Merge pull request #10699 from cabalism/doc/path-command-config-group
[cabal.git] / Cabal-tests / tests / ParserTests / errors / MiniAgda.cabal
1 name:            MiniAgda
2 version:         0.2017.02.18
3 build-type:      Simple
4 cabal-version:   1.22
5 license:         OtherLicense
6 license-file:    LICENSE
7 author:          Andreas Abel and Karl Mehltretter
8 maintainer:      Andreas Abel <>
9 homepage:
10 bug-reports:
11 category:        Dependent types
12 synopsis:        A toy dependently typed programming language with type-based termination.
13 description:
14   MiniAgda is a tiny dependently-typed programming language in the style
15   of Agda. It serves as a laboratory to test potential additions to the
16   language and type system of Agda. MiniAgda's termination checker is a
17   fusion of sized types and size-change termination and supports
18   coinduction. Equality incorporates eta-expansion at record and
19   singleton types. Function arguments can be declared as static; such
20   arguments are discarded during equality checking and compilation.
22   Recent features include bounded size quantification and destructor
23   patterns for a more general handling of coinduction.
25 tested-with:        GHC == 7.6.3
26                     GHC == 7.8.4
27                     GHC == 7.10.3
28                     GHC == 8.0.1
30 extra-source-files: Makefile
32 data-files:         test/succeed/Makefile
33                     test/succeed/*.ma
34                     test/fail/Makefile
35                     test/fail/*.ma
36                     test/fail/*.err
37                     test/fail/adm/*.ma
38                     test/fail/adm/*.err
39                     lib/*.ma
40 source-repository head
41   type:     git
42   location:
44 executable miniagda
45   hs-source-dirs:   src
46   build-depends:    array >= 0.3 && < 0.6,
47                     base >= 4.6 && < 4.11,
48                     containers >= 0.3 && < 0.6,
49                     haskell-src-exts >= 1.17 && < 1.18,
50                     mtl >= && < 2.3,
51                     pretty >= 1.0 && < 1.2
52   build-tools:      happy >= 1.15 && < 2,
53                     alex >= 3.0 && < 4
54   default-language: Haskell98
55   default-extensions: CPP
56                     MultiParamTypeClasses
57                     TypeSynonymInstances
58                     FlexibleInstances
59                     FlexibleContexts
60                     GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
61                     NoMonomorphismRestriction
62                     PatternGuards
63                     TupleSections
64                     NamedFieldPuns
65   main-is:          Main.hs
66   other-modules:    Abstract
67                     Collection
68                     Concrete
69                     Eval
70                     Extract
71                     HsSyntax
72                     Lexer
73                     Main
74                     Parser
75                     Polarity
76                     PrettyTCM
77                     ScopeChecker
78                     Semiring
79                     SparseMatrix
80                     TCM
81                     Termination
82                     ToHaskell
83                     Tokens
84                     TraceError
85                     TreeShapedOrder
86                     TypeChecker
87                     Util
88                     Value
89                     Warshall