' data structure that contains all the info we keep
24 -- about an installed package. There is a parser and pretty printer. The
25 -- textual format is rather simpler than the @.cabal@ format: there are no
26 -- sections, for example.
27 module Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
28 ( InstalledPackageInfo (..)
29 , installedComponentId
30 , installedOpenUnitId
31 , sourceComponentName
32 , requiredSignatures
33 , ExposedModule (..)
34 , AbiDependency (..)
35 , emptyInstalledPackageInfo
36 , parseInstalledPackageInfo
37 , showInstalledPackageInfo
38 , showFullInstalledPackageInfo
39 , showInstalledPackageInfoField
40 , showSimpleInstalledPackageInfoField
41 ) where
43 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
44 import Prelude ()
46 import Distribution.Backpack
47 import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion (cabalSpecLatest)
48 import Distribution.FieldGrammar
49 import Distribution.FieldGrammar.FieldDescrs
50 import Distribution.Fields.Pretty
51 import Distribution.ModuleName
52 import Distribution.Package hiding (installedUnitId)
53 import Distribution.Types.ComponentName
54 import Distribution.Utils.Generic (toUTF8BS)
56 import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
58 import qualified Data.Map as Map
59 import qualified Distribution.Fields as P
60 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
62 import Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo
63 import Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo.FieldGrammar
65 installedComponentId :: InstalledPackageInfo -> ComponentId
66 installedComponentId ipi =
67 case unComponentId (installedComponentId_ ipi) of
68 "" -> mkComponentId (unUnitId (installedUnitId ipi))
69 _ -> installedComponentId_ ipi
71 -- | Get the indefinite unit identity representing this package.
72 -- This IS NOT guaranteed to give you a substitution; for
73 -- instantiated packages you will get @DefiniteUnitId (installedUnitId ipi)@.
74 -- For indefinite libraries, however, you will correctly get
75 -- an @OpenUnitId@ with the appropriate 'OpenModuleSubst'.
76 installedOpenUnitId :: InstalledPackageInfo -> OpenUnitId
77 installedOpenUnitId ipi =
78 mkOpenUnitId (installedUnitId ipi) (installedComponentId ipi) (Map.fromList (instantiatedWith ipi))
80 -- | Returns the set of module names which need to be filled for
81 -- an indefinite package, or the empty set if the package is definite.
82 requiredSignatures :: InstalledPackageInfo -> Set ModuleName
83 requiredSignatures ipi = openModuleSubstFreeHoles (Map.fromList (instantiatedWith ipi))
85 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 -- Munging
88 sourceComponentName :: InstalledPackageInfo -> ComponentName
89 sourceComponentName = CLibName . sourceLibName
91 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 -- Parsing
94 -- | Return either errors, or IPI with list of warnings
95 parseInstalledPackageInfo
96 :: ByteString
97 -> Either (NonEmpty String) ([String], InstalledPackageInfo)
98 parseInstalledPackageInfo s = case P.readFields s of
99 Left err -> Left (show err :| [])
100 Right fs -> case partitionFields fs of
101 (fs', _) -> case P.runParseResult $ parseFieldGrammar cabalSpecLatest fs' ipiFieldGrammar of
102 (ws, Right x) -> x `deepseq` Right (ws', x)
103 where
104 ws' =
105 [ P.showPWarning "" w
106 | w@(P.PWarning wt _ _) <- ws
107 , -- filter out warnings about experimental features
108 wt /= P.PWTExperimental
110 (_, Left (_, errs)) -> Left errs'
111 where
112 errs' = fmap (P.showPError "") errs
114 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 -- Pretty-printing
117 -- | Pretty print 'InstalledPackageInfo'.
119 -- @pkgRoot@ isn't printed, as ghc-pkg prints it manually (as GHC-8.4).
120 showInstalledPackageInfo :: InstalledPackageInfo -> String
121 showInstalledPackageInfo ipi =
122 showFullInstalledPackageInfo ipi{pkgRoot = Nothing}
124 -- | The variant of 'showInstalledPackageInfo' which outputs @pkgroot@ field too.
125 showFullInstalledPackageInfo :: InstalledPackageInfo -> String
126 showFullInstalledPackageInfo = P.showFields (const NoComment) . prettyFieldGrammar cabalSpecLatest ipiFieldGrammar
128 -- |
130 -- >>> let ipi = emptyInstalledPackageInfo { maintainer = fromString "Tester" }
131 -- >>> fmap ($ ipi) $ showInstalledPackageInfoField "maintainer"
132 -- Just "maintainer: Tester"
133 showInstalledPackageInfoField :: String -> Maybe (InstalledPackageInfo -> String)
134 showInstalledPackageInfoField fn =
135 fmap (\g -> Disp.render . ppField fn . g) $ fieldDescrPretty ipiFieldGrammar (toUTF8BS fn)
137 showSimpleInstalledPackageInfoField :: String -> Maybe (InstalledPackageInfo -> String)
138 showSimpleInstalledPackageInfoField fn =
139 fmap (Disp.renderStyle myStyle .) $ fieldDescrPretty ipiFieldGrammar (toUTF8BS fn)
140 where
141 myStyle ={Disp.mode = Disp.LeftMode}
143 ppField :: String -> Disp.Doc -> Disp.Doc
144 ppField name fielddoc
145 | Disp.isEmpty fielddoc = mempty
146 | otherwise = Disp.text name <<>> Disp.colon Disp.<+> fielddoc