Merge pull request #10634 from cabalism/hlint/unused-lang-pragma
[cabal.git] / Cabal-syntax / src / Distribution / Utils / Path.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
10 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
12 module Distribution.Utils.Path
13 ( -- * Symbolic path endpoints
14 FileOrDir (..)
15 , AllowAbsolute (..)
17 -- ** Abstract directory locations
18 , CWD
19 , Pkg
20 , Dist
21 , Source
22 , Include
23 , Lib
24 , Framework
25 , Build
26 , Artifacts
27 , PkgDB
28 , DataDir
29 , Mix
30 , Tix
31 , Tmp
32 , Response
33 , PkgConf
35 -- * Symbolic paths
36 , RelativePath
37 , SymbolicPath
38 , AbsolutePath (..)
39 , SymbolicPathX -- NB: constructor not exposed, to retain type safety.
41 -- ** Symbolic path API
42 , getSymbolicPath
43 , getAbsolutePath
44 , sameDirectory
45 , makeRelativePathEx
46 , makeSymbolicPath
47 , unsafeMakeSymbolicPath
48 , coerceSymbolicPath
49 , unsafeCoerceSymbolicPath
50 , relativeSymbolicPath
51 , symbolicPathRelative_maybe
52 , interpretSymbolicPath
53 , interpretSymbolicPathAbsolute
55 -- ** General filepath API
56 , (</>)
57 , (<.>)
58 , takeDirectorySymbolicPath
59 , dropExtensionsSymbolicPath
60 , replaceExtensionSymbolicPath
61 , normaliseSymbolicPath
63 -- ** Working directory handling
64 , interpretSymbolicPathCWD
65 , absoluteWorkingDir
66 , tryMakeRelative
68 -- ** Module names
69 , moduleNameSymbolicPath
70 ) where
72 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
73 import Prelude ()
75 import Data.Coerce
77 import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
78 import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
79 ( toFilePath
81 import Distribution.Parsec
82 import Distribution.Pretty
83 import Distribution.Utils.Generic (isAbsoluteOnAnyPlatform)
85 import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
87 import qualified System.Directory as Directory
88 import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath
90 import Data.Kind
91 ( Type
93 import GHC.Stack
94 ( HasCallStack
97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 -- * SymbolicPath
101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 {- Note [Symbolic paths]
104 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
105 We want functions within the Cabal library to support getting the working
106 directory from their arguments, rather than retrieving it from the current
107 directory, which depends on the the state of the current process
108 (via getCurrentDirectory).
110 With such a constraint, to ensure correctness we need to know, for each relative
111 filepath, whether it is relative to the passed in working directory or to the
112 current working directory. We achieve this with the following API:
114 - newtype SymbolicPath from to
115 - getSymbolicPath :: SymbolicPath from to -> FilePath
116 - interpretSymbolicPath
117 :: Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD (Dir from)) -> SymbolicPath from to -> FilePath
119 Note that, in the type @SymbolicPath from to@, @from@ is the name of a directory,
120 whereas @to@ is either @Dir toDir@ or @File@. For example, a source directory
121 typically has the type @SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Source)@, while a source
122 file has a type such as @SymbolicPath "Source" File@.
124 Here, a symbolic path refers to an **uninterpreted** file path, i.e. any
125 passed in working directory **has not** been taken into account.
126 Whenever we see a symbolic path, it is a sign we must take into account this
127 working directory in some way.
128 Thus, whenever we interact with the file system, we do the following:
130 - in a direct interaction (e.g. `doesFileExist`), we interpret the
131 path relative to a working directory argument, e.g.
133 doCheck :: Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD (Dir from))
134 -> SymbolicPath from File
135 -> Bool
136 doCheck mbWorkDir file = doesFileExist $ interpretSymbolicPath mbWorkDir file
138 - when invoking a sub-process (such as GHC), we ensure that the working directory
139 of the sub-process is the same as the passed-in working directory, in which
140 case we interpret the symbolic paths by using `interpretSymbolicPathCWD`:
142 callGhc :: Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD (Dir Pkg))
143 -> SymbolicPath (Dir Pkg) File
144 -> IO ()
145 callGhc mbWorkDir inputFile =
146 runProgramInvocation $
147 programInvocationCwd mbWorkDir ghcProg [interpretSymbolicPathCWD inputFile]
149 In practice, we often use:
151 -- Interpret a symbolic path with respect to the working directory argument
152 -- @'mbWorkDir' :: Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD (Dir Pkg))@.
153 i :: SymbolicPath Pkg to -> FilePath
154 i = interpretSymbolicPath mbWorkDir
156 -- Interpret a symbolic path, provided that the current working directory
157 -- is the package directory.
158 u :: SymbolicPath Pkg to -> FilePath
159 u = interpretSymbolicPathCWD
161 Note [Symbolic relative paths]
162 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
163 This module defines:
165 data kind AllowAbsolute = AllowAbsolute | OnlyRelative
166 data kind FileOrDir = File | Dir Symbol
168 type SymbolicPathX :: AllowAbsolute -> Symbol -> FileOrDir -> Type
169 newtype SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from to = SymbolicPath FilePath
171 type RelativePath = SymbolicPathX 'OnlyRelative
172 type SymbolicPath = SymbolicPathX 'AllowAbsolute
174 A 'SymbolicPath' is thus a symbolic path that is allowed to be absolute, whereas
175 a 'RelativePath' is a symbolic path that is additionally required to be relative.
177 This distinction allows us to keep track of which filepaths must be kept
178 relative.
181 -- | A type-level symbolic name, to an abstract file or directory
182 -- (e.g. the Cabal package directory).
183 data FileOrDir
184 = -- | A file (with no further information).
185 File
186 | -- | The abstract name of a directory or category of directories,
187 -- e.g. the package directory or a source directory.
188 Dir Type
190 -- | Is this symbolic path allowed to be absolute, or must it be relative?
191 data AllowAbsolute
192 = -- | The path may be absolute, or it may be relative.
193 AllowAbsolute
194 | -- | The path must be relative.
195 OnlyRelative
197 -- | A symbolic path, possibly relative to an abstract location specified
198 -- by the @from@ type parameter.
200 -- They are *symbolic*, which means we cannot perform any 'IO'
201 -- until we interpret them (using e.g. 'interpretSymbolicPath').
202 newtype SymbolicPathX (allowAbsolute :: AllowAbsolute) (from :: Type) (to :: FileOrDir)
203 = SymbolicPath FilePath
204 deriving (Generic, Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
206 type role SymbolicPathX nominal nominal nominal
208 -- | A symbolic relative path, relative to an abstract location specified
209 -- by the @from@ type parameter.
211 -- They are *symbolic*, which means we cannot perform any 'IO'
212 -- until we interpret them (using e.g. 'interpretSymbolicPath').
213 type RelativePath = SymbolicPathX 'OnlyRelative
215 -- | A symbolic path which is allowed to be absolute.
217 -- They are *symbolic*, which means we cannot perform any 'IO'
218 -- until we interpret them (using e.g. 'interpretSymbolicPath').
219 type SymbolicPath = SymbolicPathX 'AllowAbsolute
221 newtype AbsolutePath (to :: FileOrDir) = AbsolutePath (forall from. SymbolicPath from to)
223 unsafeMakeAbsolutePath :: FilePath -> AbsolutePath to
224 unsafeMakeAbsolutePath fp = AbsolutePath (makeSymbolicPath fp)
226 instance Binary (SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from to)
227 instance
228 (Typeable allowAbsolute, Typeable from, Typeable to)
229 => Structured (SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from to)
230 instance NFData (SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from to) where rnf = genericRnf
232 -- | Extract the 'FilePath' underlying a 'SymbolicPath' or 'RelativePath',
233 -- without interpreting it.
235 -- Use this function e.g. to validate the underlying filepath.
237 -- When interacting with the file system, you should instead use
238 -- 'interpretSymbolicPath' or 'interpretSymbolicPathCWD'.
240 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
241 getSymbolicPath :: SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from to -> FilePath
242 getSymbolicPath (SymbolicPath p) = p
244 -- | A symbolic path from a directory to itself.
245 sameDirectory :: SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from (Dir to)
246 sameDirectory = SymbolicPath "."
248 -- | Make a 'RelativePath', ensuring the path is not absolute,
249 -- but performing no further checks.
250 makeRelativePathEx :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> RelativePath from to
251 makeRelativePathEx fp
252 | isAbsoluteOnAnyPlatform fp =
253 error $ "Cabal internal error: makeRelativePathEx: absolute path " ++ fp
254 | otherwise =
255 SymbolicPath fp
257 -- | Make a 'SymbolicPath', which may be relative or absolute.
258 makeSymbolicPath :: FilePath -> SymbolicPath from to
259 makeSymbolicPath fp = SymbolicPath fp
261 -- | Make a 'SymbolicPath' which may be relative or absolute,
262 -- without performing any checks.
264 -- Avoid using this function in new code.
265 unsafeMakeSymbolicPath :: FilePath -> SymbolicPathX allowAbs from to
266 unsafeMakeSymbolicPath fp = SymbolicPath fp
268 -- | Like 'System.FilePath.takeDirectory', for symbolic paths.
269 takeDirectorySymbolicPath :: SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from File -> SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from (Dir to')
270 takeDirectorySymbolicPath (SymbolicPath fp) = SymbolicPath (FilePath.takeDirectory fp)
272 -- | Like 'System.FilePath.dropExtensions', for symbolic paths.
273 dropExtensionsSymbolicPath :: SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from File -> SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from File
274 dropExtensionsSymbolicPath (SymbolicPath fp) = SymbolicPath (FilePath.dropExtensions fp)
276 -- | Like 'System.FilePath.replaceExtension', for symbolic paths.
277 replaceExtensionSymbolicPath :: SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from File -> String -> SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from File
278 replaceExtensionSymbolicPath (SymbolicPath fp) ext = SymbolicPath (FilePath.replaceExtension fp ext)
280 -- | Like 'System.FilePath.normalise', for symbolic paths.
281 normaliseSymbolicPath :: SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from to -> SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from to
282 normaliseSymbolicPath (SymbolicPath fp) = SymbolicPath (FilePath.normalise fp)
284 -- | Retrieve the relative symbolic path to a Haskell module.
285 moduleNameSymbolicPath :: ModuleName -> SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute Source File
286 moduleNameSymbolicPath modNm = SymbolicPath $ ModuleName.toFilePath modNm
288 -- | Interpret a symbolic path with respect to the given directory.
290 -- Use this function before directly interacting with the file system in order
291 -- to take into account a working directory argument.
293 -- NB: when invoking external programs (such as @GHC@), it is preferable to set
294 -- the working directory of the process and use 'interpretSymbolicPathCWD'
295 -- rather than calling this function, as this function will turn relative paths
296 -- into absolute paths if the working directory is an absolute path.
297 -- This can degrade error messages, or worse, break the behaviour entirely
298 -- (because the program might expect certain paths to be relative).
300 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
301 interpretSymbolicPath :: Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD (Dir from)) -> SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from to -> FilePath
302 interpretSymbolicPath mbWorkDir (SymbolicPath p) =
303 -- Note that this properly handles an absolute symbolic path,
304 -- because if @q@ is absolute, then @p </> q = q@.
305 maybe p ((</> p) . getSymbolicPath) mbWorkDir
307 -- | Interpret a symbolic path, **under the assumption that the working
308 -- directory is the package directory**.
310 -- Use 'interpretSymbolicPath' instead if you need to take into account a
311 -- working directory argument before directly interacting with the file system.
313 -- Use this function instead of 'interpretSymbolicPath' when invoking a child
314 -- process: set the working directory of the sub-process, and use this function,
315 -- e.g.:
317 -- > callGhc :: Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD (Dir Pkg))
318 -- > -> SymbolicPath (Dir Pkg) File
319 -- > -> IO ()
320 -- > callGhc mbWorkDir inputFile =
321 -- > runProgramInvocation $
322 -- > programInvocationCwd mbWorkDir ghcProg [interpretSymbolicPathCWD inputFile]
324 -- In this example, 'programInvocationCwd' sets the working directory, so it is
325 -- appropriate to use 'interpretSymbolicPathCWD' to provide its arguments.
327 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
328 interpretSymbolicPathCWD :: SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from to -> FilePath
329 interpretSymbolicPathCWD (SymbolicPath p) = p
331 getAbsolutePath :: AbsolutePath to -> FilePath
332 getAbsolutePath (AbsolutePath p) = getSymbolicPath p
334 interpretSymbolicPathAbsolute :: AbsolutePath (Dir Pkg) -> SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute Pkg to -> FilePath
335 interpretSymbolicPathAbsolute (AbsolutePath p) sym = interpretSymbolicPath (Just p) sym
337 -- | Change what a symbolic path is pointing to.
338 coerceSymbolicPath :: SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from to1 -> SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from to2
339 coerceSymbolicPath = coerce
341 -- | Change both what a symbolic path is pointing from and pointing to.
343 -- Avoid using this in new code.
344 unsafeCoerceSymbolicPath :: SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from1 to1 -> SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from2 to2
345 unsafeCoerceSymbolicPath = coerce
347 -- | Weakening: convert a relative symbolic path to a symbolic path,
348 -- \"forgetting\" that it is relative.
349 relativeSymbolicPath :: RelativePath from to -> SymbolicPath from to
350 relativeSymbolicPath (SymbolicPath fp) = SymbolicPath fp
352 -- | Is this symbolic path a relative symbolic path?
353 symbolicPathRelative_maybe :: SymbolicPath from to -> Maybe (RelativePath from to)
354 symbolicPathRelative_maybe (SymbolicPath fp) =
355 if isAbsoluteOnAnyPlatform fp
356 then Nothing
357 else Just $ SymbolicPath fp
359 -- | Absolute path to the current working directory.
360 absoluteWorkingDir :: Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD to) -> IO (AbsolutePath to)
361 absoluteWorkingDir Nothing = unsafeMakeAbsolutePath <$> Directory.getCurrentDirectory
362 absoluteWorkingDir (Just wd) = unsafeMakeAbsolutePath <$> Directory.makeAbsolute (getSymbolicPath wd)
364 -- | Try to make a symbolic path relative.
366 -- This function does nothing if the path is already relative.
368 -- NB: this function may fail to make the path relative.
369 tryMakeRelative :: Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD (Dir dir)) -> SymbolicPath dir to -> IO (SymbolicPath dir to)
370 tryMakeRelative mbWorkDir (SymbolicPath fp) = do
371 AbsolutePath wd <- absoluteWorkingDir mbWorkDir
372 return $ SymbolicPath (FilePath.makeRelative (getSymbolicPath wd) fp)
374 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
376 -- ** Parsing and pretty printing
378 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
380 instance Parsec (SymbolicPathX 'OnlyRelative from to) where
381 parsec = do
382 token <- parsecToken
383 if null token
384 then P.unexpected "empty FilePath"
385 else
386 if isAbsoluteOnAnyPlatform token
387 then P.unexpected "absolute FilePath"
388 else return (SymbolicPath token)
390 instance Parsec (SymbolicPathX 'AllowAbsolute from to) where
391 parsec = do
392 token <- parsecToken
393 if null token
394 then P.unexpected "empty FilePath"
395 else return (SymbolicPath token)
397 instance Pretty (SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute from to) where
398 pretty = showFilePath . getSymbolicPath
400 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
402 -- * Composition
404 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
406 infixr 7 <.>
408 -- | Types that support 'System.FilePath.<.>'.
409 class FileLike p where
410 -- | Like 'System.FilePath.<.>', but also supporting symbolic paths.
411 (<.>) :: p -> String -> p
413 instance FileLike FilePath where
414 (<.>) = (FilePath.<.>)
416 instance p ~ File => FileLike (SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute dir p) where
417 SymbolicPath p <.> ext = SymbolicPath (p <.> ext)
419 infixr 5 </>
421 -- | Types that support 'System.FilePath.</>'.
422 class PathLike p q r | q r -> p, p r -> q, p q -> r where
423 -- | Like 'System.FilePath.</>', but also supporting symbolic paths.
424 (</>) :: p -> q -> r
426 instance PathLike FilePath FilePath FilePath where
427 (</>) = (FilePath.</>)
429 -- | This instance ensures we don't accidentally discard a symbolic path
430 -- in a 'System.FilePath.</>' operation due to the second path being absolute.
432 -- (Recall that @a </> b = b@ whenever @b@ is absolute.)
433 instance
434 (b1 ~ 'Dir b2, a3 ~ a1, c2 ~ c3, midAbsolute ~ OnlyRelative)
435 => PathLike
436 (SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute a1 b1)
437 (SymbolicPathX midAbsolute b2 c2)
438 (SymbolicPathX allowAbsolute a3 c3)
439 where
440 SymbolicPath p1 </> SymbolicPath p2 = SymbolicPath (p1 </> p2)
442 instance
443 (b1 ~ 'Dir b2, c2 ~ c3, midAbsolute ~ OnlyRelative)
444 => PathLike
445 (AbsolutePath b1)
446 (SymbolicPathX midAbsolute b2 c2)
447 (AbsolutePath c3)
448 where
449 AbsolutePath (SymbolicPath p1) </> SymbolicPath p2 =
450 unsafeMakeAbsolutePath (p1 </> p2)
452 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
453 -- Abstract directory locations.
455 -- | Abstract directory: current working directory.
457 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
458 data CWD
460 -- | Abstract directory: package directory (e.g. a directory containing the @.cabal@ file).
462 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
463 data Pkg
465 -- | Abstract directory: dist directory (e.g. @dist-newstyle@).
467 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
468 data Dist
470 -- | Abstract directory: source directory (a search directory for source files).
472 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
473 data Source
475 -- | Abstract directory: include directory (a search directory for CPP includes like header files, e.g. with @ghc -I@).
477 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
478 data Include
480 -- | Abstract directory: search directory for extra libraries.
482 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
483 data Lib
485 -- | Abstract directory: MacOS framework directory.
487 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
488 data Framework
490 -- | Abstract directory: build directory.
492 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
493 data Build
495 -- | Abstract directory: directory for build artifacts, such as documentation or @.hie@ files.
497 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
498 data Artifacts
500 -- | Abstract directory: package database directory.
502 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
503 data PkgDB
505 -- | Abstract directory: data files directory.
507 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
508 data DataDir
510 -- | Abstract directory: directory for HPC @.mix@ files.
512 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
513 data Mix
515 -- | Abstract directory: directory for HPC @.tix@ files.
517 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
518 data Tix
520 -- | Abstract directory: a temporary directory.
522 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
523 data Tmp
525 -- | Abstract directory: directory for response files.
527 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
528 data Response
530 -- | Abstract directory: directory for pkg-config files.
532 -- See Note [Symbolic paths] in Distribution.Utils.Path.
533 data PkgConf